Main Meanings of Tattoo Scorpion (Mass, Army and Prison Culture)

The meaning of tattoo scorpion is described from different sides, but the real truth no one knows. We made an analysis and approached this question from different sides, so that you yourself can determine its meaning. This insect combines various symbols. However, we must remember that the scorpion is rightly considered one of the most dangerous insects, which is respected and feared by both people and animals. Tattoo scorpion value in African tribes is considered a messenger of death, but pay tribute to him for his resilience. The insect is worshipped by warriors. In other tribes it is believed that the scorpion is the judge who decides whether to grant death or healing. The latter is not possible for everyone! But in North American tribes, the insect is considered a kind of embodiment of the goddess-mother, issuing punishments to people for offenses committed, bad thoughts and actions.

The ancient Egyptians believed the scorpion was the patron saint of the dead, the overseer of their souls, which is why drawings with the insect are always found in tombs or near other graves. The Greeks and Romans recognized scorpions as killers. For example, we can recall the myth that tells how Artemis used an insect to kill Orion.

In the Middle Ages it was customary to symbolize with this insect:

  • anger;
  • hatred;
  • betrayal.

Tattoo of a Scorpion with a Rose on his arm

The meaning of the scorpion tattoo: an excursus to history

Tattoo scorpion came to us from the depths of centuries - it beckons with its mystery, mystique and special symbolism hidden in a seemingly simple image. Therefore, telling about this tattoo, it is necessary to touch upon its history - it will allow to better understand what exactly the tattoo represents. To begin with, the insect itself has long been treated with respect due, of course, to fear - a small creature is capable of killing even the strongest, sturdiest warrior. But it is also worth remembering that the poison of the insect was used as a medicinal agent. If you touch the ancient legends, they say that the Scorpion was a companion and protector of the goddess Isis - the patroness of motherhood and fertility. But insects were also the helpers of Selket, the patroness of the dead. That is to say, the small but dangerous creatures were far from being so unambiguous.

Tattoo on the wrist scorpion

Pay attention! In many cultures, beliefs, the insect was considered almost sacred. The tattoo of a scorpion was used as a kind of amulet against the dark forces. It was also put on the blades of swords, daggers, dirks.

Choice of doctors

Many centuries ago, the scorpion was the choice of healers and healers, they used it as their amulet. Medics noticed that the venom of the scorpion - in reasonable quantities - produces a paralytic effect. After its application, limbs were completely numb - that's why the poison became widely used in ancient surgery.

By the way! Tibetan wise men appreciated the properties of the scorpion venom, and that is why the insect became their peculiar symbol of health.

Color tattoo on forearm scorpion

Chinese physicians used the poison as a strong and reliable analgesic, used it in the treatment of decayed wounds. Therefore, tattoo scorpion photos which you can see on our site, often prick their bodies people engaged in treatment. We should also add the fact that women in labor considered the scorpion a symbol of maternal sacrifice, and its patroness Isis was prayed to, asking for easy and simple deliveries, begging for health for their baby.

Tattoo scorpion on the side

The meaning of this particular drawing

Now let us consider the meaning of such tattoos. Previously, the symbol of the poisonous animal was called deadly, it was said that it carries betrayal, danger, anger and even envy and hatred. This, of course, because of its sting. Because the sting of an arthropod animal is deadly to everyone, to men, women, children, and to animals. Although Buddhists believe the opposite, such a symbol for them means reconciliation. In Egypt, on the other hand, people believe that the scorpion is a symbol of self-sacrifice of the mother.

A common place on the body, where they impose such a tattoo, is the scapula. Those who get this tattoo on the scapula - were born under the zodiac sign of the same name. People who were born under the patronage of such a constellation have a strong sexual energy. The meaning of such a symbol in this sense is very interesting. So, if you see a person with a pecked scorpion on his shoulder blade, most likely, it is applied in honor of his zodiac sign. Although we should not discard the possibility that the person simply liked this tattoo.

Interesting! Also an ordinary scorpion tattoo can be decorated with additional elements to their taste.

For the ancient Indians who lived on the territory of America, the poisonous animal was a symbol of the mother-goddess. She allegedly controlled the souls of people who had already died and invented punishments for mistakes made during their lifetime.

The scorpion in Greco-Roman mythology is also known to all as an instrument of murder. Using the sting of this creature, the goddess Artemis killed Orion, after which Zeus drew him in the sky in the form of stars. In medieval times for art this animal was a sign of betrayal and hatred.

Often such a poisonous animal is called a symbol of duplicity, because it seems to be a tiny, non-threatening creature, but at the same time has a deadly sting, which causes fear in people who look at it. Such a tattoo is done by some people to declare their inner and moral strength.

Tattoo of a poisonous animal has its own meaning and for people who are in custody for the deeds committed. For prisoners, such a tattoo means betrayal and loneliness. Basically, it was applied to the body of those who spent a long time in solitary confinement.

This tattoo has a special meaning for people who served in the army or working in special military structures. Bravery, the desire to stand up for oneself to the end, without losing pride - this is all symbolized by the scorpion for soldiers. Such a tattoo is applied to the body of soldiers who have spent their service, participating in hostilities and hot spots.

Tattoo of a scorpion on the arm of soldiers

Although, of course, such tattoos soldiers put not only on their hands, but also on other parts of the body. They chose the image of this insect, believing that the drawing would convey to them all the best qualities of the small creature:

  • resilience;
  • dexterity;
  • determination;
  • inconspicuousness.

Forearm tattoo of scorpion blue

Tattoo a scorpion on the hand - the choice of really brave, incredibly brave and just courageous individuals.

Pay attention! Since ancient times it was believed that the scorpion is a messenger of heaven, fair and honest. After all, the insect could both instantly kill, and return the vitality to the person - if he deserved to live on.

The Indian tribes living on the territory of North America created an image of a scorpion as a judge who determined what punishment a person would receive after death. The scorpion was also associated with the world of the dead in the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians - in their opinion, the insect guarded the "sleep" of the dead. Returning to the military theme, we note that today in our latitudes, a tattoo of a scorpion on the shoulder or other part of the arm indicates that the man at one time either fought in the Caucasus countries, or gave his duty to the Motherland, serving in the land forces.

By the way! Most often such tattoos are tattooed in the area of the left shoulder blade. Although they can be applied to other parts of the body - to the arm, shoulder, chest.

By the way, to determine whether a man fought in the war, on such a tattoo is very simple - if the claws of the insect are closed, then he simply served in the army. But if the claws of the arthropod creature in the picture are open and the tail is raised, the man was at war. Participants of combat operations in "hot spots" stab the scorpion in the "complex" with the drawing of the rifle scope. In some cases, the blood group is necessarily inscribed next to it - this is quite important information for the soldier.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

Making a tattoo of a scorpion should only be done in a specialized tattoo-salon, which has a license and permission for such activities. Because the drawing in most cases is quite complex and painstaking, it is important to find an experienced in such matters master. If you beat the tattoo at home by amateurs and unproven people, there is a high probability of obtaining poor-quality results and skin injuries.

Do you allow yourself to get a tattoo on your face?

Yes No

Tattoo Scorpion - Meaning in Different Cultures and Beliefs

Telling about the meaning of a tattoo of a scorpion in different cultures, we'll start with the fact that in ancient people the insect was a herald of the approaching winter and the already arriving autumn. They were sure that the arthropod creature bites the sun - such a bite caused illness to the heavenly body, and it weakly warmed the earth.

The ancient Greeks were sure that the creator of the scorpion was the beautiful and virginal, eternally young goddess Artemis - she needed the insect to kill Orion with poison. That is why the scorpion in ancient Greece symbolized far from the brightest qualities:

  • meanness;
  • envy;
  • pain;
  • betrayal;
  • hatred.

Tattoo scorpion on forearm with red circle

Supporters of Christianity in ancient times were convinced that the scorpion was directly related to the devil! Now let's talk about what a scorpion tattoo means in ancient Tibet. Here it was believed that its image can become a full-fledged talisman, protecting not only from negative energy and dark forces, but also from diseases. Therefore, the picture was used in order to put on the edged weapons - thus attracted to his side good luck and victory in battles and battles.

Scorpion tattoo sketch that you can look at in our gallery in Japan is associated only with bright feelings. In particular, it is:

  • loyalty and devotion;
  • wisdom;
  • love.

Legends about scorpions

There are many legends and tales about scorpions. According to one of them, the goddess Artemis once sent a scorpion on an important mission - to kill the hunter Orion. Later they both ended up in the starry sky. Interestingly, as soon as a Scorpio can be seen in the sky, Orion immediately flees over the horizon to the West.

In Christianity, this insect is the personification of diabolical forces and is often referred to as part of the animal world in hell.

At times unsafe sects have been compared to scorpions. In astrology, the insect is associated with such concepts as masculinity in sexuality, as well as destruction, occultism, mysticism and illumination.

Tattoo scorpion

Tattoo of a scorpion

And here the African tribes to this creature had an ambiguous attitude. So it was thought to be a symbol of revenge, as well as a messenger of death. But at the same time could appreciate such qualities of the insect as endurance and justice. Even military personnel worshipped the scorpion and have always worshipped it. They worshipped it as an arbiter and judge, who could kill or heal, but the latter must be earned.

For the American Indians, the insect was the personification of the mother goddess.

For the Egyptians, the scorpion was an emblem of one of the goddesses. Often its image could be seen at the entrances to temples as a protective symbol.

Scorpion tattoo sketch

The Chinese believe that the scorpion tattoo sketch is a symbol of morality, justice. Although some people see it as a reminder of a broken love. In some cases a scorpion can mean too high a level of sexual energy!


Usually the scorpion is executed in gray or black colors, as these are the ones that best convey the dramatic danger of the insect. Such monotonous images often coexist with colored drawings, symbolizing that the scorpion is capable of catching up in any situation.

Sometimes the tattoo depicts a scorpion hiding in a rosebud, it happens that a drawing of blue water droplets with the outlines of this sign is applied. The colored image conveys more specific details, so there are many designs of tattoos of this spider, and, not only monochromatic, but also having bright coloring.

What does the tattoo of a scorpion mean? Peculiarities of applying tattoos

We will immediately note that often the picture is performed in monochrome. That is, it is either black or gray. In some cases, it is possible to add another pigment - for example, red or brown. Such accents are made in the area:

  • the tail;
  • claws;
  • paws.

Forearm tattoo of a scorpion with a red circle

A little history

First of all we would like to note that since time immemorial Scorpion was considered a popular symbol of tattoos in many different cultures. And he became so famous that many tribes in Africa, as well as the peoples of South-East Asia and the Middle East created the whole styles of tattoo, the main idea of which was to depict this creature in many different forms. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, such personal pictures acted as talismans or amulets. They were used to protect one's aura from evil spirits. And by the way, many believed that in this way they could protect themselves from attacks of scorpions. People used to think that this creature was a creature that respected everything living and supernatural in the world. Therefore, and somewhat mystical was the meaning of tattoos "Scorpion".

Tattoo of a scorpion photo: which tattoo to choose?

If you prefer bright, colorful drawings, and the claws of the scorpion will be raised up, this endows the drawing with the following symbols:

  • courage;
  • determination to reach the goal;
  • Fearlessness.

If the picture is monochrome and the claws of the insect are depicted straight, straight and necessarily closed, the tip of the tail is also depicted slightly rounded, not aggressive, then such an image will symbolize:

  • The pursuit of justice;
  • poise;
  • tranquility.

In general, the symbolism of the picture largely depends on how exactly the claws are depicted, what size they are. Although we should not forget about how the stinger in the tail is drawn. For example, if the claws are small, but the sting is strictly pronounced, it indicates:

  • A desire for victory;
  • confidence and determination;
  • strength and power.

Note! It is believed that if a person wears a tattoo of a scorpion with large claws, but a small, neat tail, it does not carry any threat.

If red, orange colors are used in the drawing, it indicates that the person has a certain aggressiveness. In the case where the scorpion is drawn on the shoulder, but he has a long tail, passing to the neck, it means that the person is generally calm, balanced, but only until he is offended or disturbed.

How to choose a tattoo sketch in relation to the place on the body?

When choosing a place under the application of the tattoo of a scorpion, a man should put the question before himself, for what purpose is needed such a drawing on the body. If a man seeks to educate himself in the strong qualities and adopt them from the insect, enhance intuition, improve the quality of life, it is better to stuff the scorpion on the shoulder blade, chest, thighs and legs, as well as on the neck.

When a scorpion acts as a talisman and amulet against misfortune, illness, dark forces and ill-wishers, it is applied on the hands, palms, wrists. A place like the hands, shoulders and forearms are suitable for those men who demonstrate through the nail their aggression, protest to enemies, a willingness to defend and fight.

Tattoo scorpion for girls

Often the scorpion is tattooed by men, but also lovely ladies often prefer such a drawing.

Girls who choose to adorn their bodies with images of a scorpion, are trying in this way to declare the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Serious attitude towards the world and relationships with the opposite sex.

In this case, the tattoo should be with smooth contours, lines, preferably made in dark shades, but devoid of details, massiveness. A good option would be a scorpion depicted on a girl's body in cartoon style. For example, if the dangerous insect has female lips, cute eyes and charming, long eyelashes.

Quite an interesting option is the image of the scorpion, applied together with other elements. For example, the insect looks mysterious and interesting:

  • framed by drops of water, dew;
  • nestled in a flower bud;
  • resting on a rock on the bank of a stream, and so on.

Note! The symbolic image of a scorpion is often preferred by girls who were born under this sign of the zodiac. Nakolka can be applied to the arm, shoulder, ankle, hand. Most often such a picture is small and barely noticeable.

Give the image of sexuality, femininity and, of course, mystery, capable of scorpion tattoo, located on the maiden's tummy or in the bikini area, on the lower back. A girl with such a tattoo will look especially sophisticated.

To sum up

As you can see, the scorpion in most cases carries not so positive symbols. However, this does not prevent it from being common among fans of tattoos. Apparently, people want to emphasize their inner strength, the desire to overcome obstacles and even negative symbols.

Styles and colors that are popular for scorpion tattoo

There are many tattoo designs depicting a scorpion. These are colored and black and white drawings, the perception of which can vary quite significantly:

scorpion tattoo

  • Realistic images are made from photographs. As a result, the scorpion looks "as if alive". Images with a 3D effect look especially spectacular. Correctly applied shadows, as well as white highlights give volume and expressiveness to the picture.
  • The techniques "Tribal", "Polynesia", "Celtic pattern" give the image a resemblance to the tattoos of ancient tribes. Such sketches are chosen by people interested in esoterics and magical practices.
  • The techniques "Thresh Polka", "Geometry", "Blackwork" are designed to emphasize the aggressiveness and brutality of the drawing.

Compositions with other elements

To soften the harsh image of the ruthless deadly killer, girls combine the scorpion with flowers or other cute and kind symbols, such as hearts. It's not uncommon to replace the somber dark tones with brighter or pastel colors.

Men prefer tougher images for their impeccable masculine image and often combine or combine the scorpion with small human skulls. The images look really original.

There are tattoos in which a flower bud is inserted instead of the sting of the scorpion, it speaks of the peace-loving nature of its owner.

As the main background is often used imitation of their habitat, sand or dried cracked earth.


For women

For men