Tattoo Scorpio: the history of the symbol, ideas for sketches, meaning and 75 photos of finished work

The eighth sign of the zodiacal circle - Scorpio, has a rich history and is considered one of the most complex and controversial symbols. In the past, the inhabitant of desert regions terrified the human being, for the poisonous stinging tip of the Scorpion's tail was fatal. Our distant ancestors attributed the most heroic qualities to Scorpions, and treated this arthropod as the victor. He was feared, but always treated with respect. For Buddhists, the scorpion is a helper in all warfare and a protector. The representatives of the Maya civilization and African tribes saw in its images the faces of death. In Greek mythology, the scorpion is attributed to the opposition of Hercules himself, in a battle with which the latter was victorious. The goddess Hera, who disliked Heracles, took the slain creature to the sky and turned it into a constellation. Since then, Scorpio has been an integral part of the zodiacal circle. Today, Scorpio is not attributed such magical powers, but very often use its images as a body painting and the most common are considered tattoos in the style of the signs of the zodiac.

The meaning of the tattoo

Scorpio refers to the element of water and is under the patronage of two planets - Mars and Pluto, which affects not only the originality of the character of the person born under this constellation, but also the meaning of the sketch itself. In the first place, the Scorpio tattoo is a demonstration of strength, endurance, arrogance and the ability to achieve their goals at any cost. The owners of such a tattoo are ambitious and proud. They can be loyal friends and courageous defenders. Determination, stubbornness and willfulness are perfectly combined in such a personality with good intuition, sexual energy and nobility. However, in spite of the positive qualities, Scorpios are very touchy, jealous and vindictive. They do not forgive the betrayal, are very secretive and not afraid of solitude.

Heightened emotionality skillfully hides under the external calm, and selfish traits sometimes are able to just drive you crazy. Therefore, if you notice on the body of your companion, a recent acquaintance or colleague, a tattoo of Scorpio, keep in mind, before you a unique personality with versatile abilities. The most common meanings of the tattoo include duality, eroticism and sexuality, battle and victory over enemies, pain, danger and reconciliation.

Androctonus crassicauda

The name of this inhabitant of the Arabian deserts literally translates as "killing men" and can be found in some regions of Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Some subspecies of one of the most dangerous scorpions on the planet can also be found in Africa.

They grow up to 10 cm, and the venom contains an extremely toxic neurotoxin that can cause harm to health, and even cause death.

In addition, the Arabian Thick-tailed Scorpion is a frightening black color and has an aggressive behavior, so be extremely careful when visiting its habitat.


Types of tattoos

Any variation of the Scorpion looks very beautiful. The unique anatomical structure of the torso of this creature attracts the eye, and its zodiacal qualities allow you to design on the body a variety of ideas. In most cases, the sketches are performed in black and white shades, but bright and colorful tattoos are also not uncommon. Very popular are images of the constellation, complemented at will by planets satellites or different variations of the symbol, which looks like a curved letter "m" with an arrow. You can also underline your belonging to this sign of the zodiac with the Latin inscription "Scorpio".

Hottentotta Tamulus

Already from the name "red Indian scorpion" it is clear that this species lives in India, but also it can be found in neighboring Pakistan and Nepal.

Like many representatives of the species Buthidae usually lives under the bark of trees, but not uncommon when it settles in wooden dwellings of people or farm buildings for livestock. It was discovered in 1798, and after observations it was found that it does not grow more than 9 cm.

The bite is lethal to humans, and 40 cases out of 100 are fatal. The toxic poison is especially dangerous for the unformed children's body, as well as for people suffering from heart disease.


Sketches for the Scorpion tattoo

In nature, this member of the arthropod class of spiders can have a shell of black, brown, sandy, gray, orange, and even purple or green color. In this case, it all depends on its habitat. Therefore, to design a tattoo with the image of Scorpio, you can safely fantasize and use these and many other colors. It is also worth experimenting with the poses of the torso of this creature and depict a sketch more suitable to your character and inner world. A stinging Scorpio, a belligerent Scorpio with claws spread wide, with roses, lettering, against a starry sky, or a Scorpio with Mars and Pluto are just some of the options.

Buthus occitanus.

For its inconspicuous appearance, this species, which lives in North Africa and the Mediterranean coast of Europe, received the discreet name "ordinary yellow scorpion".

It grows from 6 to 8 cm in length, and it is the smallest scorpion of all presented in our article. The scorpion, which has the toxic poison category BotIT6, can be found in dry areas with sparse vegetation.

The bite can cause difficulty breathing, vomiting and dizziness. One good thing is that attacks on humans are very rare.


Tattoos with inscriptions

The inscription in Latin "Scorpio" can decorate any part of the body and have absolutely different size letters. Among the finished works and sketches of drawings you can find both small and neat tattoos, measuring only a few centimeters, and impressive inscriptions, occupying more large-scale areas. Due to the variety of font variations, the inscription can be applied to the body as an independent decoration, or additionally combined with a symbol, planets, a constellation on the background of the night sky or the image of Scorpio itself. It is also not uncommon for a tattoo to be accompanied by Roman numerals indicating the date of birth of its owner, the initial capital letters of the name or the name itself.

Description and features

Scorpion - A predatory spider-like creature. It has eight legs. One pair of limbs ends in claws. The segmented tail part with a curved spike on the end gives it a recognizable appearance. All 1750 known species are similar in appearance but differ in size. The length varies from 1.3 cm to 23 cm.

The body consists of two main parts (togmats): the head part and the abdominal part. The abdominal part, in turn, consists of a broad anterior part and a caudal posterior part. The posterior part consists of five elements. There is a segment attached to the last one, which ends with a needle. At the end of the needle there are two outlets for the toxin. The scorpion in the photo always shows a curved tail part with a needle.


The venom is generated by the glands. They are surrounded by muscles, whose contraction causes the fluid produced by the glands to flow through ducts to the end of the needle, and from there into the victim's body. The head is a union of the head and thorax, the so-called cephalothorax or Cephalothorax. The cephalothorax is covered with a chitinous shell.

The head part has eyes and mouth. At the mouth there are chelicerae, which are the digestive appendages that function as jaws. They are followed by pedipalps - pincers. Then follow three pairs of limbs, providing movement of the spider.

On the upper part of the thorax are the eyes. Scorpionanimalwhich can have from one to six pairs of eyes. The most advantageous position is occupied by two main eyes. They are called median eyes and are located at the top of the cephalothorax. The rest play the role of additional eyes, located on the left and right sides of the front of the body.

The median eyes are the most complex. They cannot give a contrast image, but they are the most sensitive visual organs among spiders. They are able to sense even small light streams. Which allows them to distinguish the contours of the world around them in the dark.

Constellation Tattoo

The constellation of Scorpio is a peculiar cluster of celestial luminaries, which in the tattoo sketches are connected by thin lines, resulting in a figure resembling the body shape of the same-named creature. The constellation in the sketches is often placed between Mars and Pluto, against the background of the night sky, with an outline of the Scorpion's torso drawn above, with an inscription in Latin or without any additional details at all. In the latter example, the stars that make up the drawing can be transparent or sketched.

Scorpion is one of the oldest inhabitants of the Earth

Scorpions evolved from eurypterids, extinct arthropods that existed in the Paleozoic era, shared features with modern scorpions, but lived in water. This fact is considered a successful example of the evolutionary transition of animals from water to land.

Some scientists dispute this claim, citing cladistic analysis (one of the scientific methods of biological classification). Paleontologists agree that scorpions have been around for at least 400 million years. This makes them one of the oldest creatures living on our planet.

Symbol of the zodiac sign

The symbol of the constellation Scorpio is generally considered to be the letter "m", which is depicted with an upward or downward pointing arrow. The sketch of this nature is designed as a single drawing or as a supplement to more complex compositions. The symbol tattoo is small in size, allowing it to be applied to any part of the body and can be supplemented with abstract designs, geometric figures, floral elements, stars and other details if desired.

Androctonus australis

Another dangerous representative of the genus Androctonus, because of its appearance is called the "yellow fat-tailed scorpion", lives within North Africa and in southern Asia.

One of the most hardy species, capable of surviving powerful sandstorms. Adults reach a size of 10 to 12 cm, and the body color is light yellow with small darkening on the claws and tail.

The bite of this one is deadly to humans, and if not given skilled medical attention within a few hours, the person dies.


For girls and boys

The zodiac sign Scorpio can be classified as a universal tattoo, as it is popular with both genders. Men prefer to portray their zodiac sign in a more brutal style. The scorpion on their body is always ready to repel the attack of the enemy and defend his opinion. The upraised tail with a stinger and open claws are constant details of such drawings. Ladies soften the arthropod image with flowers or other symbols. Constellations and signs in this matter confidently occupy the unisex category.

A historical digression.

African tribes believe that this spider-like insect guards the entrance to the gateway to the afterlife. Touching the legend of the constellation of Orion, you can also spot its mark. It says that the Greek giant was killed by a powerful scorpion weapon that plunged into his leg. In many cultures the scorpion means a symbol of danger, death, hatred and pain.

But in Japan, this insect represents justice and wisdom. In combination with the lotus, the scorpion indicates a long and strong married life.

The Bible compares the scorpion with diabolical forces. As a protective amulet, its image adorned the personal seals and sword handles of Tibetan monks. In ancient Mayan culture the insect was associated with surgery, because before attacking the scorpion stung his enemy and froze his limbs. In some temples in India, the scorpion was depicted on banners and sword handles. For Buddhists it acted as a helper and protector.

The Egyptians believed that praying to the goddess of scorpions relieved pain during childbirth. The scorpion was considered a symbol of maternal self-sacrifice.

Where to stuff.

The scapula is considered the classic place to apply the designs, and the image of the Scorpion is no exception. Tattoo with Scorpio on this part of the body emphasizes the sexual energy of the symbol. The forearm and shoulder allow you to issue a small drawing, as well as to create on this part of the body a large-scale tattoo in the form of a sleeve. Neat tattoo symbols look original on the neck, wrist, the instep of the foot, ankle, and any part of the body.

Domestic application of the sign

And when the scorpion is placed on the lower abdomen, it acts as a talisman, protecting a person's aura from dark and negative energy. In addition, it is believed that the tattoo will help restore the energy field and emotional equilibrium. Often, the meaning of the sign of Scorpio is defined as a talisman capable of strengthening a position in the world and completing initiated cases.

It is believed that by depicting such a drawing on their scapula, women want to show strength of spirit, determination, as well as willingness to step over any obstacle.

As you can see, the meanings of the image of the scorpion in the mythologies of different peoples differ, as well as its design execution.

Choice of technique

Sketches with Scorpio can be performed both in black and white and in color. In this case, everything depends on the type of tattoo. Therefore, when choosing a technique, one should also be guided by these features. Realism, tribal, blackwork, Celtic, graphic designs, geometry, minimalism or watercolor - the choice is yours.

Wearable pattern with the sign of the zodiac Scorpio helps its owner not only to demonstrate their individuality, but also to emphasize the strength of character and hidden potential. A small-sized creature is able to repel an attack and inflict terrible pain on an opponent at times larger and stronger. On this basis, it is probably better to be friends with Scorpio than to be on his "black" list.

Tityus serrulatus.

The dangerous inhabitant of Brazil is characterized by aggressive behavior and toxic venom. Because of its discreet coloration, it is difficult to spot on the earth's surface, causing the number of attacks to increase significantly.

Adults do not grow taller than 6 cm, and because of its pale color it is also called "yellow scorpion". It is especially dangerous for children, and history has repeatedly recorded deaths after the bite of this Brazilian scorpion.

There is also one of its distinctive features, this species reproduces parthenogenetically, that is, a new life is conceived in the body of the female without male fertilization.


Reproduction and lifespan

The mating ritual involves mating and a mating dance. The male holds the female with his forelimbs and begins to lead her behind him. This joint movement can go on for hours.

During this strange round dance, the male releases a capsule with seminal fluid (spermatophore). The female, following the male, makes contact with the spermatophore. It enters the female's genitals, located in the lower abdomen. Fertilization occurs.

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The female scorpion with her offspring

The end of the mating dance coincides with the end of the fertilization process. At this point, it is important for the male to leave quickly, otherwise he will be eaten. Pregnancy lasts a long time: from several months to a year and a half. As a result, 20 to 30 or more cubs are born. The newborns appear one by one and are placed on the mother's back.

The scorpion is an invertebrate animalbut it has an exoskeleton in the form of a carapace. In newly born arthropods it is soft. After a few hours, the shell hardens. The young scorpions leave their mother's back and begin to lead an independent life. The first threat they encounter on their life path is their own mother. She can eat her offspring.

One of the important stages in the life of the scorpion is molting. The age of young arthropods is measured by the number of molts. Young scorpions need to go through 5-7 molts to become adults.

The exoskeleton splits open, the scorpion comes out of its old shell and remains soft and defenseless until the new armor is fully cured. Scorpions live a long time. From two to ten years. Under favorable conditions, this life threshold can be exceeded.

Natural enemies of imperial scorpions

Photo: Black Imperial Scorpion

Photo: Black imperial scorpion

Imperial scorpions have a fair number of enemies. Birds, bats, small mammals, large spiders, millipedes and lizards are constantly hunting them. When attacked, the scorpion occupies a 50 by 50 centimeter area, actively defends itself and quickly retreats.

Its enemies include:

  • mongoose;
  • meerkat;
  • baboon;
  • mantis;
  • migal, and others.

It reacts to aggression against itself with a threatening stance, but is not aggressive itself and avoids conflicts with any vertebrates starting from adult mice. Imperial scorpions can see and recognize other animals at a distance of about a meter while they are moving, so they are often targeted. The scorpion uses its strong pedipalps (tentacles) to defend itself. However, in heavy fights or when attacked by rodents, they use venomous bites to immobilize the attacker. The emperor scorpion is immune to its venom.

However, the emperor scorpion's greatest enemy is humans. Unsanctioned harvest has greatly reduced their numbers in Africa. In the nineties, 100,000 specimens were exported from Africa, leading to apprehension and wariness on the part of animal advocates. Captive populations are now thought to be large enough to greatly reduce the hunting of wild specimens.


The scorpion's food - is primarily insects, spiders, and butterflies. Anything it can catch and anything that fits its size, including members of its own species. A lucky scorpion can kill and eat a small lizard or mouse.

Under unfavorable conditions, scorpions can go without food for a long time. Months of starvation of this arthropod with preservation of normal activity have been recorded. In the right case, the scorpion can eat a congenie, that is, they are characteristic of cannibalism.

The limbs of this spider are equipped with sensitive tactile hairs. They detect the vibrations of the ground, caused by an insect that has appeared near the scorpion. This is followed by the capture of the careless victim. The orientation toward the tactile senses makes the scorpion a successful nocturnal hunter.

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The scorpion eats insect larvae

The scorpion is venomous. does not always take the shot. The venom has to be saved. It takes a long time to recover. That's why small insects are killed by simply being held and torn apart. Or become food while still alive.

The scorpion cannot digest the hard parts of insects. It releases some amount of digestive juice on its prey, and absorbs anything that goes into a semi-liquid state. The scorpion is a dangerous nocturnal predator.

But it is often itself the prey of other carnivorous animals. Scorpions themselves rank first among scorpion hunters. Spiders, birds and small predators actively hunt these arthropods. Victory is assured by a weak susceptibility to venom. A quick attack from the rear is just as effective. This tactic is used by mongooses, hedgehogs, and monkeys.


For women

For men