Runes: History, Interpretation, Practice of divination and magical effects for beginners runes

Runic alphabets are a set of symbols, and are designed not only to transmit information, but also for magical rituals. Runes and their values can be compared to the syllables in the writing: from them you can create certain magical "messages" combining in a certain sequence. For magical purposes, they are used and for divination (predicting the future) and to write various spells (stavs).In this section we will mainly consider the Scandinavian runes Senior Futhark.

Runes: history, principles of action, rules of interpretation, basics of divination and fortune-telling

Such a strong and rich thousands of years of history as the Scandinavian runes, perhaps none of the existing runic alphabets.

What are the runes?

The word Runa - originally in the literal translation means "cut" or "carve. But a little later it took on a second meaning: "mystery", "to speak in a whisper", etc. This was connected with the transformation of writing into a kind of magical ritual surrounded by mystery and accessible only to the chosen ones.

However, modern writing in many ways has its roots in the Scandinavian runes. Historians have found various archeological testimonies about the connection between the modern writing and the runes.

  • You may notice that in the Russian alphabet has ten letters in a form exactly corresponding to the characters of the runes, in the Roman alphabet as much as thirteen letters;
  • In addition, the individual signs of the ancient Latin, Roman and runic alphabets are similar to each other, which means that they have a common origin.

Why don't we write in runes nowadays?

The Latin alphabet was spread in territories where runes similar to the Germanic ones were used (Poland, Bohemia, etc.). The Slavic script, similar to Glagolitic, was replaced by Cyrillic, in a movement that eradicated paganism and idolatry after the adoption of Christianity.

Today one can only admire all the strength and power of Christian ideology, by which the most effective information campaign was carried out, in spite of scarce technological capabilities.

Runic inscriptions in transliteration in the temple of the ancient Slavic city of Rethra

It is fair to say: Western Slavs used Germanic runic symbols for translitic type writings.

For the famous temple of Retra, the idols were signed according to this principle - transliteration into Old Russian using Scandinavian runes. It is difficult to say why this was done, but the fact remains.

Southern Slavs, including Bulgarians, used their unique written symbols, which later would become the basis of Glagolitic.

The principle of transliteration was also used in Russia for records, but already with the use of Greek writing. In this form was made a treaty for Russia and Byzantium in which two languages were used - Greek and Old Russian. Letters were Greek, and the text was Russian.

The Three Attas of the runic futhark of the Scandinavians

The Three Attas of the runic futhark of the Scandinavians

Classic rune Futhark is an alphabet of Scandinavian runes, consisting of 24 characters, divided into three atta, which includes eight characters of higher order. Astrology, magical knowledge and myths served as the basis for this clear system.

1. Atta Freyja in the runes of the Senior Futhark.

Consider the description of the Scandinavian runes. At the first level of Creation of the Universe there are eight signs: Feu, Uruz, Turisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kano, Gebo, Wuno. Here we are dealing with powerful forces that interact and fight for the Good and Creation, sometimes even destroying.

2. the Att of Heimdall in the runes of the Senior Futhark.

At the second level of the Att of the Scandinavian runes, which has a close connection with mythology, there are signs that symbolize the stage of the appearance of people. Here come to the stage of such concepts as Life and Death, Rebirth and Rebirth, the relationship of the Higher Forces and people - these children of God. Heimdall's Att includes the runes Hagalaz, Nautiz, Isa, Yera, Eyvaz, Perth, Algiz, Soulou.

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3. Atta Thura in the runes of the Senior Futhark.

The third Att Thura contains runic symbols that have a specific and clear meaning. They reflect the laws and emotions that connect the Body with the Spirit, open the map of Destiny and allow you to change its course. Let's list the symbols included here: Teivaz, Berkanah, Evaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingus, Otal, Dagaz.

Let's look at the meanings of each sign of the Scandinavian Futhark in more detail.

Creation, Activation and Arrangement of the Runes

Each practitioner chooses the activation method that is close and suitable only to him, and as a result of using it he gets a wonderful result. Someone who is just starting out, to choose his way that will work best possible only by trial and error. Currently, there are several of the most commonly used methods of activation.

Making and writing runes

Runes and rune sets can be made from stone, wood, metal and even paper. The most popular and correct material for making runes is wood. For more information about making such a set - you can see here.

If you are making a runic formula or a staked for one-time use, then it is quite difficult to make it out of wood. Usually they are just written on paper, cardboard or even on the body. As for what to write the runes with. You can use any tools for writing, such as paint, pen or pencil. Sometimes some people use their own saliva and blood to put runes on the medium.

In principle, there is no difference between the choice of tools. Most importantly, remember that in the process of making a spell and the subsequent activation, you should not keep in your head negative thoughts, because they are material and tend to come true.

There is no one special single incantation suitable for everything. The main thing is, be sure not to be lazy to spend a little more time on the reservation and take into account all the important points. If you want to have a good effect on your life, you must do it in the same way as you did before.

Conducting a ritual with blood

Classic literary version tells us that the runes should be activated by resorting to the use of human blood. This method has a place to date. He rather productive and effective, but to translate it into action would not be easy and, in principle, do not need to resort to it.

Ritual activation fire

To activate the runes it is possible to use an ordinary fire, which can be obtained through a match. Lighter in this case, do not use. The match itself contains a huge charge of vital energy, because it is made of wood - this is simply necessary for the runes.

Warning: activation by fire is not an activation by burning! Be careful when performing the ritual.

Syllabus or set

The following is the conspiracy of the witchcraft. It is necessary to tell at once, that a stipulation makes eighty percent of successful result of work of runes. This is a formulation of the intention, which you put in a specific formula. It is important to remember that the runes perform and understand everything: what you say, and they perform. Implying you can do anything, but it will be performed differently. Runes do not speculate, guess your hidden intentions. They perform only what they heard, using the shortest route. In this regard, it is very important to clearly set the task and stages of action.

Runes amulets in the form of tattoos

Runic amulets are applied to the body in ink, paint, henna or even scarring.

Temporary tattoos runes

Temporary tattoos, which remain on the body for a short period of time, can protect people. The henna or paint is quickly erased, but in its short time can solve several simple problems.

Permanent tattoo runes

Permanent tattoos amulets are imposed when the situation is difficult and the man himself to cope with it is very difficult.

First it is necessary to choose the right combination of characters, then study their compatibility with the energy of the person.

To do this, it is enough to put the symbols on your hand with a regular pen and wait for a day. If no negative situations and emotional outbursts occurred, then the runes are suitable as a tattoo.

Meaning of runic tattoos

Turisaz and Pert are definitely worth choosing as a tattoo. They have practically no negative effects on a person, on the contrary, they are conductors of divine energy. They are symbols of the birth of a new life.

On what hand can be applied tattooed runes.

People asking for confidence and courage from the runes should be tattooed on the right hand. It is the dominant one and helps to push through to one's goal. In the case of the establishment of love affairs, the tattoo is inscribed on the left hand, closer to the heart.

Some runes in the inverted meaning can be negative. Doing a tattoo, it is important to consider this point.

Basics of working with the runes

To perform this ritual, it is necessary to pronounce the text of the runes, and list the actions that you are doing. In parallel with this should be a process of writing down the names of runes, as well as the energy charge on a paper, but best of all a stone carrier. Plot always compiled according to a standard scheme and pronounced in a half-vowel.

  1. Once all entries are made and names of runes pronounced necessary to take action to activate the statue.
  2. Be sure and as detailed as possible to describe the problems that are. The description should be detailed, so the charge will be more accurate.
  3. It is necessary to specify the course of the runes. Thus, we describe the step-by-step process of getting out of difficulties. How it should look like in reality.
  4. The final stage will again be the process of prescribing the names of the runes.

After absolutely all the actions performed, the process starts, which solves all the difficulties. If possible, it is worth making some adjustments to the runes. For example, it will be useful enough to make an indication that you should not mention the health of the asking person and his family.

Runa Tattoo Meaning: Black God

Such a rune, applied to the body, can lead to the destruction of the past, old negative relationships, but all for the sake of a bright, good future. Chernobog helps to find a way out of a vicious circle.

The principle of the runes

Magic runes refers rather to the "object" or "symbolic" magic, and most often consists of applying separate runes, runny stav and runogram on various subjects, with further action with the magical subject is usually not necessary. The technique of divination in the runes is also based on the unfolding of certain groups of runes, as well as using them as magical seals (sigils).

Runic subject magic - amulets and staves


The principle of the runes has remained a controversial issue. The ancient Scandinavians moved in a simple way - when they addressed a rune they turned to the aesu or van (deity) who patronized it. That is, as modern experts would say, to the egregore of the runes.which was part of the collective unconscious, which has its own "quasi-consciousness.

Divination of the runes

Initially, it was thought that if the discards fall one or another rune, it showed under whose influence or attention (what deity) is the querent. Such a world model, would be logical today, and could be used, if it were not for the fact that the egregors of the Scandinavian deities or other pagan gods have weakened ... although the effect of the runes is still as effective, which makes this hypothesis questionable.

On the other hand! For thousands of years, each rune could create its own egregore, and if the ritual is performed correctly its power is multiplied many times passing through the "lens of faith" diviner. Therefore, the "aggregor theory" there are many fans.

Bioenergetics .

In terms of bioenergetics, each rune is a systematic vibration that resonates with the energy of the environment and the individual. Depending on how the runes were cut (scribed), determined by the direction of the flows, this explains the fact that the images created by the same methods on the same materials and with the same number of "graphic elements" can interact differently with the current reality and the human biofield.

Bioenergetic version of the principles of the runes

The simplest explanation of this fact - the existence of noosphere, the so-called storehouse of information universe, for which the runes - a connecting channel (or communication protocol).

When you expand the concept of noosphere to combine the entire flow of information and causal connections of the universe, then, as a consequence, the channel will be reversible, due to which it is possible not only to receive informationIt also allows for the possibility of changing reality.

In esoteric schools the world is represented as a material and spiritual component. In the doctrine of bioenergetics, as the material and informational component. But still, the concept that the world consists or holds on three whales: the informational, spiritual and material components, looks more complete.

From all of the above, we can conclude that in our model, it is the runes that are responsible for the information part, therefore, they can influence the other components of the universe as well.

Actually it is experts in bioenergetics recommend the initiation (activation) of the runes, with the help of beings from another world.

For example, you can turn to Asatru (translated from the Norse - "Belief in Asov" - i.e. one of the traditions of northern paganism), most often turn to Odin. In general, you can try to run and activate the runes yourself, this topic is dedicated a separate article.

Self-inspiration .

It is less likely that the principle of the runes is based on self-infusion. Suppose if a certain rune falls to one who divines, he "self-programmed" to be in a certain situation, or by the subconscious (assuming that all this is true) seeks to get into it by any means.

When the runes are used for magical purposes, (such as when applying tattoos) then through self-infusion, you can believe in their strength (such ways, of course, explain quite a few effects, however, not all) and, as a consequence, to win a competition, to recover and so on.

Still, this theory cannot explain how runic practices influence your inspiration, your luck in passing an exam or helping your friends to get well.

Tattoo runes sketches: 12 of the most current tattoo designs


This symbol allows you to help yourself to overcome difficulties and obstacles. And also implies the establishment of rules specifically for yourself to make your strength stronger, to increase your strength of spirit, to set the right intentions. In addition, treba helps to sacrifice their wrong judgments, in order to acquire new knowledge necessary for growth and development.

Need .

At this rune tattoo meaning is not so simple. It is commonly interpreted as referring to the dark deities, who give tests only to selected people. Need - it's also the fire blazing in his chest, but wants to find a way out! This rune - the fetters that bind the soul of a person who is looking for a way out to freedom!

Blackwork rune tattoo on forearm

How do I use the runes correctly?

Of course, the oldest and most common part of the magic of runes was the use of not a set of runes (stav, runograms, etc.), and each rune individually, when no connection between the signs is not established. So the runes were probably used in everyday life by ordinary people, not just magicians or priests.

If you draw just one rune, it will still affect our world! Runes were drawn on completely different materials.

Example: if danger was looming, the rune of protection was used - Algiz - you could draw it right in front of you, in the air, by hand or weapon.

All signs in the runic system are magical symbols, which in one case or another to create an effect or give the subject magical properties.

The magic of individual runes

Using an individual rune in a particular case is by far the easiest type of work with runes with principle. However, this does not mean that such a simple action will have less effect. Various authors (E. Thorsson, A. Platov, etc.) have indicated that if the runes to apply separately - it is not "oversimplification" and does not lead to less effective results.

Even when complex runic formulas were compiled in accordance with established technology, there are many examples where they are supplemented or strengthened by individual runes.

Historical fact: In junior-runic texts or in texts written in Latin, single senior runes are traditionally found.

This recording scheme was used for one purpose - to avoid the "extinction of the runes", to give the text, carrying the runes, meaning, as well as to ensure that combinations of characters does not lead to unpredictable and irreversible action.

An important principle: To action the runes should be clear and directed, they should be few - for this you need to make a record in Latin, leaving only the most necessary magical runes.

A replica of the Lancashire magic ring with individual runes

Examples of such entries include:

  • Lancashire Magic Ring;
  • Anglo-Saxon inscription from Chester-le-Street, (the runes Mannaz and Nautiz were retained in the word Edmund).

And examples of when the magic of an individual rune was used are the "Speeches of Sigrdriva" - in one of the songs of the Elder Edda. The excerpt below, there are indications of possible magical uses of the runes:

There are many instances in history of such uses of runes:

  1. In Holborough, England, an Anglo-Saxon spearhead (dating back to the sixth century) was found on which the Thura rune, Teivaz, was inscribed, which fully corresponds to "Sigrdriva's Speech."
  2. Four ships, even more ancient than the spearhead from England, were found at the excavations in the Nidam bog. More than a hundred double-edged swords were found on board one of these ships, the wooden hilt of which was covered with silver, bone, and bronze. About half a thousand spearheads were also found there. Thus on many subjects of arms have been put runes Tejvaz and Algiz. The approximate time of the burial was the third and fourth century A.D.

Runic amulets

Runic amulets and amulets with runes inscribed on them are used not only for inscribing alphabetic writing. Many ancient amulets have been found with runes inscribed or symbols close to them. Since the runes were created much earlier than any writing system, there is nothing surprising in the findings of historians.

In the same modern magic in general does not take to make a meaningful inscriptions and runes are used exclusively as part of stavs, runnym formulas (runograms).

Vzralkalitnye runes in magic

Valknut - one of the most famous subrunic symbols

Runes for magic are not limited to runes included in any rune alphabet. At the moment, known and successfully used a large number of characters that are not in the main runes rows. They do not usually have a phonetic correspondence, they are called "extra-alphabetic".

There are many runes not used for written signs in certain areas, but turned out to be alphabetic runes:

  • One example is. The rune of Freyr (Inguz).It belongs to the Senior Futhark and was alphabetic in the Scandinavian countries in the first millennium AD. But this rune did not get in severovendskim runes - as a consequence, is in this case extralphabetic.
  • And the exact opposite of it, the Walda runeextra-alphabetic in relation to Futhark, in Frisia was alphabetic, in writing passed sound tie.

There is a theory that most extralphabetic runes have magical powers, which exceeds the power of Futharak runes. Whether this is true or not, it is difficult to say, but one thing is certain - that extra-alphabetic runes were used in magic, as well as the alphabetic.

Subrunic symbols

In the arsenal of runic magic includes not only extra-alphabetic runes, but also the so-called subrunic symbols. It was mentioned above about the creation and composition of alphabets from various sacred symbols collected over the centuries. It is clear that not all signs were involved in the alphabet, a great many of them existed and were used as independent symbols.

These include:

  • Swastika;
  • The simple cross;
  • The Celtic Cross;
  • Valknut;
  • Thunderbolt;
  • etc.

When the classical Futhark (Elder) and the rest of the runic rows were created, these symbols became their subrunic environment, from which magical signs were drawn if necessary, which complemented the meaning of the runes for the spells used.

How to make a runic amulet with your own hands?

If you can not find a suitable symbol in a store of artifacts, you can easily make it with your own hands at home. The main thing is to follow the instructions so that the symbol will produce the desired effect.

Amulet with runes

Material for runic amulets

They draw energy from nature. This is why it is so important to use natural materials when creating a spectacular amulet. They will help awaken energy, using the power of the earth. The best materials for creating amulets:

  • Stone (can be replaced with clay).
  • Wood.
  • Glass.
  • One of the precious metals.
  • Paper.
  • Cardboard.
  • Natural fabrics or leather.
  • Animal bones.

Time for making amulet

When making an amulet, it is worth remembering that a particular day of creation can affect its power and give appropriate meaning.

  • On Monday, various amulets are made to improve love relationships.
  • On Tuesday, strong amulets are made to help with work or business.
  • Wednesday can make good protective amulets.
  • Thursday can help you create an amulet for good luck.
  • Friday is for creating amulets for all family members.
  • Saturday is better to try to create an amulet for a change of fortune.
  • Sunday is a good day for family charms.

Why the Elder Futhark became popular

Classical Senior Futhark comes from a time when the gods of different nations were neighbors and resembled each other in many ways. Runes were represented by egregors more extensive than local pantheons.

  • Individual runes are by and large not tied to a particular god, and when working with runami can use the archetypes, rather than resorting to the help of gods that are foreign to you.
  • Using the graphic representation of the runes, we approach the archetypes, although the path can be different. The times when the source was singular are over.
  • If we follow the theory of archetypes and accept the hypothesis of the collective unconscious, we can assume that huge social structures, such as a country, or a nation, or an ethnos - will have specific signs, within the framework of the above hypothesis.
  • The connections of this type come from upbringing or genetics and lie in the areas of culture (various myths, everyday life, rituals, religion) or language, as well as hierarchical power structures, social relationships and so on.

Many esotericists make strong arguments, one of which is that Futhark is stronger "worked out" in consequence of which it is filled with energy and meaning. Such a system works with its own peculiarities, but it is quite strong and with a great longevity.

Tattoo runes: the meaning of the most popular Slavic symbols

Tattoo runes are often used as talismans. Such naked drawings are a kind of amulet, able to protect from the dark forces, troubles. In addition, they help to increase the strongest qualities of a person.

Pay attention! It is believed that the rune tattoos help establish a connection with the ancient pagan gods. After this, they take a person under their protection.

There are instances when a rune tattoo is inscribed on the body in combination with a portrait of a loved one. Such a composition indicates how dear the person is, but also with the help of runes is intended to protect him. Now we propose to talk about what value is hidden in the tattoo with runes of Slavic origin. After all, they are stuffed on the bodies of our compatriots much more often than similar symbols originating from other cultures.

What you need to know before you work with runami

There are people who came up with their runes and systems, and claim that only they work, and all the rest brazen deception. And all because the person looked at the runes in their own way in the process, that's all. The whole difference of understanding usually comes down to the fact that one or two graphic elements may be missing or present in the geometric position.

And even in this case, individually understood rune will work, for the man himself and perhaps his friends and relatives. And there is nothing worse than the unpredictable behavior of the runes, no matter what school or magic, it does not apply.

Each person is a closed energy system. And without realizing it, he can interact through energy with his colleagues, or neighbors, or relatives and friends.

Important! Before you start working with runes, they need to thoroughly learn! And not just learn the names, and imbued with their meaning, and the deeper meaning. Even if at first you have not succeeded, try to win!

When meditating with the images of the runes, those who have begun this practice, no matter what your age or gender, have approximately the same images and feelings. This is due to the fact that the runes are archetypal symbols of the construction of the universe. But any practitioner description of runes in his perception formulates differently, and no matter how much magical literature you have not read, the most important thing to listen to yourself and your sensations.

Communicating with the higher mind, remember one thing - do not listen to a neighbor, look and listen to yourself. And in conclusion it should be noted that only stupid and hypocritical people are trying to impose their view on the world and their truth on other people, without realizing that everyone has his own truth, and that everyone can know his own truth only independently.


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