Tattoo of the zodiac sign Gemini (80 photos) - interpretation, location, styles and tattoo designs

Quite an interesting point, repeatedly encountered in the books of A. Novy, is a reference to the mythological image of the Divine Gemini. Twins, in these books, are mentioned in connection with the myths of creation, as well as carriers of the power of the Grail.

To understand this symbolic image, to begin with, before we return to the actual quotes about twins from the books of A. Novy and try to draw our own conclusions about this concept, I would like to "go over" briefly the mythology of twins, in order to understand what people of different faiths and nationalities have put into this image...

The twin myths.

Twins include Vedic divine Ashvins - Mitra and Varuna; Roman heroes Romulus and Remus; Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris; Greek gods Apollo and Artemis, heroes Castor and Pollux.

It draws attention to the fact that the image of twins very often acts as a dualistic mythologies.. Often in these myths Gemini have the epithet - Divine twins, as well as people are perceived as cultural heroes. In many myths, the twins are seen as beings who have come into contact with the supernatural force, and became its bearers.

Very often, due to the dualistic approach, one of the brothers associated with all good or useful, the other - with all the bad or bad done, and then, together, they symbolize the mutually balanced good and evil. In such cases, as a rule, a motif of rivalry between the twin brothers is introduced (the Egyptian myth of Osiris and Seth, the Slavic myth of Belobog and Chernobog). Brothers carry such qualities as dualism, inner contradictions, the embodiment of the symmetry of all things, the unity of opposites. In the material world, everything is dual: darkness and light, good and evil, heaven and earth, light and darkness, sunrise and sunset, day and night, morning and evening stars, heat and cold, summer and winter, mountains and valleys, Life and Death, spirit (soul) and bodies, action-mind, luxury and poverty, happiness and unhappiness, finding and losing... Sometimes twins were attributed two fathers - an ordinary man and a totem, in more developed mythological traditions - a god; sometimes they were considered children of an immortal father and a mortal mother. Divine and human characteristics in this case, as a rule, remained separate. For example, one of the twins is endowed with immortality and symbolizes the eternal spiritual beginning of man, his soul, while the other twin mortal and represents a decay-prone body beginning. For example, in Greco-Roman mythology, the Dioscurs - the mortal Castor and the immortal Pollux were the sons of Leda and, respectively, King Tyndareus and Zeus.

Gemini idol ancient Armenian mythology. Gemini motifs VIII-IX century myths of the Finno-Ugric people.

In the twin myth of the North American Indian tribe Cahuilla, one of the twins (Mukat, who created humans and the moon) argues for primacy with the other (Temayauit), who goes to the underworld.

In the twin myth of the Iroquois and Huron, Josukeha is the creator of the sun and everything useful on earth, while his younger twin brother Taviscaron is the creator of rocks, harmful animals (cougars, jaguars, wolves, bears, snakes and insects), spikes and thorns; he caused the first earthquake. Taviskaron opposes all the good undertakings of Josukeha: he does not allow him to arrange two currents in the rivers - up and down, he creates rapids and quickslides. Wounded in a single combat with Josukeha, Taviscaron escapes to the underworld, every drop of blood pouring from his wound turns into flint as he flees (Taviscaron himself was all solid, like flint and ice, substance). After the battle with his brother, Josqueh retires to heaven.

In Zoroastrians one of the main myths was associated with Gemini, in which the mystery of the two great spirits, the two twin brothers - Ormazd and Ahriman, one of whom made a choice towards the Good and became the Demiurge or Creator, while the other made a choice towards the evil and became the Devil or Destroyer.

In some dualistic myths, the twin brothers are not antagonistic to one another but embody only two beginnings, each of which corresponds to one half of the tribe.

Such are the Lover Twins of the North American Zuni Indian tribe, which divided the tribe into fraternities - people of winter and people of summer. Both Beloved twins act as cultural heroes who lead people out of the cave into the sun and give them tools and weapons. In myths of this type the twins often duplicate each other's functions, both are useful, both are busy healing people.

Ahayuta, the twins are warrior gods among the Zuni Indians.

In ancient India, the twin brothers, called Ashwins, were represented as two birds or horse birds. The connection between the two revered twins and horses survives as a remnant in ancient Germanic and Baltic mythology. Until recently there was a belief in Lithuanian villages that the twins sitting on the horse, have a healing power, like Ashvins-healers, whose name derives from Ind. asva - "horse".

The Ashvins belong to the heavenly deities and are associated with the predawn and evening twilight. The name is derived from the Native Hindu word for "horse" and the name for "healer". The same is true for the first time, but the second time, the second time, the second time, the third time, the third time, the third time, the fourth time, the fourth time, the fourth time. They circumnavigate the universe in a day and banish darkness. In the morning they are called to them by the praying people. The Ashvins are the connoisseurs of time, they are born of heaven, their place is in both worlds. Ashvins are saviors who help in trouble; they bring gifts for the Aryans, wealth, food, horses, cows, oxen, children, light, happiness, victory, give long life, vitality; they protect the singers, reward them. The role of the Ashvins as divine healers (Ashvins are "divine physicians", "all-knowing") is emphasized: they give life back to the dead, heal the blind and lame and perform other miraculous deeds. It is interesting that in these myths the Ashvins are associated with honey (they give it to the bees, sprinkle a sacrifice with it, carry honey in a chariot, etc.) and soma, on the basis of which the Dutch Indologist F. B. I. Keiper hypothesized the replacement in ancient India of the old intoxicating drink of honey with soma. Ashvins are intolerant of strangers; they oppose evil spirits, disease, misers, and envious people.

Ashvins are depicted young (they are the youngest of the gods, but at the same time they are ancient), strong, beautiful, possessing health; their brightness, golden color (the color of honey; several times they are called red), they are fast, dexterous, powerful, have many forms are stressed. Many people know the ancient Greek myth of the twins - Dioscurus, the sons of Leda. And one of the brothers, Castor, was conceived by the king of Sparta, and the second, Polydevk - from Zeus himself, taking the form of a swan. Therefore, although twins were born, one of them became mortal and the other had the gift of immortality. During their lives, Dioscurus performed many feats, took part in the epochal voyage of the Argonauts and the Calydonian Hunt. When Castor died, Polydevê avenged his death and was summoned to Olympus by his father. But the brother did not want to enjoy immortality, knowing that his twin was imprisoned in Hades. Then the Dioscurs shared the same fate and in another world - they now appear alternately, as evening and morning stars in the constellation of Gemini. They are usually depicted together, with Castor looking upwards, as if from earth to heaven, and Polydevk the other way round.

The constellation Gemini.

A symbolic image: two twin brothers, holding hands. Sometimes portrayed as brothers connected by a single umbilical cord. Another image is a person standing in front of a mirror in which he himself is reflected. Astrologically, Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. The Sun rules it from May 21 to June 22. The constellation is named after two almost equally bright stars, Castor and Pollux. The constellation Gemini is associated with the Greek myth of the great love of two twin brothers, the sons of the beautiful Leda.

The myth of twins, brother and sister,

The myth of twins, a brother and sister entering into an incestuous marriage, is known in almost identical form in many ancient cultures:

  • The Egyptian myth of Osiris and Isis,
  • The ancient Indian myth of Yama and his sister Yami,
  • in ancient Greek mythology Apollo and his twin sister Artemis.

It is often assumed that the incestuous marriage of twins begins while still in the womb, so when twins - children of different sexes - are born, it is considered necessary to perform a purification rite, part of which may be the story of the twin myth (sometimes the idea of prohibition is introduced into the myth itself).

Androgynous twins.

In African rites associated with twin myths and the cult of twins, it is common to paint each side of the face and body in different colors - white and black - symbolizing the change of dark and white time). A peculiarity of many African twin myths is the combination of both rows of mythological opposites in one mythological image (twin beings - bipedal beings, androgyns).

  • Such are the demiurges Mavu and Liza (both twins and androgyny) in Dahomey mythology; one part of this androgyny (Mavu) embodies night, moon, joy, the other (Liza) - day, sun, labor.
  • The myth of the twin-gendered creature is reflected in the ancient Greek Orphic tradition and in Plato's dialogues on Atlantis.
  • Other gods in Von mythology are represented as pairs of twins, and the divine power-rainbow is described as both an androgynous deity and a twin pair. In the Bambara tribe, the bisexual deity Faro gives birth to two twins.

  • In the Dogon heroes of the twin myth, Fox and Nommo act as both twins and androgyny.

A talisman for Gemini women

"Girls' best friends are diamonds," sang the unforgettable Marilyn. But in the case of Gemini, this statement is fundamentally wrong: diamonds, rubies and black pearls are contraindicated to representatives of this sign in principle.

The best talismans for Gemini women by date of birth are able to become:

  • May 21-31. An additional protector of early Gemini is Jupiter. Perhaps this is the most emotionally stable Gemini with beautifully developed logic and intuition. About these ladies they say "with a masculine character. Special attention should be paid to agate: it will bring happiness in love, it will calm and protect from ill-wishers. Malachite, topaz, obsidian, amazonite, moonstone, beryl, amber, rock crystal are very good.
  • June 1-10. Mars rules Gemini during this period. The God of War gives them assertiveness and determination, sometimes transforming into aggressiveness and blatant selfishness. An excellent amulet for Mars-influenced Gemini is opal, cat's eye, chalcedony, chrysoprase and pearls. These stones will help to soften a violent temper and avoid conflicts in the family.
  • June 11-21. This is where the Sun comes in. Late Gemini are incredibly kind, warm and sympathetic people, with a bright personality and a mass of talents, but, unfortunately, extremely explosive. Topaz, sapphires, alexandrite, tourmaline, and emeralds will help you suppress their outbursts of anger and regain your equilibrium.

Gold set with topaz and diamonds
Gold set with topaz and diamonds (go to SUNLIGHT catalog).
For a Gemini, black stones, as well as certain metals and alloys (lead, nickel, tin, cobalt, melchior) are not suitable: they will slowly but surely kill their energy and bring misfortune and disease.

Onyx must be used with caution. If this stone is worn at some critical moments, it will help you achieve your goals. But with constant contact, he is capable of turning Gemini into a complete selfish loner.

Zoomorphic twin myths.

The earliest stratum of twin representations can be traced in zoomorphic twin myths suggesting participation in twin birth of animals or kinship between animals and twins.

  • The Dinka in Sudan know twin totemism - the ancestor of the tribe is believed to be the twin of the totem animal.
  • The Dogon believe that every human being has a twin - an animal.
  • In ancient India, Ashvins were represented as two birds or birds-horse (J.-Ind. aśva "horse").
  • The connection of two revered twins with the horses is preserved in ancient Germanic and Baltic mythology. Dioscurus was also associated with horses.

In societies that worshipped twins, common rituals that link their cult ...with the symbolism of fertility, in particular with the sacred world trees.... Under the sacred tree (Ruminalis Ficus) in ancient Rome were placed images of the twins Romulus and Remus.

An essential plant symbol of twin fertility is the twin fruit of the plant. The cult of this twin symbol is preserved in the Latvian mythology of Yumis ("twin fruit", "double fruit"), a field deity, sending prosperity and associated with the end of field work.

With the Dogons, beer made from twin millet grains was poured on twin altars in honor of the landowner and the spirit parent of the twins. In Fiji, the twin ("double") fruit of the bread tree in mythological songs acts as a symbol of immeasurable abundance.

As the transformation of twin representations, the antagonism of divine twins is lost, later one of the twins is eliminated from the myth. Thus, the name of the Persian epic hero Jamshid originally meant "twin king," but in the epic itself the twin motifs are no longer evident.


Among the objects that easily acquire the power of talismans for twins, several should be especially considered.

Mask. The typical Gemini is a person with a thousand faces, so the mask perfectly matches his inner essence. He is an actor in a huge play called "life", and the mask helps to choose the guise that is most appropriate at the moment. In addition, it helps to grow a "shell" that reduces the Gemini's dependence on other people's opinions.

Key. Wonderful amulets for Mercury's daughters and sons will be keys in all manifestations. A gold or silver key (jewelry, keychain, just a souvenir trinket) will help Gemini discover new ways, win hearts and get information, to which they are big hunters.

Talisman for twins in the form of a key
See all jewelry with a key in the catalog SUNLIGHT

Anything that has something to do with Gemini. This can be a double hazelnut or acorn, a photo wallpaper with the image of twins, a pendant or key chain with the symbol of the zodiac constellation.

Wonderful talisman for any Gemini will be a decoration in the form of a hand or star, symbolizing wisdom (representatives of this sign are usually endowed with an outstanding mind and a superbly developed intuition). A perfect Khamsa (Hand of Fortune, Fatima, Ishtar, Miriam - depending on the local interpretation) is an amulet whose history goes back many millennia.

Mention of twins in the books of A. Novy.

As mentioned above, the twins in the books of A. Novy are mentioned in two hypostases, as carriers of the Grail and even as beings participating in the universe.

"Note that in a person who has come into contact with the spiritual power of the Grail, a kind of separation occurs. On the one hand, he realizes that he lives here in a body, as in a shell, and must live the life allotted to him in matter to the end, that is, he sees a shadow; and on the other hand, he understands who God is, and the real world is revealed to him, as he sees reality. That is, a kind of bifurcation takes place. And when all this is revealed to the possessor of the Grail, then by and large nothing keeps him in this world anymore.

Looking ahead, I would like to say that it is no coincidence that the seal of the first Templars was the image of two riders riding on one horse. For people of Knowledge, the symbol of "twins" signifies higher enlightenment, which indicates the bifurcation of man after contact with the Original Sound, i.e. the Grail. The horse, on the other hand, signifies movement. Though in different times instead of horse there were also other designations, for example ship or birds, the same swans, falcons, that is what moved more swiftly than the procession of an ordinary man, which naturally implied the sacred meaning of movement on the spiritual way.

Mentions about it remained both in images and in mythological tales, and even in the names of some epic heroes. For example, take the Persian hero Jamshid. His name meant nothing less than "twin king. But in his time, the man whose image was hidden in the myths under the names of the ancient Iranian Yima (his name means "twin", "double"), who later in Persian mythology was called Jamshid, also managed to find and use the power of Farn. - And right away Sensei explained: - In those distant times the grail was called Farn, which was interpreted among common people as a symbol of the solar, shining beginning, divine fire, its material emanation. It was spoken of as a sacred beginning, giving and multiplying strength, power, and might. It was interpreted as helping the human soul to cross the bridge to heaven.

If you take the Indo-European mythology in the same Vedic and Hindu mythology ("Rigveda"), you can find remnants of ancient references to the Ashvins. The Ashvins were considered twin brothers, "sons of heaven," who tended their sister, the daughter of the Sun. According to mythology they belonged to the deities. They were believed to have been born apart, one a son of night, the other a son of dawn. Their place was in both worlds. They were experts of time, were divine healers. They were granted "omniscience. But their main function was to save people. They opposed evil spirits and came to the aid of people in trouble. They were portrayed in various ways, but mostly as young, strong, beautiful in golden, shining light, adorned with garlands of lotus. All this is just an echo of ancient events and knowledge of those who possessed the power and sacred knowledge of the Sacred Sound. It is simply because of the mystery of this knowledge that the legends and myths have grown... But let us return to the events on Mount Moriah, which are not yet so faded in people's memory.

Henceforth, all those present at the discovery of the Grail were united not only by the profound mystery, but also by the great spiritual power that made them more than brothers. Having acquired a very different vision of the world and experiencing the real power of creation, in effect receiving a blessing, they vowed to serve God, to be faithful to the holy cause of the Virgin Mary, helping people as long as their bodies remain alive in this world." ("Sensei IV. The Original Shambhala" by A. Novykh)

Templar seal

The Templar Seal.

In the book "AllatRa" (download here) there are also references to cosmic legends, about the formation of the universe. These legends say that at a certain stage, there is a division of the world into two elements or spirals, or into two deities, which are symbolic representations of spirals with directly opposite functions and form an invisible pair, that is essentially a pair of twins.

"The spirals themselves are represented in myths, for example, as the first pair of gods with opposite functions (one has divine essence, the other has demonic essence), from which the other gods descended. In another version of the legends - in the form of half-humans-half-dogs (and creative, being deities of water - with a characteristic green color of their bodies). In the third - the characters that embody order, water of life, fertility, light and their opposite - disorder, death, darkness, unpaired creature (for example, according to African myths - a jackal, which wished to become the master of the universe). This is how the formation of the universe was recorded in the myths. Modern people have simply lost the understanding of the spiritual side of the issue and everything is reduced to the level of material perception of the ancient legends. Mentioning the spiral nature of the universe, as we know from the book Allat-Ra, consisting of the forces of Allat and Antiallat, we also want to recall, in connection with this fact, the twins Nommo, which were twisted spiral wet fiber, which contained the word: "In Dogon mythology the water deities (divine twins) as half-men-small men were called as Nommo. Legends have survived that when they saw the naked mother earth deprived of speech from the sky, they made her a skirt out of ten bundles of fibers of celestial plants. It was the spiral twisted wet fibers, which contained the word and were full of the essence of Nommo, that gave the earth speech, the first language of the world" ("AllatRa" by A. Novykh).

Wooden sculpture of the perfect pair of Nommo's first twins.

A symbol of the Heliars.

Thus, we can draw certain conclusions from all of the above conclusions:

  1. Gemini is a symbolic image of the carriers of divine power - the power of the Grail.
  2. Examples of their active help to people in history and explain so revered image of the twins in different peoples, and the image of the twins - is a symbol of comprehension of the Truth and the highest enlightenment. And despite the fact that the spiritual background of the symbol was distorted and forgotten, yet a number of peoples have grains of knowledge and even worship and cult of the image - twins.
  3. In addition to the above, we can conclude that the symbolism of the twins is not only a symbol of the carriers of the power of the Grail, but also a symbol of the universe, a symbol of the physical laws of separation of the Earth from Heaven, in the formation of the material universe. A symbol of separation and separation of the One beginning, into two halves - the spiritual world from the earthly, female (spiritual) beginning, from the male, associated with the world of matter and animal mind, which was reflected in such a concept as the duality of the world.
  4. I would like to stop and emphasize one more point, in spite of the fact that the modern world on the basis of some cosmological myths in general has begun to emphasize the duality of the world, as an example Chinese mythology with its understanding of the concept "Yin-yang" as unity and struggle of opposites of this world, and struggle of spiritual and animal beginning, which begins from the moment of formation of matter, but not earlier!
  5. Still we should not lose sight of and forget one important point, namely the FACT that the origin of the Universe always begins with the help of the forces of the spiritual world and the harmonious connection of the two forces: the Lotus, Allat, which leads to the origin of the third force - the god-son. At this level there is no conflict and struggle of opposites, but only: Unity and Love, giving birth to the Divine Son.

Lao Tzu's famous saying states:

The Way gives birth to One. One begets Two. Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to a myriad of entities.

Also, despite the notion of duality, we should not forget that the forces that order ALL in this universe are the divine feminine beginning, Allat.

As an example of this Knowledge, let's remember Osiris, Isis and their son Horus, where two give birth to three:

Osiris, Isis, Horus
Since the connection of twins, with the divine beverage - Soma is undoubted and is mentioned in a number of ancient Indian Vedic sources, I think people will be interested to know in more details: WHAT are the Ashvins - the carriers of Soma, what are their qualities? On this subject, here are excerpts from Sri Aurobindo's book THE SECRET OF VEDA:

Plant Talismans

Among the indoor and other plants for the children of the inconsistent but enterprising Mercury are the most favorable:

  • Narcissus. This flower allows to achieve success in love and to keep the heat of romance, peculiar to the candy and bouquet period. It helps the airy catcher to settle down somewhat and find happiness with the already conquered person, rather than fluttering about in search of new adventures.
  • Fern. Gives the Gemini restraint and sanity, not allowing him to get involved in another scam.
  • Buttercup. Can improve health and protect against illnesses, especially colds, which are so prone to Gemini.
  • Jasmine. Increases self-confidence and helps to steadfastly tolerate disappointments that hurt the hypertrophied self-esteem Gemini.
  • Lavender. It stabilizes the psyche and calms (by the way, it's a medical fact). A bag stuffed with dried lavender and hung over the bed gives a good sleep, and a bath with the infusion of this mountain flower helps to get a quality relaxation after a hectic day.
  • Wormwood and quinoa. These weeds are the most powerful amulets for centuries: our ancestors used to put wormwood and quinoa stalks at the doorstep to keep out evil spirits.
  • Daisies. Increase the Gemini's financial well-being and attract money.
  • Tulips. Another plus for health and financial well-being.

Plant talismans for Gemini

  • Juniper. Prevents conflict and helps to get along with people, gives wisdom, consistency and nobility.
  • Ash. This tree rules the majority of those born under the constellation Gemini in terms of the Druidic horoscope. Not only does it give Mercurians energy, but it also allows them to see the goal clearly and go for it, without giving in to trivialities. Ash is used to make expensive furniture and furnishings, the presence of which in the home is beneficial to the windy temperament of Mercury's children.


For women

For men