Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

Tattoos depicting a raven can be found quite often on the body of both men and women. Raven as a symbol has a complex, and even contradictory meaning.

On the one hand, it means war, death, misfortune. The black color of this bird usually symbolizes chaos.

But on the other hand it is a sign of justice, wisdom. It is not without reason that this bird was inseparable from many gods, such as the Scandinavian Odin.

Ravens are often attributed occult significance: in popular beliefs, they live for hundreds of years and are the conductors between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The meaning of the raven tattoo also has a dual nature.

History of the tattoo

Since ancient times, people have decorated their bodies with images of animals and birds. Raven is a symbol with its own specific meaning, which in different cultures has its own characteristics.

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What the sign meant to different peoples:

  1. Celtic people associated the image of the raven with the goddess of war and death, Morrigan. They believed that it was a sign of dark forces that promised only misery, and could also mean a connection with the devil himself.
  2. The Celts summoned the spirit of the raven in magical rituals and for the purpose of predicting the future. It was believed that this bird could tell about the coming events, about the outcome of an important battle.
  3. The African people worshipped the raven, believing its spirit to be their sacred helper. The killing of the bird is an ominous sign that promises bad weather and the ruin of crops. So they protected crows and did not allow anyone to harm them.
  4. Scandinavian peoples associated the image of the raven with the god Odin, the patron saint of the military. For them, the raven represented the highest degree of intelligence, excellent memory and unsurpassed wisdom.
  5. Native Americans used the raven in shamanistic rituals. According to ancient legends of these people, the bird was one of the progenitors of the human race.
  6. In ancient Romans, the raven symbolized faith and hope. Their neighbors, the Greeks, also respected the bird, considering it the patron of farmers, a symbol of fertility and abundance.
  7. To the Egyptians, the raven was a sinister symbol. They believed that this bird could only bring destruction and evil.
  8. The Chinese regard the raven as a strong, powerful bird, comparable in its power only to the sun. It is also a symbol of long, strong, harmonious and happy love.
  9. Orthodox Christians were afraid of the black bird, believing it to be a dark and vengeful creature. It was considered to bring pain, disappointment and suffering. The antipode of the dove, the bird of peace.

Next, let's understand what the tattoo with the image of a strong black bird can mean in today's realities.

Where did the valcnut symbol come from

The valcnut, which is a sign containing three triangles, is most often found on runic stones, altars and images of battles or executions.

This sign has also been found on ritual burial accessories.

Three triangles - the symbol valknut

Traditionally, this symbol was embossed on the sacrificial stones intended to carry out the execution "bloody eagle".

In the course of the execution, the ribs of a still living person were cut open, turned out to the sides, and the lungs were taken out. The latter were placed on the shoulders of the executed like wings.

This method of execution was applied to enemies captured in military conflicts, and in some sources is described as a way of revenge (for example, for murder).

This was considered a sacrifice to Odin, so the valknut, as an indispensable attribute of such an altar, and associated with this god.

The significance of the valcknut may have been that it represented the "path of the warrior": from earthly existence to Valhalla and the meeting with Óðinn.

Archaeologists have also found the valcnut on weapons and armor. Presumably the sign was also applied as a ritual tattoo to warriors sent out to die, i.e. to fight from which there was very little chance of returning.

Obviously, thus the warrior in advance prepared for the afterlife.

REFERENCES! It is curious that at the time of this ritual application, the name "valknut" itself did not yet exist. It appeared in literary sources dating back to about the 14th-15th centuries.

The meaning of the tattoo

Interpretations in different sources give different interpretations. The meaning of the tattoo will also depend on the sex of the bird depicted on the body.

What can mean a tattoo with a raven or crow:

  1. Emphasizes the overbearing nature of the owner. Good for people who hold senior positions, run the business. They are somewhat aggressive, can be cruel and uncompromising.
  2. The female crow is a symbol of loneliness, but at the same time, guile and cunning. It speaks of the cunning of its owner and his greedy motives and thoughts. This can be considered as a negative symbol of the maleficent.
  3. This symbol can be also a symbol of wisdom and cunning. In this case, a raven is a personification of secret knowledge and a strong helper of esoteric rituals. In this case, a raven is a personification of secret knowledge and a strong assistant in esoteric rituals.
  4. The raven is also a symbol of great discernment. The sign suggests that nothing can be hidden from a person: he sees literally through those around him.
  5. Sometimes the image of the raven is identified with innocence, an unjustly punished person. The roots of this meaning go back to biblical legends.
  6. To depict a tattoo with a raven can people who dream to live long, because the bird is a symbol of longevity. But do not forget that it is also a scavenger - by association, a person can literally "feed" on the energy of people caught in hopeless situations.
  7. A pair of crows is a symbol of a strong, long and happy family, a cozy marriage or a comfortable, harmonious relationship.

Important: it should be remembered that the tattoo is not just a decoration on the body, but also a strong energetic symbol that may affect the rest of the person's life. Therefore, the choice of a drawing should be taken with full responsibility.

The choice of location for the application

The raven on the shoulder is a spectacular tattoo. In most cases, it is done on the biceps, chest or back. Followers of oriental practices believe that each of these places has its own sacred meaning, and apply there an indelible drawing, a person enhances the energy of the zone, which decorates.

On the Shoulder

The image of a raven on the shoulder is often seen on men. The bird is placed on the bicep or form a sleeve on the arm.

Esotericists believe that the shoulder symbolizes a person's ability to withstand difficult situations in life. In addition, the warriors of antiquity covered this part of the body with armor to increase their own safety.

Doing a tattoo on the shoulder is tolerable.

The advantages of a picture here:

  • Ability to hide under clothing;
  • the convenience of trying on a sketch;
  • care without assistance.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

The picture on the shoulder has no disadvantages. Despite its location, it does not fade for a long time and looks as just painted.


Fans of Eastern philosophy associate the hands with the ability to create something here and now. This part of the body is also popular for permanent drawings.

The pluses of tattoos on the hand include:

  • the ability to choose the size;
  • easy to hide from prying eyes;
  • a minimum of discomfort;
  • the ability to take care of the picture yourself.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

If a sleeve is formed on the arm from the tattoo, the lower part of it will often lose the saturation of color and you will have to visit the tattoo salon once a year. This is the only disadvantage of the picture in this area.


On the neck, this ancient bird is drawn either on the side or on the back. The sacred meaning of this area is the ability to look at things from different angles. In addition, the neck is responsible for intuition.

Getting a tattoo in this area is unpleasant. Especially painful procedure in its front part.

The advantages of the picture here are:

  • the originality of the location;
  • ease of care in the period of healing;
  • the possibility of choosing the scale.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

Among the disadvantages note the need for frequent pointing due to constant contact with hair and clothing.


Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder on some works smoothly passes to the chest or shoulder blade. In most cases, a bird with outspread wings is placed at the front under the neck. This part of the body in esotericism is responsible for the future and the ability to go forward.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

The convenience of such a tattoo is that it is hidden from the eyes of others and it is not difficult to take care of it yourself. The disadvantages of the picture include the painfulness of the procedure and the need for several sessions to fully form the image.

Meaning in the Zone

Prison has its own laws: the tattoos of prisoners always indicate their status, position in the "thieves" circles.

What does the raven mean:

  • Indicates that the offender was engaged specifically in theft. The raven is "the thief he".
  • At the same time, the raven is a symbol of hatred. This means that a person with such a tattoo takes other people's property and money, because he hates them.
  • "Get" such a tattoo also particularly dangerous, aggressive criminals, which in their actions are completely unpredictable and often shock even the most seasoned convicts.

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The Numerical Symbolism of the Walnut

Numbers play a very important role in all pagan religions. Numerical symbolism is accordingly inherent in Scandinavian paganism as well.

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The numbers reflected in the depiction of the "knot of the fallen" are 3 and 9. They have their own sacred meaning. 9 is the number of worlds in Scandinavian mythology:

  1. The world of the gods or Asgard.
  2. The world of men or Midgard.
  3. The world of the dead or Helheim.
  4. The world of the Van or Vanaheim.
  5. The world of the giants or Jotunheim.
  6. The world of the light alves or Alvheim.
  7. The world of fire giants or Muspelheim.
  8. The world of ice giants or Niflheim.
  9. The world of dwarves or Svartalfheim.

Also 9 is the number of branches of the world ash Yggdrassil (one for each world). The 9 branches are the basis of the runes of the older alphabet (Futhark). 3 - the number of Norns (goddesses of fate), reflecting the present, past and future.

Deciphering the tattoo

The meaning of the tattoo can also vary depending on how exactly the bird is depicted.

For example:

  1. If it is drawn in a nest or small fledglings are flying nearby, it means that the owner of the tattoo is a person who strives for the quiet comfort of the family home, feels a deep connection with his clan.
  2. A raven in flight is the sign of an aggressive person who was born to attack. All his life he pursues the weak and defenseless to inflict pain and suffering on them.
  3. A raven on a branch is a sign that symbolizes profound loneliness. It is an introverted person who does not feel comfortable in society, seeks to close himself off from everyone and is most often only alone with himself.
  4. The bird with the skull is the most dangerous option. The character of a person with such a tattoo is extremely aggressive and dangerous. From him, you can expect any meanness, he is even capable of murder.
  5. A pair of male ravens is a sign of closeness with friends. Most often, it is an exclusively male symbol. Such a person aims for strong partnerships, is not capable of betrayal, and will always lend a shoulder in a difficult situation.
  6. A flock of crows or only the wings of a bird is an embodiment of power and superiority over others. The owner of such a drawing on the body believes that he is better than everyone else, and this is almost always justified. But he can sink in his arrogance and get a lot of enemies, so you have to be extremely careful with this kind of tattoo.

Especially I do not recommend doing tattoos with crows to girls. They completely destroy the femininity and softness inherent in the feminine sex, turning their mistress into an unpleasant and masculine person.

Styles and colors

Tattoo of crows on the shoulder master perform in several styles, and it depends on the selected sketch and the wishes of the client:

"Traditional".Black-and-white drawing, the contours of which are induced in bold distinct lines
"Neo-tradichannel"most of the painting is executed in dark colors, and the eyes or another fragment is accented in color
"Blackwork."black paint covers a large area of the body, and the pattern is formed from light stripes on the skin
"Realism"A colored or monotone picture looks alive and three-dimensional
"Thrash Polka."The tattoo is made in black and red colors, it has many unusual details, inscriptions and elements.

Sometimes the black bird is tattooed in the "Geometry" technique. In this case, part of the raven looks realistic, and the second part is formed of straight sharp lines.

Tattoo of a raven on your shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

The longhorn bird is usually painted in black colors. Additional details on the canvas can be red, yellow or green.

The top 5 popular images of a raven on the body include:

  1. With a flower.
  2. With a moon.
  3. On a branch.
  4. With a skull.
  5. With a clock.

Each of these items can be in color or monochrome, like the bird.

With a flower.

A raven holding a flower in its paw or beak is a popular tattoo sketch. The bird is usually painted in dark colors, and the plant is highlighted with color.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

Most often, a raven holds a rose with a bright scarlet bud. Such a tattoo is found in the "Old School" or "Thresh Polka" technique.

With the moon

A black bird on a full moon background is also a common subject for permanent art. The image is applied with dark paint in the "Realism" or "Blackwork" style.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

Sometimes, the picture is applied in the technique "Neo-tradishinal", emphasizing the moon in pale blue or gold color.

On a branch.

A raven sitting pensively on a branch can be found on the biceps of men.

The picture is applied in gray or black undiluted ink in the "Realism", "Tradischinal" or "Thresh Polka" technique.

With Skull

Sometimes there are sketches where a big black bird holds a skull in its beak or sits on it. In this case, the masters use dark colors of ink, and apply the tattoo in the style of "Realism", "Graphics" or "Blackwork".

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

There are pictures where a raven sits on the hand of a skeleton or death. Here, too, black ink and the above styles of tattoo are used.

With clocks.

A raven with an hourglass or mechanical clock in its paws is a common subject for male tattoos. Those who love classics prefer to decorate their bodies with dark Blackwork, Realism, or Traditionshinal designs.

Tattoo of a raven on the shoulder, arm, chest, neck. Meaning for men, girls

And those who prefer colored details, sketches in the techniques of "Thrash Polka" and "Old School" will do.


For women

For men