Tattoo panther - meanings for girls and men, fun sketches, photos on the arm, shoulder, leg, back, shoulder blade

The meaning of the panther tattoo goes back to antiquity. This animal attracted people with its beauty, strength of mind, grace. In the image of a large black cat stop the choice in most cases, women rather than men. The tattoo helps females to emphasize their sexuality, independence, grace, dominant femininity, as the panther is a powerful symbol of the home. Women who choose a panther as their jewelry, as a rule, "tear their heads off" for their families, children and loved ones.

Beautiful tattoo of a panther on a leg

An excursion into history

The first people in the world to depict the panther on their own bodies were American Indians, fearless warriors. In their understanding, the animal symbolized good military training and strategy.

This is interesting! Ancient people believed that there were two kinds of panthers. The black panther, as we imagine it now, and the yellow panther, the jaguar.

Representatives of different countries, cultures and religions perceived the black predator very differently:

  • The Mayan Indians revered the animal and saw it as some kind of higher power. The panther and jaguar were used in religious rituals, animals were often depicted on totems and high priests wore their skins for important ceremonies.
  • The ancient Chinese, on the contrary, were wary of the panther and considered it a cunning, crafty and cruel animal.
  • In Europe, it was believed that the panther was a powerful protector against evil forces, including dragons.
  • In ancient Egypt, the panther was often depicted in human form, symbolizing a slender, graceful, graceful woman.
  • Jaguars and panthers were revered in Africa as symbols of family, home, and hearth, because animals are able to fight fearlessly for family and offspring.
  • Representatives of the Christian faith, treated the big cat negatively, believing that it is a werewolf and has a bad connection with the otherworld.

Panther tattoo in Old Style

Varieties of the animal and their features

For the right choice of the sketch is not enough to know the meaning of the tattoo, it is necessary to intelligently select the type of animal. For example, panthers are divided into yellow and black, which can dramatically affect the interpretation of the image. The first type includes jaguars and leopards, associated with light and warmth. But the black panther tattoo represents the night under the cover of moonlight. Of course, all kinds of animals inspire fear and arouse admiration for their beauty. In China, however, only the black panther, capable of protecting the people from dragon attacks, was particularly revered.

Panther tattoo for girls and men - meanings, ideas, sketches and photos

But the Mayan tribes were especially fond of the jaguar, equating it with a divine being. The skin of the killed animal was used by shamans for rituals. And also by leaders trying to increase their power and authority. For them, the predator served not only as a killer but also as a wise warrior capable of discovering new opportunities. Equally respectful to the leopard are representatives of Africa, where tribal leaders are simply obliged to have such a pet. As for Christianity, the panther is a symbol of sin and treachery, betrayal and human meanness.

Panther tattoo with flowers

What is the meaning of the panther tattoo today?

Of course, people interpret this or that image in their own way, and this applies to the panther. Some see in the beast grace, grace and sophistication, while for others, the panther - aggression, evil, the embodiment of inner strength.

Universal meaning of tattoos:

  1. Confidence in yourself and your actions. A man, stuffed on the body panther, will not retreat in the face of difficulties and not surrender to the pleasure of others.
  2. Danger. Insulted or offended a person with a black cat on his body? Rest assured that he will give a good response to the offender.
  3. The owners of the tattoo, depicting a large cat, when making decisions are unlikely to mumble, long ponder, weigh every step, as a panther - a symbol of determination and agility.
  4. People who have decided to decorate the body with a beast of prey declare to others that they will go to any lengths to achieve their goals, and not always these methods will be harmless.

Performance technique

Women's sketches are mainly represented by a full-length image of a panther. The predatory graceful animal emphasizes grace, flexibility, sexuality of its owner. Girls prefer to stuff the tattoo on the waist, shoulder or neck, depending on the size of the composition. Panther on the leg perfectly combined with a tiger, if we consider the picture as a paired tattoo. Most often preferred sketches in the style of realism, where you can clearly draw every muscle of the predatory animal.

The panther head in the old skool style is usually found in men. Additional elements like inscriptions, framing, flowers are added to the composition. Very effectively looks tattoo panthers on the scapula, forearm, on the back, on the hand in the style of tribal. Funny looks cartoon pink panther in the technique of new skull. In such a tattoo is much less aggressive and more positive. Interesting tattoo ideas can be seen in the gallery and pick up a suitable option.

Video on the topic


Meaning for girls

Girls who chose the black cat accentuate the attention of others that they are strong, with character, but at the same time are not rude and limited. The image of a predatory cat emphasizes their sexuality and femininity.

If a grown-up, married woman wants to get a tattoo depicting a panther, it is a good sign, the desire to be a loving and caring mother and follow the family ideals.

Note: Especially beautiful panther looks on those girls whose bodies are aesthetic, slender and trim.

Representatives of the fair sex choose this picture to emphasize their mysteriousness, perhaps mystical abilities.

Tattoo a panther with flowers on a woman's shoulder

Flower head panther tattoo

Meaning for guys

Pictures with a panther more attract the fairer sex of humanity, but this does not mean that the tattoo with a predator can not get a guy. In the male version of such an image means courage, bravery, the desire not to give himself and his family in offense, willfulness. In the male case of the panther tattoo can also mean independence, on the mind at once comes the phrase about the cat, which is walking on its own. The guy who stuffed the image on his body in the form of a cat from the tropics in life can be very free-spirited and do not wish to be tied to something or someone.

The image of a carnivore can be found in guys engaged in martial arts, or in the depths of the soul feels like a warrior, as first began to flaunt such a tattoo just warlike tribes.

Chest Panther Tattoo for Men

Male tattoo of a panther and mountains on his shoulder

Style and aesthetics of the picture

A panther can be very different - cheerful and cartoonish, menacing and grinning, full-length, as a head or running, resting after the hunt. In general, the meaning of the picture largely depends on the details and the surrounding elements, the similarity with the photo.

  • The grinning head of the panther is a sign of a strong-willed person, who always defends his interests. This version well reflects the power and energy of the beast.
  • Tribal tattoos are very popular, they connect the totem, the spiritual power with the real life of a person. It is a must for anyone who wants to show their craving for power, to realize abilities, to achieve wisdom, to show valor. It can be a craving for a higher purpose, the beauty of the otherworldly world.
  • If the panther has claws released, it is a clear demonstration of aggression, forceful methods. The panther's swiftness and speed of reaction to danger reflects the panther in a leap, with its paw scooped up.
  • The fighting stance means ruthlessness, but at the same time - the beauty and grace of the animal.
  • The cartoon version is a desire for originality, a slight sentimentality, a love of life, a positive attitude, and even the presence of detective skills (if we are talking about the Pink Panther). Bagheera is more of a protector, a proud loner, but majestic and affectionate.

On what part of the body is it better to depict the panther?

If you look closely at the sketches of tattoos, it is not difficult to notice that the masters most often depict them in a realistic manner, this will be able to show all the beauty, grace and elegance of such an animal. In order that the master could draw all the details, the image should not be small, otherwise it will look on the body as a dark, shapeless spot.

For even more expressiveness, the cat's eyes are made quite large and bright, attracting maximum attention.

Since the tattoo in the form of a panther - the work is quite large-scale, and the parts of the body to choose the appropriate, where it is sure to fit. Ideal for this:

  1. The back, including the lumbar spine
  2. Thoracic area and ribs
  3. Hip area
  4. Shoulders

Panther tattoo photo

Tattoo panther with a rose and wings on his back

Panther with flowers on his arm

Panther with a flower on back

Panther tattoo on collarbone

Angry panther with flower and sword on arm

Panther tattoo

Resting panther tattoo on stomach

Geometric shape panther tattoo

Panther in the style of oldskool

Panther tattoo on forearm

Panther tattoo on leg

Realistic Panther Tattoo on Shoulder

Colored tattoo of a black panther

Panther head with a symbol on his arm

Evil panther

Cool panther tattoo with flowers on the hip

Simple panther tattoo with open mouth

Realistic panther head tattoo

Woman panther tattoo on shoulder

Male Panther Tattoo

Old Style Beast Head

Panther in the jungle

Big hand panther tattoo

Panther on the shoulder blade of a girl

Panther resting in the jungle

Beautiful colored panther head tattoo

Original Panther Tattoo

Big tattoo of a beast on a girl's back

Cool panther tattoo on back

The New Panther Tattoo

Colored panther

Cartoon pink panther

Mini Panther tattoo

Light Panther Tattoo

Colorful panther and flower tattoo

Women's animal tattoo

Big animal tattoo

Panther oldskool on the arm

Realistic panther tattoo

Panther on a girl's back

Realism Style Tattoo

Lightweight panther head tattoo

Panther Eye Drawing


For women

For Men