The ace of spades: the value in different layouts and criminal environment

The ace of spades is considered the most spiritual card of the deck. Ambitious and materially oriented ancient sign of esoteric schools has been widely distributed in many spheres of life. This symbol is used in many spheres of ancient esoteric schools: on clothing and other everyday objects, it's used for decoration, career and love predictions. Each area of human activity gives the card a special meaning. To better understand the meaning of the spades suit, it is necessary to carefully study not only the formation, but also the development of the image in the form of the ace.

Appearance of the card

Anne and James I were English monarchs of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, who were the founders of card design. Originally, the image of the ace of spades symbolized the trademark of the manufacturers of playing decks.

The card was marked with information about stamp duties - taxes that were paid by card dealers until 1960. Since 1765, marks were made with official images, which were applied by the state tax office. In 1828 a special drawing of Old Frizzle appeared, symbolizing the reduction of the tax levy to 1 shilling.

Beginning in 1862, manufacturers were allowed to abandon the state design. However, many merchants decided to keep the tradition of the image of the ace. That is why the card in the deck is still considered the most ornate design.

George White, in December 1882, developed and patented images in the United States in the form of female and male figures leaning on black spades. A similar design can often be found on playing cards.

Video: The Meaning of the Ace of Spades



Historical Background.

Since the birth of the spade card, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of the image. The suit was able to affect almost all spheres of human activity. It has had both admirers and detractors.


During World War I, the image of the ace of spades was seen on military equipment. Many photographs have survived of an Italian Caproni plane with a card pattern on its plating.

During World War II in the U.S. Army the tradition of playing cards was even more widespread. The Ace was depicted on the chevrons of soldiers. It was used to determine whether a soldier belonged to one army or another. The Germans' 53rd Fighter Squadron of the Luftwaffe also had a spade card on its emblem.

Soldiers during the Vietnam War had an ace on their helmets. Some soldiers simply carried an ordinary spades card with them. It was not uncommon for soldiers to put intimidating mottos in Vietnamese or English next to the image. Americans believed that the picture had magical powers. Whoever had an image of the map could deal a devastating blow to the enemy. The Yankees also believed that the ace was a good talisman that protected against enemies.

Cultures of different nations

In European and American culture, the ace is considered a death card. Nothing is expected from it but trouble and destruction.

Christianity juxtaposes the card with blasphemy and atheism. Religious people think the suit resembles the spears with which Jesus was crucified. But professional card players believe that the black ace brings good luck when playing, so they often have a picture of the card printed on their bodies.

READ The queen of hearts: card meaning and common interpretations


There are several interesting stable expressions associated with the ace of spades, which do not coincide with the literal translation. For example:

  1. There is an English idiom "Black as the ace of spades," which sounds like "black as the ace." This expression is used to describe both the human race and color - "blacker than black" or "absolutely black.
  2. In French there is an idiom "Damned as an ace" - "Fichu comme l'as de pique". The expression symbolizes an unlucky person.

Meaning of tattoo of spades (suit of cards): meaning, history, photos, tattoo sketches

This material will help clarify the meaning of tattoo of spades (suit of cards), will explain the different interpretations of drawings, both in the prison environment and for people not connected with the criminal world. Those who will do a tattoo with a spade card, we offer to look at the basis for their tattoo in our catalog:

  • Photo tattoo of spades (suit of cards)
  • Sketches tattoo of a spade (suit of cards)

Tattoo meaning of pikes - pictures of ready made tattoos

Interesting about the meaning of tattoo of spades (suit of cards)

Cards - one of the oldest games, perhaps, it is difficult to find a person who has never played cards, or would not know at least one card game. Naturally, like everything that is ancient and regularly encountered in human life, cards have found their place in the art of tattoos. The meaning of these or other tattoos somehow associated with the cards can be both positive and very negative, so before you put such an image on your body, you should not once think over your decision.

Ace of Spades Meaning

To interpret the scenario correctly, you'll need to know the interpretation of the card in upside down or upright position. Though the Ace is considered a dark harbinger, in some cases, the interpretation is positive.

In the upright position

The ace of spades is one of the most dangerous cards in the deck, and it almost always symbolizes blows of fate and trouble. Fright, disappointment, illness, death can await the diviner in the path of life.

Sometimes the apex card in a direct position indicates the time of year or part of the day when trouble should occur: winter, evening or night. Often the decisive value of the card depends on the "neighbors:

  • If it fell next to the six of clubs, it means that soon the diviner will meet with friends in pleasant company;
  • If there is a ten of clubs, then it is time to prepare a purse for a money reward; if there is a ten of spades, then it is time to prepare a purse for a money reward;
  • If there is a ten of spades - it's time to prepare a purse for a monetary reward;
  • a nine of the same suit will bring you nothing but routine work with documents;
  • If the card is located next to the Ace of Clubs in a straight line, it means that a real test of fear awaits the fortuneteller.

Ace of Spades Meaning

Despite the presence of positive interpretations, the combination of cards warns the guesser of success, as well as the need to keep an eye out in this area.


If during a divination ace of spades fell upside down, it is necessary to prepare for dangerous and unfortunate events. Fate may strike at any turn in life:

  • in a relationship with a loved one;
  • in financial matters;
  • In matters of health.

Ace means that wherever one is going, one must be extremely cautious. A meeting with friends could end in a fight or a brawl, and an event with alcohol will lead to severe intoxication and subsequent mistakes.

If the card is reversed next to the eight of clubs, then there is a high probability of receiving sad news about the death of an acquaintance.

When the King of Hearts was next to him, his relatives risk falling ill. The queen of spades warns of the betrayal of a beloved woman.

Interpretation of other playing cards in divination

  • Six - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, diamonds.
  • Seven - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, and diamonds.
  • Eight - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, and diamonds.
  • Nine - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, diamonds.
  • Ten - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, and diamonds.
  • Jack - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, and diamonds.
  • Queen - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, and diamonds.
  • King - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, and diamonds.
  • Ace - spades, clubs (crosses), hearts, diamonds

Peculiarities of interpretation in different divinations

During fortune telling, it is necessary to take into account the main purpose of the reading. It is from the sphere of interest to a person depends on the interpretation of the ace.

In love and relationships

If the ace of spades fell in a divination on relationships and love in the direct position, it means that there is a deep mutual attraction in the couple. Despite the positive message, lovers often experience discomfort because of frequent quarrels. To fix the situation, you need to think more often about the partner, not about their own benefits.

In the scenario for a man, such a card signals strength and masculinity. Next to such a guy, the girl will be safe. The chevalier will be able to become a true friend, lover and husband in one person. When divination on a woman, the card symbolizes a lady with a strong character, who will not need a man's shoulder, because she is able to provide a reliable rear.

The reversed card indicates danger, which may be in the form of threats or physical violence. Also, an ace can signify a person's fear of being without a partner.

On Business and Career

If guessing for professional success, an ace with the suit of spades denotes steadfastness and steadfastness in the face of difficulties.

READ The queen of spades: a sign for fortune-telling and as a tattoo

A person who has the card in his or her divination is predisposed to a positive solution to career issues.

When guessing on the choice of profession, the sign of spades cautions that it is better to give preference to intellectual work, social or charitable sphere.

The inverted card warns of the soonest appearance of problems related to work duties.

The meaning of the card in different layouts

On love and relationships

In the context of love, the ace of spades is a symbol of a very strong relationship between partners. Even if they quarrel, they are not able to separate, because they are irresistibly attracted to each other.

  • When describing a man, the card represents his masculinity and self-confidence. This is a man who can be trusted with a secret without fear, he is an excellent and reliable friend.
  • Describing a woman, the ace of spades marks her strong and strong-willed character; most likely, she will not be in need of male support and backing, as she herself can become a support for someone.

When divining love, the ace of spades is interpreted as a likelihood of scandal, threats or even reprisal attempts. In addition, the card can be interpreted as fear of being abandoned, as repentance, aloofness, and secrecy.

Straight .

In this case, the card suggests stable and strong family ties. However, the strong relationship between the querent and his partner may cause discomfort or discomfort. The questioner constantly quarrels with his or her significant other, but cannot (or will not) part with her. This indicates a strong psychological relationship.

If the ace is in a position about the personal qualities of a certain man, it indicates a confident and strong young man. He may become (or has already become) an excellent friend who will be a shoulder to lean on and help in times of need. For a woman, she is a strong-willed person who has no need for a soul mate. She is able to pull the whole household on herself.

With the ace of hearts - promises a strong family union and a long life together. With a jack or queen - the querent will soon expect some kind of love explanation. With the other - a new love (in some cases, a strong friendship) is expected.


In love divinations, this location of the ace of spades indicates impending scandals and squabbles. You should be careful - it may come to violence. Sometimes it speaks of the querent's fear of being alone. In some cases, it symbolizes the questioner's excessive secrecy or outward coldness.

With the king of spades - it is necessary to come down from heaven, the questioner thinks too much about himself. With the queen of spades - the partner's infidelity is highly probable. With the others - it foretells family discord in domestic matters.

Paired with the 7 of clubs, it portends a separation from a loved one, which, however, will not last long. With others - a love affair built on deception.

With Jack or the queen of hearts - an unsuccessful declaration of love is expected. With others - obstacles in the fulfillment of desires related to love relationships.

On work and career

In the context of professional activities, the ace of spades represents steadfastness in overcoming obstacles, and also shows that the person seems to be closed from others (sometimes he is even considered secretive). Another of the card's meanings is the desire to always get to the heart of a problem or phenomenon.

The person to whom the ace of spades falls can be called predisposed to success. In this case, having achieved success, the person may well withdraw from business and allow others to use the results of his achievements. He may not give up his rights (such as copyright), but he will give access to information to other people.

When there is a problem with choosing a career, the card suggests leaning towards intellectual activity, charity or social services. In a negative sense, the Ace of Spades can suggest bad news and quarrels. The card also indicates the difficulty of performing one's official duties.

Straight .

In work-related divination or divination games, the ace of spades reveals such abilities as stubbornness, willpower and determination. The questioner strives to thoroughly understand his or her area of expertise, to get to the heart of the task at hand. Sometimes it indicates a closed nature and a desire to work alone.

In the other sense, it also indicates success, which is almost guaranteed due to the diligence of the questioner. It often indicated a predisposition to intellectual pursuits or charitable work.

With a Jack of clubs, you should expect to go on a business trip, which should include not only work, but also a vacation. With 9 of clubs - anticipated profit. With others - foreshadows a certain tempting business proposal, which will soon bring good dividends to all partners or colleagues.

With 10 of spades - indicates an unexpected profit. With others - the favorable resolution of all pending cases, a favorable outcome of the situation. With diamonds - tempting business offers that will bring good dividends.


In this position, the ace of spades indicates receipt of bad news, which will bring unforeseen expenses. Sometimes it denotes conflicts caused by financial disputes. Also symbolizes some difficulties in work or moving things forward.

With 10 of diamonds - conflict over money with business partners or colleagues at work. With jacks - foreshadows troubles and fussy responsibilities. With others - some kind of proposal that will deal a blow to the querent's reputation.

With 9 spades - difficulty in completing certain official papers and contracts. With other spades - unprofitable deals. With 8 of hearts - the rupture of business relations or the failure of plans.

Deciphering a tattoo

The choice of an ace tattoo should be approached responsibly and cautiously. Each suit in the deck has its own meaning, not only in everyday life, but also in the criminal world. Before choosing a pattern, you should familiarize yourself with its meaning. This will help avoid problems.

Prison symbolism

The connection between prison life and the drawing of an ace dates back to the tsarist period. In those days, every prisoner had one on his clothes. It helped the convoy to better target criminals during escapes. The famous literary classic F. M. Dostoevsky was sent to hard labor with such a picture on his shirt.

In the prison environment, the tattoo of the ace of spades is considered a sign of power. Every reputable thief can have such an image. In prison, everyone must reckon with someone who has such a tattoo. No decision should not be taken without his consent.

But one should not give a tattoo to everyone who comes up with such an idea, especially when it comes to flipping the image of the card. It is a special mark that must be earned. Otherwise, a person can form a large number of problems.

Alternative meanings

If we leave the criminal environment aside, the tattoo in the form of an ace can be compared to different spheres of human life. In each of them there is an individual interpretation of the card:

  1. The ace represents a powerful protective force, which is able to mirror the troubles aimed in the direction of the owner
  2. Fans of sports poker often combine the spades suit with images of skulls, weapons, and money signs. By doing so, players challenge life and death. Also in the card environment, the picture is an emblem of gambling, hooliganism and wastefulness.
  3. On a woman's body, such a tattoo will mean willful character.
  4. We esotericists image ace of spades suit is considered the embodiment of purification and the road to the world of the astral.
  5. In religion, the cards represent human sin. Ace is the senior in rank. Because of this, the ace of spades is interpreted as the worst sin.

A symbolic card can bring authority, as well as destroy it, so use the image of the ace as a tattoo should be careful. In divination, you must consider the combination with the adjacent cards, because the power of the ace depends on them.

The meaning of the tattoo of spades

The ace of spades is the oldest in the deck (if you don't count the Joker). In times of the Second World War, brave soldiers of the States made a tattoo of this symbol, as a sign promising good luck, based on the rules of the game of chance - poker. The meaning of the ace of spades tattoo in our time has not changed - the players who love to tease Fortune, still make themselves tattoo with it, to luck was only on their side.

The meaning of the tattoo will also help in divination techniques, where it is very important how to lie the card, that is, how the "ace of spades" is depicted. If the point is upward, it means celebration, success, noisy fun. But if the tip points down, then the interpretation will have the meaning of the blow of fate, bereavement. In addition to these designations, there is something else - this suit symbolizes power. Especially when referring to the higher cards (kings, queens, jacks - everything that is used in straight flush). The main significance in mysticism is that spades are black magic.

There is also a special meaning in prison. Among the organized crime in the Russian Federation, the "ace of spades" card is a symbolic indicator of the most authoritative thieves, whose word is higher than all the other detainees or criminals. Putting such tattoo on yourself can cause some questions among the representatives of some circles of society and even can be regarded as an insult.

In the religion of the Christian church, playing cards is considered a disrespect for the sufferings of Christ. For this reason alone, the symbol of the ace of spades has no positive context in the opinion of people of that religion. In Christianity, the suit of spades represents the tips of spears, which were used as tools to kill the crucified Christ.

Among young people the borders of tattoo designations are slowly being forgotten, in our era, images of cards or their suits have entered their own category of style, with all that said, the lone symbol of the ace of spades is not often seen.

Combinations of card images with other symbols have become quite popular, about this below.

As usual, the most common combination of cards for the tattoo is a "straight flush" on spades - when cards from ten to ace of spades in a row even fan located on the owner. Such a person knows exactly the price of luck, more than once baited it, likes to take risks.

If the image of a bony hand or the face of a skull is added to this combination, then the whole appearance of the owner shows that even with death he is ready to play, or that his luck knows no bounds, in other words, is immortal

Fan Street Flush can be wrapped in fire, which indicates a very gambling man who has a special passion for the game and lives by them with all his soul. He likes to challenge Fortune and can not long pass in the game. If, however, the cards have already begun to "smolder" on the tattoo, then most likely the bearer is no longer rushing at the first opportunity for a deck, and something forced him to come to his senses.

If a deck of cards is depicted, which ends at the top with the ace of spades, then the person is ambitious, playful, cunning, with him it is necessary to keep an ear sharp.

Tattoo of spades: meaning, photo tattoo, sketches

Tattoo with the image of a spade denotes success, fun, luck, excitement, defiance of death, cunning, black magic, sin.

The meaning of the tattoo of a pike

The Ace of Spades is the oldest in the deck (if you don't count the Joker). During World War II, brave soldiers of the United States tattooed this symbol as a sign that promises good luck, based on the rules of the game of chance - poker. The meaning of the ace of spades tattoo in our time has not changed - the players who love to tease Fortune, still make themselves tattoo with it, to luck was only on their side.

Understanding the meaning of tattoos helps in divination techniques, where it is very important how to lie the card, that is, how the "ace of spades" is depicted. If the tip is upwards, it means celebration, success, and noisy fun. And if the tip is pointing down, the interpretation will mean the blow of fate and bereavement. In addition to these designations, there is something else - this suit symbolizes power. Especially when referring to the higher cards (kings, queens, jacks - everything that is used in straight flush). The main significance in mysticism is that spades are black magic.


For women

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