Tattoo in the style of cyberpunk: post-industrial era in body art

Tattoo Biomechanics is a relatively young style that became popular at the end of the 20th century. Tattoos in the style of biomechanics depict on the human body mechanisms that burst out from under the skin. Gears, pistons, complex steel mechanisms - the main subjects of the tattoo biomechanics. The fashion for such drawings evolved along with technological progress.

The theme of artificial intelligence, robots, science fiction books formed the interest in society for tattoos that bring humans closer to robots and cyborgs.

History of the Biomechanics Style

The founder of the style is considered to be the artist Hans Rudolph Giger. The Swiss artist was famous for creating images and sets for the cult film "Alien". The leitmotif of his creativity was fantastic realism. Tattoos with Giguere's paintings were made by innovators, fans of technology, representatives of cyberpunk culture. Biomechanics is considered a predominantly male style, although girls also decorate their bodies with futuristic drawings with mechanisms.

Biomechanics tattoo - Cyberpunk Tattoo - Gigger tattoo

Tattoo Biomechanics Meaning

The meaning of tattoos in the style of Biomechanics can be different. For example, it can be a tribute to technical progress, science. People whose lives are somehow related to modern technology and technology do such tattoos as a symbol of the era.

For some, biomechanics expresses the idea that The inner world of a person can be different from his outer appearance. Strength and intelligence do not depend on appearance, but on stamina, diligence and character.

Tattoo Biomechanics - Cyberpunk Tattoo - Biomechanics Tattoo - Biomechanics Tattoo Meaning

How Not to Get a Portac: Mistakes in Tattooing

The main mistake when applying any tattoo can be called haste. Many people are so eager to get a drawing on the body as soon as possible, that they forget about working through the sketch and checking the master. When working on such a complex project as a cyberpunk tattoo, sketches play the most important role.

The second mistake is to add a large number of mechanical parts of different purposes. It is worth choosing a single detail or device that will be used in the sketch. It can be a motor, a computer board, a chip, a shield, etc.

Do not combine more than 3 colors (not counting shades) in one drawing. The best colors for these tattoos are red, blue, black and white.

Popular Plots and Places Biomechanical Tattoos

Heart Biomechanics Tattoo

A mechanical heart tattoo is usually placed on the chest. Mechanical heart tattoos do not have any specific meaning. A tattoo has a special meaning only for its owner. First of all, a tattoo in the style of biomechanics is a technically complex, masterful work. An aesthetic drawing with a lot of nuances, which attracts the attention of others.

Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo of Cyberpunk - Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Biomechanics Heart

Tattoo Biomechanics Sleeve

Sleeve made in the style of biomechanics - it's a long and painstaking work. If you have decided on such a tattoo, you should prepare for several sessions. Even for the development of a voluminous and complex sketch, the master will need a lot of time. But the complicated process and the wait is worth it. Tattoo arm with mechanisms looks very spectacular.

Tattoo Biomechanics - Cyberpunk - Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Biomechanics Arm

Biomechanics Shoulder Tattoo

Tattoo on the shoulder in the style of biomechanics is popular because of the structure of the muscles in this place helps to create additional volume. The drawing seems three-dimensional and looks very realistic.

Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Cyberpunk - Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Biomechanics Arm

Biomechanics Leg Tattoo

Tattoo with pistons, wires and gears on the leg also looks advantageous and stylish. You can get a larger, more detailed tattoo on your leg than on your arm. If you have in mind a voluminous stretched out along the sketch, the thigh or lower leg is the ideal place.

Tattoo Biomechanics - Cyberpunk Tattoo - Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Biomechanics on Leg

Who came up with cyberpunk tattoos?

The term appeared thanks to science fiction writers. It was first used by Bruce Bethke in his story of the same name, written in the 20th century. Gradually the technique migrated from literature to cinema, and from there to illustration. Very quickly there were those who wanted to depict unusual drawings on their bodies. Cyberpunk tattoos depict machinery sprouting through skin and sinews. Performed in 3D or realistic style, so that the picture looked three-dimensional and natural. Often cyberpunk is confused with similar styles as steampunk, organics and biomechanics. Works by Anil Gupta and Paul Angel are most often found in the top sketches.

Tattoo Biomechanics for Men

Biomechanics traditionally considered masculine style. Mechanics and technology are considered a favorite subject of men all over the world. Interest in this area is expressed in film, music, style and tattoos among others.

Tattoo Biomechanics for Women

Girls don't often venture into elaborate large biomechanical style tattoos. But still there are bold lovers of complex futuristic style, which adorn themselves with elements of steel and mechanisms.

Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Cybergunk - Tattoo Biomechanics - Tattoo Biomechanics female

For fans of minimalism: choose popular small tattoos on the forearm

Among both girls and guys there are lovers of minimalism. Such men prefer small, neat tattoos that can easily be concealed with a shirt or sweatshirt.

As a figure is chosen a symbolic sign, a landscape, a character from a cartoon, an animal.

People who prefer small tattoos are more reserved, judicious and not very brave. They prefer to follow a well-trodden path in life.

Small tattoos for men on the forearm are a good option for the first tattoo. When a guy has already decided to get a tattoo, but is not yet ready for a radical change. A small or medium sized tattoo will let you know if decorating yourself with tattoos is your area or not.

Tattoo Biomechanics Sketches


For women

For men