Types of thieves' tattoos - meanings, features, interesting photos

Meaning of the tattoo
Artistic tattoo has the meaning, which it was decided to give to a person. In the case of prison "patterns" is quite different - they are applied according to the rank of the prisoner. What the stars on the shoulders of convicts mean, to whom and when they were applied, you will learn below.

The prison world requires adherence to certain rules and canons. Tattoos are not applied just like that - the desire to draw a star is not enough, it must also be earned (by authority, position, behavior in the caste of prisoners).

The eight-pointed star during Soviet times and now in 2021 was and is interpreted unequivocally - it is a sign of a thief.. It is applied most often under the collarbones, but there is a variant with the knees.

Just for fun to strike asterisks in a tattoo-salon in these places should not be, because at hit in appropriate circles to the owner of marks will need yet to justify the right to possess them.

Stars on shoulders

According to many people unfamiliar with the nuances of the criminal "portak" as the zone called poorly performed tattoos, the stars on the shoulders (or rather, on the collarbones) unequivocally speak of their bearer as belonging to the category of thieves in the law. However, this is not true - the stars on their shoulders are worn by quite a large number of convicts, but they have one thing in common: for a prestigious tattoo one must be able to "answer". The right to such a tattoo, in addition to the thieves in law themselves, have other representatives of the criminal world who have enough authority and willpower to openly confront the camp administration (they are called "denialists"), and this is very difficult. Stars can have different configurations and the number of rays - from six to ten, but the most common variant is an eight-beam star.
The center of the star is usually depicted:

  • skull;
  • lightning bolts;
  • another star;
  • some other signs.

They all have some kind of meaning: for example, the skull means "I will be corrected by firing squad", "be what will be" or "born to torment", lightning bolts - "crush cops, cut bough", Hitler's swastika - "beat communists". In any sign - quite a few different interpretations, and given that the combinations and variations of their drawings are even more, and the explanation of the depicted on the shoulder star can be a great many. At times, this picture also indicates the nationality or religion of its owner.

For example, a Muslim thief might have a crescent in the center of his star, a symbol of that religion, and a Jew might have a picture of the Star of David. Although, of course, this is a kind of criminal coquetry, bravado. It is clear that those who occupy high positions in the criminal hierarchy do not fulfill the commandments of any religion, they simply do not care about it. They have their own code of honor, sacred scriptures and creed, which read: "What a thief can do, a thief cannot do. And the "transcripts" of all the variations of the stars repeat in different interpretations of the idea that "death to cops, thieves - life," and tell of a difficult childhood, which became the reason for choosing a criminal path.

The wearer of any version of this tattoo can absolutely be said to belong, if not to the elite of the underworld, then to the orthodox "denialists," and being released from prison had no impact on his beliefs in life. He is still an asocial type, with a tendency to aggression and a desire to confirm his personal status at any moment. With such people it is better not to have any dealings, because the ability to deceive "frayer" (and this is anyone who does not belong to their caste) refers to the subject of boasting and is considered a common norm of behavior.

What does it mean to tattoo epaulettes on the left shoulder - specific features of the drawing

Practitioners recommend with caution to stuff the epaulettes on the left or right shoulder, because such a tattoo is closely associated with the criminal world. In terms of magic, the negative meaning of the thieves' image can affect the owner, even if the latter has not previously violated the law

Both men and women can get a tattoo, but only if they are confident in their own power and only want to enhance their own leadership qualities.

The magical meaning of the image on the skin varies depending on the additional elements, so you should pay special attention to them


The epaulettes are considered to be the most controversial prison tattoo, because, on the one hand, it is very popular among criminal thieves, but on the other hand, it represents the military, and this contradicts the concepts of prisoners.

The tattoo represents a shoulder sign, which is used to denote military ranks. Most often, symmetrical images are applied to both hands, but if only one is chosen, then, according to tradition, preference is given to the left.

Given the prison roots of the tattoo, most of the images are in the style of realism, less often - old-school. Black is most often used, as bright hues are less popular among the thieving contingent.

Guys and girls who are not related to the criminal world do not limit themselves in styles and often remake epaulettes, adding various images - skulls, faces, blood spatter, grinning faces of animals and even runic signs of the older Futhark or symbols from the alphabet of the Slavs. The preferred color scheme, however, is black. The most common styles for performing a colorful tattoo include the following:

  • Thrash Polka;
  • new-school;
  • ethnica;
  • Chicano.

What is the meaning of the additional elements of the epaulettes tattoo?

When choosing additional elements of application to the tattoo, you should pay attention to their meaning in the prison world. Practitioners advise to be guided not only by the magical meaning of the symbol, but also to take into account the specifics of prison concepts when choosing a sketch

Practitioners advise to be guided not only by the magical meaning of the symbol when choosing a sketch, but also to take into account the specifics of prison concepts.

The epaulettes tattoo is closely associated with the criminal world and, unlike other images that are no longer perceived as "convict", is still relevant among a certain contingent.

The table shows the main drawings that complement the epaulettes tattoo on the shoulders:

ImagePrison meaningMagical meaning
Playing cardsBeing in custody for more than the first time for theftAttraction of Fortune
Symbol of a gambler
WolfThe strength and endurance of the predator
Developing a love of solitude
WingsUnleashing the creative potential
EagleRejection of LawsFortitude
Hatred of snitchesGaining Strength for Ambition
SwastikaFascist devotionSolar sign
Renunciation of GodEndless movement of life and immortality
Acceptance of prison laws onlyAttraction of prosperity
StarsNumber of trips to prisonAchieving your goals
CrossCrimes were committed because of an ideaSupport of God
Lack of remorse and pride in what was doneProtection from otherworldly forces
Skull and bonesKilling more than one personTransformation
Wielding of black magic

The magical meaning of the epaulettes tattoo

The figure is capable of causing aggression and even conflicts with law enforcement agencies in its wearer.

Many practitioners do not recommend stuffing the image of epaulettes, because long-term use in the prison world has imposed a negative energy imprint.

The belief in a certain meaning of the epaulettes tattoo has modified the meaning, and therefore such a sketch can make a person unnecessarily aggressive, provoke illegal actions and conflicts with law enforcement agencies.

Given that such a tattoo gets only criminals sitting in a maximum security prison and violating the order, it is even possible to get into a criminal company. Especially not recommended to stuff the image of epaulettes on the left shoulder of people who are easily influenced.

The tattoo is equally suitable for members of both sexes, and also has no preference for the signs of the Zodiac.

In addition to the negative connotations of the prison, the epaulettes also represent the pronounced qualities of a natural leader and great willpower. The bearer of the tattoo becomes more ambitious, copes with complexes and fears, and even more quickly deserves authority among subordinates. Useful will be a shoulder straps tattoo for people in leadership positions or aspiring to them.

The sacred meaning of the sign of the star

The sign of the star has a certain mystical essence. It is one of the oldest symbols of many cultures and religions. The meaning of the symbol for many centuries has been peace and the pursuit of perfection. And it is also an eternal symbol of inexhaustible energy, good luck and deliverance from worldly vanity.

To make a similar drawing on your skin, you should understand that on your shoulders, wrists, legs and other parts of the body. After all, such a tattoo has a powerful energetic potential.

In recent years, more and more often it is believed that the stars on the shoulders resemble epaulets. No self-respecting criminal would agree to wear a sign of law enforcement officers. Therefore, even someone who once put such a stamp on his shoulders, today seeks to close it with other drawings.

After considering the many interpretations of prison symbolism, we can conclude that a great variety is inherent in such a prison attribute as a "star" tattoo on the shoulders. Its meaning is constantly changing, but most often such a symbol distinguishes a rebel man. He defies the system and does not live by the rules. He will never give up his criminal outlook, so you must be extremely careful with such people. Today, the popularity of the presented symbol is declining, as the stars on the shoulders resemble epaulettes. In criminal circles, there is nothing more shameful than to wear the symbolism of figures of law and order.


Draw a square. Try to draw its sides as evenly as possible. It's better to do it with a finely honed solid T mark or even 2T. Auxiliary lines should be barely visible. It is best to draw a square by putting the sheet of paper in front of you without any inclination, with the short side facing you.

Draw both diagonals and find the point of intersection. Through it draw a vertical line. Its length must be equal to the length of the diagonal, and the intersection point divides this center line in half. Through the center of the construction draw a horizontal line exactly the same length as the vertical one. You have 8 rays of equal length.

Draw the rays. Start with a vertical line. Imagine that it runs in the middle of two rays. You only need to determine its widest part. To do this, step from the intersection point of all the lines at equal distances to the right and left. Connect them with the upper and lower ends of the central line. Similarly, draw and all the other rays.

Finish the picture can be different ways. For example, trace only the outline and remove unnecessary lines. Trace a silhouette is better to use a softer pencil. Paint the inside. You can make the rays in different colors. In this case, leave some of the auxiliary lines. For example, those with which you drew the central vertical diamond. The remaining lines of the contours should end at the intersection with its sides. Fill the central beam with one color, and two neighboring - another. In the same way paint and other rays, alternating colors.


The same principle is used to draw a 12-pointed star. True, in this case, each quarter of the square is not divided in half, but in 3 parts.

Useful tip

In order to cut such a star out of colored paper, you do not need to draw anything. Make 2 squares of the same size. You can take two sheets of the same or different colors. Fold one square diagonally. Then fold it again, aligning the existing fold lines. The resulting triangle put in front of you with the free side down. Mark a point about midway between the center and the free edge. Starting from a corner of the workpiece cut to this point, and then from there to the second corner. Similarly, do the second square. Put one piece on top of another and glue them together in the middle. The second square can be a little smaller. It must be glued on top.

Recently, tattoos have become very popular among young people decoration. And not everyone thinks about the meaning and history of the appearance of certain body art.

However, according to the rules of the criminal world, some tattoos are not allowed to be worn by people without a certain status. This statement applies primarily to the so-called "thieves' stars".

How to draw a five-pointed star

Step 1

With a pencil we put a central point and with the help of a protractor we draw a big circle.

Step 2

Add a vertical line up from the center to the circle.

Step 3

Mark it at 72 degrees and draw a straight line.

Add more lines in the same way. As a result, we have five segments, the ends of which will be the vertices of the star.

For convenience, you can mark the tops with letters or numbered.

Step 4

Connect point A and B with a straight line.

Step 5

Then connect points A and C with a straight line as shown below.

Step 6

Connect points B and D in the same way.

Step 7.

And finally, connect point E with points D and C. The base of the star is ready!

Step 8

Use a pen to trace the contour and delete auxiliary lines.

Interpretation of the meaning

Looking at the image of the eight-pointed star, you can notice some peculiarities. There are several options for reading the symbolism:

  • In the outline are viewed two squares, superimposed on each other at a certain degree. The Slavs associated such a figure with proportionality;
  • In the symbol can be seen two crosses (two four-pointed stars) intersecting in the center. The foundations of the universe merged in one sign. Such a multi-pointed image is used in the symbolism of some states.

The ancient sign of the star has a meaning in magic and everyday life. In numerology the octagon is directly connected with number 8 that symbolizes infinity. In religion, the meaning of the eight-beam star is described as the absence of the beginning and end of the universe. Esotericism and astrology speak of a constant movement in a circle.
Many peoples have a common tattoo with an eight-pointed star, as well as amulets with an octogram. In Orthodoxy, the Star of Bethlehem, which had eight corners, is known. It symbolized the harmony of spirit and matter.

Mass culture was influenced by the eight-pointed star. The meaning of the symbol in the most famous traditions:

  • In Eastern peoples, the octagonal sign is the embodiment of the law of karma. A similar image can be found in oriental ornaments;
  • In Islam, the octogram is called the rub-al-hizb. This symbol was originally used to divide the hizb in the holy book of the Qur'an, in order to facilitate the reading of the scripture. Sometimes the octagon is used as a calligraphic symbol, meaning the end of a chapter;
  • In Orthodox culture, the octogram is directly associated with the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the right path. It can be seen on icons, many holy faces are inscribed in the symbol of the octagonal star. And also Christianity associates the symbol with the 7 days of creation and the 1st day of the Last Judgement;
  • The Slavs believed in the relationship between the number 8 and the life to come. They octagon belonged to the goddess Lada - the guardian of family ties and hearth. Then the sign began to be associated with the light of the sun and sky;
  • From Ancient Greece came the notion of chaos - the basis of everything, which is also the end. Fiction writer Michael Moorcock described the octogram as the star of chaos in his works. It was then that it gained its popularity in magic. It is believed that this symbol endows the wearer with the ability to know the secrets of other worlds and gives magical powers.


The meaning of the prison tattoo

An innocent tattoo, applied for the sake of fashion, in prison is interpreted in a completely unexpected way. Incorrect symbolism can cost a short-sighted layman his health, or even his life.

Prison tattoos - stars on the shoulders, the meaning of which is far from the criminal reality, people mistakenly regard as a sign of thieves in the law. Such tattoos can be found in quite a number of people. What they have in common is the ability to confirm their right to wear the described figure.

The right to such a prison tattoo as stars on the shoulders, the meaning of which is so often found in various sources, have people who have earned a certain prestige. In addition to thieves in the law, the stars can also be worn by people who openly oppose the prison administration and the camp regime.

Lower abdominal ornament

At the end we would like to mention the ornament located at the bottom of Alexander's belly. From the photo you can see that today these bizarre horns, and in fact , cover an older tattoo.

The tattoo has been known to mankind for more than one thousand years. During this time, this art form has undergone many changes in the techniques and styles of drawing on the skin. It is a certain cipher that serves as a hidden "friend/foreigner" sign for different groups of people. One such symbol is the "star" tattoo on the shoulders. The meaning of such a drawing is widely known among people who are serving sentences in prison or have been dismissed from there. What is the interpretation of the considered symbol, let us consider in more detail.

Method of application

In the past, prisons made tattoos with a needle and a substance containing soot. The pigment was obtained from burnt soles of boots. When dealing with what the stars on the shoulders of convicts meant, it should be noted that the technology of application, as well as the meaning of the drawing itself, changed over time.

Later the ink from ballpoint pens was used as ink. A special stamp was used for the image itself. Needles were stuck into a thick piece of rubber so that they protruded 1-2 mm. They were dipped into the paint and, with one movement, pressed into the skin, leaving a certain pattern.

Subsequently, special machines from electric razors began to be used. Guitar strings were used instead of a needle.

Timati embarrassed by his Aue costume : Show Business : VladTime

Star rapper Timati embarrassed himself all over the country by wearing a denim jacket with "thief" tattoos. The hip-hop performer has no idea what "insignia" he "put on" himself.

After all, the star is not even aware of the stars he "stuffed" on his jacket. There are quite a lot of different tattoos on the "jeans", but the most questions were raised by the drawings on the shoulders of the Black Star rapper.

Many commentators thought that Timati was completely "scandalized" because he put on the distinctive signs of the caste to which he did not belong, and in addition, he tried to show himself as a "criminal," but in fact, he only made millions of Internet users laugh.

This is not the first time when the "star with the stars" praises the thieves' concepts and shows his unequivocal attitude towards everything "thievish" - the rapper has already read in his track that "the zone loves Timati".

"For the stretched jacket he can not a bad pull", "Clown Timati disgraced himself with his AUE-suit", "The songs are retarded, so also the style to the same", "explain for the stars, rapperok!" - expressed their opinion users of the Network.

Sergey Skeptic

Tattoo as a calling card

Tattoo, or tattoo, can tell a lot about a person. Many-experienced "sitters" are well versed in the intricacies of blue lines that adorn the body. And often an innocent beautiful picture, which someone far from the criminal world has tattooed for the sake of fashion or out of bravado, turns out to be filled with negative, and even shameful content in the eyes of experienced convicts. Such things are not joked about in the area, because the owner of a fashionable "tattoo" can pay for his lack of foresight with his health or even life - depending on its content and the mood of the prison population.

Law enforcement agencies began studying tattoos about 80-90 years ago.

Before that time tattoos were considered "special signs" only and their content was not taken into consideration by the prison staff. Over the past decades a lot has changed.

Some "blatnoy" tattoos stopped being applied, as the "language of the drawing", like the "blatnoy slang" (criminal jargon) has changed over the years to make it harder for outsiders to study. Other tattoos have fallen out of fashion because the social conditions that gave rise to them have disappeared - for example, images of Lenin and Stalin that were popular in the past (supposedly a convoy would not shoot at the leaders) are now almost never seen.

Method of application

In the past, tattooing was done in prisons using a needle and a substance containing soot. The pigment was obtained from burned boot soles. When dealing with what the stars on the shoulders of convicts meant, it should be noted that the technology of application, as well as the meaning of the drawing itself, changed over time.

Later the ink from ballpoint pens was used as ink. A special stamp was used for the image itself. Needles were stuck into the thick piece of rubber to make it 1-2mm protruding. They were dipped into the paint and with one stroke imprinted on the skin, leaving a certain pattern.

Subsequently, special machines from electric razors began to be used. Guitar strings were used instead of a needle.

Prison tattoos - meaning. Decipher the photos.

Nakolka "Epaulet" - mark of distinction, for serious deeds.

Nakolka "Mother of God" - the prisoner was a thief at a young age. Sometimes means a talisman, from some misfortune, misfortune, bad luck.

"Subclavian stars" on the shoulders have 2 meanings:

1.Denial. Convict who denies the prison order.

2.Thief in the law.

KOT - a symbol of good luck and characterizes the caution of the owner. The abbreviation of KOT stands for Native Inmate of the Penitentiary.

The abbreviation KOT stands for Native Inmate of the Prison.

A cat with a bow is also a symbol of pickpockets. Previously, guilty pickpockets were forcibly added to the image of a cat's head with a bow bow, which meant "knitted", that is, sold out to the "cops", an activist who wore a bandage. Today, cats with a bow are tattooed by all who want them, and the shameful meaning of the butterfly is forgotten.

"Beetle" - this tattoo is a symbol of a pickpocket. The meaning of the abbreviation G U K is Wishing Lucky Thefts.

Often applied to the hand, but can also be applied to other parts of the body.

"Church" - by this tattoo you can know the number of years spent in prison. The number of domes means how many strokes the prisoner has made or how many years he has served in prison. It should be added that not everyone is allowed to do this tattoo.

Nakolka prison "Tiger" - angry at the government, the state, the police, also means cruelty and rage of its owner. Recklessness of the owner is guaranteed.

#Sailboat means in prison slang, "gastroller", i.e. a thief who only works in another city. Not where he lives.

A "spider in a web" is a prison symbol for a thief. You should know that if the spider crawls up it means "I have stolen and will steal. If down, it means "Stole and quit." Often means the symbol of a drug addict. It is also used in civilian life.

"Rising Sun" is an interesting tattoo, which means freedom. I.e. a commemorative mark for the owner of the speciality.

"The cat with the keys" is a professional thief and burglar.

History of criminal tattooing

In criminology, the study of blat tattoos has received very little attention. In the Soviet years there was introduced a system of registration of the signs on the bodies of criminals, designed for their identification. Such tattoos, such as stars on the shoulders, by their meaning were supposed to inspire fear in ordinary laymen. Although their presence was often the reason for arrest.

But even the fear of going to jail did not stop people with criminal records in the decision to tattoo, for example, the stars on their shoulders. Nakolki, the meaning of which was very well known in the prison world, were justified, because at all risks such iconic marks gave special privileges.

Lombroso was the first to speak of the essence of tattoos as a sign of personality degradation. This erroneous view, on closer examination, showed that the significance of the stars on the shoulders and other drawings were imitative in nature. Such drawings were naive and quite simple.

Interview with Elia Koritsina: let's dive into the history of "prison tattoos"

Hello, Elia. Tell us about yourself. How did you come to the decision to tie your life with the tattoo industry? I came to tattooing consciously and not by accident. I quit my job and bought my first tattoo equipment. I went to college to study fashion design. But it's not my thing. Is it difficult to form a client base? Initially, when you just start, to form a client base is difficult. Basically the first clients of a beginning master: students. Then, with increasing experience, more serious clients with clear objectives come. What principles do you try to follow in your work? Have you ever had to refuse a client? For me, the client's attitude towards the master is fundamental. Trust is the key to excellent cooperation.Also important is the energy of the client. I say no very often. Especially those who have not been taught to say hello. Touching on tattoos in general, it is impossible not to talk about prison tattoos. After all, such "drawings" are directly related to the history of body painting. Ela, the first thing I want to know is what do prison tattoos mean? Prison tattoos are getting outdated. Gone are the '90s, all that is in the past. Tattoos applied in prison are meaningful, unlike what artists do "on the outside. Very often people ask the masters, "what does this sketch mean?", "can I 'answer' for it?" This is all nonsense and a cost of the past and low level of information. I had a client who was in prison for about 20 years.No, they don't "ask" in prison for a tattoo that was done outside of prison. Many "ringers" in prison have long ago moved to professional equipment and get their information from the internet. Was there ever a fashion for prison tattoos? I don't think "fashionable" exists in prison. I know that they beat for certain things, jail time, etc. And when did prison tattoo subjects such as crosses, spider webs, skulls, etc. begin to gain popularity in the tattoo world? With the advent of "home tattooing" it became very relevant. I think because of the simplicity of the designs. A lot of people want to show off. Have you ever gotten a tattoo with prison symbols on it? Not really. But there's a project in the future. Can you tell me what kind of project it is? We're planning on putting a spider web on the sleeve that we started, on the elbow. You know, something close to an old-school style. Why are prison finger tattoos so common? Because, in general, fingers are not a good place for tattoos. Finger tattoos are very short-lived. In the zone it is a hallmark of rank and status. Now it is really fashionable to do a tattoo on the fingers, it is a kind of symbol to stand out even more. I like tattoos on my fingers, but only on tattoo masters and on people who are completely "hammered. As my practice shows, a lot of people go to have their fingers lasered after a year. Tattoos on fingers and hands are a liability. What is the significance of prison tattoos of a religious nature, like images of saints, crucifixes, angels, domes of temples? I know that the number of domes is the number of time served. How are female prison tattoos different from male prison tattoos? Tattoos are not as popular in women's prisons as they are in men's prisons. Where did the expression "prison tattoos" come from in the first place? The expression came from the fact that when people came out of prison, they would show up in society with tattoos. The expression is relevant to an older generation of people with the fixed understanding that only in the penal system do tattoos. What subjects are rich in zonal tattoos? And what, usually, are the meanings of such tattoos? I saw domes, stars, epaulets, skulls, and daggers the most. In general, the meaning of each is different. Example: three skulls behind bars is a group murder. Nowadays, the concept of "prison tattoo" is blurred in the penitentiary. Many people just do what they like. Do you often have to design designs for clients? Developing sketches takes up 50% of my work. Where do you find inspiration for your creativity? Thoughts come up all of a sudden. Sometimes a trip to the woods and not talking to people helps. Do you have your own tattoos? What are they? I have tattoos. Almost all of them are ugly, except for the ones on my rib and my leg. I laser them off. Thanks for the conversation. Good luck and keep up the creativity! Thank you, and you!

Interviewed by: Alexandra Pitomtseva

Methods of tattooing

At first tattoos in prisons were applied with a needle soaked in a compound containing soot (for this purpose burned the soles of boots). Then the technology began to improve. Inks from both fountain pens and ballpoint pens were used as inks, and the so-called stamp began to be used for drawing pictures. It is made in the following way: needles are stuck into a piece of thick rubber so that the tips protrude 1-2 millimeters. Then the needles are dipped in ink and one sharp blow (stamping) pattern is applied to the skin.

Then there were machines for tattooing which were made of electric razors and guitar strings were used as needles. Even later began to use professional equipment and special paints designed specifically for this purpose. Usually the image is first drawn on the skin with a pen or chemical pencil, and then the "ringman" (as the zone calls the tattoo master) perpetuates it with needles and paint. The most experienced specialists do tattoos "clean," that is, without a preliminary drawing. This requires not only an artistic flair, but also the eye and a steady hand, because the wrong stroke does not erase.

The meaning of tattoos in the zone

Any criminal tattoo needs to be earned. Whether it's an elite tattoo or a shameful one, it's often given for either achievement inside prison or shameful transgressions. The latter, by the way, are not infrequently tattooed forcibly, as a sign of shame for life, and the procedure itself is quite humiliating. A particularly sadistic way of such "justice": to make a tattoo in a prominent place, for example, on the neck or forehead.

Tattoo of a thief - a cat with a crowbar in his hands

The criminal tattoos can tell a lot about the fate and life of its owner. Each symbol or phrase applied to the area has its own special meaning. Some of the tattoos are aimed at protest or propaganda, most often anti-government, and some call for theft or murder. In any case, tattoos in the world of prisoners are not used simply as a decoration, they always carry a deep symbolism and mysterious essence.

Thieves tattoo in the form of lats on the shoulder

The meaning of the Star of Bethlehem in Russia

In Russian Orthodoxy, the five-pointed star was identified with the Masons and the Jews, although later it was a sign of state power.

In the XV century, the five rays were replaced by a star with six ends, each indicating a side of the world, although every student knows that in nature there are only four.

Some time passed, and in Russia began to make the seven-pointed sign of Bethlehem, the inhabitants of ancient Russia have long worshipped the figure with eight rays, depicting a symbol of their supreme idol. This sign was an adornment of military banners, clothing, and household items.

On a note! For today the eight-pointed star is a symbol of Russia which can be seen on sacred images of the Virgin who is the patroness of Russian territory.

Sacred image Neopalimaya Kupina is framed by an octogram superimposed on each other and turned on 45 degrees one concerning other squares.

"Neopalimaya Kupina" icon of Mother of God

Orthodox Church accepts the eight-pointed star as a sign of a secret of the Virgin who has given birth to the Savior who is the guarantor of an eternal life for the people believing in him. (John 14:6).

The eight-pointed figure with rays, present on the forehead or shoulder of the Mother of God on Her icons, symbolizes the promise of eternity. Three eight-pointed figures with rays can be seen on the icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", they symbolize Her eternal Virginity.

Paradise, Heavenly Jerusalem is encapsulated in this symbol, for the number eight, turned 90 degrees, signifies the infinity of our way, God's love and the existence of the world.

Star Configuration

A star can have a different number of rays. Usually their number is from six to ten. Star tattoos on the shoulders most often have eight rays.

In the center of the picture can be depicted something else, such as a skull, lightning, other stars or signs. Each drawing has a special meaning. For example, if there is a skull in the shoulders, it means "I will be corrected by firing squad", and there are also transcriptions such as "born to suffer" or "be what will be".

If there is an image of lightning inside the star, it decodes "press the cops. This is a warning that such a person has a rather aggressive attitude toward the prison system and is not afraid to show it. The swastika in the center of the drawing stands for the statement "beat the communists."

How to draw the six-pointed star

Step 1

Put a center point and draw a large circle, using a compass.

Step 2

From the center to the circle, draw a straight vertical line.

Step 3

For the six-pointed star we need six sectors. Use a protractor at 60 degrees to mark the first sector.

Add the remaining sectors and mark the top of each segment with a letter or a number.

Step 4

Connect points A and B.

Step 5

Now connect point B and C.

Step 6

Next, connect points A and C to create a triangle.

Step 7

Connect points D and E by a straight line.

Step 8

Now connect points E and F.

Step 9

Connect points D and F and get an inverted triangle. The base of the six-pointed star is ready.

Step 10

With a pen we draw the contour of the star.

Step 11

By the way, there is another way to draw a six-pointed star without a protractor. Let's try it!

Use the compass to draw a large circle.

Step 12

Draw two lines (vertical and horizontal) that intersect in the center of the circle. Mark the top point of the vertical circle with the letter A.

Step 13

Place the needle of the compass in point A and measure the length of the segment from this point to the center of the circle.

Then, without removing the needle from the paper, we put the second leg of the compass with the lead on the circle and mark points C (right) and B (left).

The configuration of the star

The star can have a different number of rays. Usually their number - from six to ten. Star tattoos on the shoulders most often have eight rays.

In the center of the picture can be depicted something else, such as skull, lightning, other stars or signs. Each drawing has a special meaning. For example, if there is a skull in the shoulders, it means "I will be corrected by firing squad", and there are also transcriptions such as "born to suffer" or "be what will be".

If there is an image of lightning inside the star, it decodes "press the cops. This is a warning that such a person has a rather aggressive attitude toward the prison system and is not afraid to show it. The swastika in the center of the drawing denotes the statement "beat the communists.

Which hand is the best way to read a person's personality?

Have you ever noticed that the drawings on both hands are different from each other? This is due to the fact that with the signs on the left hand, a person is born, and the signs on the right hand appear throughout life. It is necessary to read the symbols on the active hand. That is, if the person standing next to you is left-handed, then it is necessary to read with the left hand.

Remember that every person is unique. Do not draw a line, and assure that the same symbol in different people can be interpreted equally, because everyone tends to change throughout life. If you are a beginner, the first time you can use a photo that shows a human palm. So it will be much easier to navigate and correctly interpret the symbolism of the hand.

The tattoo as a calling card

The tattoo, or tattoo, can tell a lot about a person. Inexperienced inmates are well versed in the intricacies of the blue lines that adorn the body. And often an innocent beautiful picture, which someone far from the criminal world has tattooed for the sake of fashion or out of bravado, turns out to be filled with negative, and even shameful content in the eyes of experienced convicts. Such things are not joked about in the area, because the owner of a fashionable "tattoo" can pay for his lack of foresight with his health or even life - depending on its content and the mood of the prison population.

Law enforcement agencies began studying tattoos about 80-90 years ago.

Before that time tattoos were considered "special signs" only and their content was not taken into consideration by the prison staff. Over the past decades a lot has changed.

Some "blatnoy" tattoos stopped being applied, as the "language of the drawing", like the "blatnoy slang" (criminal jargon) has changed over the years to make it harder for outsiders to study. Other tattoos have fallen out of fashion because the social conditions that gave rise to them have disappeared - for example, images of Lenin and Stalin that were popular in the past (supposedly a convoy would not shoot at the leaders) are now practically unheard of.

Who can afford to get thieves' tattoos

Tattoos in the zone are divided by class. A man who achieved authority because of the serious crimes he committed will have no problem nabbing a tattoo of his high status. Not every tattoo is given to a convict. For some it is easy to "ask": why was he in prison? What did he do? The stars of thieves mean that the inmate is of authority. Some tattoos have to be earned. One of the famous ones is the ring, which will tell much of the story of the person who was incarcerated.

History of criminal tattoos

The study of criminal tattoos has received very little attention in forensic science. In the Soviet years, a system of registration of signs on the body of criminals was introduced, designed to identify them. Such tattoos, like the stars on their shoulders, were supposed to inspire fear in ordinary laymen. Although their presence was often the reason for arrest.

But even the fear of going to jail did not stop people with criminal records in the decision to tattoo, for example, the stars on their shoulders. Nakolki, the meaning of which was very well known in the prison world, were justified, because at all risks such iconic marks gave special privileges.

Lombroso was the first to speak of the essence of tattoos as a sign of personality degradation. This erroneous opinion, on closer examination, showed that the significance of the stars on the shoulders and other drawings were imitative in nature. Such drawings were naive and quite simple.

Sketches of tattoos and the best places to apply on the body

In fact, it is the size of the tattoo that determines the most favorable placement for it. For example, large symbols can be placed on wider areas - on the chest, stomach or legs, and small ones on the finger, on the wrist or behind the ear. They can also be combined with various objects such as dream catchers, feathers, anchors, angels, wings, etc.

The popularity of these tattoos has not escaped Hollywood celebrities. Megan Fox, Britney Spears, George Clooney, Bruce Willis, Drew Barrymore, Rihanna, Victoria Beckham, Anna Kournikova, Eva Longoria and many more famous personalities decided to put heavenly bodies on their bodies.


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