Timati or Black Star Tattoos - Meaning of TATU, PEOPLE'S PHOTOS

What motivates Timur Yunusov to decorate his body with more and more tattoos is an interesting question, the answer to which can only be found out from Timati himself. Is it his passion for western hip-hop culture caused by nostalgia for his childhood spent in the U.S. or his clear notion of what a Black Star made in Russia should look like? Or maybe just a passionate love for the tattoo industry? Either way, people are often interested in the meaning of tattoos of our homeland's favorite hero of the hip-hop scene.

Tattoos Timati

Timati in tattoos

Timati has a huge number of tattoos, as if all the tattooists of the world got together and hammered him from head to toe. But it seems that way only at first glance. First of all, the tattoos appeared gradually, you can see it in the photos of different years, starting from the age of thirteen Timur to the present day. Secondly, for some reason there is a strange certainty that he will find many more places for new tattoos, because according to one of the legends in the world of the tattoo industry, a person who has been scored several times will be scored until he runs out of clean skin.

Timati immortalizes every major event in his life on his skin. Perhaps many years from now, instead of photo albums, he will look at his tattoos and indulge in nostalgia.


The all-star back of the Black Star inc brand daddy is adorned with a giant skull in a crown. The crown is decorated with two stars (well, almost like the Kremlin building), above the crown is the inscription - "Moscow city", apparently, this tattoo hints at the love of Timur to the capital, which, incidentally, he was born in. Under the skull there are crossed microphones and the inscription "The Boss", to the right of the skull there is the inscription "No Friends", and to the left "No Loyalty". At present, Timati is engaged in the restaurant business, he has his own clothing line, and in addition, Timur is raising a daughter, perhaps the inscriptions on his back are really important to him, because in order to remain the boss in life, you need to be able to be tough.

Timati tattoos on the back

Timati's back in tattoos


Timati tattoos, the meaning of which only he himself knows, cover not only the back of the hip-hop artist, but also all other parts of the body. For example, on his chest paints a huge complex composition with clowns, sad and funny, the inscription, which means "laugh now, cry later. As well as a candle and a ribbon with the words "Save and Preserve." Like any star, Timati takes care of his skin, by the way, we want to recommend you an excellent online cosmetics store richcolor.com.ua at the lowest prices.

Tattoos Timati on Chest

Timati's chest in tattoos

Personal life

As in the case of most rappers, Timati never hid his personal life. Girls of model appearance surround the singer since his participation in the project "Star Factory - 2004". And according to Timati's mother, he started paying attention to the fair sex quite early. According to Simona Yunusova's recollections, her son was always surrounded by beautiful girls. However, for the press, Timati's personal life began with Alexa - a member of the fourth "Star Factory".

However, few people believed in the sincerity of the musicians' relationship at that time. The singer's fans decided that the romance is nothing more than a PR move. Timati's appearance in Alexa's music video for the song "Where are you?" only strengthened the fans' belief that the young people's romance is just a part of their image. Then there were rumors in the press about Timati and Alexa breaking up. As if the girl left for her native Donetsk, where she was infatuated with a young man from the coal industry. According to rumors, she was supposed to marry him, but Timur got her back in time.

During this period, Alexa and Timati record a joint song "When You're Near" and shoot a music video. In addition, the lovers launch their own reality show "Yappy on the pickup." However, even joint projects could not save their relationship. The couple broke up in 2007. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown. There were rumors that supposedly Timati and Alexa just did not meet in character. Rapper preferred the nightlife with all its consequences, when the girl was more like a quiet home atmosphere.

However, Timati was not alone for long. The press time and again attributed the young man's novels with the most famous beauties of domestic show business. Among them were Sofia Rudneva, Victoria Lopyreva, Mila Volchek and even Masha Malinovskaya. The true lover of the singer turned out to be a not so famous at the time of the meeting with the rapper photomodel Alyona Shishkova.

Timati and Alyona met in 2012 during the filming of a music video. In addition to her, many other models were invited to participate in the video. However, Shishkova was the only one who refused to undress in front of the camera. Timur remembered the girl and dialed her number after a while. However, it was not so easy to get a date. It took Timati three months to arrange a meeting with Shishkova. The girl was a sought-after model and an idle vacation was obviously not part of her plans.

Timati and his daughter Alice and son Ratmyr
Timati with his daughter Alice and son Ratmyr. Instagram @simona280

This relationship will last three years. In 2014, the couple will have a daughter, Alice. Despite the separation of her parents, the girl often visits Simona's grandmother. The woman is happy to accept her mother Alena in the house, believing that the child should have two parents.

Malicious tongues claim, allegedly, the reason for the separation of the couple was an affair of Alena. According to other sources, the rapper's unpreparedness for family life was to blame. The former lovers did not comment on their breakup.

Shortly after the breakup with Shishkova, Timati became involved with Anastasia Reshetova. The couple hid their relationship for a long time. However, fans quickly discerned the idol. Nevertheless, between Anastasia and Alena there is no enmity, but also they can not be called friends.

In June 2019, Reshetova gave Timur a son Ratmir. In November, the girl published on her Instagram page a photo with a ring on her ring finger. Subscribers saw in the photo an obvious hint at the speedy wedding of the lovers. Young people refrain from commenting. If Simone Yunusova is to be believed, Timothy is still not bound by marriage ties.


On the neck of Timur is snugly placed his name in English - Timati in a halo of wings and lines. The paired tattoo is of skulls in helmets with the inscription "One blood. Between the collarbones is a dove with the inscription, the approximate translation of which is "Love me or leave me alone. As you know, the dove is a symbol of peace and love. The inscription is close to the theme of love, but a little bit aggressive. But judging by the symbols of other tattoos it is normal for Timati. Above the dove there is a little Cupid with a bow and arrow. Also on the neck you can see the number "13". There are several versions of the meaning of this tattoo for Timothy. Timur himself mentioned in an interview that the number 13 is lucky for him. Behind the left ear not so long ago appeared a portrait of a girl, according to the zealous claims of some fans terribly similar to Mila Volchek - Timati's ex-partner.

Tattoos of Timati on neck

Timati's neck in tattoos

Tattoos protect from the evil eye

Timati's tattoos close-up attempts to photograph many journalists and fans. But the singer does not always give them such an opportunity, explaining it by the fact that tattoos protect him from the evil eye. The rapper is convinced that tattoos can protect from otherworldly forces and repel bad energy. Except that experts do not agree with the opinion of Timati. Many of his tattoos represent selfishness, inadequacy, protest and symbols of the Devil. This is confirmed by the skull - the symbol of death, the number 13 on the singer's neck and other images.

But once Timati's tattoos really saved him. By law, a person can not cover his body with pictures of more than 50%, otherwise he will be considered mentally unstable, and therefore unfit for service in the armed forces. So the rapper managed to avoid the army.


On the back of his hands he has an ornate inscription "Black Star", as if letting people around him know who is Black and who is Star.

Also on the hands you can see a green lion and a red dragon, symbolizing, apparently, the position of man in our unstable world, inner strength, the ability to think creatively and loyalty.

Tattoos of Timati on arms

Timati's Hands in Tattoos

Did you know that a red dragon and a green lion are the first tattoos Timati got when he was 13 years old.

The hip-hop artist has stars on both elbows, which speaks to Black Star's degree of stardom.

Another tattoo is a portrait of Martin Luther King on his right arm in a realistic style. Next to the portrait is an inscription in English, meaning "I have a dream. On the phalanges of the fingers is the inscription "Good Luck". On the left hand is a rather elaborate composition of playing cards, ribbons, and the inscription Hip-Hop Music.


On the stomach, a small composition of playing cards, the inscription "Ladis Love", and also two skulls, made by contouring machine, painted with flowers.

In fact, there are so many tattoos on Timati's body that they all merge into one overall composition. There is no Timati tattoo, the sketch of which would not have been carefully thought out. Each element of this composition plays a weighty meaning for the owner of these tattoos.

Some fans of Timati's works like his tattoos so much that they try to get the same ones for themselves. This is of course everyone's choice, but in plain language such an act is called plagiarism and is not very respected.

Tattoos of Timati on Tummy

Timati's belly in tattoos

Timati (Timur Yunusov) is a typical representative of the elite youth - a man born with a "golden spoon" in his mouth. But, unlike some peers of his level, definitely not devoid of abilities and talents. His activities as a performer, producer, actor and businessman vividly testify to the versatility of his personality. In addition to creativity and entrepreneurship, Timati found another field for self-expression - tattoos. So, let's take a closer look at them.

Tattoo parlor

The previous photo is just from there. Timur Yunusov is so passionate about tattoo culture that he even released a song "Tattoo" and opened his own tattoo salon, which is called "13". Timati's tattoo parlor is located at 33, Zemlyanoy Val, Moscow, and is also a barbershop.

The average price for a session is around 7-8 thousand rubles.

Tattoo Timati


At first glance, the whole body of the singer is covered with tattoos, which seem to form a single ensemble. The first tattoos Timati made when he was 13 years old, fascinated by hip-hop culture. They were a green lion and a red dragon, symbols of strength, creativity and loyalty.

Also one of his very first tattoos was the pseudonym of the rapper - "Black Star", which later gave his brand its name. The tattoo stretches across both of the singer's hands, with the letter S depicted as a dollar, suggesting a focus on making money.

On Timothy's back is a huge pirate-style tattoo - Skull in Crown, with crossed bones replaced by crossed microphones, which clearly refers us to the singer's activities. And the inscription above the tattoo "Moscow city" shows where the future singer was born and grew up. On the sides of the skull are the words "No Loyalty" and "No Friends", which probably stand for the tough stance of a businessman. At the waist is the inscription "The boss" which is obviously meant to show the leading position of Timothy in his team.

Both elbows of the singer are decorated with large stars - symbols of success, popularity, stardom of the owner of the tattoo. And on the phalanges of the fingers the words "Good luck" are inscribed.

On the singer's chest is a complex tattoo of many elements - a weeping and a merry clown, a burning candle, some inscriptions, including "save and save". Obviously, this tattoo speaks of the experience, the multifaceted and changeable nature of life. And a composition of Playing Cards and, painted with flowers, skulls are tattooed on her belly.

Perhaps the most romantic tattoo of the singer is on his chest - it is a dove with the inscription "Leave me or love me" (love me or leave me). It shows that despite his rough and brutal image, its owner needs love and care as well. Above the dove sits a small Cupid with a bow and arrow.

Timothy's neck is also filled with tattoos, one of them being his name Timati surrounded by wings and various lines. There is also the number "13", which the singer admits is his favorite.

One of Timati's latest tattoos is a portrait of Martin Luther King with his famous phrase "I have a dream" on his right arm. Most likely, the tattoo symbolizes the equality of all people on earth, because the fight for equality was King's main mission.

What motivates the singer to decorate his body with more and more tattoos? Are Timati's tattoos an expression of his inner world or just an imitation of the Western rappers? Only their owner can know about it. In any case, this bright unforgettable image plays into the hands of the hip-hop performer.

Legs .

Strangely enough, there are almost no tattoos on Timati's hips. But there are a lot of them on his shins. On the right - the iconic cartoon characters and famous comic book characters: the star with eyes, a robot from Futurama; on the knee - a flower. The meaning of these images is the breaking of templates, self-confidence and willingness not to conform to the perceptions of others.

On the left leg, the Mercedes badge is the most eye-catching. And there's a simple explanation for that - as of August 2021, the star's car fleet includes the CL600, SL Lorinser and the top-of-the-line G63 Helicopter. Do you think that L'One AMG was recorded for nothing?

Tattoos of Timati

Timati emphasizes in every possible way that he is a fan of tattoos and promotes this art in every possible way - for example, he recorded the track "Tatu". He also opened his own tattoo-salon "13" in Moscow.

Many of Timati's tattoo sketches can be repeated exactly, you can score on other parts of the body, you can perform in other styles, including copyright, and you can "play" with color. The iconic inscriptions, the name of his mother, the badges of his favorite cars, of course, it makes no sense to copy "verbatim" - replace them with their counterparts. Naturally, that not having the appropriate experience, you may not be easy to navigate immediately. To consult online, write to the chat room.


Timati tattoos, photos of which can be found on the Internet, are popular among the population. Therefore, on the street you can often meet the happy owner of another cover on the tattoo of your favorite star.


When I was 16, I got myself a tattoo like Timati's. The stars on my elbows. For my age I was still not allowed to get a tattoo without my parents' permission, but I asked an older friend to go with me to the salon.

Mikhail, Moscow.


Did a portrait of Timati on my hip in the style of realism. So what, he's a tough guy, he's done everything on his own. So I thought it would bring good luck. It's been two years and no luck. I'm planning on getting a picture of Jackie Chan on my other hip. Maybe it will help.

Ivan, Moscow


I like Timati, I also got a tattoo like his. On his chest. There are two faces, happy and sad, but I asked to write the inscription in Russian. "Laugh now, cry later." I got a tattoo at a salon. I wasn't eighteen yet, so I had to convince my parents to let one of them go with me the first time. I went to subsequent sessions on my own. The tattoo artist suggested that I get a colored tattoo, and I agreed, even though Timati's is black and white. I really liked the tattoo.

Nikita, Omsk


Half a year ago I got a tattoo. Honestly, I got the idea from Timati, there's such a hip-hop artist. I have a dove between my collarbones and the inscription "Love Me Or Leave Me Alone" under my collarbones. I do not like Timati's art, but his tattoos are cool.

Zhanna, Kursk

"Star Factory" and "Gang"

In 2004, Timati became a member of the fourth "Star Factory". According to some experts, it turned out to be the highest-rated in the history of the contest. Timati reaches the finals of the competition, where he creates the band Ganda. It includes a part of the disintegrated VIP 77 Family, as well as a new member, Anastasia Kochetkova. The group enjoys enormous popularity. The group's song "Crying Heaven" is heard from every news outlet.

During the same period Timati opens the nightclub Black Star and the production center with the same name. And also gives his first solo concert, plays himself in "Heat" and voices one of the characters of the cartoon "Catch the Wave". In addition, the musician records a joint track with Xzibit, shoots Victoria Bonya in his music video for the song "Don't Go Crazy". And before that, he releases a video for the song "Dance with me" with the participation of Ksenia Sobchak.

It seems as if Timati is on top of success and nothing will prevent him from leaving his intended path. However, a tragedy happens, which not only crosses out the history of Ganda's existence, but also gives a new turn to the rapper's career.

In the same year Ratmir, who came to "Band" from VIP 77 Family, gets into a car accident. Together with the musician his girlfriend Deema dies. Soon after the accident the band declares the end of its creative activity.

The most prominent successes among the members of "Banda" will be achieved by Timati. Dominic Joker will become a prominent artist, but he will be far away from the popularity of his former "classmate". Anastasia Kochetkova will dilute the vocal performances with a director's education.

As for the further creative successes of Timati, he has a lot of successful songs and collaborations ahead of him. The most famous composition of that era is considered to be the rapper's remix of the song Moscow Never Sleeps. Besides this song, the listeners remembered a joint track of the musician and Snoop Dogg Groove On. However, the leitmotif of the new stage in the life of Timati will not creativity, but business.


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