Masonic symbols or protective amulets: the secret meaning of star tattoos

Masonic tattoos were created so that fellow members of the Order of Stonemasons could distinguish each other among ordinary people. Now such "Freemasons" are full of them simply because their symbolism is very attractive to tattoo lovers. Or maybe it is a general conspiracy? Simply the Freemasons decided to hide in the crowd, and a lot of tattoos not on their brothers distracts attention from the real "Stonemasons"?

But, since you are interested in this topic, let's write general meanings of Masonic symbols and break down a few individual, most common signs.

Olga Buzova

Source: @buzova86

Source: @buzova86

Source: @buzova86

She got her first and most mystical tattoo about nine years ago. Olga Buzova (33) nailed five five-pointed stars on her leg, which mean upward movement and the desire to achieve the highest results. No wonder, since the star is an incredible workaholic.

This symbol also has an occult meaning. Jack Tresidder's Dictionary of Symbols says that the pentagram was revered by medieval sorcerers who used it to summon supernatural powers. It was also used for protection against the devil (think of Goethe's Faust, escaping from Mephistopheles). In addition, another name for the pentacle is the "flaming star" and is used by Freemasons.

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Who are the Freemasons

There are several theories about the origins of the Masonic movement, but most researchers agree that the first free masons were indeed builders. This is evidenced by the word "Freemason" itself, which translates as "builder", "mason".

In the Middle Ages grandiose projects to build huge temples were especially popular. Construction could drag on for centuries, so architects and stonemasons literally lived in the temples, and the rooms where they stored their tools and discussed the front of work, called lodges. To pass on the secrets of skill and style to newcomers, they used a system of signs and rituals. There was no point in writing down thoughts on paper and drawing diagrams: text or images could be stolen, and most masters of the time were illiterate. Bricklaying communities were based on the principles of brotherhood and mutual assistance, and each member was given the freedom to move from site to site and to be hired wherever he liked the conditions best.

With the end of the era of grandiose construction, the Freemason community should have become a thing of the past. However, the educated men of the time took the principles, form and terminology of Freemasonry to form a new community. People of good standing in society, high income and strong spiritual and moral principles were accepted into it. The goal of the new Freemasonry was to change society for the better, but not through revolutions or reforms, but through the self-improvement of the best representatives of humanity.

Since then and to this day, the key principles of most Masonic lodges have been:

  • The equality of all members;
  • The pursuit of knowledge of truth and constant self-development;
  • The obligation of every Freemason to assist his fellow members to the best of his ability;
  • charitable orientation Masons establish hospitals, orphanages, support elderly members as well as Masonic widows and children;
  • high moral and ethical principles;
  • religion and fidelity to its precepts, and religion can be anything as long as it is consistent with universal principles of morality and justice;
  • the absence of missionary work-Masons do not recruit new members, instead, the individual must express a desire to do so;
  • enrollment fees and regular donations, and not just symbolic amounts - the money goes to ensure the activities of the lodge and charity.

Dmitry Tarasov

Source: @tarasov23

Source: @tarasov23

Source: @tarasov23

After his divorce from Olga Buzova, the footballer stamped an hourglass on his hand with the Latin inscription "Time takes away everything." Fans decided that this way Dmitry Tarasov (31) hinted at the transience of the relationship with the celebrity. There is another meaning to the symbol the athlete likes - a reminder of the frailty of life. It is not without reason that Death is often drawn with a scythe and an hourglass. The image of this object is often found on medieval engravings and paintings, in particular on the work of Albrecht Durer's "Knight, Death and the Devil.

What does the Eye of Ra amulet protect against?

Basically, the Eye of Horus amulet is used as a personal amulet.

If you put the image of the All-Seeing Eye on your skin in the form of a tattoo, the mysterious sign:

  • ...will enhance health..;
  • protect against disease;
  • extend the years of life;
  • will give courage;
  • bring prosperity;
  • and even develop a psychic gift.

There are some nuances when applying tattoos for men and women:

  • So the representative of the weaker sex, it is desirable to apply the mystical symbol of the Eye on the shoulder or back.
  • And for the stronger half - on the wrist.
  • There are also general rules for the placement of tattoos:
      On the right side - good luck in money matters;
  • On the chest - protection from temptations and spells;
  • On the left - protection from evil and witchcraft.
  • Men who wear the eye of God sign tattoo on their bodies report great inner and physical strength.
  • Women demonstrate their mystique to the world and enhance intuitive abilities with the help of the amulet.

Young and experiencing difficulties in choosing their place in life, the talisman will help find the right path.

The table shows the most common types of jewelry and objects on which you can apply the sign of the Eye of Ra.

Types of objectsExamples of protective functions
Ring or braceletThe talisman will protect at full power if worn in a prominent place.
BroochProtection against troubles and accidents. Can be worn on clothes or attached to an object of interior in the house.
Drawing (on paper, cloth, clay, etc.)Keeps you safe from:
  • Intrigue.
  • Flattery.
  • Enemies.
  • Deceit.
PendantProtection against illness. In Europe, the pendant with the image of the Eye of God is used as protection against the evil eye of newborn babies.

This talisman can be used not only by wearing it on your body or clothes. The image of the Eye of Ra, placed in the place of service in the office or on the desk, will contribute to financial well-being, success in negotiations and commercial transactions.

How to use the Egyptian sign correctly?

  1. This can be achieved by establishing an emotional contact with it. It is necessary to carefully consider the amulet, to hold in hands, to reflect on its mystical and sacred meaning.
  2. It will be good if the owner of the amulet will mentally talk to him and open his feelings and experiences.
  3. You can light scented candles for a more disposing and relaxing atmosphere.

If you are not going to be able to do this, you must be able to do it in a way that will make you happy.

There are a few more tricks that can increase the power of the amulet. This is an additional decoration of the symbol:

  • moonstone;
  • chalcedony;
  • or lapis lazuli.

The best effect can be observed from the amulet of the All-Seeing Eye in personal use, i.e. in the form of:

  • An individual talisman;
  • embroidery on personal belongings;
  • Jewelry - a pendant or pendant;
  • Tattoo on the body.

Not a bad option to use the amulet in the workplace.

  • metal plate;
  • stone;
  • or depicted on a clay product.

Rita Dakota

Source: @ritadakota

Source: @ritadakota

Source: @ritadakota

Like Dmitry Tarasov, Rita Dakota (28) has a picture of an hourglass on her body. Exactly the same drawing was once done by her then husband Vlad Sokolovsky (27). The tattoos turned out to be almost prophetic, and we all know how that marriage ended. And on the right arm of Rita you can see a mysterious owl - according to the singer, she often creates at night, so she made such a tattoo. In ancient times, this bird was feared in Asian countries, America and Egypt because it was considered the patroness of the night and harbinger of death.

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The Chinese people associated the owl with the symbol "yang," which has mostly negative connotations. And remember the famous line "Owls aren't what they seem" from the TV series "Twin Peaks"? Director David Lynch put the same meaning into it.

Variants of execution and sketches

Sketch of a pyramid tattoo with an eye

The classic version of the image is considered the most correct. It looks as follows: an isosceles triangle (pyramid), standing on the base. Inside it is an eye (and it is not clear, right or left). Around the triangle there are rays, which symbolize the radiance of the deity.

Sketch pyramid tattoo with eye

If the image is made incorrectly, then you should not expect from it magical power and influence. After all, the wrong arrangement can not only "not work", but carry the opposite meaning. Tattoo "pyramid with an eye" it is better not to supplement personally invented details, not having carefully studied their meaning. In addition, poorly selected additions can negatively affect the meaning of the amulet, turning it into a magnet for trouble. Try to choose the pattern carefully. And best of all, do with minimalism.

In tattoo parlors, you will be offered a lot of options for tattoo designs of the pyramid with an eye. After all, an experienced master knows a lot about such things and will help you choose a suitable image for you.

Nastya Ivleeva

Source: @nastyaivleeva

Source: @agentgirl_

Source: @nastyaivleeva

The blogger and TV host also has an owl on herself, just like Rita Dakota. But the fans of Nastya Ivleyeva (27) are more interested in the drawing on her right hip: there is a black and white Lady Katrina, a Mexican symbol of the Day of the Dead, aka the goddess of death Mictlanziuatl. The wife of the lord of the afterlife, Mictlantecutli, ruled with him in the underworld and wore a skirt of snakes. Those who believe in a holy death and worship Katrina preach the cult of Santa Muerto. The Catholic Church views it sharply negatively, comparing it to Satanism.

Views and Meaning of the All-Seeing Eye

Despite the version of Egyptian origin, this image is found in different religions and cultures. Each nation drew the secret symbol in its own way, gave it its own meaning, but in general, they are all somewhat similar.

In Egyptian culture.

Studying the drawings of the ancient symbols of Egypt, we can conclude that directly the Egyptian symbol by its image significantly differs from all others. Represents a stylized eye. Symbolizes incredible power, the power of knowledge.

Embodying the mystical third eye, who is able to behold something hidden from humanity, to cognize against this background something secret, thus rising above all of humanity. Distinguished from them above all by a supernatural intuition, the ability to cognize all things in this world.

Linked with the inevitable bright future, absolute power and authority. This symbol allows you to develop its possessor incredible supernatural healing ability and the ability to see into the future.

In Christianity

Meeting the Masonic symbol among Christians, you immediately pay attention to a more realistic image of the picture. And the eye is literally inscribed in a regular triangle.

It is orthodox scriptures call the triangle with an eye inside the Lucian delta.

The main meaning lies in the triangle itself. This regular shaped geometric figure symbolizes three equally possible facets, like the three hypostases of God himself: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This defines a powerful energy. The eye itself is a reminder that the Lord God is in control of all things. Observing humanity, he sees not only the deeds and acts, but also the thoughts of people. The eye is depicted in singular form not by accident, it shows that everything the Almighty sees cannot be dual. It is all accurate, unified, correct.

The symbol characterizes the early epiphany, indicates that humanity is gradually gaining spiritual wisdom, knowledge, which contributes to the greater disclosure of their intellectual abilities, potential. It embodies the graceful light, joy, the power of knowledge, creation, and the existence of the higher mind.

China and Japan

The ancient Chinese and Japanese drew the sign in a special way. The picture necessarily contained the image of the heavenly sanctuaries - the Moon, the Sun. It was through them that the future and past of humanity were juxtaposed.

Hinduism and Buddhism

According to the religions of the Indian subcontinent, the interpretation of the sign says that the eye is the eye of Shiva or Buddha himself. Characterizes spiritual development through the knowledge of wisdom. Only the wise man is able to take away from themselves, a kind of evil and impure forces.

Ancient Greece

Drawing the eye, the ancient Greeks juxtaposed it with the Sun. Completely the sign was associated with the powerful Gods Zeus and Apollo. It was believed that the eye could protect, warm, bringing with it light and grace.

But some of the Indo-European tribes, like the Celts, associated the eye only with something negative, evil, and treacherous. It was this symbol that could carry human envy, plots of something bad, black bad energy.

To summarize, we can see that different religions and cultures interpret the meaning of the symbol differently, drawing the sign with obvious differences. However, it is easy to see that some interpretations are similar - the All-Seeing Eye speaks of the power of knowledge. The All-Seeing Eye speaks about the power of knowledge. Such a guardian will give the ability to know the mysteries of existence, the ability to see the "invisible", but existing in our universe. Only with him, under his patronage will it be possible to rise above mankind, to gain power over the minds, and to learn to control one's own consciousness.


Source: @sayonaraboy

Source: @sayonaraboy

Source: @sayonaraboy

Nastya Ivleyeva's boyfriend is a big fan of tattoos. What not only nailed on himself rapper LJ (24), including gangster symbols, ninja weapons, bracelets made of barbed wire and burgers. On the performer's solar plexus, the number "143" can be seen. For the artist, these symbols mean gratitude to family and friends or the words "I love you". In numerology, three-digit numbers are reduced to one-digit numbers by addition - thus 143 becomes 8.

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Eight is the number of bright individualists, doomed to misunderstanding and loneliness, wrote the famous Irish astrologer Louis Hamon in "The Cayro Book of Numbers. The Cipher of Your Destiny." Since ancient times, it has been associated with justice and providence. Hamon also believed that this number has two sides - anarchy, capriciousness and impermanence, but at the same time philosophical thinking, diligence and a penchant for the occult.

What does a tattoo of a triangle with an eye mean? Such as this one.

Darcy .

Means that the person is stupid. Like, for example, getting a tattoo of "For the Airborne Troops! "and he's never been in the Airborne. Stupid. The symbol means that God, the Great Architect (sorry if I remembered wrongly) is watching over everyone. The pyramid is humanity, where every stone of correct form is a person who has passed through the hands of the Free Stonemasons. The task of the Free Stonemasons is to chip away at the crude original material, which according to the Freemasons (they are the VC) is the unrestrained nature of man. To make such a tattoo for Freemasons is as silly as making a tattoo of Jesus Christ for an Orthodox believer. Vulgar!

Jason mercier

A tattoo is a fashion coming from very low worlds, and it promotes an individual to accrue negative energies with its approval and acceptance. Such an individual is certainly evolving, progressing, keeping up with the times, but going in the direction of a negative Hierarchy.


Source: @maksimartist

Source: @maksimartist

Source: @maksimartist

The singer tattooed an image of a black cat on her shoulder. "I'm proud and willful," McSim (35) explained in an interview. The image of this animal can also mean clairvoyance, cunning, sensual beauty and feminine anger. In ancient Egypt, the goddess Bastet was worshipped with a cat's head, but in Japan, four-legged animals were harbingers of bad luck: it was believed that they could possess women like demons.

Moreover, in English there is the word "cattish", which refers to the insidious and evil representative of the fair sex. In Christianity, cats were associated with laziness, lust and Satan, so they invariably accompanied witches in drawings.

Styles of creation and locations

To work on tattoo illuminati masters use a variety of styles - geometric minimalism, dotwork, chicano with distinct lines of black. The client is given the right to choose the variant of the sketch and location of the image depending on the meaning of the tattooed sign.

A picture of the Masonic eye on the leg or arm, performed in bimechanical style, looks wonderful. Such a tattoo is most interesting for the stronger sex, and for the mysterious symbolism can be chosen sternum. Ladies prefer the realism of color performance with the drawing of the smallest details on the forearm or scapula. No less well the Illuminati tattoo looks in the middle of the back (below the neck) in monochrome performance.

In some sketches, the sign of the All-Seeing Eye is placed in the center of the ornament, enhancing the mystique with an abstract background. Choosing drawings with additional elements, it is important to remember that they can significantly change the secret meaning of the body symbolism. To create your own creative project, watch the video of men's sketches.

Tina Kandelaki

Source: @tina_kandelaki

Source: @tina_kandelaki

Source: @tina_kandelaki

The producer and former TV host has an unusual sign on her left arm. Tina Kandelaki (43) got a tattoo after she was in a car accident. In it you can discern the sacred symbol Cho Ku Rei from the spiritual practice of Reiki, which enhances energy and spiritual protection. It is believed to reduce nervousness, purify space from evil spirits, relieve acute pain, and promote rapid healing of wounds.

The sign used to be secret and could not be shown to uninitiated people. Tina herself says that she made the power sign on the advice of a famous tattoo artist who came to Moscow especially for this purpose.

Not much history

In the mythological aspect of the interpretation of the meaning of the tattoo is called "all-seeing eye". The image is more than 2000 years old. His primitive versions are found on the skin of the mummies of the first representatives of mankind.

Tattoo of an all-seeing eye in a triangle became in the move with 18 centuries when interest in employment occultism has increased. The image came from alchemical terminology. It combined two symbols - a triangle symbolizing the earth and an eye symbol of protection.

A more modern version of the tattoo became popular in the 30's with the development of new currents of tattoo culture. Most of the meanings of this image received precisely in this period. There is no exact data where the revival of interest in the pattern began. However, its popularization was influenced by the allocation of two independent directions: minimalism and tribalism.

Rosa Syabitova

Source: @syabitova_roza


The country's main TV-mistress tattooed a scorpion on her back in 2008. Rosa Syabitova (57) remembers that day even now. In interviews, the celebrity said that she wanted to become cunning, slick and sarcastic. Soon the star really began to feel more confident. Note that the scorpion symbolizes not only these qualities, but also vindictiveness, betrayal and even death. The ancient Egyptians considered it an attribute of the goddess Selket, who patronized the dead, and in the Bible the scorpion, like the serpent, was associated with demonic forces.

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Roza Syabitova has another colorful tattoo on her body - a tiger that occupies almost half of her back. The celebrity deliberately stuffed this animal to make her enemies afraid. In Chinese Buddhism, the predator represents anger, and the poet William Blake correlated it with dangerous natural instincts. At the same time, in the world of prisons, the tiger is a sign of insubordination to the men in charge.

The Masonic eye in other cultures

This symbol was first discovered among the ancient Egyptians. It looked a little different, but it meant the same All-Seeing Eye. We are talking about the Eye of Horus or Ouadjet, a powerful amulet that even the pharaohs considered obligatory to wear. Those who think that the eye in the triangle is exclusively a Masonic sign are deeply mistaken. The original meaning of the symbol: light, higher truth, spiritual consciousness, spiritual center, place of enlightenment and perfect intellect. Not surprisingly, this sign was depicted on the walls of temples and other religious monasteries. For example, you can see the All-Seeing Eye on the main portico of St. Petersburg's Kazan Cathedral.

Deciding to score such a nail, you should decide what meaning you attach to it, because the Masonic tattoos, the meaning of which is so multifaceted, can bring you both power and enslavement.


For women

For men