Tattoo of the All-Seeing Eye: meaning, techniques, sketches with photos

Among the variety of magical drawings and mystical symbols that are very popular among fans of both sexes to adorn themselves with body art, the sketch of eyes in a triangle or the All-Seeing Eye takes a special place. This sign is found in the emblems, religions and cultures of many peoples, accompanied by opposite meanings, in connection with what, its symbolism is also very multifaceted and contradictory.

The meaning of the symbol: a little history and modern meanings

One of the more common variants of the all-seeing eye tattoo is the eye, meaning the symbol of the eye of God, watching everything that happens, placed in a triangle. This image on the body attracts attention and is a little frightening in its appearance. The origin of such an image goes back to the distant past and is present in almost every religion. In Buddhism, it is considered the eye of Buddha and means enlightenment and protection.

The inhabitants of the Middle East call this symbol Hamsa, put it on the palm and believe in its powerful protection from negative influences and danger.

In Orthodox culture, the eye symbolizes the power of conduction and the presence of God in human life and soul.

The Egyptians called the all-seeing eye the falcon's eye, the eye of Horus or the eye of Ra, and necessarily decorated their amulets and talismans. The image meant immortality, high intelligence, awareness and knowledge of the depths of the universe.

In Freemasonry, the symbol of the eye in the triangle is called the "radiant delta", is a personification of the sun, the higher mind and all the gods, and is also considered a sign of the gift of clairvoyance.

These days, the meaning of the omniscient eye tattoo depends directly on the personal qualities and character of its owner, as well as the option of the sketch. In general, it is a symbol of strength and power, protection from problems and troubles, the desire for self-development and self-knowledge, caution and foresight.

It is also important which eye is depicted on your body, because they have the opposite meaning. The right eye symbolizes the sun, the desire for the future, and tomorrow. The left eye symbolizes the night, the moon, the past.

Meaning of the Illuminati tattoo

The Illuminati or all-seeing eye is a mystical symbol that represents man's connection to the universe.

In many temples you can find small windows at the very top of the building. These windows are associated with the eyes of the Universe, which watches over the everyday life of people.

The all-seeing eye can be called the eye of the heart, it suggests that it is important to listen to what our heart and intuition advise.

If the Illuminati is depicted in a triangle, it signifies the Omnipresence of the divine manifestation.

Illuminati tattoo means mystery, enigma, higher knowledge, greatness and wisdom.

Native Indians called the eye the eye of the heart and exalted it as the all-seeing eye of the great spirit. The Buddhists revered the eye and believed it carried the highest wisdom and divine light.

The inhabitants of ancient Greece believed the eye was a symbol of Apollo, the god of light. The Egyptians called the eye Atshet, which translated means the All-Knowing and All-Seeing Eye of Horus. He possessed tremendous powerful energetic power, authority, and wisdom.

Christians personified the all-seeing eye with the forces of light and God who sees and notices everything. But in Celtic culture, the eye stood for envy and an unwillingness to sacrifice for the greater good.

Wearing a picture of the Illuminati symbolizes an outstanding mind, insight, attention and love of life of its owner. Such people are usually attracted to the unknown, mysterious and undisclosed. He is very inquisitive, interested in history, esoteric sciences or religion.

For the fair sex such a tattoo will perfectly emphasize their originality, eccentricity, intelligence and intuitiveness.

If a woman makes herself a tattoo with the image of an all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle, on the wrist she boldly declares her non-traditional orientation.

A tattoo with an eye depicted together with a tree symbolizes fertility, abundance, prosperity, longevity, stability, harmony, wealth, well-being.

A body image showing a soaring bird and an eye enclosed in a triangle represents freedom, determination, achievement of goals, courage, determination and ease of flight.

Also, such a tattoo will be an excellent amulet that will protect its wearer from the evil eye, trouble, distress and other adversities. Such an amulet will be a source of energy, confidence, and divine patronage for his master.

The mysterious society of Freemasons use the symbol of the all-seeing eye in a triangle, from which rays of light pass, as a symbol of their organization.

The all-seeing eye tattoo is one of the most mysterious images that is associated with mysticism. This picture is found in different cultures and religions and can have different meanings. But the main meaning that is put into this image is the same for all - the eye of God, who is watching everything.

Tattoo of the All-seeing Eye for men

This image on the male body emphasizes masculinity and strength of character of the owner, demonstrates the superiority of kindness over the dark world and speaks of self-control and endurance of the owner. In some sketches, it symbolizes mental and physical wisdom and beauty. Sometimes men in this way declare their alienation from the outside world and frustration, unwillingness to perceive the surrounding reality.

Who is recommended to wear a tattoo?

Such an ancient symbol has an unusually strong energy, so before choosing it, it is necessary to think carefully. Not every person is given to get along harmoniously with such a body drawing.

In this case, the sign will be used as a talisman for the future, but only for people who have a strong inner energy and a tendency to make bold moves and develop quickly.

It is to such people that the sign will help to acquire wisdom and add strength for new achievements.

Where better to score a tattoo all-seeing eye

Tattoo omniscient eye is mainly nabbed on the upper part of the body, but in many ways the choice of location for the image depends on the size of the sketch, the technique of application and your desire to demonstrate this tattoo to all around or not. Men prefer to stuff the all-seeing eye on the back, in particular the shoulder blades area or the place between them, shoulders, biceps, arms and hands is chosen. Young ladies to decorate their bodies, in addition to the proposed options. actively decorate such a tattoo of the lumbar area, chest or area under the chest, which is not forbidden and men. Not less popular parts of the body are the leg and the abdomen.

Other Masonic Tattoos: Meaning

Whichever symbol from this group you apply, you should keep in mind their religious meaning. As a sacred sign, such tattoos should be applied only above the waist. The most appropriate parts of the body for such a sign: arms, back of the head, back, chest.

The most innocuous meaning of Masonic tattoos contain in the pictures with a compass and a needle. This symbol speaks of a willingness to learn and limit oneself. In the center of the sign they write the letter "G", which stands for God. Another common symbol is the cross, which is drawn to accompany the other Masonic signs. The cross symbolizes the sun or the four earth elements.

Different Tattoo Techniques

Another important aspect is choosing the style of your tattoo. Among the most common directions in which the drawing is done can be the original tribal, characterized by distinctive sharp lines that flow smoothly into semicircular shapes of mostly black or gray.

For the most realistic colored or monochrome pattern, opt for the style of realism. Ethnic trend highlights its sketches with unique patterns. Biomechanics, much beloved by men, impresses with its "depth". The cheekbone or new cheekbone stylistics differs from the others in its originality and vivid expression of the meaning of the tattoo.

Tattoo in the technique of Dotwork is a drawing made by dots. These works are famous not only for their sophistication, but also impress with the painstakingness of the process itself. Sometimes the image of the all-seeing eye can be found in tattoos with religious overtones, in the Chicano style. Also, many people prefer combined techniques or small minimalist drawings, which are convenient to hide under clothing.

The techniques are so many and varied that you should study them in advance, because each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.

Features of the eye tattoo sketch

The drawing can be done in different styles, the most famous are:

  • classic;
  • traditional;
  • Celtic;
  • ethnic;
  • realism;
  • tribal;
  • Polynesian.

The drawing can also be done in a mixed style, in addition, in Old School and New School styles.

The sketch can be complemented with various elements, such as:

Depending on the element that complements the drawing, the tattoo will be endowed with its own special individual meaning.

For example, if the all-seeing eye is depicted on the background of a tree, it will symbolize fertility, stability and longevity. And if the sketch will depict a flock of flying birds, it will be a sign of the purposefulness of man.

How to choose a sketch: options and examples with photos

Examples of all-seeing eye tattoo sketches, of course, there are in all salons, and if you have already decided exactly what part of your body will decorate such an image, you should carefully study a variety of sketches. As mentioned above, in most of the options, the eye in the tattoo is placed in a triangle, but this is not the only example that you can afford. The tattoo can be monochrome or colored, which is especially sought after by the beautiful half of our society. In addition to the triangle, the basic details of the image are perfectly complemented by various elements, which in turn can change the symbolism of the tattoo. The main image can act as a separate pattern, or it can be part of a composition and be painted against a background of space, the night sky, or sunlight. In addition, the image of the all-seeing eye is beautifully complemented by any vegetation, animals, birds and reptiles. No less interesting is a sketch with geometric elements, a variety of ornaments, abstraction and inscriptions. You only need to carefully study the proposed variations.

Choosing a particular tattoo sketch and style, never forget that in addition to the artistic meaning of the image, it can symbolize a lot in prison. You should not get a tattoo for fun or in imitation of someone. For the all-seeing eye tattoo, these aspects are also very important. To avoid unpleasant situations in the future, treat the choice of the sketch and the place of application carefully.

Meaning of the Illuminati tattoo

The Illuminati, or all-seeing eye, is a mystical symbol that represents man's connection with the universe.

In many temples one finds small windows at the very top of the building. These windows are associated with the eyes of the universe, which watches over the lives of ordinary people.

The all-seeing eye can be called the eye of the heart, suggesting that it is important to listen to what our heart and intuition tells us.

If the Illuminati is depicted in a triangle, it signifies the Omnipresence of the divine manifestation.

An Illuminati tattoo signifies mystery, enigma, higher knowledge, majesty and wisdom.

Native Indians called the eye the eye of the heart and exalted it as the all-seeing eye of the great spirit. The Buddhists revered the eye and believed it carried the highest wisdom and divine light.

The people of ancient Greece believed that the eye was a symbol of Apollo, the god of light. The Egyptians called the eye Atshet, which translated means the Omniscient and Omniscient Eye of Horus. It possessed tremendous powerful energetic power, authority, and wisdom.

Christians personified the all-seeing eye with the forces of light and God, who sees everything and notices everything. But in Celtic culture, the eye stood for envy and an unwillingness to sacrifice for the greater good.

Wearing a picture of the Illuminati symbolizes an outstanding mind, insight, attention and love of life of its owner. Such people are usually attracted to the unknown, mysterious and undisclosed. He is very inquisitive, interested in history, esoteric sciences or religion.

For the fair sex such a tattoo will perfectly emphasize their originality, originality, intelligence and intuitiveness.

If a woman gets a tattoo depicting an all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle, on her wrist she boldly declares her non-traditional orientation.

A tattoo with an eye depicted with a tree symbolizes fertility, abundance, prosperity, longevity, stability, harmony, wealth, and well-being.

A body image showing a soaring bird and an eye enclosed in a triangle represents freedom, determination, achievement of goals, courage, determination and ease of flight.

Also, such a tattoo will be an excellent amulet that will protect its wearer from the evil eye, trouble, distress and other adversities. Such an amulet will be a source of energy, confidence, and divine patronage for its owner.

The mysterious society of Freemasons use the symbol of the all-seeing eye in a triangle, from which rays of light pass, as a symbol of their organization.

Every year in tattoo culture there are new trends, currents and tendencies, the sketches are becoming more and more interesting, exciting and unusual. In this article we will consider another very unusual idea for a drawing on the body, we will learn what is the meaning of the tattoo of the eyes, the history and symbolism of this image.

What tattoos should not be tattooed?

Tattooing is a modern way of self-expression. Did you know that some drawings can change destiny, but not only in a positive sense? There are patterns that are considered bad taste in society. In today's article, let's discuss the important question, "What tattoos should not be tattooed?"

Prison tattoos

If the owner does not belong to a certain criminal community, others will misinterpret the meaning of the pattern. Yes, and look prison ornaments repulsive. Here's what they mean:

  • Beetle, cat - symbols of a pickpocket;
  • domes - the number of "onions" of the church equals the number of hits behind the bars;
  • spider - a thief's pattern;
  • crucifix - authority;
  • bell - the possessor has fully served his time in prison;
  • knife on the neck - participation in a murder;
  • rings on the fingers - have different meanings, determining the class of the prisoner and his occupation;
  • icon - the person "got on a criminal path" in his youth.

The name of a beloved woman

Time flows, everything changes, and the tattoos remain on the skin for life, or very difficult to reduce. If the roads with your beloved will diverge, you will have to explain to a new partner why the name of another is written on the body.

Drawings on the waist and stomach

Exclusively female "chips". A man with such a pattern looks ridiculous, and some people around him doubt his masculinity at all.

Tears on the face

Tattoo on the face is an extremely questionable choice. Most professional masters, who charge a lot of money for their work, refuse to stuff such drawings. In some Latin American countries, tears indicate mortal sin.

The Cobweb

Speaking of what tattoos should not be given to men, it is impossible not to mention the spider's web. All over the world, it is considered bad form and informs those around him that the man is addicted to drugs.


The fluttering creature on the body is a symbol of the representative of the most ancient profession. We do not recommend to strike such a tattoo for girls. It can be misinterpreted by the representatives of the stronger sex.

Names of children

Meaningless inscriptions that look as if you are afraid to forget the names of your own children. Especially look ridiculous in conjunction with the date of birth. Let it stay in the paperwork, not on your skin.


Quite a common drawing can play a cruel joke with a girl if it will be printed in an inappropriate style. Representatives of the fair sex often decorate the body with skulls with long hair, entwined with flowers and vines.

It looks feminine and unusual. A crude, "naked" skull in black tones disfigures the female body. The image with bulging eyes allowed to fill only girls who have experienced in life a strong shock and with dignity suffered hardships.


Chinese calligraphy is a delicate matter. One wrong move of a typewriter can change the meaning of a character to the opposite side. Besides, a character changes its meaning when combined with other writings.

Religious symbols

Faith and religious beliefs are a private matter. It is not worth bringing them into the public eye. Clergymen of various faiths treat religious symbols on the skin negatively.

Nazi symbols

Swastika and imperial eagle can be the reason for not seeing a doctor in Germany, even if your life is in danger. In Russia you can be fined for such tattoos.

Portraits of loved ones

It is incredibly difficult to draw a face so that it perfectly matches the image on the photo. In 99% of cases the tattoo turns into something blurred, in the features one can hardly guess the oval of a relative.

Portraits of Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe

They are tacitly believed to bring bad luck and misfortune. If you are a fan of dead celebrities, give preference to posters on the wall.

The number 13 and the pentagram.

Unlucky signs. Many desperate people who rejected mysticism, punctuated them, but admitted that after a time they began to pursue trouble.

When and under what circumstances can you not get a tattoo?

In addition to the obvious contraindications to the application of the pattern on the body (nuances relating to health), we should additionally mention the parts of the body on which the presence of the figure is undesirable. These are the intimate areas, the navel area (the skin here is subject to age changes and stretch marks) and the face. You should not have an ornament on the foot or inner phalanx of the finger and wrist, it will quickly fade and blur.

People often wonder, "What professions are not allowed to have a tattoo?" If the image is on an area that is always covered by clothing, you should not worry about the employer's rejection. But the ornament can be a serious obstacle to moving up the career ladder, if you plan to work:

  • in the modeling business;
  • in the banking sector and the prosecutor's office (drawing on the visible parts of the hands, neck, behind the ear).

By the way, men with tattoos and dreaming of serving in the Kremlin regiment can forget about their plans. They will not be taken there.

A tattoo is an art. Approach the choice of drawing wisely and trust the body to a professional. Be sure to check out our list of banned tattoos so you don't get into trouble.


For women

For men