What do the mysterious radiation signs mean? What to expect if you see a radiation sign?

A radiation warning sign is one of 12 internationally accepted signs showing areas with some type of threat to human life and health. The statement "Beware of radiation!" became relevant immediately after the end of World War II.

radiation marks
A radiation danger sign was invented and used for the first time in the laboratory of the American University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley physicists played an essential role in the invention of the atomic bomb, and later the hydrogen bomb. The process of inventing the sign afterwards, in 1952, was described in a letter from one of the participants, the chemist Nels Garden. A small group of researchers offered several samples of the sign, and chose the one that best visualized the threat. It was purple on a blue background. Purple in its Roman sense was chosen because of the high cost of that color paint - it precluded thoughtless copying, Garden writes. Besides, it did not conflict with any other color popular in this field of science. The blue background color was chosen on the same principle.

Black on yellow.

The modern image - a black sign on a yellow background - came later, when radiation signs became more common.

Radiation and man
There were more objects with radioactive hazards. Garden, one of the sign's inventors, doesn't like black on yellow radiation signs. He believes that the frequent use of yellow in marking objects of any danger disavows the increased danger of radiation specifically. In addition, the yellow sign is poorly visible against the bright blue sky. Nevertheless the yellow background was chosen in 1948 when standardizing the mark as the main one. The three-petal or three-blade sign remained purple for the time being. The authors of the new image felt that this combination of colors was highly visible in the open air from a distance of 20 feet. Today's American standards (ANSI), established in the late 1950s, allow both black and magenta radiation marks.

Ionizing radiation is:

The most significant types of radiation are worth highlighting:

  • Shortwave electromagnetic radiation: X-rays;
  • Gamma radiation.
  • Particle fluxes:
      Beta particles (electrons and positrons);
  • neutrons;
  • protons, muons and other elementary particles;
  • ions (fragments that appear when nuclei fission), including alpha particles.
  • As Dr. Marek Rabinski stated in the article "History of the Radiation Warning Sign," which appeared in the first 2012 issue of Ecoatom (published quarterly):

    The original version of the radiation sign used a purple symbol on a blue background.

    Blue was justified by the fact that this color is extremely rare in laboratories, so the danger of a possible overlap with the color of other warning signs was minimized.

    The choice of violet color was the result of a rather curious way of thinking - the paint of this color was exceptionally expensive, which effectively prevented the danger of widespread use.

    However, this option was not adopted for a simple reason: a blue background is not associated with warning signs and disappears when exposed to light.

    Thus, a sign with a yellow background was chosen.

    Visual meaning of the sign

    It is interesting that usually danger signs are classic triangles in shape with some kind of image inside. According to Russian GOST, this sign is a warning sign. Poison and radiation signs are depicted in 9 out of 10 cases on a square base.

    Radiation sign in pictures
    The radiation sign itself is a circle, which is divided into 6 sectors. Three of them are black. Two of the black petal sectors point upward, one downward. So what does the sign itself mean? There are two versions. The first is the inverted trefoil as a symbol of the death of nature, the second, more cynical, - the sign is similar to the battle flag of the Japanese living in the west of the island empire. By the way, the resemblance of the radiation sign to the symbol of the Mitsubishi automobile concern is surprising. But inverted.

    The meaning of the tattoo for girls

    Girls with a tattoo of the sign of radiation have a lively character and love bright emotions. Such a symbol is suitable for women who do not like to sit in one place and are looking for thrills in entertainment. The tattoo symbolizes expressiveness, a passion for speed and a tendency to change life circumstances. It is very difficult for such girls to live according to a set schedule and to obey the rules. They often choose their own business as an activity in order not to depend on other people.

    The New Radiation Sign

    In 2007, there was a new sign of radiation or ionizing danger. This radiation sign in pictures is interesting. On a red background in black is the traditional sign of radiation, the skull and bones is a sign of death, the running man is a call to leave the affected area.

    The authors believe that this sign is more understandable. But it is difficult to explain why, because the source of danger - the three bladed fan, which the average person cannot quite understand - is not immediately perceived as a death threat by everyone! The IAEA sincerely believes that the new sign will be more understandable to less educated peoples, who will not understand the first sign, which does not have an intuitive echo in the soul of a representative of a poorly educated people. Somehow their confidence makes one wonder. What intuitive effect should this propeller have on a Czech or a Swede? Nevertheless, the IAEA is now trying to introduce exactly the new sign, despite its more difficult visual perception. Interestingly, the new radiation signs have been tested for recognizability in countries such as the United States, Morocco, Kenya, Thailand, India and Ukraine. The symbol has been harmonized with the World Organization for Standardization in Industry ISO and is being implemented through its implementation mechanisms.

    radiation sign

    What does the radiation symbol mean? History of the radiation symbol

    The credit for the invention of the sign belongs to a group of American scientists from the Berkeley Laboratory in California. This lab was studying radiation, and the the warning sign was needed primarily for internal use. That is why such non-traditional colors were chosen. Magenta was never used for labeling, making it impossible to confuse a radioactive container with any other container. And the blue color was not present in the laboratory equipment, so it was visible from afar. One of the

    The symbol itself, which became a graphic a picture of radiationdepicts the atom and its three kinds of radiation - Beta, Alpha and Gamma. The symbol has clear proportions, the central circle is taken as a unit radius, and the segments that form the petals in the area of the circle with a radius of 1.5. The distance between the segments is 60°.

    1. The sign of infinity?

    What does this have to do with Roerich?

    But is there any other intuitive symbolism of this sign? Surprised by its resemblance to the banner of Roerich. Three circles in a circle, arranged similarly to the petals of the sign of radiation. There is a certain esoteric version that says that the Earth lies on some cosmic path, but the path has been closed by the distortions of the use of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the sign of radioactive danger is the upside-down sign of the Roerich's path and banner. Analogous to an inverted crucifix or pentagram. But even without the symbolism of the Way, the opposition between the symbol of peace (pax culturae) and nuclear danger is obvious.

    What do the mysterious radiation signs mean? What to expect when you see a sign of radiation?

    Black on Yellow

    The modern image, a black sign on a yellow background, came later when radiation signs became more common.

    The visual meaning of the sign

    It is interesting that usually danger signs in form are classic triangles with some kind of image inside. According to the Russian GOST, this sign is a warning sign. Poison and radiation signs are depicted in 9 out of 10 cases on a square base. The radiation sign itself is a circle that is divided into 6 sectors. Three of them are black. Two of the black sector petals point upwards, one downwards. What does the sign itself mean? There are two versions. The first is the inverted trefoil as a symbol of the death of nature, the second, more cynical, - the sign is similar to the battle flag of the Japanese living in the west of the island empire. By the way, the resemblance of the radiation sign to the symbol of the Mitsubishi automobile concern is surprising. But upside down.

    In 2007, a new sign of radiation or ionizing danger appeared. This radiation sign in pictures is interesting. On a red background in black is the traditional sign of radiation, a skull and bones - the sign of death, a running man - the call to leave the affected area. The authors believe that this sign is more understandable. But why, it is problematic to explain, because the source of danger - the same three-petal fan, not fully understood by the average man - is not immediately perceived as a deadly threat by everyone! The IAEA sincerely believes that the new sign will be more understandable to less educated peoples, who will not understand the first sign, which does not have an intuitive echo in the soul of a representative of a poorly educated people. Somehow their confidence makes one wonder. What intuitive resonance should this propeller evoke in a Czech or a Swede? Nevertheless, the IAEA is now trying to introduce exactly the new sign, despite its more difficult visual perception. Interestingly, the new radiation signs have been tested for recognizability in countries such as the United States, Morocco, Kenya, Thailand, India and Ukraine. The symbol has been coordinated with the World Organization for Standardization in Industry ISO and is being implemented through its implementation mechanisms.

    But is there any other intuitive symbolism for this mark? Its resemblance to the Roerich banner is striking. Three circles in a circle, arranged similarly to the petals of the radiation sign. There is a certain esoteric version that says that the Earth lies on some cosmic path, but the path has been closed by the distortions of the use of nuclear weapons. Therefore, the sign of radioactive danger is the upside-down sign of the Roerich's path and banner. Analogous to an inverted crucifix or pentagram. But even without the symbolism of the Way, the opposition between the symbol of peace (pax culturae) and nuclear danger is obvious.

    Zone of Action.

    Radiation signs can mark not only objects but also spaces. The zone of action of the signs standing at the entrance to an industrial facility extends to the entire territory of the facility. The concept of "zone" emerges, which, thanks to the Strugatsky brothers' Stalker, has its own emotional coloring. Now, somewhere on the border between civil defense and cyberpunk, there is a campaign to find places with radiation contamination that have survived since Soviet times, and activists try to mark them with such signs, even if done in the form of graffiti on the walls of houses. But activists are not always right. Danger can be imaginary. And people, when they see a "black propeller" on a yellow background on the wall of a house on their street, become nervous. Rather, a state program is needed to find, identify and decontaminate such places, along with a campaign to debunk the rumors. And if such rumors, i.e. misinformation, are being professionally dealt with by someone, as in India, when the world's corporations fought nuclear power plants? The new radiation sign is too much like a visualization of the wrath of the gods and a call for the destruction of the object that has angered them. In short, the use of radiation danger signs needs an eye for an eye.

    Obviously, it is characteristic of the human psyche to exaggerate threats. Radiation hazards have been frightening for a long time, and it is clear that for the population of the Far East these fears did not arise out of nothing. Radiation and man have of course been familiar since the emergence of mankind, relict radiation has always been there, but now the fear of mutations and changes in the genocode under the influence of hidden radiation sources is greater than ever. And not only the word of mouth, but also the mass media is strenuously inflating these rumors. Probably, very soon we will receive data on radiation background together with the weather forecast and at the airports we will put stickers "radiation safe" on the luggage of the passengers.

    Interestingly, for advanced young people, these signs have become part of club culture. Many nightclubs label cocktails, private areas, and even bathrooms with this sign. Everything would be fine, the psyche of the younger generation has seen more than that. Young people are happy to modernize the radiation sign, its photo in gas, oil or other fashionable style can be seen in various design projects. But then again, remember the old anecdote about the boy and the wolf that attacked him... If the sign is used many times in a safe situation, the mind can ignore it in a dangerous situation.


    What does the radiation sign mean? For more than seventy years mankind around the world knows the yellow warning sign, which is sometimes called the "three-leaf clover", but besides it, there is another sign, though less known, but understandable at the intuitive level.

    For hundreds of years the image of the skull and crossed bones was sufficient and necessary to convey the concept of poison. Until we started experimenting with radioactive compounds.

    Originally, the radiation sign was a different color - the background was blue and the shamrock itself was purple. But later, after experimenting with colors, scientists found that the most noticeable sign was on a yellow background.

    Ionizing radiation is radiation of sufficient energy so that during interaction with an atom it can remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of the atom, causing the atom to charge or ionize.

    Forms of electromagnetic radiation

    • Heat waves;
    • radio waves;
    • infrared light;
    • visible light;
    • Ultraviolet radiation;
    • X-rays;
    • gamma rays.

    Ionizing Radiation Symbol

    It denotes ionizing radiation and complements the traditional international sign "Beware of radiation!" The shamrock, on the other hand, has no intuitive meaning and is little known to people other than those educated in the field. For example, children do not know what the radiation sign looks like. They perceive the trefoil as a propeller, not understanding the danger threatening them.

    The radiation sign depicted in the photo is intended to warn anyone and anywhere about the potential danger due to approaching a source of ionizing radiation.

    So. The new radiation sign, designed by human factors experts, graphic artists and radiation protection experts, was tested by the Gallup Institute with a total of 1,650 people from around the world.

    The symbol is designed for IAEA Category 1, 2 and 3 sources identified as hazardous sources that can cause death or serious injury, including food irradiators, teletherapy machines for cancer treatment and industrial radiography devices.


    Hazard symbols - Easily recognizable symbols designed to warn of hazardous materials or locations. The use of hazard symbols is generally regulated by law and standards organizations.

    The radioactivity symbol

    The international radiation sign first appeared in 1946 at the University of California Berkeley Radiation Laboratory. At the time, the sign was purple on a blue background[1]. The modern version is a black sign on a yellow background. The proportions of the figure - the central circle with a radius of R, the three petals with an inner radius of 1.5-R and an outer 5-R, the petals are separated from each other by 60°[2].

    The Unicode character table has a radiation hazard character, ☢ (U+2622).

    Biohazard sign

    For the first time the sign of biohazard appeared in 1966. It was developed by the chemical company Dow Chemical to be placed on its products[4].

    Charles Baldwin,[4] an environmental engineer who was involved in the development of the sign said


    Warning sign

    Chemical hazard

    A chemical hazard label is a pictogram used on containers of hazardous chemicals to indicate specific risks and necessary precautions. The different marking systems are shown below.

    A different standard is used in Europe. A rolling stock carrying hazardous goods is marked with an orange sign, where the lower number indicates the substance being transported and the upper number indicates the hazard it may pose.

    • Explosive (E)
    • Extremely flammable (F+)
    • Extremely toxic (T+)
    • Irritating to skin (Xi)
    • Environmentally hazardous (N)

    In the Russian Federation there is GOST R 12.4.026-2001 "Safety signs, safety signs and signal markings", which establishes the purpose, rules of application, types and designs, color images, sizes, technical requirements and characteristics, testing methods of safety signs, including those containing the symbols of danger. In accordance with this GOST safety signs - a color graphic representation of a certain geometric shape with the use of signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions, designed to warn people about the immediate or possible danger, prohibit, prescribe or permit certain actions, as well as for information about the location of objects and means, the use of which excludes or reduces the impact of hazardous and (or) harmful factors. Safety signs are standardized and are also listed in the previously valid GOST R 12.4.026 SSBT "Safety colors, safety signs and signal markings

    1. Prohibitive - a red circle with a white border inside, crossed out with a red diagonal line;

    3. Prescribing - a square of green color with a white border and a white square field;

    Contents and actions of the signs

    The area of the signs placed at the entrance (entrance) to the production facility extends to the entire facility.



    The now universally recognized radiation symbol is a sign that was invented in 1946 by a team at the University of California, Berkeley Radiation Laboratory.

    While it represents an atom, the central circle represents the source of radiation, and the three blades seem to represent alpha, beta and gamma radiation, respectively.

    What poses the greatest threat to humanity?

    The first signs had a purple color on a blue background. Garden thought purple was appropriate to use because, "the color was distinctive - not in conflict with any color code familiar to us" .

    Driving through a red light

    While many workers felt it was inappropriate to use blue because that color was rarely used for warning signs. Garden, in the end, chose to use a yellow background. Although yellow is too widely used, it makes objects look so good on it.

    How the first road sign came to be

    The Use of Radiation Hazard Signs

    Originally in America, right after the sign was invented, it was planned to be placed on shelters designed to protect against the atomic threat. Then this idea was abandoned, because the sign meant danger, not shelter from it. Now according to GOST 17925-72 in Russia this sign is used to mark premises, objects, devices and devices that pose a real or potential radiation hazard. These may be nuclear power plants, vehicles carrying radioactive substances, physical laboratories, gas pedals and many other facilities that pose real or potential radioactive hazard.

    watch out for radiation
    In short, where radiation levels are actually elevated. It is allowed to use the radioactive hazard sign for educational purposes, at conferences, in booklets, and during training. According to GOST, it is not allowed to use the radiation hazard sign for avatars in social networks and in the manufacture of jewelry, as well as for other similar purposes. But no one monitors this. And there are no measures of responsibility for the indiscriminate and unauthorized use of the sign. According to GOST, by the way, the trefoil must be red, but black on a white background is also allowed.

    Zone of action

    Radiation signs can mark not only objects, but also spaces. The zone of action of signs standing at the entrance to an industrial facility extends to the entire territory of the facility. The concept of "zone" emerges, which has, thanks to the Strugatsky brothers' "Stalker", its own emotional coloring.

    radiation level
    Now, somewhere on the border between civil defense and cyberpunk, there is a campaign to find places with radiation contamination that have survived since Soviet times, and activists try to mark them with such signs, even if done in the form of graffiti on the walls of houses. But activists are not always right. Danger can be imaginary. And people, when they see a "black propeller" on a yellow background on the wall of a house on their street, become nervous. Rather, a state program is needed to find, identify and decontaminate such places, along with a campaign to debunk the rumors. And if such rumors, i.e. misinformation, are being professionally dealt with by someone, as in India, when the world's corporations fought nuclear power plants? The new radiation sign is too much like a visualization of the wrath of the gods and a call for the destruction of the object that has angered them. In short, the use of radiation danger signs needs an eye for an eye.

    meaning and history of appearance :: SYL.ru

    History of appearance

    The symbol we usually associate with radiation or radioactive materials was developed in late 1946 by a group of people working at the Radiation Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley. At that time, the negative effects of the phenomenon were just beginning to show themselves so that they could be studied well enough to come up with some kind of warning sign. In fact, the symbol was originally intended only for local use in Berkeley, primarily in the form of hinged signs and stickers.

    Originally, the radiation sign was a different color - the background was blue and the shamrock itself was purple. But later, after experimenting with the colors, scientists found that the most noticeable sign was on a yellow background.

    Ionizing radiation is radiation of sufficient energy so that during interaction with an atom it can remove tightly bound electrons from the orbit of the atom, causing the atom to charge or ionize.

    Forms of electromagnetic radiation

    • Heat waves;
    • radio waves;
    • infrared light;
    • visible light;
    • Ultraviolet radiation;
    • X-rays;
    • gamma rays.

    Ionizing Radiation Symbol

    It denotes ionizing radiation and complements the traditional international sign "Beware of radiation!" The shamrock, on the other hand, has no intuitive meaning and is little known to people other than those educated in the field. For example, children do not know what the radiation sign looks like. They perceive the trefoil as a propeller, not understanding the danger threatening them.

    The new symbol was tested with different groups of the population. It was shown to people of all ages, with different educational backgrounds. Men and women were shown a picture of the radiation sign to make sure that its meaning - "danger - stay away" - was absolutely clear and understandable to all.

    Placement of the new sign

    The symbol is placed on the device that houses the source as a warning that the device must not be dismantled or approached. It will not be visible during normal use, only if someone tries to disassemble the device. The symbol also cannot be found on building doors or on shipping bags or containers.

    Radiation signs and the human psyche

    Obviously, the human psyche tends to exaggerate threats. Radiation hazards have been frightening for a long time, and it is clear that for the population of the Far East these fears did not arise from nothing. Radiation and man have been familiar, of course, since the emergence of mankind, relict radiation has always been there, but now the fear of mutations and changes in the genocode under the influence of hidden radiation sources is greater than ever. And not only the word of mouth, but also the mass media is strenuously inflating these rumors. It is possible that very soon we will receive data on radiation background together with the weather forecast and passengers will have "radiation safe" emblems stuck on their luggage at airports.

    Forms of electromagnetic radiation

    Forms of electromagnetic radiation differ only in frequency and wavelength:

    • heat waves;
    • radio waves;
    • Infrared light;
    • visible light;
    • ultraviolet radiation;
    • X-rays;
    • gamma rays.

      Radiation sign in Chernobyl

    Longer and lower frequency waves have less energy than shorter and higher frequency waves (X and gamma rays). Not all electromagnetic (EM) radiation is ionizing. Only the high-frequency part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes X-rays and gamma rays, is ionized.

    The Underground

    Interestingly, for advanced youth, these signs have become part of club culture. Many nightclubs mark cocktails, private areas and even bathrooms with this sign. All would be well, the psyche of the younger generation has seen more than that. Young people gladly modernize the sign of radiation, its photo in the gas, oil or other fashionable style can be seen in various design projects. But then again, remember the old anecdote about the boy and the wolf that attacked him... If the sign is used many times in a safe situation, the mind can ignore it in a dangerous situation.

    Hopefully our hipsters and ravers won't be looking for atomic bomb shelters anytime soon or confusing them with smoking rooms, but some kind of government control over the misuse of this sign must be present.


    For women

    For men