Popular tattoos, their meanings and options on the photo

The history of tattoos begins with the depth of centuries. Even our ancient ancestors caused drawings on the body with a certain sacred meaning. Most often symbols were applied, which served as amulets, protecting the wearer from witchcraft, magic and dark forces. In today's world, tattoo amulets are very popular. They are inflicted as men and girls.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning

There are a lot of options for tattoos, in which the protective meaning is laid. Dreamcatcher - a symbol that catches in his web of bad dreams, and has the property to protect from evil spirits. If to combine in one drawing a spider and a dream catcher, you will receive more powerful and magical amulet. The black sun is a very strong talisman, because it is able to protect its owner from spoilage and enemies. Celtic patterns consist of endless loops, and carry a deep semantic flow. Also, such a tattoo can protect against the evil eye. The eye in the pyramid is the most popular and widespread symbol of protection against the evil eye and spoilage. Its popularity began to increase with the ancient Egyptians and has not subsided until today. In a few lines of the image lies the great power of the eye, which protects its owner. Such a drawing will help the owner in the fight against negative energy. And the tattoo mask serves as a kind of shield, which can be used to cover the alarming situation.

Seal of Veles

In Slavic mythology, Veles was the patron saint of cattlemen. He knew Light and Darkness, so the attitude of ordinary people to him was ambiguous. It was believed that Veles commanded all witches and werewolves, had links with the otherworld, and at night he himself turned into either a bear or a wolf. That's why his symbol is shaped like an animal's paw.

Tattoo amulet for men in the form of a seal of Veles suited goal-oriented and strong-spirited individuals who know what they want out of life. Wearable design helps to translate ideas into reality, gives wisdom and inspires the right thoughts. The symbol brings special good luck in business negotiations, contracts and business activities.

Tattoos amulets for men

It is characteristic for men to apply rough tattoos with a deep hidden meaning. Most often the stronger sex chooses the following amulets:

  • Caroler - brings good luck in battle and gives wisdom.
  • Valkyrie - the most ancient amulet. Symbolizes honor, wisdom, nobility and justice. Also, this amulet is interpreted as aggression in the name of salvation.
  • The solar (Celtic) cross gives the wearer fortitude, courage, and faith in his cause.

With what symbols can be combined?

WARNING! Traditionally, men's tattoos are performed in a black and white color scheme, which indicates the restraint and masculinity of the bearer. The addition of colors in the picture shows the expressiveness and sensuality peculiar to the bearer of the tattoo.

To the various images listed above, some prefer to add a variety of symbols or decorative elements:

  • inscriptions,
  • religious attributes,
  • patterns,
  • Images of animals, birds, insects.

Tattoos amulets for girls

It is typical for girls to choose feminine delicate symbols, for example, such as:

  • Ladinets - amulet of love, happiness and protection from adversity.
  • The Star of Lada is a symbol of protection of health of a woman and her child. It is believed that such a tattoo facilitates childbirth and pregnancy itself.
  • A bereginya is a tattoo with a very powerful feminine energy. It promotes prosperity and fertility. It is believed that the owner of such an image lives by conscience and honor, as well as a symbol of ancestor reading, wealth in the home.
  • Sweetovit - embodies the advantage of light over darkness and harmonious universe. Especially this tattoo is suitable for creative girls and serves as an expression of the combination of everything earthly with the heavenly. In ancient times it was believed that the image Sweetovit on the body of a pregnant woman can protect the child from the dark forces and negative influences.

Protective tattoos: popular options

At the heart of the protective tattoos is a deep magical meaning. It is believed that they can protect from trouble and give the owner a certain strength. Such tattoos include:

  • Star - a universal amulet, which will give success in the life of its owner.
  • Grasshopper - this image is a great success in many countries. This symbol is especially suitable for creative people. And the rest brings wealth, longevity, good luck.
  • Scarab - a symbol of the embodiment of the immortal soul. Such a drawing will help to sort out your thoughts after difficult experiences.
  • A bee is a talisman that provides diligence, wisdom and longevity.
  • A spider is an amulet that can protect from negative diseases. Also, this pattern can give inspiration and diligence to creative people. If the spider has seven legs, it means harmony, cyclicity of creation.


The turbaned head symbolizes the moving Sun. The rays with curved ends symbolize the cyclical nature, the change of stages, the infinity of life. The soul passes many tests to gain experience and become immortal. If this does not happen, the cycle repeats from the beginning.

Such a Slavic amulet is a tattoo for men who seek self-development and self-knowledge. The symbol allows you to develop psychic abilities, discover the gift of foresight, cleanse yourself of negativity. It also protects from negative influences (curses, spoilage). If the rays on the sketch are bent clockwise, wealth awaits the wearer. Anti-clockwise rays are usually inscribed by sorcerers engaged in black magic.

Tattoo on the wrist: a talisman for life

Getting a tattoo, be sure to determine the area of its application. The protective tattoos are often found on the hand. You can put a small drawing on the wrist in the form of runes. Such a sketch will not be strongly visible due to its size, but will serve as a powerful amulet for its owner. Some, on the contrary, want to demonstrate their tattoo to others, and apply it to the shoulder or forearm. On the arm, Celtic drawings are most often performed in the form of a bracelet or a fully battered forearm. The most common pattern for the shoulder area is the image of the gods.

Egyptian cross ankh

The ancient Egyptian cross ankh was an invariable attribute of the god Anubis, who was a guide to the netherworld. This sign has a profound symbolism: a long vertical line represents the human way of life, a short perpendicular line - the line that must not be crossed, and the loop - Heaven (that is, the divine, the afterlife). The crossing of the horizontal and vertical line is the main place of concentration of energy, therefore the picture should be necessarily applied on the right side of the body above the waist, for example, on the shoulder.

Tattoo amulet for men in the form of ankh activates the life force, strengthens the tone, gives longevity and good health. It attracts good luck and happiness in life, helps to find his destination, to establish contact with the opposite sex and arrange a personal life. The amulet protects from envious and ill-wishers. Such a drawing suits guys who are interested in philosophy, esoterics, believe in reincarnation and the afterlife.

It is believed that the ankh key opens a portal to the netherworld and a person develops extrasensory abilities (divine dreams, communication with spirits, etc.). Not everyone can withstand such an emotional load and flow of information, so this symbol is recommended to stuff men with a stable psyche.

Rune amulets in the form of a tattoo

Many people know about the runes from popular culture. It was believed that the runes have a magical meaning. Each symbol is filled with meaning. That is why runes are often used to apply tattoo amulets. The most popular runes amulets:

  • Peace - the sign symbolizes the union of god and man. And also suggests that it is the person who is the creator. Such a symbol gives a person aspirations, the impulse of creativity and will help to find his "self".
  • Odolen-grass is a Slavic amulet against disease.
  • Rainbow is a symbol of reconciliation of the forces of chaos and order. This symbol will help when you want to balance any situation or get support for travel.
  • Wind - symbol of faith, inspiration, ascension and creativity.
  • Lelja - this symbol is able to awaken intuition in its owner, as well as embodies joy and prosperity.

Tattoo Slavic amulets

The most common Slavic tattoo amulets are considered gods. Their images can protect against trouble and misfortune. Before you apply the image, you should become more familiar with its meaning:

  • Veles - the god of fertility. It is believed that this image will present the wearer with profound knowledge in the field of medicine and agriculture, as well as contribute to material well-being and prosperity.
  • Perun - the lord of lightning, thunder and military courage. Such a tattoo will give the magical power.
  • Svarog is a very strong amulet, the father of all gods and living beings. This god rules life and protects all living things.
  • Yarilo - son of Veles, chief over the spring warmth and fertility. Tattoo with such a deity is able to reward the life force.
  • Makosh - such a tattoo is typical for the fair sex. Its meaning hidden in the care of the family home, motherhood and femininity.

The Eye of Horus

The eye of Horus - a powerful ancient Egyptian symbol, which is also known as the falcon's eye, the eye of Ra, Ujat. The god Horus was the son of the supreme deity Osiris. After a fight with Seth he damaged his left eye, but after being healed by Thoth, the eye became possessed of amazing properties. It was with its help that Horus was able to resurrect his dead father.

The eye of Ra was worn as the amulet of the pharaoh. Today the symbol can be seen on the $1 bill. In the art of body painting, it represents wisdom, vigilance, and vision. Looking at the photo of the amulet tattoo for men in the form of the eye of Horus, you can see a rolling tear in the form of a spiral. It symbolizes the trials of a man on his way to success. Only by overcoming all obstacles, one can comprehend the essence of being.

For men, this symbol brings material prosperity, career growth, and realization in professional activities. He helps to gain confidence in their own abilities, exposes hypocrites and liars. Many owners of such a picture that after applying the tattoo became less sick and even got rid of some diseases.


For women

For men