The meaning of a tattoo of their children: the meaning, history, photos, sketches drawings

A family tattoo is one of the best ways to honor and show your loved ones what they mean to you. It's kind of a totem-it's all about your family and so you can draw whatever you want or what you think best represents your family.

Family is the most important thing in many people's lives and the deep love you feel for them is the fuel that keeps you running and why you work hard to succeed.

And so with tattoos that remind you of those special people, you will always have something to encourage you to keep pushing on, despite all the difficulties and obstacles that life can bring its way.

These tattoos are not a new concept, and it is safe to say that humanity has been drawing them almost as long as he has been smart.

Most of the earliest cave paintings are representative of community and family, and it shows that this connection has been around almost as long as humanity. In some ancient societies, body markings were one way of identifying people from individual communities and clans.

This practice still exists in some Amazonian jungle tribes as well as in some communities in Africa. Although modern day tattoos are very different from what people would have in ancient times, they still draw their inspiration from early totems.

And so it is safe to say that the culture of painting family crests has been evolving for thousands of years.

Tattoo inscriptions

Inscriptions are one of the most popular themes for tattoos. So why are they so beloved by guys and girls? There are many reasons:

  • An opportunity to express themselves.
  • To tell others a thought or information about yourself
  • Together with the image "immortalize" someone or something

And often these inscriptions are dedicated to the family. A tattoo about family or a tattoo about your parents is a great way to say to the world, "I love, respect and appreciate my family." People may not approve of tattoos, but they will not be able not to appreciate such a sign of attention to the closest ones.

Original phrases

The text of the tattoo inscription in a man can be a quote, as well as an original phrase, a motivator or a manifestation of his temper. Interesting and mysterious will look short inscriptions and phrases, easy to perceive and understand. For example:

randomness is not accidental - randomness is not accidental;

legio nomen mihi est (Latin). - My name is Legion;

free your mind - free your mind;

veni, vidi, vici (Latin). - came, saw, conquered;

after the clouds-the Sun. - after the clouds the sun.

Important! When choosing a language for the inscription and the text itself, decide on the purpose. Either you're trying to tell something about yourself, or the inscription suggests a purely personal and non-trivial message.

Tattoo inscriptions about family

Sometimes we don't have enough words to express our feelings. Sometimes we don't have the time or the courage to do so. And even though our loved ones know that we love them, it is never too much to say it again. And in order to do this, there are many different ways, including tattoos.

And the popularity of such confessions is increasing from year to year. Because for many people, family and parents are a reliable stronghold, they are people ready to help and support even in the most difficult moments of life, they are the ones who deserve love like no other.

From History

In ancient times, people concluded that the heart was more than just an organ that pumped blood through the body. The heart was considered the source of feelings, and its impulses were listened to when making decisions. Symbols of love painted on the body perpetuated the memory, reminding of the vows of fidelity and preserving love forever. The most common symbol of happiness is the heart-shaped tattoo. The scarlet rose represents passion, the lily represents chastity, and the frog and dolphin represent sexuality and sensuality.

Tattoos symbolizing love can be divided into:

  • Attracting love, having mystical meaning. They work as a charm for love and good luck in amorous affairs. Such images from ancient times were chosen to attract the love of a certain person, to arrange him to himself.
  • Demonstrating fidelity - they are applied to prove to the lover the strength of feelings and the desire to always be near. Often the tattoo is performed in the form of a drawing and an inscription.

Ideas for "family" tattoos

Do you also want to tell about your feelings, to say thank you to your parents with a tattoo? There are many options and ideas for this.

Images do not always manage to fully and accurately convey the full range of feelings and emotions we experience. And that's when words come to the rescue. On this page you can find a lot of ideas for tattoos dedicated to parents. But this is only a small fraction of what is possible to apply. Your family tattoo can be:

  • In the form of an inscription expressing an expression in your own words
  • In the form of an aphorism, best reveal feelings, attitudes, emotions
  • Phrase in absolutely any language (the most popular now English and Latin)
  • With a picture and an inscription

The inscription is convenient because you can put it in any place. If you do not want your confession to be seen by all, you can make a tattoo on the body in the place that is usually hidden clothing. Or, on the contrary, to open it to everyone, to tell everyone what you are experiencing.

Tattoos about family are a manifestation of your personal initiative. Create and fantasize! And this post will just help you, push you to some original idea.

Friends! For a quick search of the necessary inscription for a tattoo use the key combination: CTRL+F


  • Believe in yourself - tibimet
  • Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you - Fac fideli sis fidelis
  • Be who you really are Esto quod es
  • Looking up to heaven while standing on earth - Pedes in terra ad sidera visus
  • Live to live. - Vive ut vivas
  • Life without freedom is nothing - Vita sine libertate nihil
  • To live is to fight. Vivere militare est.
  • Vivere, dimicāre, nunquam cēdĕre
  • For his angels will command about you to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 90:11) - Quia angelis suis mandabit de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis
  • It is known that love is blind-notum est amoremcaecum esse
  • Either win or die. - AUT VINCERE, AUT MORI
  • Only a mother is worthy of love. - Solum mater digna amatu
  • Love is above all things. Amor omnia vincit
  • My angel is always with me - Angelus meus semper mecum est
  • My children are my life - liberi mei vita mihi sunt
  • My daughter is my life - Mea filia vita mea
  • My daughter is my love - Mea filia caritas mea
  • My son is my life - Meus filius vita mea
  • My family is my fortress - Familia mea fortitudo mea est.
  • Never give up! - Nunquam cede
  • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - Oculum pro oculo dentem pro dente.
  • He who overcomes himself triumphs - Vincit qui se vincit
  • Under the wing of an angel - Sub alis angeli
  • Know thyself - Temet nosce
  • As long as I breathe, I love and believe -dum spiro, amo atque credo
  • # Truth is my light Veritas lux mea #
  • Pater dimitte mihi quoniam peccavi
  • Vale et me ama
  • Born to be happy - Nata sum ut felix sim
  • Born to be happy - Natus sum ut felix sim
  • I will make you remember me! - Faciam ut mei memineris
  • Family above all things - familia omnibus praestat
  • The words disappear, the letters remain. -Verba volant, scripta manent
  • Thank you mother for my life - Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago
  • Thanks to my parents for my life. - Gratias parentibus pro vita mea ago
  • You're forever in my heart - Semper in corde meo
  • I'm not a follower, I'm a leader -Non ducor duco
  • I will either find the way or I will make it on my own. - Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


      There are moments for which you can give months and years. تتواجد لحظات, التي يمكن ان تعطيها اشهر وسنوات
  • Being busy is easy, but the hardest part is being productive. .ان تكون مشغولا - سهلا, لكن من الاكثر صعوبة ان تكون منتجا
  • Eternal love - حب أبدي
  • Time doesn't heal, it's the person next to you that heals... ...الزمن لايشفي, يشفي فقط الشخص الذيهو بجوارك
  • A girl should not hear how she is loved, but feel......الفتاة لايجب ان تسمع كم يحبوها, بل انتشعر ذلك
  • If you love, love without deception. If you believe, then believe to the end. If you hate it, say it straight. If you laugh, laugh in your eyes اذا كنت تحب فحب بدون خداع... واذا كنت تصدق فصدق حتى النهايه تكره فتكلم بذالك مباشرة . تضحك اضحك في الوجهدون خوف !
  • If you think well of yourself, why do you need someone else to think well of you? ان كنت تفكر حسنا في نفسك, لماذا اذا تحتاج ايضا من يفكر بك حسنا؟
  • If you leave and no one calls you back, you're going in the right direction. ان خرجت ولم ينادي عليك احدا ما, فهاذايعي انك تسير في الاتجاه الصحيح
  • Live today, forget about tomorrow - عِش اليوم وإنس الغد
  • Remember: never be jealous of me. If I chose you, then you are much dearer than everyone elseتذكر: لاتغار ابدا. ان كنت قد اخترتك, فهاذايعني انك اغلى بكثير . من الاخرين
  • From your dreams comes happiness ... من أحلامك تولد السعادة
  • Sometimes, a step back is just a run-up... في بعض الاحيان خطوة الى الوراء . هذا هو المدى فقط
  • When you go up, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are. عندما تعلو, اصدقائك يعرفوك, من انت. عندما تسقط, انت تعرف, من . اصدققائك
  • When I see you, my heart beats more often. .حين اراك, قلبي يدق اسرع
  • Only someone with a beautiful upbringing is beautiful. .جميل فقط من لديه تربية جميلة
  • Beauty - جمال.
  • Whoever wants to move the world, let him move himself first... من يريد تحريك العالم فليحرك نفسه اولا
  • It is better to have a broken heart than not have one at all... ...افضل ان املك قلب مكسور, من ان لا يكون لي على الاطلاق
  • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. .افضل شيء ممكن ان يقوم به الاب لابنائه - هو انيحب امهم
  • It is better to love yourself than to give your love to someone who doesn't need it. .ان تحب نفسك, افضل من ان تهدي حبك لمن لا حاجة له
  • Love brings even the proudest man to his knees..الحب تنحني له الركب حتى اكثر الناس تكبر
  • Love is not a bird that can be kept in a cage - الجمال ليس عصفور في قفص
  • Love - حب
  • My family - أهلي or عائلتي
  • My thoughts absorb the silence - الصمت يغرق في افكاري
  • You can close your eyes to what you see, but you can't close your heart to what you feel. بامكانك ان تغلق عينيك عما تراه, ولكن لايمكنك ان تغلق قلبكعما تشعر به It is never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream! !ابدا لاتاخر في وضع هدف جديد لحياتك! او في ايجاد حلم جديد
  • Trust no one - لا تثق بأحد
  • One of the secrets to a strong relationship is to respect each other's hobbies. .واحد من اسرار العلاقات القوية - احترام هوايات بعضنا البعض
  • It knows no fear جريء
  • From true love always comes the light. .من الحب الحقيقيدائما ياتي النور
  • Sometimes it seems that in this world, no one can be trusted. ااحيانا يبدوان في هذا العالم, لايمكن ان تثق في احد
  • Forgive me and always love me - سامحني و حبني دائماً
  • Parents are the best we have, appreciate them because only they will love and believe in you until the end... الوالدين - هم افضل ما لدينا, قدرهم لان هم فقط سوف يحبوك ويثقون .بك حتى النهاية
  • Today people are much cheaper than their clothes. .اليوم الناس اصبحت ارخص بكثير من ملابسها
  • Family -أهل or عائلة
  • Family is paradise in a heartless world - العائلة هي الملاذ في عالم لا قلب له
  • Manage to love one so that you can get past a thousand of the best and not look back. تعلم ان تحب واحد فقط, بحيث ان مر بقربك الاف افضل لاتراجع الى الوراء
  • There are no weak people, we are all strong by nature. What makes us weak is our thoughts. لايوجد اناس ضعفاء, كلنا اقوياء من طبيعتنا. لكن افكارناتعلنا ضعفاء
  • Follow your path and let people say anything! .امشي في طريقك, ودع الناس تتكلم ماتشتهي With a man should not be boring or fun. He should be warm, reliable and relaxed. مع الرجل لايجب ان يكون الملل او المتعة. معه يجب انيكون الدفئ, الامان, . والهدوء
  • Susanna - سوزانا.
  • He who knows how to smile every day knows how to live. .من يعرف ان يبتسم كل يوم, يعرف كيف يعيش
  • You can do anything, all you need is the desire. بامكانك ان تفعل كل شيء, ولكن يجب ان تكون الرغبة
  • The smart ones give each other happiness, the stupid ones expect to be made happy. الاذكياء يهدون بعضهم البعض السعادة, اما الاغبياء ينظرون الاخرين حتى يجعلوهم سعداء
  • The happiest people don't have the best of everything. But they make the best of what they have. لدى اسعد الناس ليس لديهم كل شيء جيد لكنهمدائما ينتزعون .الافضل ماه وجود
  • It's good to have people who encourage you to do better من الجيد ان يكون اشخاص تشجعك على ان تكون افضل
  • If you want something done well, do it yourself. You want to get things done on time - start now. You want to be happy - think of those to whom you've done good! تريد ان تفعل شيء ما جيد - افعل ذلك بنفسك. تريد ان تقوم كل شيء !بوقته - ابدا الان. تريدان تكون سعيد - فكر بمن فعلت معه خيرا
  • Appreciate people who come in those moments when it's not them but you. .قدر الناس, الذين ياتون في اللحظات التي تكون فيها انت لا هم سيء
  • Appreciate a person not for their appearance, but for their attitude towards you! .قدر الناس ليس بالمظهر, بل بعاملتهم معك
  • I will always love you- وسوف احبك الى الابد
  • I asked God for water, he gave me the sea. I asked God for grass, he gave me a field. I asked God for an angel, he gave me you.لَقَدْ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالِقْ مَاءً فَوَهَبَنِي بَحْراً. وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ عُشْباً فَوَهَبَنِي حَقْلاً. وَ طَلَبْتُ مِنَ الْخَالَقْ مَلَكاً فَوَهَبَنِي أَنْتَ
  • What tattoos represent luck and love?

    Tattoo for luck

    Try not to make a spontaneous decision to create a tattoo, it is better to think well before this step. It is necessary to believe in the symbol of luck, then it will work and will help the owner to achieve prosperity and mutual love. In the absence of faith, even a strong image will have no effect.

    It is allowed to slightly transform the sketch, making changes in it, it will positively affect the talisman and make it more effective. The owner will know the meaning of the tattoo, which will program the changes for the better. Some take a long time to think through the drawing, as it will stay with them forever.

    Hieroglyphs are increasingly being applied as amulets. They are beautiful and bring love, success and financial well-being. Outsiders will not be able to understand the meaning and only the owner knows its real purpose. In the process of choosing an image, evaluate its look and meaning. The right choice will make the owner calmer, bring understanding, happiness and good luck. A person with an unusual image will stand out from the crowd.

    The meaning of the tattoo with the inscription - family

    In the rush and bustle of modern life, we rarely think about what those around us mean to us. More or less comfortable, interesting, fun, pleasant - it would seem what else is needed? And we need to have it all, even when we are unable to return the favor. Each person once gets the first "bumps", and he has the opportunity to learn the real value of the established relationships with those who he cares.

    Tattoo: "Family, where life begins and love never ends

    Tattoo on the arm about a family

    Tattoo on the arm of a rose with an inscription

    It is at such moments, a person suddenly begins to realize that the closest people he is used to seeing next to him every day, he does not have. Your relatives do not care about your social status, your clothes, your views. They are happy that you are with them, and are ready to give you love, care, support and understanding, asking nothing in return. They always wait for you and believe in you, even when you no longer believe in yourself.

    Family - a fortress, behind the walls of which you can take shelter from all adversities, it is an army, together with which it is really possible to win any fight. And if you typed in a search engine: "family tattoos with translation», Then you - one of those who have already realized that the dearest, best and most important thing a person has - is his family, and you want to tell your loved ones about your feelings.

    Symbols of good luck

    The character symbolizing good luck helps to attract fortune and become more successful. The image is constantly with the person, it is very convenient. It is impossible to mistakenly leave it at home or lose it.
    Tattoos can be seen in populations living on different continents, with different skin colors and religious preferences.

    There are several characters that can bring good luck:

    • Luck. One of the popular images, it attracts good luck and wealth. It was named after Fu-sin, the elder who represents happiness, and Lu-sin, who helps people advance in their careers.
    • Big Luck. It looks like a combination of three characters. Is depicted on any part of the body.
    • Clover with four petals. Promises imminent gifts of fortune, great success in business and wealth.
    • Ladybug. If you want to give a talisman, also on the number of spots on its back depends the action of the talisman. It must have seven white spots, then you can count on help.
    • An ambiguous symbol is called a card that attracts luck, prosperity and good fortune.

    Tattoo inscriptions - family in different languages

    The same expressions, said in different languages, sound different. And if you talk about your love out loud, it's probably better to do it in melodious Italian or romantic French than in "stumbling" German. But for the inscription on the body is more important the visual perception of the phrase, and this depends more on the beauty of the chosen font than on the sound expression of the line of text applied to the skin.

    • Tattoo on your arm

    • Forearm Tattoo

    Sometimes a tattoo of an utterance is printed in a foreign language so that only those for whom it is intended can understand the meaning of the phrase. But in most cases tattoo inscription in Latin, French, English or any other language that differs from the native, allows the bearer in addition to love and respect for loved ones to demonstrate a high level of intelligence and a philosophical view of life.

    If you wish it is not difficult to find a beautiful aphorism with a suitable meaning:

    • Latin inscriptions about the family like "Familia mea arx mea est" - "My family is my fortress", are found most often.
    • Tattoo inscriptions of my family in English can be as follows: "I want my mom's heart beat forever" - "I want my mom's heart beat forever.
    • In French, love for a loved one is often expressed with words such as "Mon ange est apres de moi" - "My angel is by my side.
    • In Spanish, words of love and gratitude may sound as follows: "Gracias a los padres por la vida" - "Thank you parents for life".
    • The Russian text on tattoos is less common and therefore looks original. To declare your love for your mother in Russian, you can quote, printed on the skin, the words, for example, Pierre-Jean de Beranger, "Mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

    If you have not met the phrase with a suitable meaning, order the translation of favorite sayings professional.

    How to choose a tattoo design for a place on the hand?

    In order for the tattoo to look aesthetically pleasing and understandable, rely on the principle of proportionality when choosing a place for the inscription. For example:

    • long quotes - so that the text would fit and not be compressed, choose primarily the forearm area;
    • short inscriptions in a few words - for such sketches pick up hands, palms and wrists;
    • one word - it can be a name, date, etc., for a small inscription fit the fingers of the hands.

    Help in choosing a place on the body for a tattoo can the fact that you will be important to hide the tattoo in a working and official environment.

    Tattoos about the family with meaning: examples

    The meaning can be conveyed in a drawing or inscription. What to choose is a personal matter for everyone. The main thing is that the idea of the image should come from the heart. There is a lot to choose from. Here are examples of options for tattoos about the family:

    Tattoos about the family with meaning
    Tattoos about the family with meaning

    Tattoos about a family with meaning
    Tattoos about a family with meaning

    Meaningful tattoo: I love my family
    Tattoo with meaning: "I love my family

    Meaningful family tattoos
    Meaningful family tattoos

    Meaningful family tattoos
    Meaningful family tattoos

    Meaningful family tattoos
    Meaningful family tattoos

    Meaningful Family Tree
    Meaningful Family Tree Tattoo


    For women

    For men