How does a tattoo affect a person's energy?

The phenomenon of body art

Drawings on the body were made in ancient times. If in those ancient times, when there was no writing, the image on the skin people conveyed a lot of different information about themselves and their race, today no one thinks about why it is necessary.

Those who dare to make a drawing on the body do not always think about how it will affect their destiny. But one has to think about it! Even skeptics conclude that the tattoo greatly affects the life of its owner.

Each image has its own energy charge, which is transmitted through the skin to the person. A poorly chosen picture can force the individual to become a carrier of another's will, voluntarily giving up his own. And this is no joke.

Sometimes such mystical phenomena happen to a person, which even scientists cannot explain. And the thing is that a person so "charges" the sketch that it begins to involuntarily influence the future life and destiny.

Indian tattoos amulets

They are a freedom-loving and very wise people. The drawings they put on the body were often closely related to their beliefs and traditions. Indians depicted strong animals, swift fish, and wise birds on their bodies. It was believed that they endowed them with their skills and abilities, helped them survive in harsh conditions, win duels, and could also scare off enemies with just their appearance.

Indian tattoos

Every animal depicted on the body, according to the Indians, gave owners their skills and qualities. Particular reverence was given to the grizzly bear. The sun is another popular Native American symbol. Indian tattoos are filled with a special philosophy of life, imbued with love for the natural environment. They demonstrate to society the true values of life.

Should I get a tattoo?

What pattern to choose to become stronger, to attract happiness and good luck into your life? And is it worth doing a tattoo? Probably the recommendations of psychologists and experienced tattooists will help to make the right decision.

Experts have done a lot of research and came to the conclusion that the same image may have a different effect on different people. Sometimes a person is not even aware of the mystical meaning of this or that tattoo.

Here are examples of the impact of the most popular image - the "tiger. If this picture is spelt by a strong-willed man, he will only strengthen his willpower qualities, become more decisive and believe in his abilities.

A soft, indecisive person will only aggravate internal conflict. He will want to be strong-willed, courageous, decisive, but because of his inner content, he will not succeed. Then a great disappointment awaits the person. Disillusionment is followed by a mental disorder with dire consequences. Here is an example of the creative and destructive effects of the tattoo.

As another example, if an aggressive person tattoos himself with the same aggressive tattoo, he will not be happy. He won't be happy about it either, but it's already done. And getting rid of a tattoo is not that easy.

Ervand Akopov. The energy of the tattoo

The tattoo has long ceased to be the hallmark of sailors and prisoners. Today it's art. And the body remains not only a temple of the soul, but also turns into a beautiful gallery.

Yervand Akopov, a tattoo artist from Kaliningrad, creates mesmerizing looking works, carrying incredible energy, which did not leave the editorial Artifex editors were not indifferent.

Artifex: When did tattooing come into your life?

I was introduced to tattooing in high school, in the ninth grade. At that time I was already drawing in art classes, and sometimes just in a notebook. I saw a tattoo on someone, and the very idea that the drawing remains on the skin for life seemed to me just unrealistically cool. So I started drawing on myself and my friends with a ballpoint pen.

Artifex: How do you remember your tattoo from the early 2000s?

At that time, in 2002, there were already professional tattoo artists in Europe and in the world who were doing some interesting things. In tattoo culture in Russia, it was all just beginning. And I saw such tramlines, which I also really liked in the beginning (laughs). One of my acquaintances, already a happy tattoo owner at the time, saw that I was drawing these very same tribbles and suggested that I get it done. I even remember at the time, there was a book called "Self-Taught Tattoo Manual". It was the bomb (smiles)! There was a book on how to assemble a car at home: from string, motor, etc. It even had pictures of making lines and strokes. And there were even pictures of how to make lines and strokes. And with the help of this book we assembled a machine, and I started making tattoos. Now, of course, this is complete nonsense and has nothing to do with professional tattooing.

Artifex: Why Dotwork?

Dotwork is one of the styles in which I work. In general I make a collaboration of different styles and from that I create a general composition. But there is no specific name for this style. There is dotwork, blackwork, linework, gradient effect, black&grey. I play with different shades of black, even in ornaments. Of course there are some works that are done with just dots, and if it is a composition - sleeves, backs and other large works - then there is a mixture of styles.

Artifex: How do you work on a sketch?

I gave up color four years ago, but it's still important to me to do different styles. It is clear that everything plus or minus is similar because of the black color. And when a client comes in, the first thing I do is ask what exactly he likes about my work, or about some references of old works, not necessarily mine. It's important for me to understand what the person likes in general. If it is close to me, and if I can do something with it, then we start working. The person gives me an area of their body, and I prepare a sketch for that area. It can also be a mix of a sketch and freehand, when I draw some shapes on the body. We agree in words about all the nuances and elements of a composition, and by the first session I prepare the sketch itself: I develop patterns, mandalas and other geometrical figures. It also happens that in the process of work something changes, because not everything is realistic to show a person on paper. I work with shapes, fitting my work into the shapes of the body. I like to play with the muscles so that when they move, the tattoo looks good and doesn't distort.

Artifex: Tell us about the full back mandala tattoo.

It was my first mixed media work. A man came to me, showed me the work of my favorite Argentinean master Nazareno Tubaro and said he wanted a tattoo of this type, in this style. At that time, I had never seen anything like that before. It was something new and interesting to me. By 2013, which is when I started doing it, I had already studied a lot of styles and, in principle, I did not care what to do. Before that I was just trying out different styles because I was interested in technique, and here I felt like it was cool, that it was my thing. The guy at first only wanted to do the shoulder and the shoulder blade, so it wasn't even a sleeve. We didn't consider whether it would be a whole back or symmetry on the other side. I finished the shoulder in 2014.

Then we went to Gdansk, Poland for a tattoo convention to show my work. There was no Dotwork nomination, just "Large Male Black and White Tattoo". I showed in that category. I should note that everything was in Polish. And then the winners were announced and I came in third place. But that's what I thought (smiling). Then I was told that I was the first, but I was also happy about the third place. Then this guy got his symmetry done on the other hand and I went to Bali for seven months. It wasn't until 2015 that we finished his back. And last year we went to a tattoo convention again, but already in Warsaw, and with a full back we took first place in the Dotwork category.

Artifex: What about pain in the process of drawing?

You start tattooing. The body realizes: something strange is happening, it hurts on this piece. It starts sending out impulses: "It hurts! Pay attention! Stop! Stop!" That's the first 10-15 minutes. They are the most painful, because the body is in shock, starts to inflame, drawing attention to itself in every possible way. But after 15 minutes it understands that the pain does not stop, it is still there, but you do nothing with it, so it softens these impulses. The tattoo becomes less painful to endure. After three or four hours, the traumatized place starts to inflame again, because the body is like, "What the hell, you haven't done anything with it for three hours!" (laughs). And then the pain comes back. But it also depends on the technique. There are more and less traumatic ones. Dotwork is "less". That's why it's possible to tattoo for eight hours.

Artifex: Were there clients who felt almost nothing?

In my practice there was only one person who meditated during tattooing. He did not feel anything at all. That had never happened in my practice. He was tattooed two days in a row, and it was his torso. I recently did my own torso, and I know that it hurts as much as possible. And I did his thick lines, which are very painful in themselves.

It was in Bali, his name was Xavier, he was French. He came in, said he wanted a tattoo. We discussed everything, I prepared a sketch and everything. On the day of the session he comes in and before the process itself he asks for a little bit of time. Then he starts rubbing his belly button and stuff. This went on for about 20 seconds, and then he said: "Okay! Let's go!". Well, I'm used to people reacting in some way when I'm working, like winking or flinching. He didn't even flinch in two days.

Artifex: When you go to work in another country, do you take your equipment with you?

The last time I went to Barcelona, they lost my luggage and gave it back only five days later. And I had three clients waiting for me to finish the job. I only had the machines with me in my backpack...

Artifex: Can I carry them in my hand luggage?

Yes, you can. But not in all countries. You can't go to Australia, England or America. Usually they are sent by DHL (laughs). And so in Barcelona the guys from the studio where I was working gave me almost everything: the power supplies, the clip cords and a bunch of other things. Since everyone works with about the same equipment, I had no particular inconvenience. The only difference is the experience of the master and his tricks.

Artifex: Did you make yourself a tattoo from a total stranger master?

I was in Minsk about five years ago. I went for four days with friends to a concert. It was winter, there was nothing to do. There was a cafe where we ate pancakes. Very good draniki, I was crazy about them (laughs). That's what I liked most of all in Minsk. Well, as a tattoo artist, I go to my page and look for acquaintances who work in Minsk. I write them that I want to get a tattoo, but I'm leaving in three days. Everyone answers that there's no time at all. Then I find out what the coolest studio in Minsk is and go there. It looked pretty good. They offer me to look through the albums, and there are not the works of local artists, but just some pictures from the Internet. Basically, it was just fun for me to make some kind of tattoo as a memento of Minsk. Moreover, I knew that when I come home to Kaliningrad, my friends will redo it for me if something is wrong. But, thank God, there was no free craftsman. And the idea was still in my head. There was a studio near where we ate these pot brownies. It was my last chance (laughs). The next day we woke up, we went to eat these pot brownies, I took a picture of this pot brownie and went to this studio. It turned out to be small, and there was a guy sitting there drawing something. I went up to him and explained the situation. He said it was cool, and he agreed. As it turned out, he knew almost nothing, and in the process I taught him how to do tattoos.

Artifex: What is important to know for someone who has decided to get a tattoo for the first time?

Not to go to a sorceress, who will foretell the master meant for you by destiny (laughs). Elementary: look at the master's work. Preferably healed. Fresh tattoos can look much better than healed ones, and vice versa. For example, my work is better to look healed because I do it in b&w, and on a fresh tattoo it often looks equally dark. After healing, the work looks more complex. It's the same with the gradient effect: at first it's almost solid black, but after healing, that soft gradient appears.

Recommendations of tattoo specialists

If you decide to make a nail, then choose one that fits your character and image. Do not try with the help of a sign on the body to appear to be something that you are not. But the right tattoo will help a person to fight against disadvantages, can even help to develop strengths.

But don't rush immediately to the tattoo parlor. Think about whether you will regret tomorrow about his ill-considered decision?

Here are some tips on the choice of image:

  1. Avoid writing your loved ones' names and tattooing their photos. You may fall out of love with the person, then the picture will annoy you.
  2. Choose a tattooist with whom you feel comfortable communicating. Tattooing a sketch is a long procedure, and if the master makes a tattoo with a bad mood, then the image will absorb all the negative. Then this negative charge will spoil your life.
  3. Choose a neutral or universal sketch.
  4. Avoid tattooing a hieroglyph or a sign, the meaning of which you do not know. Doing so could distort your destiny.
  5. Do not tattoo skulls, images of devils or witches, so as not to activate their destructive energy.
  6. The images of the pentacles can lead to disastrous results.
  7. Be sure to consult with your family, and whether it is worth spoiling your body.

Sac Yant tattoo

Today we want to tell you about a culture that came to the modern world from the ancient East. It is a sacred Sak Yant - magical tattoos


Sak Yant tattoo is applied with a special needle, under the chanting of mantras.

The Sak Yant tattoo

translated as "sacred patterns/magic figures," originates from the word Yantr, which translates as "curb, amulet, support, support," or something that limits negative energies and evil forces.

Such ancient tattoos were considered the strongest amulet capable of changing the qualities of its wearer. But to "activate" Sak Yant

was only performed by a monk or shaman by chanting certain mantras or Buddhist incantations during meditation. This way he filled the image with energy and power.

It is worth noting that the Sak Yant tattoo is applied in the ancient Pali language, but the ancient Pali language had no written language, so the application uses the Thai, Khmer, Shan alphabet or the language of Li.

Very often next to geometric designs and letters there are images of animals. This is done so that a person can appropriate the temperament, strength, or other qualities of that animal. The same rule applies when certain Buddhist or Hindu deities are applied to the body. By the way, you can also identify your totem animal, and see if they are depicted on the Sac Yant.

A useful warning!

Does the Rune affect one's destiny? Almost all Runes have two opposite meanings - direct and inverted. And if the Rune is applied to the hand, its position will constantly change, and even the most benign value can change in the other direction.

Today, these signs have been applied with washable paints. As soon as the symbol fulfills its purpose, it is deactivated. If this is not done, you can be rolled back badly.

Many people do protective runic formulas. What can happen to the bearer of that formula? Anything at all! Because the formula changes its protective properties over time, accumulating the negativity directed at its bearer. A large amount of negativity does not bode well.

Let's see another variant. There is a sign of infinity. It will attract the energy of goodness, health, love. Its owner can carry out all the best endeavors. But if such a tattoo appears on a flamboyant individual, all his negative energy will multiply.

Another example. Girls often tattoo a butterfly. But the butterfly symbolizes rebirth. The mistress of this symbol can begin to transform the character, perhaps not for the better.

Very many people tattoo it as a talisman. If you believe, it is quite possible that the symbol will serve as a talisman in times of need. But it is better not to prick the amulet, and carry it with you in the form of an amulet.

Scandinavian amulet tattoos

Legends of the Vikings, the history of the Scandinavian peoples - the basis of body painting. Scandinavian tattoos have a huge number of variations, from runic writing to images of gods. Modern masters create the most authentic drawings. Most often they are applied to the shin, thigh, neck, shoulder, forearm, wrist.

The main symbols of the Scandinavian tattoos:

  • Animals, plants described in Scandinavian mythology.
  • Complex patterns.
  • Images of the Gods.
  • Runes.

Yggdrasilem is a special sign, depicted as a world tree, symbolizes the entire universe. It is a peculiar symbol of wisdom and one's own way.

A symbol of knowledge and cunning is considered a tattoo depicting Odin, the supreme god of the Vikings. Such a talisman perfectly suits a person confident, strong-willed, wise, ready to take risks for the sake of victory.

Scandinavian talismans

Valkyrie - a woman warrior, symbolizes courage, strength, willingness to die on the battlefield, fighting to the finish. Also, tattoo ornaments - complex intertwining of images and symbols - were often used for protection in battle.

How Symbols Affect Health

Indeed, before you apply the signs, you need to consider: how do they affect health? Doctors have conducted studies before and after tattooing. It turns out that a person has a decreased immunity. But the worst thing is getting an infection during the procedure itself.

Before you dare to take such a step, remember when you were vaccinated against hepatitis, tetanus and other most dangerous ailments. If the tattooist does not sterilize the needles, it is easy to catch hepatitis and other infections.

Today, many people wonder if it is true that you can get skin cancer. Doctors do not rule out this possibility. Therefore, as soon as you notice bleeding, excessive redness, increased sensitivity around the made tattoo, the appearance of pus, changes in skin color, do not treat yourself, and immediately consult a doctor.

One more dangerous point: the paint can turn out to be allergenic and toxic for the human organism. Passing through the bloodstream into the liver, it can cause unpredictable changes in this organ. The paints used are not seriously tested, so no one can guarantee for the consequences in the future.

Effects of tattoos on women's health

The reaction of the female body to the procedure is different from that of men. Tattooing in the lumbar region is especially dangerous. It can distort the diagnosis of diseases of the pelvic organs. The paint can get into the cerebrospinal fluid through the puncture. What are the risks? Anesthesia will not be possible during a cesarean section. And this is only a small fraction of the harm.

In general, female tattoos can be dangerous to the health of many organs. A tattoo on the hip can affect the health of the genitourinary system, and this list can be continued. And the most dangerous is considered to be the black paint, and others do not add to the health. This information is given for thought to all girls, wishing to decorate the body.

Karma and tattooing

Can a tattoo change a person's destiny? Yes, it can, and not always for the better. Some young people are mistaken about the benefits of the symbols. Allegedly, it's worth putting a symbol on, and the person will become successful, rich and happy. But often happens such a phenomenon: with any symbol in the field of a person is introduced such energy, which brings with it the destruction of all life.

Therefore, before approaching this serious step, look at the impact of the tattoo from an energetic point of view:

  • Tattooing changes a person's aura. To be sure of this, make a diagnosis of your biofield before and after.
  • If there is no energetic and emotional contact with the master, his negative mood may affect your aura.
  • Your thoughts and emotions at the moment of tattooing should be pleasant and positive. But painful feelings are not able to make your emotions joyful and bright. Then the applied symbols will not give the vibe you expected.
  • Christianity is against placing any signs on the body, because every line leads to changes in spiritual consciousness. It is believed that along with tattooing, demons begin to mock the soul and life of people.

But worst of all, the karma of the entire family is changed. Parents are amused, and children, and then grandchildren, pay the price. The descendants will forever atone for the sin of their parents. This is something to think about seriously.

Work and a tattoo

Are they hired to work with drawings on the body? It all depends on what kind of job you have. If the signs are on the face, arms, legs, and neck, many employers will point to the door. If they are hidden under clothing, the employer may not even be aware of them.

Women with tattoos in the hiring process may be looked at bewildered, even contemptuous. More often than not, they are refused employment.

In short, if you want to get a serious job, such as in a bank, then think a hundred times before decorating yourself with pictures.

Finally, knowing the effect of tattoos on a person's destiny, you will not be in a hurry to the tattoo parlor. If you want to have a tattoo, put a beautiful temporary sticker and the desire will fall away by itself.

Buddhist Tattoos

Tattoos in the culture of the East are given special importance. Such a drawing usually suggests that the tattooed person is attracted to the peaceful teachings of Buddhism. For many followers of this faith, the logical consequence is to constantly adorn themselves with Buddhist tattoos on their skin.

Buddhist Tattoos

There are a huge number of variants of the Buddha's image, and other symbols are also used:

  1. Dharma Wheel. A special talisman symbolizing enlightenment in general and the path to it. Each of the spokes has its own meaning and is often depicted in different colors. Such tattoos decorate the shoulders and wrists.
  2. Lotus. This symbol is most often used by women seeking to find equilibrium, harmony with the world.
  3. Tattoo Khoteya. This fatty is considered the God of fertility and good luck. To attract attention, then do tattoo with his image on the upper arm, back or hip.
  4. Elephant. This is a large, powerful, but very wise and friendly animal. The image of the animal's head symbolizes dignity, will and love for the people around it.

Thai monk tattoos are a special kind of Buddhist body art. The most ancient patterns mixed with the prayers of Buddhists are applied on the body.


For women

For men