The meaning of the symbol Yin-Yang and its practical application according to feng shui

Yin and Yang - masculine and feminine... The fact that all things around us and even we ourselves carry in ourselves the masculine and feminine beginning yin and yang, now it is even embarrassing not to know. Our entire infinite universe is made up of these two strong energies, which simply cannot exist without each other; they must always interact.

Suppose the space inside the cup is yin, but it cannot exist without the cup itself, which means the cup is yang. The black coffee poured into that cup is calm Yin energy, but the heat that the coffee gives off is active Yang energy.

The merging of these principles, their mutual overflow and flowing into each other, the importance of taking this fact into account in solving life and inner problems are said by esoterics, lovers of Chinese philosophy feng shui and psychologists.

And anyone who understands the meaning of this symbol knows that it is not just a male and female principle, the philosophy of yin yang is much wider and deeper. This ancient Chinese philosophical concept is applied in many areas of our life, from medicine to music.

Yin feminine

As taught by the Yin Yang philosophy, the super task for a person who wants to understand and comprehend the mysteries of the world around us and himself - is to learn to control and properly use the energy of yin yang, to arrive at a real harmony with himself and with the universe.

Yin is the feminine, the lunar, dark side, intuition, softness, wisdom. Yin in a certain concentration is necessary for every person to develop creativity, to manifest emotions, to feel and sense the slightest changes within and around him/her.

Yin is our inner self, which we often don't listen to, don't care about, which leads to disharmony. The passive feminine energy symbolizes chaos, the one that existed before all material things came into existence.

yin yang
Yin in search of harmony seeks the opposite of yang. Therefore, a woman is advised to strengthen her femininity, softness, natural essence. Then a man will be attracted to her like a magnet. Specialists, who study this question deeply, are skeptical of such a statement, contrary to the law of Tao.

Yin is always peace as opposed to yang activity. Therefore, the true woman carries tranquility within her. When feminine calm collides with masculine activity, the two energies merge and come to a balance. This explains the harmony in some couples who seem to us ideal and the relationship between them incomprehensible.

No one can teach a woman to be feminine, everything is already inside her, the yin in her should be able to feel. As soon as a woman begins to awaken the feminine in herself, it means that she will begin to act, and this is a matter of yang energy. In the end, again, no harmony.

Enemies and Hazards

These are the enemies and hazards of Yin Yang. Most enemies can be removed by jumping on them or pushing a box into them.

  • Spikes
    - Spikes are found in almost every level and will remove all of Yin or Yang's hearts upon touching.
  • Worms
    - Worms move slowly around the area. Worms can be found on ceilings and will fall as soon as Yin or Yang move under them.
  • Birds
    - Birds bounce on the ceiling and floor. They cannot be removed, only avoided.
  • Pigs
    - Pigs move along the floor. Unlike Worms, Pigs can jump onto and over things. They will also fall into pits.
  • Spike Heads
    - Spike heads are stationary and also cannot be removed. They are heads with spikes surrounding them. Unlike regular spikes, touching a spike head will only get rid of one heart.
  • Dragons
    - Dragons will copy Yin and Yang's movement from the opposite dimension. They can be tricked if the player only moves while swapping between Yin and Yang.
  • Bees
    - Bees will chase Yin and Yang. They can swap dimensions. They will chase whoever is currently selected.

Yang is masculine

Hot, assertive, active energy of Yang brings Yin "ideas" into real life. Logic, intelligence, common sense, life direction are all inherent to the masculine energy.

Yang is the bright side, it's clarity, clarity, dominance. If yin is the moon, then yang is the sun. The frozen and calm energy of yin provokes the strong energy of yang to action, to external manifestations.

Важно, чтобы во всех своих проявлениях инь и янь не противоречили друг другу, а наоборот дополняли.

Interactive Objects

These are the objects of Yin Yang.

  • Symbols
    – Symbols boost the player’s score by 25 each.
  • Exit Flags
    – There are two exit flags on every level. The level is completed when they are reached.
  • Boxes
    – The boxes can be pushed and pulled by Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang can travel through boxes of the opposing world.
  • Signs
    – Signs occasionally to explain new elements of the game. Pressing “Control” while in front of them will cause their text to be displayed.
  • Ladders
    – Ladders are found around the game. Yin and Yang can climb them.
  • Gravity Switches
    – Gravity switches can change gravity for Yin or Yang to reach certain areas.
  • Moving Platforms
    – Moving platforms can be used to ride on top of, or can be used as a tunnel to travel through for the opposite dimension.
  • Key Switches
    - Key switches remove lock blocks in the opposite dimension for as long as Yin, Yang, or a box is on top of one.
  • Lock Blocks
    - Lock blocks are removed by key switches.
  • Changing Blocks
    - Changing blocks change from black and white and can also be used as platforms or tunnels.
  • Box Passers
    - Box passers move boxes placed in them to the other world, changing the boxes' color.

History of the yin yang symbol

yin yang
The Chinese saw the yin yang symbol from Buddhists and transposed it into their philosophy. This event took place in the first or third century A.D. The black and white image of yin and yang originally imitated the mountain.
On one side of the mountain is illuminated by the sun, and the other side of the elevation is in shadow, that is darkened. As you know, the sun changes its position, and the part of the mountain that was dark becomes light under the influence of the sun, and vice versa. Thus, literally everything in life goes through its cycle.

The symbol was understood as a confrontation of bad and good, good and evil, harmful and useful. However, experts in Taoism say that the symbol should be understood through the prism of opposites in nature. It has nothing to do with morality and morals.

The meaning of the symbol and the philosophical concept

The yin yang symbol is a circle divided into two equal halves, similar to droplets or fish. One side of the even circle is black and the other is white, but there is a dot in each drop: there is a white dot inside the dark half and a black dot on the light half.

The circle itself is our universe, and it is infinite. Two energies - yin and yang, male and female - live, interact and complement each other within this Universe. They are different, but they are able to penetrate into each other - this is indicated by the points inside each half. The wavy line that separates them indicates that there is no clear boundary between these halves.

If you look at this symbol, you get the impression that the image inside the circle-universe is moving, the halves flow smoothly one into another, the energies merge and separate again, and so on endlessly. Thanks to such metamorphoses the Universe exists.

The theory of Taoist philosophy described in the "Book of Changes" is that everything in the universe moves, changes, penetrates into each other, one does not exist without the other, despite the opposition. The interplay of these two energies gives birth to the elements. There are five in total: wood, earth, fire, water and metal, from which matter emerges.

The energy type test

We suggest you take the test to determine your energy type:

  1. Can you say with confidence that your hands and feet are almost always warm (yes - "+8" points, no - "-8")?
  2. Would you prefer hot summer to winter (yes - "+4", no - "0")?
  3. Do you like winter better than summer (yes - "4", no - "0")?
  4. Are you overweight (yes - "+1", no - "0")?
  5. Are you of normal weight or below normal weight (yes - "-1", no - "0")?
  6. Do you consider yourself an energetic person (yes - "+8", no - "0")?
  7. Does engaging in physical labor make you tired (yes - "0", no - "+4")?
  8. Do you consider yourself a lazy person (yes - "4", no - "+4")?
  9. Are you capable of falling asleep in a car (yes - "8", no - "+8")?
  10. Are you sexually active (yes - "+8", no - "-8")?
  11. Do you have a nice trim figure (yes - "+4", no - "-4")?

Now calculate the result:

  • A minus indicates that you are dominated by Yin energy.
  • If you got 1-8 points - you are a representative of Yang energy.

If the test results show that the Yang energy literally boils in you - diversify your diet with Yin food: eat more cereals, vegetables, seafood and fish, also exclude too fatty, salty and sweet food from your diet.

Yin people are recommended to include meat, dairy products, sweets, and you can also experiment with spices.

The forces of yin and yang in ordinary life

Yin Yang what does it mean
Everywhere you look, you will see the presence, manifestation and interaction of yin and yang. This refers to natural and everyday actions, as well as to the inner state of a person, his spiritual contentment.
Yin is silence, darkness, coldness, death, passivity. Yang is lightness, action, life. But literally everything has both yin and yang. Another thing is that one energy may be expressed stronger than the other, and the task of man is to balance these elements.

So if you put yin on one side of the scale and yang on the other, it is important not to be out of balance, the scales have to be in balance, in this case we find harmony. Harmonious manifestation of yin and yang should be in our inner essence, in our apartment, in what we do and even in what we eat.

As psychologists, who tend to perceive reality based on the Taoist current, say, people in whom Yang prevails are quite aggressive, assertive, trying to take much from life; they are bright, energetic natures.

If a person is more Yin, he is usually lazy, often sad and bored, often depressed. These people are very calm, creative, well-developed intuition.

If both energies are brought into balance, then the quality of life will be much better. This is where it is important to understand yourself. A person who understands yin and yang begins to look at the reality around him differently, he becomes very observant and sees how one can influence the other.

Some people tend to see the manifestation of yin and yang only in the relationship between a man and a woman. This is not quite right, but if we consider this question from different angles, here's how yang and yin are manifested in love: these energies should complement each other and balance each other.

Yin Yang symbol
For example, if a woman is too bright, noisy, enterprising, talks a lot, laughs loudly, behaves demonstratively, it means there is a lot of yang in her.

If she is not able to find balance within herself, then in order for a woman to have a harmonious relationship with a man, a man should carry a lot of Yin, i.e. be calm and cold. If, however, with such a woman man will seek to dominate, command, to show the yang energy, he will get from his beloved her yin - withdrawn and depressed.

A woman spends a lot of energy during childbirth, giving birth to a new life. This process mainly involves yang energy. After childbirth, a lot of yin remains inside the mother, which helps the woman to take care of the baby, to show kindness.

If you go on a diet and eat, for example, only vegetables or proteins, then you will by default upset the balance of the universe, and, therefore, will not achieve results or will achieve them for a very long time and in a hard struggle with yourself.

Ways to increase Yin energy level

Modern society and the system of upbringing requires a woman to display masculine qualities. However, this often leads to problems in the family and diseases. For example, a woman (Yin) is fire and a man (Yang) is fire. Only one will be able to realize his nature, and he will lack the lunar feminine energy for restoration, which only a woman can give.

Yin and Yang sign: symbol image, where it came from, essence, projections, our life in the style of Yin-Yang

The prevailing energies depend on a woman's state and well-being, her thoughts and emotions. Beneficial to the development of Yin is tranquility, a patient attitude toward others, communication to share news, joys, problems, etc. However, it should be understood that the basic need is security. Only by understanding the absence of any threat can a woman patiently keep her home, filling it with her calm energy.

The main points determining the level of Yin are the following:

  • cleanliness (the cleanliness of the house, the condition of clothes and cleanliness of dishes affect the level of a woman's energy, in addition, cleanliness of thoughts and relationships within the family play an important role);
  • beauty (a woman needs beauty in everything that surrounds her: home, clothes, garden, dishes, emotions; from a man's point of view, investing in beauty will be the most justified, because only a woman filled with energy will be able to restore his strength);
  • Caring (showing participation in the affairs of others and feeling cared for by others helps a woman to feel safe and filled with energy, giving it to those close to her);
  • trust (nurturing the ability to trust people is important to fill with energy, if there is no trust, then the energy is wasted on protection, not on happiness)
  • compliments (praise has a positive effect on a woman of any age, increasing her energy level);
  • hospitality (the tendency to treat food is inherent in a woman's nature, in this process, a woman exchanges energy, offering gifts to guests, filled with feminine origin);
  • needlework (creative activities develop intuition and the ability to subtly sense beauty, which leads to the development of yin energy).

A measured pace of life without upheaval and stress helps a woman to maintain harmony of energy within herself and thus fill her home with happiness and joy.

Yin Yang Talismans

If a person has decided to wear a talisman or amulet in the form of a black and white circle, then he must understand well the meaning of yin and yang.
Without this understanding, the talisman will not work, and it must help its owner to maintain and balance these two energies within himself in order to be in harmony with himself and the surrounding world. That is, a person must tune in a certain way to his or her thing so that there is a connection between them.

Magicians and esotericists advise to hold your talisman under water before letting it into your biofield. Energy of the yin yang talisman should be only yours, otherwise the symbol will not work for you.

It is said that with your talisman, you should talk and share everything that worries you. That's how you activate your talisman, your Yin Yang sign.


For women

For men