Tattoos Timati or Black Star - Meaning of TATU, FIGURE PHOTO

What motivates Timur Yunusov to decorate his body with more and more tattoos is an interesting question, the answer to which can only be found out from Timati himself. Is it his passion for western hip-hop culture caused by nostalgia for his childhood spent in the US or his clear notion of what a Black Star made in Russia should look like? Or maybe just a passionate love for the tattoo industry? Either way, people are often interested in the meaning of tattoos of our homeland's favorite hero of the hip-hop scene.

Timati in tattoos

Timati has a huge number of tattoos, as if all the tattooists of the world got together and hammered him from head to toe. But it seems that way only at first glance. First of all, the tattoos appeared gradually, you can see it in the photos of different years, starting from the age of thirteen Timur to the present day. Secondly, for some reason there is a strange certainty that he will find many more places for new tattoos, because according to one of the legends in the world of the tattoo industry, a person who has been scored several times will be scored until he runs out of clean skin.

Timati immortalizes every major event in his life on his skin. Perhaps years from now, instead of photo albums, he will be looking at his tattoos and indulging in nostalgia.


The full star back of the Black Star inc brand's daddy is adorned with a giant skull in a crown. The crown is decorated with two stars (well, almost like on the Kremlin building), above the crown the inscription - "Moscow city", apparently this tattoo hints at his love for the capital, which he was born in. Under the skull there are crossed microphones and the inscription "The Boss", to the right of the skull there is the inscription "No Friends", and to the left "No Loyalty". At present, besides music, Timur is engaged in the restaurant business, he has his own clothing line, and in addition, Timur is raising a daughter, perhaps, the inscriptions on the back are really important to him, because in order to remain a boss in life, you need to be able to be tough.

Tattoos of Timati on his back

Timati's back in tattoos

Artist as an asset

On the couch next to the reception desk in the Black Star office are two young men with laptops. They call concert venue owners nonstop to sell Black Star artists' performances. "We don't wait for people to come to us. We come by ourselves," Pasha explains. The artists are the core of the Black Star "ecosystem" and a well-monetized commodity, he says. The cumulative audience of the label in social networks is 33.2 million users, mostly Instagram and VKontakte.

In 2015, to realize the advertising potential of Black Star artists, the Global Star agency was launched. It was headed by Pavel Bazhenov, the label's former marketing director. "All the artists work in their niche. For example, L'One is about motivation, we emphasized the sports component in his promotion. Now he's a top rapper among soccer players and other athletes," says the head of Global Star. Gorozia already has contracts with Nike and the VTB United League. L'One himself believes that the label manages to keep a balance between the artist's interests and promotional activity. "No one is forced to sign to uncomfortable projects," says the rapper.

"For tryouts," according to Bazhenov, advertisers often choose product placement in music videos. When integrating a brand into commercials, the agency taps into all the marketing resources associated with the artist. Given the power of "social capital," Global Star can guarantee, for example, 2-3 million views in a month. The most striking projects of Global Star are Timati and the meme song for "Tantum Verde Forte", Creed as the face of the Garnier multichannel campaign, the branding of the tour of Timati and L'One by Vyatka Kvas, and L'One's collaboration with KFC. About 70% of the agency's projects in 2016 were Black Star contracts, and Global Star receives a commission for mediation, the amount of which is not disclosed, as well as the agency's revenue. According to Pasha, advertising accounts for up to 30% of Black Star's revenues.

Other stars are already turning to Global Star: The agency has featured the Mercedes-Benz and R.O.C.S. brands in Valeria's music video. Producer of the singer Iosif Prigozhin was satisfied: "The guys are advanced and talented. However, he "felt" that the agency fee was a little high: the amount exceeded 20% of the advertiser's budget. Bazhenov plans to increase the volume of Global Star's third-party orders to 50% as early as 2017, primarily through contracts in the sports industry.


Timati's tattoos, the meaning of which only he himself knows, cover not only the hip-hop artist's back, but also all other parts of the body. For example, on his chest is painted a huge complex composition with clowns, sad and funny, the inscription, which means "laugh now, cry later". As well as a candle and a ribbon with the words "Save and Preserve." As any star, Timati looks after his skin, by the way, we want to recommend you an excellent online cosmetics store at the lowest prices.

Tattoos of Timati on chest

Timati chest tattoos


On the neck of Timur nestles his name in English - Timati in a halo of wings and lines. The paired tattoo is of skulls in helmets with the inscription "One blood." Between his collarbones is a dove with the inscription, the approximate translation of which is "Love me or leave me alone. As you know, the dove is a symbol of peace and love. The inscription fits the theme of love, but it is a little bit aggressive. But judging by the symbolism of other tattoos, this is normal for Timati. Above the dove there is a little Cupid with a bow and arrow. Also on the neck you can see the number "13". There are several versions of the meaning of this tattoo for Timothy. Timur himself mentioned in an interview that the number 13 is lucky for him. Behind the left ear not so long ago appeared a portrait of a girl, according to the zealous claims of some fans terribly similar to Mila Volchek - Timati's ex-partner.

Tattoos for Timati on neck

Timati's neck in tattoos


On the backs of his hands is an ornate inscription "Black Star," as if to hint to others about who is Black and who is Star here.

Also on the hands you can see a green lion and red dragon, symbolizing, apparently, the position of man in our unstable world, the inner strength, the ability to think creatively and loyalty.

Tattoos on arms

Timati's Hands in Tattoos

Did you know that a red dragon and a green lion are the first tattoos Timati got when he was 13 years old.

The hip-hop artist has stars on both elbows, which speaks to the extent of Black Star's stardom.

Another tattoo is a portrait of Martin Luther King on his right arm in a realistic style. Next to the portrait is an inscription in English, meaning "I have a dream. On the phalanges of the fingers is the inscription "Good Luck". On the left hand is a rather elaborate composition of playing cards, ribbons, and the inscription Hip-Hop Music.

"Trushy" label.

"I'll find out who's spreading rumors, I'll tear your ass off!" - the question about "scamming" views of Black Star music videos on YouTube causes the label's creative director to have an explosion of emotions. Abramov was one of the producers of Kasta, launched and the TV show Battle for Respect, whose finale was attended by Vladimir Putin. In 2012 Abramov agreed to come to an interview with Timati and Pasha - he was curious why Black Star attracted the "trashy" artist Levan Gorozia (L'One): "Before that I was confused by their commercial gloss. At a personal meeting, the producer made sure that his views coincided with Pasha's vision.

The new creative director helped the label to change its strategy of work with performers. Today there are 13 artists on Black Star, three of them - Creed, L'One and Moth - compete in popularity with Timati. The label looks for newcomers through the "Young Blood" casting, the final choice is always up to the founders. To promote a new recruit Black Star invests up to 15 million rubles.

"Sense" rarely fails Timati and Pasha. For example, they considered Creed's potential three years before the artist shot out with the song "Samaya-Samaya." The partners persuaded Pasha to "dump" the performer, but he insisted and hit the jackpot: in 2016, according to Forbes calculations, Creed earned more than Timati - $3.6 million. However, Pasha calls these assessments "unreliable".

A more recent example of Black Star's flexible policy with regard to artists is singer Klava Koka. At the casting, she won Abramov over with her vocals and ability to play different instruments, and at first the label team came up with a type of "very pleasant artist" for her. But the project did not go along the rails of traditional show business: Klava's songs were rejected by the radio stations as "unofficial" and Black Star had to change its positioning urgently. Producers paid attention to the popularity of Coca's Periscope broadcasts and decided to experiment with the vlog format. As a result, in less than six months the singer turned into a "fast-growing blogger" with 250 thousand subscribers. Abramov sends "hello" to Koki's critics with a satisfied smile: "Clava is good and not vindictive. I'm not."

An important element of Black Star's positioning with Abramov's arrival was also a more "adult" image of Timati. We had to destroy the halo of "golden youth" and look for "really big" songs, Abramov explains. The progress can be seen in the concerts: if in 2012 Timati did not gather the six thousandth Crocus City Hall, in November 2017 he will storm the 35-thousandth "Olympic". Abramov attributes the growth in popularity to the quality of the show, sound, and marketing, and rejects claims of "non-market" methods of promotion. "To get money from advertisers [companies like Black Star] need a lot of subscribers. And if there is no organic growth, investing in social media is justified," says Kirill Lupinos, head of the label Effective Records.

Timati also defines Black Star's social and political reputation. Loyalty to Vladimir Putin, friendship with Ramzan Kadyrov, patriotism, HLM - these patterns are firmly entrenched in the artist. Timati's comrades-in-arms either share his views or refer to his apolitical nature. The only thing preventing HEA propaganda is the signing of promising young people who rely on less traditional values, such as rapper Pharaoh, notes Pasha.


On his belly is a small composition of playing cards, the inscription "Ladis Love," and two skulls done with a contouring machine painted with flowers.

In fact, there are so many tattoos on Timati's body that they all merge into one overall composition. There is no Timati tattoo, the sketch of which would not have been carefully thought out. Each element of this composition plays a weighty meaning for the owner of these tattoos.

Some fans of Timati's works like his tattoos so much that they try to get the same ones for themselves. It is of course the choice of everyone, but in plain language such an act is called plagiarism and is not very respected.

Tattoos on the belly

Timati's belly in tattoos

Timati (Timur Yunusov) is a typical representative of elite youth - a man born with a "golden spoon" in his mouth. But, unlike some of his peers of his level, he is definitely not devoid of abilities and talents. His activities as a performer, producer, actor, and businessman vividly testify to the versatility of his personality. In addition to creativity and entrepreneurship, Timati has found another field for self-expression - tattoos. So, let's consider them in more detail.


At first glance, the whole body of the singer is covered with tattoos, which seem to form a single ensemble. The first tattoos Timati made when he was 13 years old, fascinated by hip-hop culture. They were a green lion and a red dragon, symbols of strength, creativity and loyalty.

Also one of his very first tattoos was the pseudonym of the rapper - "Black Star", which later gave his brand its name. The tattoo stretches across both of the singer's hands, with the letter S depicted as a dollar, suggesting a focus on making money.

On Timothy's back is a huge pirate-style tattoo - Skull in Crown, with crossed bones replaced by crossed microphones, which clearly refers us to the singer's activities. And the inscription above the tattoo "Moscow city" shows where the future singer was born and grew up. On the sides of the skull are the words "No Loyalty" and "No Friends", which probably stand for the tough stance of a businessman. At the waist is the inscription "The boss" which is obviously meant to show the leading position of Timothy in his team.

Both elbows of the singer are decorated with large stars - symbols of success, popularity, stardom of the owner of the tattoo. And on the phalanges of the fingers the words "Good luck" are inscribed.

On the singer's chest is a complex tattoo of many elements - a weeping and a merry clown, a burning candle, some inscriptions, including "save and save". Obviously, this tattoo speaks of the experience, the multifaceted and changeable nature of life. And a composition of Playing Cards and, painted with flowers, skulls are tattooed on her belly.

Perhaps the most romantic tattoo of the singer is on his chest - it is a dove with the inscription "Leave me or love me" (love me or leave me). It shows that despite his rough and brutal image, its owner needs love and care as well. Above the dove sits a small Cupid with a bow and arrow.

Timothy's neck is also filled with tattoos, one of them being his name Timati surrounded by wings and various lines. There is also the number "13", which, according to the singer, is his favorite.

One of Timati's latest tattoos is a portrait of Martin Luther King with his famous phrase "I have a dream" on his right arm. Most likely, the tattoo symbolizes the equality of all people on earth, because the fight for equality was King's main mission.

What motivates the singer to decorate his body with more and more tattoos? Are Timati's tattoos an expression of his inner world or just an imitation of the Western rappers? Only their owner can know about it. In any case, this bright unforgettable image plays into the hands of the hip-hop performer.

Life after Timati

A portrait of 50 Cent hangs above Black Star's COO Walter Chassem's desk. Walter was also once "associated with criminal people," Pasha told in 2006. Today the Cameroonian native is the "soul" of the label, and he has been with the company since the beginning. At first, Chassem invested a lot in business development: he made his capital from soccer transfers, Pasha recalled in an interview with Kompaniya magazine. In 2006, the fledgling label created by three friends shot out with Timati's debut solo album Black Star. "The image of Black Star was born back in 2001, when I was watching the eclipse," recalls Timati. Plans to diversify the business were already then, but in the early years not all ideas could be implemented due to lack of experience and funds, admits Pasha.

A graduate of the International University with a degree in finance and credit, he quickly assessed the futility of development according to the canons of Russian show business: "Recorded a song, went around the country with concerts, pocketed the money, and that was it. Pasha also understood that he had to move away from tying Black Star to Timati's personality and look for new artists. But up until 2012, the label's turnover did not exceed $1 million, attempts to develop non-musical directions failed, and only rapper Jigen was promoted (in 2014, he bought out the contract and left the label). "Pasha structured the processes, and I dealt with the artists and my own development," says Timati. According to him, for the first three or four years he "dragged" the business on himself and reinvested 80% of the profits in the company.

Business partner of Timati Walter Chassem

Timati's business partner Walter Chassem (Photo: Arseny Neskhodimov for RBC)

The consultant Ilya Kusakin (he conducts trainings for the Black Star staff even today) helped Pasha to adjust business processes. Together they cut costs and built a system of sales, for which the label is now praised even by its competitors. Another friend of Pasha and Timati's from the world of big business, Yevgeny Zubitsky, co-owner of Industrial and Metallurgical Holding (№190 in the Russian Forbes rating, fortune - $500 million; RBC magazine asked Zubitsky's representative for no comment), was brought in as a shareholder. A breakthrough came in 2012: the label signed Egor Krid and L'One and hired Viktor Abramov, one of the most experienced managers in the rap scene, as Creative Director.


Timati tattoos, photos of which can be found on the Internet, are popular among the population. Therefore, on the street you can often meet the happy owner of another cover of the favorite star's tattoo.


When I was 16, I got myself a tattoo like Timati's. The stars on my elbows. By age I was still not allowed to get a tattoo without my parents' permission, but I asked an older friend to go with me to the salon.

Mikhail, Moscow.


I got a realistic portrait of Timati on my hip. He's a tough guy, he's done everything on his own. So I thought it would bring me luck. It's been two years, and I haven't had any luck. I'm planning on getting a picture of Jackie Chan on my other hip. Maybe help.

Ivan, Moscow


I like Timati, I did a tattoo like him. The chest. There are two faces, happy and sad, only the inscription I asked to write in Russian. "Laugh now, you'll cry later. I got a tattoo in a salon. I wasn't eighteen yet, so I had to convince my parents to let one of them go with me the first time. I went to subsequent sessions on my own. The tattoo artist suggested that I get a colored tattoo, and I agreed, even though Timati's is black and white. I really liked the tattoo.

Nikita, Omsk


Half a year ago I got a tattoo. To be honest, I got the idea from Timati, a hip-hop artist. I now have, like him, a dove between my collarbones and the inscription "Love Me Or Leave Me Alone" under my collarbones. I do not like Timati's art, but his tattoos are cool.

Zhanna, Kursk

The best tattoo master of the studio "13 by Black Star" Anna Darbitskaya: Timati is my favorite client

The giant photo of Anna Darbitskaya (25) looks at Muscovites from the window of the tattoo studio "13 by Black Star" on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, and Timati proudly declares that even if they open 5, 10, 15, 30 spots, they will not find a better master than Darbitskaya.

Thanks a lot @timatiofficial ?? Best boss ? @docstardococstar ? Who loves us, put me hearts in the comments ☺️☺️☺️❤️?????#13byblackstar #blackstar #darbytattoo

Publication from ANNA DARBITSKY ? (@darbytattoo) November 27, 2021 at 6:17 PST

And the story of one of Moscow's best tattoo artists began this way: Anya was 17 years old when her friend bought himself a machine and suggested she get him a tattoo - after all, she graduated from art school and the design department of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. "He bought the equipment, but there was no way he could start, and he said he would bring me a couple of friends to practice. He brought some punks, and those punks brought some more punks. My first tattoos, of course, were of terrible quality. No one taught me, I did it all by myself. But today those tattoos don't exist anymore, they're all fixed."

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattooAnna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

After that, she went to the salon herself - to re-do her tattoo. It wasn't a pass-through one; they only worked there with their own clients. "The guys suggested I work with them because I had the equipment. I said I didn't know how to do anything and had little experience, and they said, "We'll teach you. That's how I got into this salon, where I worked for two years. Then the guys and I opened our own studio, but because of disagreements it had to close, after which I changed several other places of work and came to "13".

It was easy to make it - send your work to e-mail and - if you like it - get an interview, but becoming the most sought-after master of one of the most popular studios in Moscow is not for everyone.

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Anna's work; @darbytattoo

Today, the people who sign up for sessions with Darbyt tattoo are Hannah, Skrudzhi, Spartak players, Keti Topuria and, of course, the main VIP client, Timati. But most of all we were struck by how difficult cases Anna works with. She is not afraid to "cover" giant scars - "because I know how important it is for a girl to be one hundred percent sure of herself. I am convinced of my strength and skill. I want to help people.

Yegor Krid and Anna Darbitskaya

Timati and Anna Darbitskaya

She, by the way, does not like when her profession is called "unladylike". "I have a lot of colleagues, girlfriends, acquaintances of girls who beat tattoos. And I don't think it's a male profession, because a lot of girls come to me because I'm a girl too. First of all, I can do tattoos on intimate places, and not all girls want a man to do it. Secondly, I do very feminine things. With a girl, in general, there is some contact, understanding, feminine solidarity, so everything is much easier."

Although her schedule is not a woman's. Anya works almost every day from morning to evening, and the flow of customers never ends. And some come back to her more than once. "One client, for example, I scored 80% of the body. She came to us regularly for two or three years."

By the way, Darbitskaya claims that girls are much more resilient than guys. And she can definitely be trusted in this matter.

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Photographer: Alexei Rodin. Makeup and hair design: Elena Stepkina. Producer: Angelica Purtova.


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