Tattoos in white paint that can't be reproached

How to do white tattoos

Tattoos white Are applied to the skin using a special dye pigment. This is a white pigment, which in the usual work is used as a shading pigment to create highlights, shadows, smooth transitions of the figure. Now white paint is used as a base pigment and not as an additional pigment. Tattoos made white ink Look restrained and original. It is possible to apply such a drawing, if it is your first tattoo. The peculiarities of performing a tattoo in white are as follows:

  • Prepare yourself for the fact that The procedure will be more painfulThe tattoo is done in white because the pigment is injected deeper under the skin;
  • With frequent exposure to the sun, there is a risk that the image over time will take on a brown tint.;
  • Stay on the choice of picture should be more carefully. It is better not to choose three-dimensional images or watercolor technique to look clearer ornaments;
  • Despite the deep introduction of pigment drawings made with white paint They are less durableDespite the deep introduction of pigment in white paint drawings are less durable than black and white or colored tattoos.

If to speak about the technique of application, it is carried out similarly with the technique, at which conventional tattoos are applied. White paint unlike black and color ink has bigger particles and to the same it is rather viscous by consistence, that is why the skin is processed several times and tattoo machine needles penetrate on depth.

The master at work should be extremely accurate, as there is a risk that impurities from the same copier can get into the pigment. Also it is better not to apply white tattoos if you have too light skin, so they will be virtually invisible on it.

What to apply to a tattoo when tanning

Why is it necessary to care for a tattoo? The process of tattooing is a hammering of paint under the skin, which is immediately traumatized, and the fresh design for the first time looks like one continuous wound. Therefore, until the complete healing is required to undergo a period of rehabilitation, otherwise there can be serious complications. Having decided to put an image on the body, it is important for everyone to know how to take care of the tattoo.

And in order for the image to remain clear and bright, care for it must be competent and correct. If the responsible approach to the restoration process, it will pass without damage to health, and the tattoo will enjoy the beauty for many years.

How long does it take to heal a tattoo

There can be no exact answer to the question of how long it takes for a tattoo to heal, as it depends on the structure of the skin and the body's immunity. Some for recovery enough a few days, while others require much more time. In addition, the place of tattooing also matters: for example, on the ankle the healing process lasts longer than on the arm, but it is necessary to take care of a fresh tattoo regardless of its application.

Approximately a couple of days after the session, a crust appears on the drawing as a result of the formation of suds. Many people make the mistake and rip it off, which should not be done categorically. Yes, the traumatized place on the skin itches and peels, which is why tattoo care is so important. And if the healing process goes correctly, the crust will soon disappear on its own. On average, it takes 7 to 10 days to recover.

Depending on the structure of the skin, it is often necessary to correct the tattoo after healing, and you should be prepared for a longer rehabilitation time. And to make the tattoo less itchy, it should be lubricated with healing agents that will reduce the discomfort. The skin will gradually stop itching, the redness around the design will disappear, and the healing stages of the tattoo will pass with minimal discomfort.

Tattoo care: general recommendations

Rules for tattoo care, from the moment of padding and ending with full healing, we will consider below, but for now focus on the general rules.

  • A fresh image on the skin immediately after application should be covered with a film.
  • It is better to apply "Etoniy" or "Bepanten" ointment for tattoo healing.
  • Rinse the picture with warm water, carefully blotting the moisture with a napkin.
  • Twice a day you should gently wipe the tattoo with a absorbent cotton soaked in chamomile infusion.
  • It is recommended to keep the fresh drawing open so that it dries faster.

Care of a new tattoo: what not to do

To ensure that the image on the body quickly healed and did not lose its colors, you need not only the right care for the tattoo, but also the strict observance of important nuances. What is forbidden?

  • You can't rub the picture with a washcloth and a towel during the first few days.
  • It is also forbidden to use soap, only a gentle treatment of the skin with water.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol after the tattoo, it will slow down the healing process.
  • It is desirable not to wear clothes made of synthetic to avoid allergic reactions.
  • In the first week, do not visit the solarium, sauna, beach and swim in the pool.
  • Freshly tattooed should be hidden from the bright sun to prevent the colors from fading and burning.
  • In no case you can not scratch off the crust on the tattoo, otherwise the image will "sprawl".

How to take care of a tattoo immediately after application

So, you got a new tattoo, what should you do the same day?

  • After the session, the master will wrap the fresh image with food film for healing - it is necessary to protect the traumatized skin area from contact with the external environment. Ask the master when you should change the bandage (usually after 2-3 hours).
  • How to properly care for the tattoo? First of all it is necessary to change the film carefully, having preliminary washed a tattoo with warm water with addition of a children's soap. It is necessary to wash only with the palm of the hand, without using a sponge, so as not to damage the wound.
  • Then the area of the skin should be blotted from moisture with paper towels or a cotton pad (but, in no case, not with a towel - it can traumatize the fresh layer). After that, leave the skin to dry for 15 minutes at room temperature.
  • Gently apply tattoo healing ointment to the image (it is advisable not to use cream and not to smear the tattoo with petroleum jelly - they do not penetrate well under the skin). Then reapply the food film on the fresh image. Repeat this procedure before going to bed.

How to take care of a tattoo in the first days

The following days after the session requires careful care for the fresh tattoo.

  • On the second day the film should be changed a few more times, not forgetting to rinse the drawing carefully with water and treat the tattoo with an ointment for healing. Try not to disturb the traumatized place with tight clothes, wear loose-fitting clothes.
  • On the third day there is no need to use the film anymore - the tattoo should heal naturally, and continue to smear the drawing. It is possible to wash the tattoo, but it is better not to wash in the bathroom for the time being, and take a shower, but not with soap, but with a soft gel.
  • How to take care of the tattoo in the first days? Be sure to apply a healing ointment to the image at least four times a day (make sure it does not contain alcohol). There is no need to rub it in, just gently dab it on the tattoo with the pad of your finger.
  • Do not be alarmed if you see the paint flowing out - this is a natural process. But if you notice severe painful redness or suspicious swelling - go to the doctor immediately. These signs may be the first symptoms of inflammation.

How to Care for Your Tattoo in the Following Weeks

Tattoo healing time usually does not exceed 2-3 weeks before full recovery.

  • A few days after the session, a crust appears on the tattoo, which should continue to be treated with ointment. Do not tear it off, in order not to hurt the already traumatized skin. After some time the crust will dry out and fall off on its own.
  • After about a week, the place where the tattoo was applied begins to itch - this is a consequence of tattoos, which must be endured. If the tattoo itches, it means that the recovery process has begun. But to scratch it is impossible, at most - to pat with the palm.
  • Then, about the second week, the itching is replaced by peeling - there is a renewal of the skin. At this stage, you can no longer use the healing ointment and replace it with baby cream, applying a small amount to the skin. Flaking soon passes.
  • To the question, how long does the tattoo on the leg heal, the answer is unambiguous: longer than in other places. Especially if the picture requires correction, then the recovery can take more than a month, and to monitor the state of the tattoo is necessary until the healing.

How to take care of a tattoo after its recovery

Even after passing all stages of tattoo healing, it is necessary to continue taking care of it.

  • If the tattoo was applied in the summertime, even after it has healed, you should apply sunscreen to the body before going outdoors. This is to ensure that the sun's rays do not cause the tattoo to lose its brightness.
  • If you made a tattoo in a cool time, try to pay attention that the clothes not too tightly adjoined the body. From constant friction or sweat, the design may change its color, so wear loose clothing and keep the tattoo moisturized.
  • Can I drink alcohol? No matter how long the tattoo takes to heal, you CANNOT drink alcohol for a while after it has been applied! The fact is that it increases the pressure, which destroys the paint that is injected under the skin, and it is better not to take alcohol.
  • You should also exercise with caution. Even after the tattoo is fully healed, it is not excluded that physical exercise will negatively affect the design - as a result of exercise you sweat, which can lead to irritation of the tattooed area.

What to do if the tattoo does not heal

Unfortunately, there are cases when the tattoo does not heal for a long time, becomes inflamed and distressing with bad symptoms. This can happen either because of the individual characteristics of the body, or because of improper care. What measures should be taken?

  • You should keep the area of the body with the pattern outdoors as much as possible, so that the skin "breathes". Clothing only prevents the restoration of the pattern.
  • Be sure to treat the damaged area with an antiseptic. For example, a solution of "Chlorhexidine": moisten a absorbent cotton and gently wipe the tattoo, this will remove inflammation.
  • After applying the solution, any healing and anti-inflammatory ointment should be applied to the image. This procedure should be performed at least 2-3 times a day.
  • What do I use for a tattoo to heal quickly? After all unpleasant symptoms are gone, you should still treat the image for some time with the ointment that you used initially immediately after applying the tattoo - "Etonium" or "Bepanten".

Signs of a fully healed tattoo

Whether or not the design is fully recovered, you can tell by the following signs.

  • The figure looks completely natural, with redness completely gone from the skin.
  • The crust has dried and fallen off naturally, and the tattoo has stopped itching.
  • There is no swelling, no thin film after the crust, and no peeling on the drawing.

If you experience absolutely no discomfort - your tattoo has healed.

Video on how to care for your tattoo

Tattoos and tanning beds

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If a tattoo before six months, you can lipstick with a factor of protection 30-50, such in tanning salons sell for moles and other things, and after six months to smear anything not necessary, the skin has already grown and will not fade. I'm speaking as an experienced bruiser))))

I use a lipstick with UV protection. This lipstick can be used for everything: moles, nipples and nipple aureoles, as well as any tattoos.

Is it fresh? If not, then there is no point in protecting, and the point is that soon summer will not hide anywhere

On myself I will tell it is better to protect, i.e. to ointment a protective cream, area of a tattoo.

Do not protect!

It is possible to ointment means against a sunburn. I.e. those which in general do not give to a skin to sunbathe, but it is necessary very carefully just tattoos. It is possible to seal up with something else.

Then smear on the places that are much affected or seal them up.


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