Tattoos on the face: Original ideas for bright and bold personalities

Decorate your body with tattoos has long been commonplace, but to meet a person with such drawings on the face is still quite difficult. Tattoo on the face - this is a very bold and serious step, and not everyone can dare to do it. Such a decision is peculiar to extraordinary, creative and very self-confident personalities. But, despite this, such drawings on the face are becoming more and more popular.

Tattoo on the face: interesting facts

The history of the emergence of a variety of images on the face has its roots far in the past. The original fashion for such decorations appeared in some subcultures, and initially it was piercing. Later it turned out that tattoos look no less spectacular, and for many centuries drawings were not only aesthetic in nature, and were used by tribal leaders or nobles to demonstrate their status, position in society, told about the kind of activity of the master and his military merits, but also performed some violent functions. Tattoos were applied to the faces of slaves or captives, and branded criminals with them. In most versions, the tattoos of our ancestors had the form of lines or strokes. Sometimes there were small drawings or various symbols. Today we live in a completely different time, and differently perceive the world and everything around, so among the tattoos on the face we can see anything, but this is already a completely different story, and about this a little later in our article.

What are the meanings of facial tattoos

Perhaps the most popular today is the theme of tribal facial tattoos. This is a kind of rock paintings and patterns, each part of which has its own meaning. Such tattoos are in demand both at guys and girls. Lines of abstract character serve as signs of underlining. Flowers on the cheekbones are a plea for protection. Hearts and bows accentuate sexuality and playfulness. Images of musical notes are characteristic of creative individuals. Flame tattoo means rebirth. The crown is a symbol of power and emphasizes the high importance of the owner in society. A feather symbolizes tranquility and lightness. The sun symbolizes light and the desire for life. The pentagram with its rays upwards is considered to be a symbol of protection and harmony. The rays pointing downwards are considered a symbol of unclean powers and are popular with those interested in the occult. The listed examples are just a small part of all the variety that the masters of the salons can offer you today.

Face Tattoo Options for Men

Tattoos on the face for men owe its popularity to rappers. And you should not be surprised, because it was the performers of this musical direction that made fashionable and famous such extraordinary drawings on the face, which took over from gangsters and gangs. In most cases, the male tattoos are in the form of small symbolic drawings or inscriptions, and are printed on any part of the face.

Women's face tattoos

Modern young ladies tend to walk in step with fashion trends and keep up with trends, and therefore decorating the face with a tattoo was for them is not an uncommon phenomenon. Such bold steps can be decided only by ladies free of any stereotypes, who often already have experience in applying tattoos to the body or piercings. Tattoos on the face do not fit every woman's image and mostly do not differ much from men's sketches. As a rule, they are the same inscriptions, sketches or patterns.

Alexei Yedomskikh, comic book salesman. 23 years old

Photo: Vlad Burnashev; 66.RU.

- My first tattoo appeared when I was 14 years old. I lived back then in Kurgan, which is a dump, to be honest. I met some guys who were just sitting in a park and playing guitar. I hung out with them and through them I met a tattoo artist. He suggested I get something done. I was like, "Man, I'm 14 years old, what tattoos?" But he gave me some food for thought, and after a while I decided to get something done. In the end it was an ugly dragon and a hieroglyph underneath it. It was supposed to signify happiness or good luck or something. Anyway, it's not a fact that I didn't have the word "ass" written on it. In any case, I had already overlapped this drawing with another one.

It's hard to believe now, but my mother gave my first tattoo official permission. She had this policy at the time - let him do it, it would hurt, and he wouldn't do it anymore. But in reality it turned out that you got one tattoo and got hooked. It's like a drug. I got hooked, too. Sometimes I sit down and try to count how many there are, but every time I lose it somewhere after 30.

Photo: Vlad Burnashev; 66.RU

The first signs from Star Wars, Rebel and Empire symbols appeared on my face first. First of all, I adore this saga, and secondly, I really wanted to do something on my face. Then there's the inscriptions "time", "youth" and the image of a scythe, although a lot of people actually think it's the number 7 or a question mark. The scythe is the flip side, the other end of life's journey, which should also be definitely remembered, because everything is not infinite. You have to remember that someday we will be gone and you have to make the most of what you want out of this life, otherwise you just might not make it. Time to me is a kind of currency. For everybody the currency is money, but I'm sure it can't always solve something if you don't have time in the first place.

It was around the same time that the barbed wire on my forehead came into existence. A lot of people react to it like, "Dude, that's some kind of zonal theme." But for me it symbolizes the fact that my youth was spent in Kurgan. And I'm really glad I got out of that city. Because it's a hell of a hole. And everything that happened to me there is a hell of a lot. That is why the barbed wire symbolizes the plot of life and the city from which I was able to escape.

Photo: Vlad Burnashev; 66.RU

"Youth" is a very important word for me. It's a key moment in your life's journey, because it's when you're young that you become who you are for the rest of your life. And you have to remember that it goes away very quickly. Then there was the spider. I actually stuffed it more for symmetry, although I've always had a fear of spiders. It's ridiculous.

To this day, for my mom, every tattoo of mine is an endless question: "Why and when will it end?" But every time my mom starts lecturing me on what an asshole I am, my grandmother comes over and says, "Well, chick, let him do it, because the more you forbid it, the more you want to do it." She always approved of my body art.

Getting a tattoo on your face is a serious challenge - no matter where you show up, everyone pays attention to you. You catch a lot of stares all the time, both positive and negative. Every average person will try to hurt you in some way. Always. All the time. Eventually, everyone who has a tattoo on their face comes to a point where they ask themselves: either you deal with it and move on, or you say "No, I can't do that" and take it all down.

Right now I work at the best place in Yekaterinburg, which is Rockets comic book store. I love this job endlessly, I've been working there for a year and it's just some kind of magic. I can't think of a better place to work. A lot of people come in and see that I have a neck tattooed around my comic book neck, and that's where our conversation most often begins. So my tattoos have not been a problem for me in my work, they have, on the contrary - had the opposite effect. They separated everything unnecessary from me, where I would definitely be doing something I didn't want to do. I just realized that the employer who would want me would take me with a battered face.

Inscriptions on the face: photos and original sketches

If you dare such an experiment, give preference to short but succinct inscriptions. Common choices are inscriptions that stand for any moral values, such as "Freedom," "True," and similar variations of words or phrases. Also it can be initials of the owner or his loved one. Such inscriptions are usually performed in a complex handwritten or gothic style.

Tattoo of a tear on the face: meaning and photo

Tattoo in the form of a rolling tear on the face in different countries has its own meaning, but in one way or another they are all associated with the death of a person, loss or regret. Some consider such a tattoo as something touching and sentimental, but one should be cautious about such a seemingly insignificant sketch. Many people today put an image of a tear on the face in memory of deceased loved ones and dear people. But such tattoos can also be seen on the faces of prisoners in different countries, and they symbolize cruelty and a tendency to kill their master.

Tattoo ideas. Artistic direction.

Subjects that belong to the creative have a more complex and incomprehensible interpretation. They are also unique and individual. From the artistic direction can be distinguished strokes, scrolls, which are worth familiarizing yourself with.

Most often neon ornaments are used by women. The artistic direction in a serious form is inherent to the weaker sex. Men, on the other hand, prefer to stuff more funny and incomprehensible tattoos.

forehead tattoos, ideas

Their interpretations are individual. Most often the hidden meaning of the tattoo lies in its location and in the arrangement of the individual parts.

Dots on the face: the meaning of the tattoo

Dots on the face are mostly placed near the outer corner of the eye or under it. If you are sure that you will never deal with representatives of the criminal world, you can not think about the meaning of these tattoos at all. Many people simply decorate their face with dots, arranging them like planets in outer space, or demonstrate, for example, the number of children. But there is a reverse statistic about the meaning of such tattoos and it is worth knowing for everyone. Dots under the eyes can mean belonging to one of the gangs and show the number of prison sentences. Even worse, it can mean non-traditional sexual orientation and the attitude of a person to the lower caste of prisoners. Among domestic inmates who are not devoid of religious feelings and concepts, a tattoo in the form of three dots means the Orthodox trinity. Thus, before the final choice of this or that sketch, you should think very carefully about the advisability of drawing attracted to you the tattoo design.

The eye on the forehead

As already was told above, the tattoo, made in the center of the forehead, testifies about the harmony of soul and appearance in the person. Not surprisingly, according to experts, the so-called third eye, the organ of internal secretion, is located in the center of the forehead. Esotericists consider this place to be one of the most powerful chakras in the human body. The third eye is responsible for a person's ability to see the past, to pay attention to signs of destiny, to help overcome any distance only by the power of thought. Those who want to discover these skills in themselves or to improve them, do tattoo eyes on the forehead.

Types of forehead tattoos

There are written and graphic tattoos. They can also be humorous or philosophical. One of the most common features on the forehead is "Through adversity grow rapidly," and people with a sense of humor often write the phrase "Knock on wood" or "Ad space for rent." Sometimes they put a two-word inscription on their eyebrows, imitating their curvature.

Those who choose the cross on the forehead as a body drawing put into this tattoo the meaning of the center of the world, which is located at the intersection of the four sides of the world, as well as religious meaning. Also the cross on the forehead can mean the intersection of female (horizontal line) and male (vertical line) beginnings.

As a rule, each person attaches special importance to the jewelry on the forehead.

Girls, especially yoga lovers, often order a bindi between the eyebrows from the master, which is customary to wear in India.

The tattoo, located in the temporal part of the forehead, often becomes a facial decoration. In this case, it does not attract much attention, but at the same time highlights the face, making it more narrow and aesthetically beautiful. Of course, such tattoos are especially popular among the beautiful half of the population of the world. They prefer to place floral patterns, exotic animals and geometric patterns here.

Men prefer to make tattoos with inscriptions, sometimes provocative: with nationalist content or in support of their favorite soccer team.

Types and meaning of forehead tattoos


For women

For men