Overlapping of tattoos: photo corrections of old partaks

After some time after the application of a tattoo, there is a need for its correction. However, this is done in several cases, and the most popular is to refresh the colors after a few years. Tattoo correction after healing is a little bit less common, but it is also one of the important procedures. There is one case when this procedure is necessary almost immediately after tattooing - when the result is cardinally different from the predicted one. However, let's speak about it one by one.

(Watch the video: 3 minutes 58 seconds)

The choice of the sketch and color scheme for the new tattoo

As it was already spoken, in this question there are the restrictions.

  • For example, you can't overlap yellow! If it is black, the new drawing will also be black. If the tattoo is colored but light or heavily faded, it is easier - the master will take darker and more saturated colors to overlap the tattoo with lighter pigments.
  • Even if it seems that the lighter shade is bright and can overlap the darker one, it's not quite true. A good master knows that over time, a darker tattoo will come through as a messy blot.
  • Also the overlapping of the tattoo implies that the elements of the new design must coincide with the lines of the old, obey them. That is, you can not over some rich abstract geometric pattern to impose, say, a portrait. Therefore, it is impossible to paint over the old pattern with absolutely any new one, whatever you want. Here the master will help you to choose the most successful sketch, it is not necessary, having chosen it yourself, to stand firmly on its own, contrary to the advice of a specialist.
  • And the new tattoo will naturally be much bigger than the old one.

Cover-up: Three important facts

The Cover-up demands the maximum level of skill of the tattooist. It is necessary to think up new sketches for overlapping of the tired drawing which maximum harmoniously will be entered in an available composition. Any miscalculation will lead to the fact that elements of the old tattoo will be visible, which will affect the quality of the work.

Tattoo a rose on his shoulder

  1. You should be prepared for the fact that the new composition will be much larger in size. Instead of a small tattoo on the shoulder will appear a large-scale drawing from the shoulder to the elbow. The master will also have to mix the colors of the new and old pigment so that the transitions were imperceptible and harmonious.
  2. The maximum effect is achieved by partial laser removal of the most problematic parts and elements that are hard to overlap. In this case, it may be enough that the tattoo will simply become paler and the new pigment will displace the old one.
  3. Cover-up is cheaper than laser removal, but much more expensive than a regular tattoo. In addition, the tattoo artist must have artistic talent, flair and skill in such a thing as covering up an old tattoo.

The best ideas for tattoos

Men's tattoos are not as varied as women's tattoos. If girls choose colored patterns, the representatives of the stronger sex prefer a black and white drawing. The most common options: images of predators in the style of realism on the forearm, cyberpunk, ethnic ornaments, inscriptions.

  • Cyberpunk

Considering the photos of such works, you can come to the conclusion that people like to identify themselves with robots. The compositions look really impressive: metal pistons and rods peeking through the thickness of muscles and skin. Usually such a drawing does not have any semantic meaning, but is only a spectacular body decoration for men. For a tattoo to look as natural and organic as possible, it is necessary to apply only to proven professionals with experience in this area. Sketches for tattoos on the forearm in the style of cyberpunk and biomechanics developed individually, taking into account anatomical features.


Wise sayings, words and phrases in foreign languages are a priority: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, as well as Latin and Sanskrit. Guys give preference to large tattoos, written in laconic gothic script with clear geometric forms, instead of small, thin, barely noticeable inscriptions that look like a thin line. Usually such male tattoos have a great meaning for their owner: they inspire and motivate to new feats, because the inscription is constantly in sight. And it's easy for others to understand the man's life values and priorities.


Images of birds and animals in the style of realism on the forearm is an opportunity to demonstrate their strong-willed character, male power and emphasize physical strength. These are drawings with meaning, which can tell a lot about their owner. For example, a wolf symbolizes independence and the desire for solitude, a bat - vigilance and insight, a rhinoceros - irresistible aggression and unpredictability. Psychologists recommend choosing an image that best suits the man's temperament. A gentle and not too resolute man is better to refrain from the tattoo with a tiger in the style of realism on the forearm and pick up a less aggressive pattern.

Ethnic style

Authentic ornaments on the male body look stylish and attractive. The palm of the first place in this direction belongs to the Polynesian patterns of the ancient tribe of Maori. It is amazing, but each entanglement is a certain image: of a warrior, his family, everything he holds dear. Such seemingly abstract compositions can serve as a talisman and amulet, but only on the condition that it was made by a professional tattooist. Drawings on the left hand perform a protective function, and on the right hand - help to bring to life long-standing desires, launch spiritual development.

Video about the process of tattooing

Tattoo correction after years: is it possible?

When it comes to how many years after tattooing it is necessary to do correction, there is no unambiguous answer. Everything is individual and directly depends on how the tattoo was made initially and how it was cared for later.

Pay attention.
It is worth noting that those who live in warm climates and often spend time in the sun, require tattoo correction after healing more often than residents of northern regions.

The need for correction depends on how it was cared for. If in the first two weeks reasonable customers actively monitor the state of the tattoo, then later many forget about the simple rules of care. In particular, it is necessary to limit the influence:

  • sun and bright tanning;
  • baths and saunas;
  • Baths and long time in them.

In addition, be sure to engage in moisturizing the tattoo.

If you neglect these simple rules, the picture can very soon deteriorate. He loses brightness, blurred contours.

If not cared for properly in the first couple of weeks, there is the possibility of complete loss of images, ranging from a torn crust to sepsis. Essentially, the less disturbing the tattoo, the better the chances are that it will look beautiful and intact for a long time.

In order to know if it's time for a correction, you just need to look at the tattoo. If you like it, then everything is fine, no correction is required. In the case when the design is disappointing in some way, you can safely go to the master for correction.

Signs that indicate the need for a procedure for correcting flaws:

  • The contours of the figure are blurred;
  • The tattoo is not tightly sealed, some areas of white skin are visible;
  • The image has lost its brightness and little difference from the body;
  • looks like a tattoo as one continuous spot.

If on your own to make a decision about the necessity of correction you can't, then you should ask the master for help. Firstly, he has many times carried out such operations and probably knows whether it's worth it to do. Secondly, only he will be able to determine how unfortunate the tattoo is.

The meaning of the design for each gender

A tattoo on the forearm for girls is a beautiful, elegant decoration that stands out from the crowd and helps to bring something new to the image, making it more bold and bright. Drawing on this area of the body is especially popular among girls. Often representatives of the fair and strong sex apply to this part of the body such images:

  1. Natural (forest, trees, roses, palm trees).
  2. Animals (eagle, owls, tiger, phoenix, turtle, dragon, bear, scorpion, shark, octopus, birds, etc.).

New Tattoo of death with a scythe.

3.Weapons and elements of uniforms (arrows, armor, the face of a Viking, samurai).

  1. Clock (hourglass).
  2. Celtic symbols (Thor's hammer, the symbol of trinity, etc.).
  3. Old Slavic pattern.
  4. Other (skulls, feathers, wings, eyes, fire, armor on the shoulder and forearm).
  5. Space, tribal, realism, biomechanics, mechanics, polynesia, chicano, japanese, new skool style tattoos.
  6. Religious tattoos (cross, angel, Jesus, archangel).
  7. Abstractions and geometric shapes (triangle, square).
  8. Tattoo inscriptions.
  9. 12. nautical tattoos (anchors, lighthouses, ship tattoo on the forearm).

Tattoos on the forearm of men very often represent Native American faces, jokers, hearts, bracelets, mandalas. Brutal tattoos are best suited for men. More often than others in guys can be found a tattoo of a lion on the forearm. This image is popular among self-confident men who consider themselves leaders. Such drawings have a special meaning. Tattoo of a wolf on his forearm means strength, wisdom, composure and willingness to do anything. Also popular are the Latin inscriptions. These tattoos on the left forearm are applied quite often. In most cases, they are black and white. Parents, for example, put on their hands the names of their children, their dates of birth.

Lions in different styles, female and male

So, remember. To get cool tattoos all over your body, you need to find a savvy master. He will help make the dream a reality and score tattoos with meaning around the arm, on the entire surface of the forearm, as well as do 3D tattoos, paired tattoos and more.

3D snake tattooPair tattoos on the forearm

Why did the tattoo take this form?

I was warned right away that my tattoo is done in too small a font, and the reaction to the paint is individual for everyone, also actually on the fold is located.

The joint is dynamic and so is the skin on it. Again, the tattoo floated at me not immediately and not after correction. And even coming to all this, I have no regrets.

It met all my wishes and requirements for many years. I don't see anything wrong with "indelible drawings" if they look aesthetically pleasing, with meaning.



A tattoo should please the eye, and decorate the body. Or it should signal to others about your preferences, views on life, worldview. If the image does not fulfill any of these functions, perhaps it needs to be corrected? Is your tattoo boring you? The contours have become fuzzy and the image has lost its appeal? Life priorities have changed, and the body image looks absurd in your current reality?

It is not necessary to get rid of the tattoo, resorting to a long laser removal of the body image. It's much quicker to remedy the situation by overlaying the ugly/unfortunate/old image with a new tattoo.

What happens to a tattoo while gaining weight

Probably, you have already been warned by "well-wishers": "Gain a little, and the tattoo will float". Is it so? Actually, that the figure on a skin has changed, the weight gain should make up 20-40 % from initial body weight. That is, if you weighed 60 kg and gained 12 to 30, then you will notice the change. The picture will slightly lighten due to skin tension, become a little larger, and the proportions may change. However, most of the enlarged owners of tattoos calmly relate to these deformations do not think that the image began to look worse.

Correction and overlapping of old tattoos. New life to old designs!

Many people who have decided to get a tattoo often have a problem that can generate various conflicts and misunderstandings with the master. Many have already realized that we are talking about the inept hands of the performer of the tattoo. Such a factor is the most common reason for overlapping such work.

Basically unsuccessful tattoos people get when they are still young, for example, in the army or in prison, where there are no specialized masters, there have to entrust their future tattoo to a person without experience and qualifications. Another reason for a bad result can be the fact that the sketch was not thought out in advance. If the client could not explain clearly what he wants to get in the end, then soon it is possible that he realizes that he is not satisfied with the tattoo.

Correction of tattoo and master's work

It is considered that simple tattoos are easy enough to be corrected by a good master. On top of such a sketch is superimposed another picture, which will be more voluminous and colorful than the lower one. This is done to completely overlap the old picture. Almost every master provides such services, but many have different prices for this procedure. In general, we can say that this is the usual process, which is not in any way different from the original tattoo. Take for such procedure masters, which are confident in their abilities and imagination.

At correction of the tattoos it is necessary to remember that it is necessary to choose the following, which will serve as an overlap, to match as precisely as possible to the initial one. This means that if the first tattoo was dark enough or black at all, the overlapping one must also be dark in order to avoid all sorts of gaps and other little things, they will be conspicuous when looking at the tattoo. But, if it was still decided to overlap it with a lighter pattern, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will eventually darken.

New Tattoo signs and symbols: types of sketches, meaning and modern photos

It is worth remembering that overlapping a tattoo is a very serious matter. You need to think about some things that will help you not to step on the old rake.

  1. Find a master who has good reviews and some experience in his business. Check the qualifications and look at the portfolio.
  2. Remember that fixing an existing tattoo is much harder than getting a new one. There will be some limiting factors on your imagination, because of them you will have to choose something darker.
  3. When the master and the sketch are already chosen, it is necessary to discuss all the points with the performer, to learn different tips, his predictions for the result and so on. If you will get along with the master - you will get along with the tattoo.

So, what is worth to learn from this article. In no case do not save on the choice of a salon or a master, an experienced specialist will never offer his work for a low fee. The tattoo will be with its bearer for the rest of his life and it is worth to take its choice seriously and thoughtfully. But, if all the same choice was wrong, then the correction of the tattoo is always possible to carry out.

Correction and overlapping of old tattoos - photo examples from 15.06.2017

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The information for writing the article was provided by a well-known barbershop Khimki, turning to the services of which you can magnificently and stylishly complement your image under the style of the tattoo.

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Prepared by: rostrot388_17 (Alena Vyacheslavovna Sakovich)

How to look for a new master?

After the healing of the tattoo, it becomes clear how professional the person is. If in front of you will be far from the tattoo that was originally negotiated, then it is worth doing a correction.

The first thing to understand is that in such cases to go to the same master for a full correction of the tattoo is foolish. After all if the picture turned out terrible, then the second, in 99% of cases, will also be disgusting. Therefore it is necessary to look for a new master and together with him to decide how to spend the correction of tattoo.

The good expert will be able to correct almost any inaccuracies of the previous tattoo. However, most likely it will be a completely new picture.

Pay attention.
If you have blackwork images, it is almost impossible to fix such a tattoo. Too "strong" black pigment is unreal to override something. Therefore initially you need to choose the master too carefully.

Look at the portfolio, you can communicate with those who have already been to the reception of the person you are interested in. Perhaps after meeting them you will understand how well the specialist works.

If the work at the master is good, then you need to talk to him. The real expert will be able to tell exactly how to take care of the tattoo in the first days.

Also the master will necessarily pay attention to the state of your health. If there are no contraindications, then he will be able to carry out the correction of the tattoo quickly.

tattoo reconstruction buck bani

The main reasons

What are the reasons for resorting to the service of overlapping the tattoo? The desire to change an old image with a new one may be caused by the following factors.

  • The image has lost its relevance. This is often the case when memorial inscriptions are made or the names of former lovers with whom the relationship is in the past.
  • Age and physiological changes have occurred. Tattoos done when you were young looked perky and attractive on a slender body. Changes in weight, flabby skin led to the fact that the image deformed and began to look ridiculous, and therefore requires overlapping.
  • It is typical for girls to strive for perfection, that is why they repeatedly turn to masters in order to correct the old tattoo and make it more stylish and beautiful.
  • There is a fundamental change of image. Overlaying old drawings is usually caused by a desire to change the image and get rid of a tattoo that has been boring for many years.

How to get rid of an old tattoo

First you need to decide if you want to get rid of the tattoo or if you are considering its correction. In the first case, the most effective method will be laser removal. Although expensive, this is the gentlest method, which leaves no scars and scars. Only a pale spot may remain in place of the old tattoo.

Mechanical removal of old tattoos by removing the top layer of skin is a painful method. It is a whole operation that takes place under general anesthesia. The healing process is usually accompanied by suppuration and inflammation.

Another way to get rid of a tattoo is to gradually cut out and sew up the skin. This method is not suitable for very sensitive areas of the body, such as the wrist, neck or ankle. It is worth being prepared for the fact that later in the place of the old drawing will remain scars and scars.

blotting a bad tattoo

Partial overlapping of the tattoo is the best option for those who want to refresh the body image. A small restoration will make the image brighter, richer and more stylish. If necessary, you can add creative details that will be fully consistent with your new image. For example, a small tattoo on the waist can be supplemented with ornaments and whimsical patterns that will give the work a stylish and elegant look.

Overlapping, the main reasons

The reasons for requiring overlapping tattoos relate to failed experiments. The tattoos stuffed at a young age by non-professionals lead to disfigurement of the body. To correct "partaks" is offered two methods - the laser reduction or overlapping.

Methods of tattoo correction "overlapping" is used on old tattoos. It is necessary if the volume of the previous work is more than 10x10 cm in area.

New Tattoo of a Wolf

Women's tattoos are corrected after pregnancy or childbirth. The reasons for overlapping are hormones. They affect the color, the clarity of the outline. In some cases, a woman can not regain her previous weight, the tattoo is blurred and looks ridiculous.

How to get rid of an old tattoo

Overlaying an old tattoo is a long and painstaking process. Overlaying the tattoo will allow quality paints. The procedure consists of applying paint a layer higher than the previous layer or replacing the color.

Often a tattoo on the arm needs to be scored. Men's tattoos are more difficult to be removed due to the peculiarities of the skin. If the arm covered the forearm, men's tattoos are scored with a black tone.

It is difficult to deduce a tattoo on the waist and on the forearm. In this area the accumulation of fatty tissue is higher. Tattoo removal will require multiple corrections because fat can affect the quality of the tone.

The effect of plastic surgery on the tattoo

Another way to change the contours of the body is to have plastic surgery. In this case, unlike general weight loss or weight gain, one specific area undergoes changes. And if these changes are associated with a significant increase or decrease, it is necessary to understand that tattoos will be affected as well. Examples of such surgeries are:

  • correction with implants and fillers (breasts, buttocks);
  • Skin tightening (face, neck, décolleté, abdomen, inner arm surface);
  • Liposuction (stomach, hips, inner arm surface).

If you are planning such manipulations, it is worth to postpone the session in the tattoo salon for a period when you finally recover from plastic surgery.


For women

For men