Tattoo of a cross - a full description, meaning, location, sketches and photos

I love tattoos - large, small, colored, black and white, with ornaments, animals, in general - different, most importantly, that they were performed well and were located in the right place. In fact, the art of tattooing is a very interesting science, which is worth to be studied if you want to properly paint your body.

Today I want to take the first step and reveal in this material the meaning of the tattoo cross.

Tattoo with a cross on the back photo

Christian cross

The classic image of the cross, which is a symbol of the entire Christian faith, has taken an important place in the tattoo art. There are a great many variants of tattoos with it. If you complement it with other elements, the meaning of such a tattoo can change.

For example, a tattoo of a cross with a date and a name can be made in memory of a loved one who has passed away. Such a meaning came from genealogy, where a cross with a date denotes the death of a person.

Another option for a tattoo with a cross is the well-known expression "bear your cross", which means to endure hardship. This idea has found a lot of variants of execution in tattoo art (cross on the back, a man with a cross and other creative tattoos).

History of the cross symbol

The symbol of the cross has a history of many thousands of years. Cross-shaped incisions on stones date back to the early Paleolithic. The designation of tattoos with a cross carried the symbolism of balance, the union of the four sides of the world.

The Persian cross in Katayama

In Iranian (Persian) ethnic cults, the crosshairs on the skin denote protection from spirits and world balance.

For the peoples of Polynesia it represents the creation of the world. For Middle and Lower Egypt it is a symbol of rebirth and heavenly journeys.

In modern culture, the cross became popular from the second half of the 18th century. Missionary journeys ended with an exchange of cultural traditions. The cross entered the list of the first symbols of the classic set of images.

Celtic Cross

Celtic cross tattoos are among the most common in the world. It represents a combined cross and circle. It is a symbol of Celtic Christianity.

Usually, tattoos are decorated with Celtic patterns in which knots symbolize the connection between the spiritual and physical worlds, and loops without beginning and end symbolize the cycles and eternity of existence. The most common colors are black, green and gold.

Among skinheads and neo-Nazis, Celtic cross tattoos are a symbol of white supremacy.

The meaning of the symbol of the cross in tattoos - choose a tattoo with a cross correctly!

Coming to tattoo salons (St. Petersburg), you must know what you want to depict on your body. In order not to make a mistake - and after all tattoo stays with you for life! - You must know what any tattoo means.

The symbol of the cross in tattoos represents:

  • Destiny, the path that every person must take.
  • Life.
  • Rebirth, beginning.
  • Honor, nobility.
  • Strength.
  • Power.
  • Connection with God.
  • Mind, spiritual development.
  • Suffering.
  • Cyclicality, eternity, immortality.

Notice that the cross is a universal symbol. It carries only positive energy..

Its meanings will depend On the style of execution, as well as the overall composition Sketch of a tattoo (Petersburg).


The image of the Egyptian cross came to us under the name ANKH. It is believed that the sign symbolizes wisdom and is the key to life. The very image of the cross with the circle is Eternity. Some subcultures see it as a sign of truth and peace. In ancient Egypt, this amulet was considered the strongest and most powerful.

It was never released from the hands of the pharaohs while living in another kingdom. A man with such a tattoo above all attracts knowledge, comprehends wisdom, is strong in the sciences. For girls will be a symbol of the extension of youth, beauty, female wisdom. The Egyptian cross reinforces the desire to improve the quality of life, the search for new goals and values.

The meaning of tattoos for men and women

As mentioned above, the meaning of the cross tattoo can include a number of meanings, depending on its form and type. But there are a number of universal meanings, which in the process of assimilation of cultures have become already universal:

Thus, combinations with flowers, wings, vines are more often used by women, while men more often choose a realistic crucifix, black and minimalistic Latin cross.


The Armenian cross is less common among tattoos. Because it has a very similar shape to the Celtic cross. The only difference is its more inlaid and broader details. A tattoo with an Armenian cross on a man's body looks imposing and beautiful.

Considered a symbol of Christianity by the ancient Armenians, it represents the life-giving force coming from the bowels of the earth and the mountains. Gives confidence, protects from indecent acts, gives balance in life. Helps to strengthen the sense of duty and responsibility.

More suitable for men, due to the richness of the ornaments on it, intertwined years, patterns. It looks beautiful in large sizes. For girls, such a full pattern, in a miniature version, will simply lose its significance, will not convey the full beauty. A variation might be the image of a cross on the middle finger, as a perpetual ornament.

Origin of the nun tattoo

Tattoo with the image of a nun appeared long ago. With the emergence of the Christian religion, people began to depict symbols that represent faith. Our ancestors attached great importance not only to the attributes of religion. People have always been in awe of the ministers of the church. Monks and nuns were considered sacred people, which pardon the sins of all the inhabitants of our land. Therefore, with the development of body painting became popular with the church theme. The image of a nun adorned the hands and backs of many men and women. But the church has never encouraged such an expression of faith.

Tattoo of a nun with a rose on his arm
Tattoo of a nun with a rose on her calf

Important! In the church statute is not prescribed that doing tattoos is sinful, but priests still do not welcome such art. The Church in general is against any excesses in terms of decorations. A man should be pure in body and soul, so the Scriptures say. Despite this, many people still put tattoos with nuns on their bodies for centuries on end. For the first time such images became popular in the XIX century in Europe.

Tattoo nun with a clock on a guy's shin
Tattoo of a nun with a clock on a guy's shin

St. George's

The Cross of St. George was approved in 1807. Emperor Alexander, awarded the military, who proved themselves in service to the Fatherland. The Maltese cross with eight ends was taken as a basis, it embodied chastity and valor. Currently, the tattoo of the cross of St. George is considered a symbol of honor, courage and patience.

Suitable for men whose profession is saving people with a risk to life: firefighters, rescue workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc. For girls will be appropriate to wear his image, in case her field of activity is related to charity and peacemaking.

To the negative aspects of this symbol can be attributed its belonging to the criminal world, which in their environment means escape. Often, such works of the cross on the finger in the form of a ring, serve as a reminder and a distinctive sign. We have to take into account this unpleasant fact when choosing such a symbol.

Varieties of tattoo crosses:

The Celtic cross Or Irish - the pre-Christian solar cross, symbolizes the sun and its energy. The most common symbol in tattoo culture. It is a cross of a regular shape enclosed in a circle. Another name for the cross of "Jonah. Indicates a connection with the sun and the constant spiritual development.

Orthodox cross. - Symbol of Christian faith, symbolizes the unity of the father, son and holy spirit. If the cross depicts the crucified Jesus, such a tattoo serves as a reminder of the martyrdom and teachings of Jesus.

Cross with wings - a religious sign combining two symbols: an angel and a cross, as a symbol of religion.

The Latin cross - A symbol common in a number of Western countries. Often referred to as the Catholic cross. Apollo, the god of arts, had a staff of this shape. It symbolizes salvation, resurrection and eternal life.

The inverted cross. - A symbol of destruction. Often used among subcultures. For example, among "Satanists" is a symbol of Satan. In Christianity, there is a reference to the Apostle Peter, because he was crucified on such a cross.

The Egyptian Cross - The Ankh. Depicted as a cross with a loop at the top (with a handle). The circle at the top of the cross symbolizes eternity and wisdom, the cross itself is the key that opens the divine knowledge. In ancient Egyptian culture, it was the embodiment of the rising sun and the unity of opposites. There is a belief that such a symbol helps against infertility.

Black Cross - Schwarzkreuz, the identification mark of the German army. The Bundeswehr army cross. the black cross is also called, the Balkan cross or the beam cross - the identification mark of German military equipment (from 1935 to 1945).

The Armenian cross - symbolizes life-giving power. It helps a person to follow his or her own path.

The hands of a praying person with a cross - Such a tattoo is often accompanied by a quote from the Bible or an image of a rosary. The meaning of this symbol is a prayer to God to help him stay on the righteous path.

The Maltese cross - was considered a protective symbol and amulet. Otherwise known as the Cross of St. John of Jerusalem or the Cross of St. George (aka the Cross of St. George the Victorious). It was this symbol that was the first postmark. Symbolizes courage and bravery. Also, symbolizes the benefits waiting for people who righteously lived, after death.

In the images below you can see the most popular designs for the symbol of the cross in different cultures. Click on the image to enlarge it:

Celebrity tattoos:

Dmitry Nagiyev, Drew Barrymore, Robbie Williams, Mickey Rourke, Britney Spears, Mel C, Anastasia, Drew Barrymore, Kelly Clarkson, Nikki Hilton, Eva Longoria.

Significance in the Zone:

Finger crosses usually signify the fact of being in prison. The length of stay is often depicted by additional elements: rays emanating from the cross, dots around it, etc. A collage of photos with cross tattoos on the back, neck and arms. Cross on the arm, shoulder or chest. Most often performed in the form of a swastika. Means denial of the prison order. Cross on the back - strong will.


One of the oldest symbols on earth. Can symbolize religiosity, memorable date or the beginning of a new life. There are a large number of varieties. The value depends on the variety, the place on the body. The zone has its own meaning

Prison Meaning

Tattoo cross prison meaning in the language of criminal tattoos. Among the variety of symbols used in tattoos, the cross deserves special mention - because it is one of the most ancient drawings. In this case, such an image has a mass of interpretations, and therefore it can be considered almost universal.

We should add that this image has been used in ancient times, it was found during excavations carried out in:

  • South and Central America;
  • in Asian countries;
  • the African continent.

In those ancient times the cross was drawn in the center of the circle, which symbolized the unity of the opposites, and also corresponded to the ideas about the cyclical nature - the change of seasons, sunrises and sunsets.

The symbol was used by many nationalities, and the meaning of this image was absolutely different. At one time it also became part of the "criminal" tattoo and today there are several variations of such a design, each with its own meaning.

For example, small crosses are stabbed on the body of women in the following parts of the body:

  • in the area of the temples;
  • on the fingers and toes;
  • on the chest.

Relatively common is the image of a metal cross, on which a swastika may be drawn. But even without it, such a tattoo suggests that the owner of the image supports fascist values. More often than not, such a picture is inscribed in the center of the chest. Although, there is an opinion that today the swastika no longer speaks of compulsory following fascism - for example, punks perceive it only as one of the modern attributes of image formation.

The next type of tattoo of this plan - a cross, which shows the head of Christ, the Bible and written in flaming tongues of flame blazing word "Freedom. The image says that "in the fire of the underworld" both faith and freedom have burned.

If there is a crucified Christ or the Virgin Mary holding a baby on the cross, the tattoo symbolizes that the person is incapable of committing treasonous acts, and his conscience before his friends is absolutely clear.

Another common type of cross tattoo is the crucified woman. Such a tattoo is purely a thief. It is allowed to prick on the body only authoritative thieves. It is applied:

  • in the area of the forearm;
  • on the chest;
  • on the thigh.

As you can see, prison tattoos with a cross allow you to understand what exactly a person wants to say or what his "merits" are in the criminal world. In the article we have listed the main types of images with a cross, but there are other, not so common.

The meaning of tattoos in different cultures

The Chinese believed that the cross represents the way to heaven, and if it is enclosed in a square, it symbolizes life on earth. The Celts regarded the object as an image of masculinity, fertility, and also associated it with the cyclicality of what happens, the unity of the world, the call for self-improvement. Since the twentieth century in Germany, the Celtic cross has been considered the identifying mark of the Nazis. Many are still unable to distinguish a person who is interested in the ancient origins and sees nothing wrong with the symbol from a convinced racist or fascist.

Tattoo black cross on hand

Tattoo a black cross on your arm

Africans used the cross as a means of protection and reference to the gods, an attribute of patronage and power. In Egypt, the meaning of the cross tattoo was associated with the knowledge of spirituality, enlightenment, immortality, eternity.

Tattoo cross on hand

Tattoo a cross on your arm

In Mexico, the symbol was identified with images of the gods who could control the natural elements. The first proponents of Christianity saw the cross as an instrument of torture, but over time the interpretation of the sign changed. The turnaround in the minds of believers occurred after the crucifixion of Jesus. The cross became considered a powerful symbol of salvation, a noble act of the son of God.

Tattoo in the shape of a cross on the arm

Tattoo in the form of a cross on the arm

Ancient knights used the object, giving it the meaning of honor, valor, selflessness, strength, patriotism.

Tattoo black cross on left arm

Tattoo a black cross on the left arm

In many cultures, the cross embodied the aspects of nature (e.g., the four sides of the world, the phases of the moon, the elements, the seasons). There are many variations of the inscription of this object and each of them has a separate interpretation.

Cross tattoo on hand

Tattoo in the form of a cross on the hand

Basque cross is depicted in the form of petals and is identified with the solstice, Serbian is equilateral and reflects the culture of the people, Lorraine is drawn with two crossbars and means the rank of archbishop or cardinal in the Catholic Church. The swastika used to have positive connotations and was associated with prosperity and vitality. Now the sign is associated with the Nazi movement and is considered a harsh expression of aggression.

Styles and execution technique

The cross itself, which refers to any of the types, has its own stylistic features. In any case, you can pick up a few options for a more individual transfer of the character of the tattoo itself.

  • Minimalism - the style is suitable for any image, very concise, without unnecessary additions. Looks good in small and small sizes,
  • Biomechanics - a chic transfer of textures, 3D effects, torn parts of the image,
  • Treble - fairly understated, black and gray images but still brightly colored drawings,
  • New skool - a new, interesting style of rendering any image,
  • Traditional - an old but still popular style of rendering everything together and in a pile,
  • Watercolor - a rich and vibrant drawing,
  • Graphics is one of the most appropriate styles for the "cross" theme,
  • Black and white is a classic, suitable for any image.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo of a nun

  • The forearm is the standard field for tattoos. Since almost all nun tattoos are impressive in size, the forearm is ideal for their image. If the tattoo does not fully enter the forearm, it may extend beyond its borders, such as to the chest or back. But since the visible area of the tattoo is still in the center of the forearm, it is best to avoid having the image of a nun go much beyond the visible area.
  • Nun tattoos on the back are done infrequently. Despite the fact that this part of the human body is the most suitable for the application of tattoos, not every theme will fit well on the back. Nun tattoos on the back are most often done by people in the zone. Therefore, it is worth avoiding depicting on the back drawings that carry a religious character.
  • In contrast to the back, the chest is well suited for a nun tattoo. But there is one caveat, it must be a man's chest. On the female breast tattoo of a nun looks vulgar, and will not carry any philosophical connotations, even in the case that the picture will depict a realistic figure of a woman.

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More Images

Drawing of the wings with a cross - Means freedom in the choice of desires, path, faith, ease of movement on the path of life, protection (if the wings of an angel). As the tattoo of the cross with wings can speak of the greatness and power of the owner, both mental and material.

Tattoo chains on the cross - itself a single, closed circuit, it means shackles, constraint and limitation of anything. In the aggregate, it will be a clear limitation of one's desires, certainty in one's choice of values. Can be interpreted as a burden on the soul, from which you can not get rid of, some heavy burden.

Chels on the cross - a tattoo means complete adoration of God, devotion to faith and boundless love. The rosary itself on the cross is considered a measure of human love for the Almighty.

What can the tattoo signify?

As mentioned above, the meaning of the cross tattoo can encapsulate a number of meanings, depending on its form and type. But there are a number of universal meanings, which in the process of assimilation of cultures have already become universal:

  • a symbol of the sun;
  • the symbol of life;
  • symbol of the resurrection from the dead;
  • masculine and feminine (vertical and horizontal lines, respectively);
  • phallic symbol, i.e. the symbol of masculinity, fertility;
  • north, south, west, east;
  • In some cultures a symbol of the moon;
  • belonging to Christianity.

On what part of the body is better to do

Any tattoo should fit and lie on the body, without distorting the image, not to be knocked out and not to be lost on the body. Many people try to find some meaning in the place of the image. But, as a rule, there is no hidden meaning in the picture on the wrist, no matter what they tried to read into it, exactly as on the ankle cross tattoo - it looks just nice and no more.

"I wonder what a cross on the neck might mean?" Nothing in particular, just this man, does not depend on the opinion of others and he does not care. He likes the picture and that's it. Small images are inappropriate to place in large areas.

It's worthwhile to imagine a (5x5cm) picture of a cross on your thigh! It will look like a birthmark, at best. Similar examples on the Internet, there are many, with unsuccessful images of photo crosses, And if you attach a large picture with a cross on the stomach, most likely it will be ridiculous and inappropriate.

Large works of crosses on the chest, especially with wings, will look advantageous if placed in the middle. Just as beautiful will look a large image with crosses on the back.

Medium-sized (15-20cm) work on the shoulder, it makes sense to continue to the elbow, especially if it is enveloped by a snake or flowers. A similar continuation with an enveloping cross pattern on the leg will be out of place. The tattoo, which, most likely, does not exist or its units in the world - this image on the knee.

The meaning of the tattoo depending on the place on the body

The location of the symbol on the back shows the owner's concentration on his goals. The drawing is applied to the entire surface or at the base of the neck. This is how the wearer emphasizes the power of the mind over the other aspects of the personality.

Consider what the tattoo on the body means:

  • on the hand - passion, will, movement towards a goal;
  • On the finger the meaning is belonging to ideas, delivering a message;
  • on the neck - remorse, memory, redemption;
  • on the wrist - rejection of the past;
  • On the forearm - strength of spirit, attraction to the Lord;
  • On the chest tattoo - protection of the heart, a warrior of the spirit;
  • On the foot - the true path, direct paths to the goal.

Combining these interpretations with the desired meaning can achieve interesting combinations. When drawing up a sketch consult with the master.

Where not recommended to do

By and large, you can do it everywhere, but there are nuances that are worth considering.

  • Not all places can be drawn exactly as on the sketch. On some, the skin is rougher, you will not get an exact match of the lines.
  • Fingers and hands, always exposed to water, sun. Healing will be painful and long. The same applies to tattoos on the face, head and knees.
  • Typically, these areas have thin skin and are as close to the bones as possible, which will make the padding process unbearably painful.


For women

For men