Nose ring for septum piercing or for nasal wing piercing: features of choice

A lot of people in the world are so eager to stand out from the crowd that they are constantly inventing new methods of how to do it. However, speaking of piercings, you should know that it has existed for a very long time and even primitive people made punctures in the ears, lips or even in the nose, and not just for beauty, and to show their courage and endurance, to prove something to the ancient gods of the elements and events. Today such piercings do not surprise anyone anymore, and if you have firmly decided that you just need like air, it is worth to understand that the nose piercing and the consequences can be varied. So it is worth thinking about going to a specialist, rather than trying to do everything yourself.

The expediency of the piercing: what a girl's nose piercing means and how to prepare for it

Always to emphasize their own beauty, to stand out from the gray mass, to express themselves as they want, here are the main reasons for nose piercing called by modern girls and women, and guys also do not lag behind them in the pursuit of originality and uniqueness. Today the nose piercing is at the peak of popularity, but it is not the newest invention, and is known and successfully practiced for many centuries, for example, among Indian women, where everything, whatever is done, has a value. But even before that, on the hot shores of Africa, members of tribes and communities used to prove their masculinity with such piercings.

Originally, the tradition of piercing the nose and putting an earring in it came to America and then to other parts of the world from India, where it was brought by hippies. As they were imbued with the culture, they wanted to resemble those whose lives, attitudes, and ideals they liked so much. In fact, piercings were done by Indian girls and boys, they put a ring-ring in the hole to show that they were busy or married. Today, no one puts such meaning in the piercing anymore, however, it is worth knowing such information, for general education.

Restrictions and contraindications

It is worth understanding that despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility of such a piercing, the consequences of nose piercing can cause quite unpleasant, about which we will talk a little later. For now it is worth discussing what steps to take to avoid such consequences. In fact, everything is quite simple, it is worth taking the time to ask the question, so as not to regret later, because with the wrong piercing or subsequent care, it is quite possible to need surgical medical care.

  • Before deciding on this piercing, make sure that you do not have heart and cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory processes in the body and fever.
  • It is not worth doing a nose piercing if any chronic disease is in the acute stage.
  • Before the piercing in a week can not drink oral contraceptives, as well as other drugs hormonal plan.
  • It should consult a doctor about the use of pills before and after the piercing, especially those that affect blood clotting. For example, aspirin in such cases is strictly contraindicated.
  • A day before the piercing you should not drink coffee and strong tea, limit smoking, completely renounce alcohol, whether it's a sip of wine or a glass of beer.

Historical background.

Piercing means piercing in English and has two basic meanings:

  • The piercing of various parts of the body (nose, lips, cheeks, navel, etc.) for the purpose of later inserting one or more pieces of jewelry;
  • the ornament itself in the form of a ring, a carnation, etc.

Such items have been known and popular since ancient times in various parts of the world (India, the Mughal Empire, the Bedouins, the Aztecs, the Maya, etc.).

Historical Background - Nose Piercing

In the XX century, the popularity of piercings among Europeans and Americans has increased. Decorating themselves in this way, representatives of punk culture and other newfangled movements of the time tried to highlight and designate their belonging to a particular cultural trend.

The XXI century has made some adjustments to the latest trends and the age qualification of the owners of piercings (the vast majority - young people under the age of 14-25 years). Nevertheless, it also remains popular and in demand.

Types and types of nose piercings: how nose piercings are made and not only

It would seem that everyone knows what a piercing is, but what is the name of the nose piercing can not answer everyone. The thing is that there are several types and kinds of piercings, which differ in their location and, consequently, the names are different. First of all, we need to understand the name of the nose piercing ring, which can be inserted not only in the nasal wing, but also in the central septum.

Nose wing piercing, or Nostril piercing, is the most current and also common type of piercing, which no doubt everyone has seen.

There is also a piercing Septum, in which the hole is made in the septum of the nose. And it can be done both with the capture of cartilage tissue, and past it.

Nasal piercing Bridge is the piercing of an earring or rod through soft tissue, that is, skin, in the area of the bridge of the nose, approximately at eye level. Both horizontal and vertical bridge are distinguished. Some make entire compositions, inserting several pieces of jewelry on different sides or on top of each other.

There is also the Septril piercing, which is essentially very similar to the septum, but the earring itself is led vertically downwards.

The horizontal nose piercing, under the name Nassalang, as well as its variety Austin Bar is the most complex technology and is a continuous puncture of the tip of the nose, which affects both wings, as well as the internal septum.

Among other things, there is another type of piercing, which is much less common, but it exists, so you should pay attention to it. Nasal tip piercing is carried out from the inside, upwards, and is derived at the very tip of the nose. There are also a variety of combinations of piercing of varying degrees of complexity.

Variety of earring options for men






Half Rings
Today on sale is a large number of all kinds of earrings that men use. They allow self-expression, can be made of different materials. The shape of such jewelry also varies significantly.

Predominantly young men choose earrings in a classic style and without extra decorations. It can be a small ring, which is not too flashy. It may have a stone on it (precious, semi-precious). Attaches such a piece of jewelry is simple, in the process of wearing it does not cause difficulties in care. After all, after any part of the nose piercing, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygienic procedures, because the healing of the wound is slow.

Distinguish the nasal earrings that men can use, can be based on their shape:

  • Rings, which were written about above. They can have different sizes, suitable for decorating the nostril and septum;
  • for the septum, half rings are also well suited;
  • rods and bananas are the simplest in design, they are easier to handle during hygienic procedures. They are appropriate for septum, nostril, septril, bridge piercing as well as for more complex decorative piercings;
  • Curved and straight nostrils are ideal for nostril piercing.

The listed types of jewelry look good on both women and men. They can have embellishments in the form of stones, drawings on the surface.

The technology is simple or how to make a nose piercing: steel needle piercing

If you firmly decide that such an unusual nose decoration you definitely need and without it you do not see the light, it is worth to study in more detail, as it do, in order to clarify this issue once and for all. So this procedure will seem less intimidating and dangerous, but beware you should always be, because in addition to technology piercing will also need to know for sure how to look after a nose piercing afterwards.

The preparatory process is the most important

It is worth once again emphasizing that all procedures for nasal piercing should be performed only by real professionals, and without experience in such cases, it is better not to take it at all. Only in the salon can provide an appropriate level of protection from infection of the wound, as well as to give invaluable advice on care for the next six months. To begin with, the skin in the puncture site should be disinfected, and the use of alcohol-containing products for these purposes is not recommended. The best choice can be a germicidal soap and any antiseptic. Do not forget that the master must be in sterile gloves, like a surgeon.

First, the place of puncture is selected, for example, in the wing of the nose. With the help of a surgical marker is put a point, which shows where later will be the earring. You can experiment until the spot seems to be the most suitable. It also does not hurt to pick up the earring itself, which you will wear the next few months. Most often the masters have special hygienic earrings of medical steel, it makes sense to choose the one you like the most.

Piercing: it is worth a little patience

After proper preparation, you can proceed to the piercing itself. To do this, you will need to use round clamps-pincers with holes, which will need to be set so that the place marked with a marker lies just in the place of the hole in the clamp. Using a special steel hollow needle with a silicone catheter, a puncture is made, and then the earring is inserted into it. Professional masters insert a special silicone plug inside the nostril, but preferably made of plastic, so as not to accidentally catch the mucosa on the septum when making the piercing.

Many people are interested in a very interesting and really important question, whether it hurts to make a nose piercing, but no one can answer it for sure. It's all about the susceptibility of the body, as well as the level of pain threshold of each individual person. One operation seems completely painless, and others believe that doing a nose piercing is extremely painful and unpleasant. However, there are options here, if you are afraid, you can ask the master to apply special anesthetic ointments or creams, which he will definitely find.

Care and proper healing: how long does a nose piercing heal

It is clear that all punctures of the nose, which affect the cartilage, not just soft tissue, will be much longer and more painful to heal than normal. And much more care and attention will be needed. In general, nasal piercing is one of the most difficult and painful processes, and not the piercing itself, usually it does not take much time, but its tightening. To begin with, decide right away with the earring, as it must be chosen so as not to traumatize the mucosa, and the piercing channel itself.

Once everything is set and the fresh wound is treated, you will be left to take care of it faithfully so that a clean and healthy canal is formed, which is able to heal very quickly if the earring is taken out. For example, ten minutes after you remove the earring, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to put it back in.

  • It is not worth even accidentally touching your nose with your hands on the street, in an educational institution, at work or even at home. If there is any extreme need, you should first wash your hands with soap, and preferably with bactericidal soap, and only after that do something.
  • "Chlorhexidine" and "Salin" should become an integral part of your medicine cabinet for a long time. These products should be treated three times a day, respectively from the outside as well as from the inside. So how to treat a nose piercing? Use a cotton swab in the process.
  • It is not necessary during the healing of the puncture to apply cosmetics to the skin, you should refuse tonics, lotions, sprays, and even normal cleanser water is better to wait for better times.
  • Many people also ask how to remove the nose piercing, and they think that you can do it almost immediately after the piercing. In fact, in no case can you change the earring before the wound is completely healed and the channel is completely clean.
  • Sleep with your nose on the pillow, you can no longer, take this fact into account. And from the tight sweaters and shirts with narrow necks will have to give up for a time, so as not to traumatize the wound.

The question of how long it takes for a nose piercing to heal is also answered: each time is different. However, it is recommended to wait a period of several months to six months, so as not to miscalculate. At least for the next three weeks will have to give up bathing in bodies of water and the pool, not to sunbathe in the open sun and not to visit the solarium. About the consequences you will definitely be warned, because the nose piercing, the photo before and after is worth considering in detail, it is not quite as simple and safe as ear piercing.

Changing the earring after complete healing

You can put in a new earring only after the canal is completely healed, and the term for each can vary quite significantly. For example, some people are free to wear and remove the jewelry after three weeks, and for others, even after two months the wound is not completely healed. It should be understood that a nail with a ball inside will be easy to take out and determine the back, and how to insert a nose piercing with a hook, not everyone knows alas. But it is by no means difficult:

  • Put your hook earring in peroxide for about five minutes. This will completely destroy harmful germs and bacteria.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, put on gloves, and disinfect the piercing without removing the first earring with your usual remedy.
  • To easily and easily entered the earring piercing it is recommended to lubricate "Levomekol.
  • Carefully remove the nail, and the earring with the hook gently inserted into the canal, and then just twist until it takes its proper place.

After that, everything should be treated in the same way as with the first ornament, so that there is no inflammation, no suppuration, no granuloma. And the nose piercing is just what you will be dealing with for the rest of your life. So, you will have to take care of it, disinfect it, and regularly check its condition often, as well as for a very long time. As clean and painless as in the ear, your nose piercing will never become, and if the earring is removed and not worn, the hole will completely overgrow very quickly, and the whole process will have to be repeated all over again.


General recommendations:

After the piercing, cleanliness and proper care are the basis for normal healing of the piercing. The piercing in the first few days is a wound that is open to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, never grab a fresh piercing with dirty hands - you can get an infection and cause inflammation, which in the worst case will turn into blood infection. Do not take any blood thinners (like Aspirin) or alcohol for a week after the puncture. Treating the puncture after showering is mandatory.

Remember that the healed piercing also needs to be treated whenever you take a shower or bath, also by swirling or advancing the jewelry to clean off sweat, dirt, and skin grease from it. Also, in a fully healed piercing, you need to wear the jewelry, as some piercings can take several hours to heal.

If the piercing is inflamed, do not make hasty decisions and under no circumstances remove the jewelry - this leads to encapsulation of the infection and the situation will only get worse. If you have any doubts or questions, please be sure to contact your handyman.


1. Wash your hands with soap and water; 2. "Chlorhexidine" solution Apply the ointment to the puncture point, on both sides; 3. "Levomekol" ointment. Press the place of the puncture with your fingers and pull away slightly (this is necessary to release the surplus and keratinized skin cells); 5. Carefully move the jewelry in different directions, so that the ointment got into the channel; 6. Perform these procedures 2-3 times a day, for 14 days. 7. Do not remove the earring until it is completely healed, otherwise the piercing will instantly tighten;

During the healing period of the piercing it is forbidden:

- drinking strong drinks; - doing active sports; - visiting bathhouses, saunas, swimming pools; - taking hot showers and lying in the bathtub;

Special recommendations for nose piercing:

1. If you wash your face with a towel afterwards - be careful not to touch the earring; 2. do not scratch the place of piercing - you can pull out the earring; 3. after piercing within 14 days avoid getting any cosmetics on the place of piercing; 4. in cold seasons, during the period of healing, avoid drafts, rain and strong wind - cover the place of piercing (only not with a wool scarf or glove); 5. Do not use cotton swabs, absorbent cotton, gauze, or bandages to care for the puncture site - unpressed microfiber in the canal will lead to inflammation. Use a cotton pad or a paper (unpainted) tissue;


The meaning of piercings

As far back as 4000 years ago Africans were adorning their noses with rings in the belief that it would bring them good luck. Later, only women started to wear the jewelry, it played an important role as a symbol of marriage.

Indian men always pierced only the left nostril to preserve male power and protect against impotence, and women - for easy childbirth without consequences. Depending on which side of the nose piercing is made, one draws a conclusion about some of the qualities of the person. The pierced right nostril is a sign of striving for self-love and selfishness.

Hindus pierce their noses in honor of the goddess Parvati, who preserves the bonds of marriage. It is also, for them, a sign of high social standing.

It is very difficult to talk about the meaning of nose piercing in a girl or a guy in the modern world, because the origins of the tradition of wearing earrings in the nose go back to antiquity and not only in India. Most likely, the answer can be given by the very people who choose this type of jewelry. In most cases today it is done for beauty or to emphasize belonging to a certain subculture.

Nowadays, nose piercing is not only a female decoration, but also a male one. Guys with nose piercings are quite common.

Does not have a deep meaning, just an ornament

How to pierce the nose

Nose wing piercing is more often performed without a clip. You can use a final oval clamp. As a stupor for the needle, the master uses a spatula, cork or tube, winding the tool into the nostril. Insert the nasal tube so that it is under the markings. The puncture is made from outside to inside, until the needle stops in the stupor. The needle should then be removed and the catheter withdrawn from the nostril. After the puncture, a decoration is placed in the tail part of the needle perpendicular to the plane of the nasal wing. In order for its loop to take the correct position in the nostril, adjacent to the plane of the nasal wing, the needle should be pulled through, directing it upwards.

After the nose piercing

Care after a nose piercing: It takes 2-3 months to heal the puncture and form the canal, after which you can change the piercing jewelry. It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate 2-3 times a day to the piercing area and jewelry for four weeks.

Give the client a photocopy of the instructions for caring for the piercing site

What jewelry to choose?

The following types of accessories are used for piercings:

  • carnations;
  • earrings;
  • half-rings;
  • rods;
  • nostrils.

The latter are a modification of the carnation with a curved end, which is less traumatic for the mucosa. Choose any one to your taste. As a decorative element you can buy jewelry with a rhinestone, gemstone or with a simple ball. The material for the earring or carnation is titanium, medical steel, Teflon, biopolymers - anything that is compatible with the human body.


Nasal septal cartilage piercing

Special tools: Needle stupor. tubular clamp, ring clamp and release, catheter needle.

Earrings: ring, barbell, circular, plastic staple. For the first puncture, professionals install a special "C" shaped staple made of acrylic or titanium. The septum is an active reflex area, so any contact with the bar or ring causes strong "drilling" sensations. The lightweight plastic staple, the ends of which are directed along the nasal septum, does not interfere when putting on clothes, and avoids complications during the formation of the canal.

Treatment before the procedure: treat the puncture area with hydrogen peroxide. Nasal discharge and tears are a natural reaction to irritation of the septum area, so make sure to offer the client tissues before the procedure. Dip the earring with the unscrewed ball into the antiseptic solution for 15-20 min. (95% alcohol, disinfectants).

Puncture site: The skin fold between the mobile and fixed cartilages of the nasal septum

Puncture technique: There is a special tubular clamp for the septal puncture, which allows you to fix the puncture area between the cartilage and make a mark with a marker.

To avoid injury, the needle at the exit is necessarily blocked with a spatula, plug or tube. After the puncture, the needle is removed and the end of a ring, rod or plastic staple is inserted into the hole in the catheter. Next, we push the catheter out of the puncture hole with the ornament, closing the ornament.

Care: Healing of the puncture and the formation of the canal takes 2-3 weeks, after which you can change the staple for the decoration - a ring or a barbell. It is recommended to apply chlorhexidine bigluconate 2-3 times a day to the piercing area and decoration for two weeks.

Care instructions after nose piercing

  1. Do not remove the earring within 4 weeks.
  2. During the first 3 days after the piercing, refrain from visiting the swimming pool, bathing, bathing in bodies of water.
  3. Every day, morning and evening, for 4 weeks, treat the puncture site with a special antiseptic or chlorhexidine bigluconate. The product should be applied so that it gets to the entry and exit points of the needle, as well as in the canal. During treatment you need to twist the earring and move it in the canal.
  4. Alcohol should not be used to treat the puncture point - tissue burns may occur.
  5. After showering, sporting activities, bathing and bathing, treat the puncture point additionally.
  6. After 4 weeks, you can remove the earring and change it for another piece of jewelry.
  7. Remember that all metal jewelry must be removed when visiting the sauna and the solarium. Refrain from visiting the sauna and the solarium until the canal has healed.
  8. If redness, swelling, pain and discharge occur around the earring, you should immediately remove the jewelry and contact the doctor who performed the piercing.
  9. Do not buy jewelry of dubious quality, as bad jewelry material can cause inflammation of the already formed canal.

Answers to the cosmetologist's questions

Before you decide to pierce any part of the body, you want to know more details about the procedure and the possible consequences. As well as about the cases in which it is worth rejecting the idea of modifying your body. We have collected answers from beauticians to the most popular questions about nose piercing. Can anyone get a nose piercing?

Piercings should be refused if you are prone to bleeding, pregnant, lactating, cancer patients. Professional salons will refuse piercings to those under the age of 15. If you are older but not 18, parental permission may be required.

Those who are undecided about the place of the piercing, may be interested in the question of who goes with a nose piercing. It is believed that with expressive slightly slanted eyes look good bridge. A septum will accentuate the beauty of sensual, voluminous lips.

What are the complications?

The consequences of a nose piercing can manifest themselves because of an infection that has entered the canal. The symptoms will be:

  • Persistent redness for a long time,
  • A yellowish fluid coming out of the piercing,
  • Pain and slightly elevated temperature in the area of the piercing.

Because of insufficient care, a granuloma can occur. In this case, it is necessary to apply warm compresses.

Is it better to go to a salon or do the piercing at home?

The only answer to the question is to go to a salon. Specialists know how to pierce the nose correctly, can perform piercing of any complexity.

In this case, special tools are used clips, clamps, needles with catheters. The nose is not usually pierced with a piercing gun, but in the case of the wings, they can use it.

And most importantly, the salon observes all the rules of disinfection of the nose, jewelry, infection during piercing is impossible.

What metal should be the earring?

Immediately after the piercing, it is necessary to install jewelry made of titanium or medical steel. They do not cause allergies, as they are biologically inert. With them, the healing process and the formation of the canal will go faster and without complications. Can pain be reduced without anesthesia?

Many people wonder whether it hurts to pierce the nose on their own or in a salon. The procedure causes unpleasant sensations. The pain lasts for a short time and its severity is low, although much will depend on individual sensitivity. At home, an ice cube compress will help to reduce pain without anesthesia. It should be applied for 5-7 minutes.


For women

For men