Tattoo at home - preparation and precautions, application techniques, photos of work

Do you have a great desire to stand out from the crowd in any way possible, but stop at any one option is difficult for you? Then take the path of least resistance - just do yourself a tattoo (portak). Even in ancient times, tribal leaders tried to prove their individuality by decorating their bodies with colorful pictures. Nowadays, body art is not something wild. People, as a rule, put a secret meaning in the patterns on their skin, so they wear them with pride. But not everyone can afford to get a tattoo for certain reasons. Some people are afraid of pain, others simply can't walk around with a painted body because of their position. The ideal way out of the situation is a temporary tattoo. From this article you will learn how to make partak at home, so as not to expose yourself to pain and not to risk, and how to stuff the partak yourself.

Perma Blend permanent makeup pigments created by the world leader in tattoo inks World Famous Inks can be purchased at the online store Tattoo Shop 55.

How to prepare for a tattoo?

To create a body art at home, you will need an ordinary gel pen and needles.
Before you beat a partak with a needle, prepare properly for the work, do these steps.

Buy a special kit at the store for home use. As a rule, it includes needles and special ink. You can use the needle as long as it is new and perfectly clean.

If you can not use special paints, use an ordinary gel pen. Such kits are absolutely safe and contain, in addition to the necessary tools, also a manual.

You can use any type of needle - sewing needles, straight pins, safety pins. The main thing is to make sure that they are sterile.

Properly equip a place to work. Find a few more useful things - a permanent marker, a cup for water, a cotton cloth, some clean rags, alcohol.

Shave and thoroughly clean the skin area to be tattooed. It is important that the chosen area is perfectly clean, well washed in warm water. The skin should then be sterilized with alcohol using a cotton swab.

Draw the chosen picture directly on the skin. On the chosen place, apply the drawing. It is better if it is done by another person, so that it comes out more clearly. It is this stage that should be given maximum time.

How to apply a tattoo by yourself?

All the preparatory work is over? Then it is time to consider in detail how to make a tattoo with a needle yourself. The whole process is divided into several steps.

Sterilize the needle - fire is ideal for this purpose:

  1. It is necessary to hold it directly over the flame of a lighter or candle until it becomes fiery red.
  2. The other end should be held with a rag to protect your fingers from burning.
  3. Then wrap the needle with cotton thread, 3 mm from the tip, gradually wind the thread in a range of 6 mm, so that as a result you have an oval ball. This is important, because when you lower the needle into the saucer, the thread will absorb the ink.

Dip the needle into the ink, puncture the skin and leave a small dot. A drop of blood may appear. Sometimes there will be a slight pop when you pierce the skin.

Working along the lines:

  1. Gradually fill in the drawing with small dots, sticking to the lines.
  2. Use a rag or cotton swab to remove excess ink or blood.

Read What you can do to keep a cat from pecking at the wallpaper.
Cleaning the tattoo:

  1. After the entire design has been applied, you should wipe the area with alcohol.
  2. Discard the remaining tools because they are no longer sterile.
  3. Use a new needle for correction.

How to avoid partaks: practical tips

Are you about to get your first tattoo, but you're afraid you'll get a partak? Your fears are understandable - you are not yet particularly versed in this field and do not know what you need to pay attention to when choosing a master.

We have prepared for you some tips. They will help you to choose a really professional master, who does not beat partaks tattoo.

  1. You are a client - be confident in yourself!

Some people are too shy and suspicious. Even considering the fact that there are clients who pay - and quite an impressive amount - for a particular service. But people behave as if they are asking for something for free, rather than paying for work. As a result, they end up falling for hardened (in the full sense of the word) "craftsmen" who are capable of cheating.

So be confident - walk into the salon with the solid gait of a client who knows what he wants. Do not agree with everything that says master - yes, with his experience, he can give advice, but the final decision is yours alone.

If you got too pushy master, treating you with contempt, in a rude manner - better leave the salon.

  1. Examine the premises of the salon

Good, professional artists will not allow themselves to work in a bad room, where the sanitary standards. Therefore, if you have doubts about the hygiene of the procedure - leave the salon. Believe me, the risk of catching an infection in such premises, where unkempt people work, is quite high. Are you ready to risk your health and even life?

  1. Study the "market".

Don't get hung up on one salon in your area. Study in detail the "market" of tattoos, find out where other salons work, which masters are trustworthy. Sources of information can be:

  • Friends and acquaintances;
  • Comments on profile sites;
  • Pages in social networks, etc.

So you can find a really worthy master, able to make a quality tattoo at a reasonable price.

  1. Be sure to study the master's portfolio.

So you can understand, whether the master works in the style you are interested in and whether he is able to make a tattoo of the level you need. If the master or salon can not show their portfolio, with evidence that it is their work - reject their services.

How to quickly reduce partak?

Partak is ? how to get a tattoo with a needle at home

Many people are interested in how to get rid of partak at home. Unfortunately, there is no way. Resorting to homebrew methods, in the best case you will get badly healing scars and scars, in the worst case - severe chemical burns and ending up in the hospital. It's best not to use manganese. You will burn your skin, you will suffer from pain, and suppuration can lead to an unfavorable prognosis.

What to do if there is a bad tattoo on the body, how to remove or remove it? There are effective methods of removing images: with laser and by overlapping.

Laser removal consists in the impact of the beam on the pigment. As a result, large parts of the dye under the skin are crushed into small pieces and the tattoo looks lighter. It is necessary to undergo several procedures. Over time, the small particles are absorbed by phagocytes and the dye disappears.

This effect can be achieved by using modern equipment and following the technology precisely. Qualified master will not allow any damage, the laser impact will be only on the dye.

The skin after treatment is no different from the surface that was not affected by the design in the case of the use of homemade dyes and a small area of the design. Large tattoos made with quality dyes lighten, but do not disappear completely. In this case, you will have to do an overlap.

Partak, stuffed with a needle, can be overlaid with a quality tattoo in the style of your choice.

Tattoo: history and modernity

The history of tattooing goes back many centuries. Originally with their help in ancient tribes distinguished:

  • A person's social status;
  • his achievements on the battlefield;
  • other features.

Later, tattoos became associated with criminal elements. This is due to the fact that they were applied to their bodies by pirates, and then the tattoo began to be used as a stigma on the body of convicted bandits.

Pay attention!
In ancient times, special patterns were a kind of amulets. At that time, people believed that they would help protect against evil spirits.

Today, tattooing is a special trend in contemporary art. You can even consider it a manifestation of subculture - tattoos are chosen by people who want to stand out and demonstrate their individuality.

To make a beautiful tattoo is not a pleasure from the cheap. That's why some people entrust their bodies to the hands of inexperienced masters. Which leads to the appearance of repulsive and horrifying drawings. The worst thing in this situation is that tattooed partaks quite often cannot be overlaid with another, better quality tattoo.

How to properly care for a tattoo?

Believe me, of great importance is not only the fact whether you can learn how to make a tattoo at home with a needle and ink, but also the proper care of it. Getting it inked is only half the battle, there are a number of other important procedures that will have to be done next:

  • Put a bandage on top of the drawing. Before this it is recommended to treat the skin to shine with some kind of healing cream. The dressing should be sterile and remain on the body for no more than 8 hours, ideally 2-3 hours.
  • Try to keep your tattoo clean. After removing the bandage, wash with warm water and regular soap. Do not rub too much, so as not to damage the skin even more.
  • Treat the tattoos with a lotion. After a few days, replace the ointment with a perfume-free lotion. Apply it in a thin layer to allow the skin to breathe and the wound to heal faster. Moisturize it several times a day in this way.
  • Allow the tattoo to heal completely. Take special care of it in the first week. In addition to regular rinsing and moisturizing, you will have to refrain from certain activities. For example, swimming, because swimming pools contain chlorine and bodies of water contain lots of bacteria.
  • Watch out for infections. Make sure that there is no redness, excessive peeling, the pattern does not swell too much and does not secrete fluid.

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Mehendi - oriental jewelry

Many of the fairer sex look with admiration at the beautiful ethnic patterns applied to various parts of the body of oriental women. Create such an image, called in the practice of mendi or mehendi, you can create yourself. To do this, you should know how to make a henna tattoo at home.

In order for such a tattoo to last longer, you need to properly dilute the dye. The henna will give your skin a reddish or brownish hue. If you want it to be darker, add some basma. Also note that it is better to dilute henna with freshly squeezed lemon juice, not water.

Materials needed:

  • henna powder;
  • granulated sugar
  • fresh lemon juice - ¼ tbsp;
  • syringe or cone-shaped bag;
  • stencil blank.

Step by step description of the process:

  1. When creating mehendi, it is the preparation of the dye that takes most of the time.
  2. So, let's prepare all the necessary materials.

  3. In a separate bowl, sift 1 tbsp of henna and dilute with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. The consistency of the mixture should resemble a puree.
  5. We pack the coloring substance in a plastic bag and leave it in a warm place for 12 hours.
  6. Then add granulated sugar and, if desired, 1 tsp. of any essential oil extract.
  7. Gradually add more lemon freshly squeezed juice. The finished coloring agent should resemble toothpaste in texture.
  8. Now let's draw a stencil. You can also use a ready-made translator.

  • We transfer the stencil to the selected area of the skin and fix it with adhesive tape so that the paint does not drip.
  • Pour the paint into a cone-shaped bag or syringe and apply in the holes of the stencil.
  • Carefully remove the stencil from your hand.
  • The drying time of mehendi takes from 2 to 6 hours.
  • Periodically the drawing can be moistened with a mixture of lemon juice and essential oil extract.
  • At first, the mehendi will have a bright hue, but will darken as it dries.

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