Powder eyebrow tattoo healing by day, tips and advice

Eyebrow tattoo is a useful procedure that helps to make the eyebrows more vivid, as well as expressive. It is necessary for those who do not have a good volume and color from nature. But before and after the tattoo, it is necessary to take care of the eyebrows. There are 3 techniques: powdered eyebrows, drawing the hairs, and the spraying technique. The duration of the healing period depends on the choice of technique. In the first case, more time is spent on the process of healing the eyebrows after the tattoo, as the pigment is painted over the entire area of the eyebrow.

Stages of healing

The healing period after the tattoo is not limited to several days. It lasts up to a month, if the care was bad, it can last even longer.

After leaving the salon and before the powder crust has fallen, your eyebrows are a couple of shades darker than they should be. This is normal. To make the healing process go faster, you should follow the instructions prescribed by the beautician.

The entire healing period can be divided into three large stages of healing:

  1. The first three days. Increased brightness and crusting.
  2. First two weeks. Crusting subsides, excess brightness disappears.
  3. Second two weeks. Full recovery and healing of the skin.

To have an idea of what awaits you, be sure to read about powder eyebrows, before and after healing photos before the procedure.

Does the type of permanent makeup affect the timing of regeneration

PM is performed in several techniques: hairline, powder, with tinting. The period of skin regeneration depends on the chosen type, because in each of them the coloring substance is injected to a different depth of up to 0,5 mm.

The most rapid regeneration occurs when PM is performed in the brow powdering technique. The pigment is injected point by point, and the impact on the skin is minimal. Due to this, full recovery takes less time - up to 3 weeks.

Powder eyebrows
Powder spraying of eyebrows.

In the hair technique, the master traces every natural hairline and adds hairs where necessary. The healing process in this case is 7-10 days.

Hair technique of eyebrow tattooing.

When performing the technique with a flowing effect, pigment is added to the areas free of hairs. Regeneration lasts 10-14 days.

The recovery period with a difference of several days can be compensated by the correct care. The healing process is influenced by skin type and body features.

Eyebrow stroking.

The first day of powder tattoo healing: swelling

On the first day, many people are worried about the color and performance of the powder tattoo. It seems as if the eyebrows were painted with gouache. Their color is very dark, and the borders are sharp, in the first days they do not look natural. This is normal, as beauticians usually make the color of the pigment a couple of shades darker on purpose, because they know that it will fall off with the crust.

The body's first reaction to the introduction of a foreign substance is redness and swelling. Also, due to the introduction of the pigment deep into the skin, it often secretes a bit of treasury, you can often observe bruising. This is a protective reaction of the internal environment so that no infection can enter the body. Due to the fact that the first time you can not touch the powdered eyebrows, you have to clean it gently with a cotton swab, so that the healing period goes faster.

At first, everyone thinks about how to speed up the healing process of the skin. This can be done with healing creams and ointments such as Panthenol and analogues. Such ointments help increase the speed of skin healing. That is, you will help the crust appear and fall off faster. The ointment should also be applied to the powdered eyebrow area with a cotton swab or disc with washed hands. After 40 minutes, the excess cream is removed with a soft napkin soaked in water.

When using the technique with powder, you should not expect healing quickly, as there was a lot of pigment injected under the skin.

Some time after you get home, when the anesthesia has weakened its effect, you may experience pain in the area of the procedure. If it is difficult to tolerate, you can take a painkiller. It is better to clarify this in advance with the master, who performs the work.

It is strictly forbidden to wash the skin, not to mention washing it. You can only wipe your face, bypassing the area of the powdered eyebrows, with a napkin. Also, you should not sleep on your stomach or on your sides, so that your face does not touch the bedding. Sloppy movements can harm the results of powder permanent makeup.

The recovery period and rules of care

Healing has one key factor that affects the final version of the tattoo - properly chosen, regular care. At the end of the procedure, the master gives all the recommendations that must be followed. Permanent eyebrow makeup has the following rules of care:

  1. After the introduction of the pigment, the specialist applies a layer of vaseline to create a protective layer. After that, the epidermis needs to rest for a couple of hours. After two hours, the area is washed with antibacterial soap and cold water, then the area is treated.
  2. Remains of the ointment is removed with a soft napkin, leaving no lint. Do not rub or squeeze.
  3. Rinse with a remedy advised by a specialist.
  4. Apply moisturizing cream when it feels tight or every two to three hours.
  5. Limit the use of alcohol-based products, do not use hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Do not pluck excess hairs in the first days of recovery.
  7. In case of swelling, it is recommended to take an antihistamine.
  8. Painful sensations in rare cases can be the first hours after the session, you need to take a painkiller to stop the pain.

The second day of healing: darkening of the eyebrows

On the second day, worries about the color become even greater, as the color becomes even brighter due to the fact that during the night, the bloodstream was released in large quantities, but it was not wiped from the hairs. In addition, the next day is taken differently, so self-deception also works. At this point, you need to reread the information about powdered eyebrows, the photo before and after healing to see necessarily to reassure yourself. It is important to remember that the color will fall off after the skin has healed.

If on the first day you had to wipe your face from the scab up to once every 30 minutes, at a later time you should do it less often: once every 3 hours at most. During this day the discharge practically stops.

It is still forbidden to wash your face. You can only wipe most of it with a cotton pad or tissue soaked in ordinary or micellar water.

You should also avoid temperature fluctuations, which is easy to do in the spring and fall. At other times of the year, it is better to sit at home. At the very least, you should protect your face as much as possible before you go out on the street. In summer, you should wear a hat with long brim, which will create shade for the powdery eyebrows, and wear wide sunglasses that will cover them. In winter, there is one way to keep pudgy eyebrows: wear a hat that covers your eyebrows. In doing so, the inside of the hat should not be coarse so as not to rub the damaged skin. This can contribute to the infection in the future.

The consequences disappear on the second day. The swelling goes down overnight, and so does the redness. There should be no allergies to the pigment, because the manufacturers develop a special composition that will be neutral for any person, because they understand that the dye will penetrate the skin. But if an allergy did occur, its effects disappear in the first two days.

Non-standard situations

Each body reacts differently to the introduction of the drug. Sometimes allergic reactions to the pigment can occur. If after the procedure, the swelling, redness does not disappear during the day and spreads to the eyelids, you should take antihistamines:

  • suprastin;
  • lorantadine;
  • Tavigil;
  • Zyrtec or other anti-allergenic medications.

The body's reaction is monitored for 4-8 hours. If the allergy does not go away, the pigment will have to be removed and the pattern removed.

In cases of brow infections, a doctor's examination and medical intervention will be required. Be sure to take blood tests to determine the cause of inflammation of the skin.

The third day of healing of the powder tattoo: the appearance of crusts

The color on the third day after permanent makeup does not change, perhaps it gets worse. A distinctive sign of this period is the appearance of thin crusts. They are almost invisible, a little noticeable to the touch - the relief of the powder eyebrow changes. The most difficult stage begins, accompanied by a struggle with himself, a test of willpower.

The appearance of these plates characterizes the healing of the powdery eyebrows after tattooing. This is a good sign, as you can understand that everything is happening normally.

It is impossible to peel off the crusts that have formed, because this can entail a number of negative consequences:

  1. The release of blood, which in the future can lead to the unimpeded entry of foreign bacteria and infections into the body, infecting the person.
  2. Changing the healing time of the powder eyebrow tattoo. Since it will be a few days before the crust reappears. It can also affect the further time of its falling off.
  3. The release of a large amount of lymph from the skin. Despite the fact that you will remove it as the first day, it can negatively affect the final result. Because of such an accident, the shade may not spread evenly across the brow.

The crust may peel off, not by your will, but by coincidence. At first, it is very delicate, so it is easy to break its integrity. This can be done by touching a pillow with your head, or by sloppily putting clothes over your head. To ensure the safety of the crust, you need to stay home for the first time. Powdered eyebrows do not look good at this time, which is another reason not to go out.

If still the integrity of the crust is broken, you need to lubricate a cotton disk with an antiseptic agent and wipe the area at risk. This will be the care for the next time the crust on the hair. In addition, you should not forget about healing ointments during this period.

A nice addition is that on the 3rd or 4th day you can start washing your face. But you should not rub the powdered eyebrows with your hands, just rinse with a gentle head of water, blotting in a towel.

Differences of correction from the first procedure

An additional session of tattooing after a couple of weeks differs from the stage of introduction of pigment in the first time. The master has done the basic work, it is necessary to make corrections through the correction:

  • Correction of small defects;
  • improving the shape;
  • Adding saturation to the color of the eyebrows.

A smaller part of the skin is subject to treatment. This does not mean that the additional tattoo procedure is painless. The master damages places that have just recovered. The introduction of anesthesia during the correction is mandatory.

The master needs to work on a smaller area of the design than the first time. The duration of the session is reduced.

Period from the fourth to the seventh day of healing of the powder tattoo

If you have been familiar with the photo, or the photo report of other girls who have undergone this procedure, for you will not be affected by the appearance of the crust at this time. It looks like the bark of a volcano before it erupts. And the fact that the color of the powdered eyebrows is much darker than the natural color makes the look even worse.

During this time of healing, itchiness appears, so you want to peel off the crust even more. But this sign conditions the beginning of the crust to fall off naturally. You should also take care of the result with an antiseptic and healing ointment like Panthenol.

In some places, the crust begins to fall off, and an island of powdery eyebrow of natural color appears.

On the fifth day, the desire to scratch your eyebrow and peel off the crusts increases. But the plus side of these days is that you can start to remove the crusts that have already fallen off, but have not come off and stick to the hairs on their own. This should be done with tweezers or a scalpel, wiping it with antiseptic beforehand. Hands do not need to do this, as you can accidentally hit the other, not torn off crusts.

After any maneuver with the removal of crusts, you need to wipe the area of powdered eyebrows with a cotton swab with antiseptic. You don't need to use a cotton pad, as the job is spotty at this time.

On the sixth day of healing, the itching increases even more. Many girls do not have the patience and strength to endure it. This can be easily remedied: put a cotton pad on the powdered brow and apply a little pressure through it to the itchy area. This method will reduce the urge to scratch your eyebrows and also reduce the risk of accidentally pulling the crust off.

On the sixth day, it is better not to peel off the crusts, as there will be a danger of scratching the powdery eyebrows.

On the seventh day, the itching does not increase, but remains the same. The crusts usually all fall off. Skin care should remain the same as before. Even when there are no crusts left, you can not scratch the powder eyebrows strongly, you can not comb the powder tattoo. This can increase the healing time of the skin after the procedure.

But to assess the result with pictures before and after is not yet possible, as due to the large amount of antiseptic the skin is dried and flaky.

Is it worth doing at home

Wishing to save money, some girls decide to make themselves a powder coating on their own. What will give such a procedure? Hardly a satisfactory result.

Spraying must be done in the prone position and with a particularly high degree of accuracy, without exceeding the boundaries of the drawn sketch. Without the help of a second person, it is virtually unrealistic.

And even if you manage to comply with all the stages of spraying, there is a high risk:

  • Complications - it is difficult to maintain complete sterility at home.
  • Asymmetry of the eyebrows and the formation of gaps.
  • Obtaining a shade that will not improve, but worsen the appearance.

Professional beauticians undergo special training and only after receiving a certificate can perform this work.

Qualified master values his reputation and therefore during the procedure, strictly observes the technology of spraying, which positively affects the effect.

Save on powder coating is not worth it. It should be understood that unsuccessful coloring on the face is difficult to hide and the neutralization of the pigment will require some effort and financial investment.

Second week of powder tattoo healing

The color begins to change for the better, but the saturation is not lost until the end. It is not recommended to use cosmetics yet, so as not to disturb the healing process.

At this time, you may notice problems with the color of the powdered eyebrows. They may not be the shade that was chosen in the salon. This is normal, by the end of the fourth week of healing, the color will recover.

Also in the second week you can judge the quality of the procedure, as the eyebrow is free of crusts, there is only a little peeling. You can see the quality of the master's work: whether the eyebrow is painted evenly, there are no gaps. It is worth noticing any imperfections so that at the first consultation and correction to correct it.

In any case, all the imperfections of the powdered eyebrows can be corrected during the healing period, so you should not get upset. If they don't correct themselves, a beautician can help.


The type of permanent makeup involves a technique that creates a natural-looking eyebrows. After the procedure, it is recommended to visit a specialist again, because the eyebrows look much better after the correction of the powder spraying: all the gaps that remain after the first session are filled.

The pigment is applied using a device that sprays the dye into tiny particles. Externally, the machine looks like a rod with a nozzle on the tip. The main advantage is that the paint is applied carefully, without traumatizing the epidermis, which is why the healing is faster.

Correction of eyebrows after spraying is done under anesthesia - this is due to the fact that the patient will experience discomfort during the session.

Why correction is necessary:

  • The eyebrows will look more beautiful, due to the fact that the master will eliminate the imperfections after the first session;
  • the color fades much less after one session;
  • The shape is smoothed out and becomes perfect;
  • The contour becomes natural, there are no harsh lines.



Results after one month of healing.

The first two weeks of care were the most difficult. The remaining half of the month passes at a normal pace, without affecting the active life of the girl. The healing process continues on its own: the color is restored, the peeling goes away (this can be accelerated with moisturizing cream twice a day: morning and evening, before going to bed), and all prohibited activities are allowed again.

At this time, most prohibited procedures are allowed, but not all. Until the end of the first month of healing is not recommended:

  1. Going to baths and saunas.
  2. Rubbing and scratching the brow area vigorously.
  3. Sunbathing and being exposed to the sun for a long time without protection. In the subsequent period of the powder tattoo is also better to protect yourself with sunscreen, so that the result lasted longer and did not burn out before its due time.
  4. Drink beverages with a high percentage of alcohol and energy drinks.

But at this time it is already possible to wear decorative cosmetics, which is a major problem for most girls and women nowadays.

Because of improper care in the first two weeks there may be negative consequences:

  1. Repeated swelling. This can be a sign of drinking alcoholic beverages during the healing period.
  2. Itching and burning. This is usually caused by premature peeling of the crusts. This means that an infection has entered the unhealed wounds, and the body is fighting hard against it.
  3. Inflammation. This is caused by foreign bacteria. Often the cause is the use of creams with a non-gentle composition.
  4. Other reactions of the body, caused by allergies. They are removed with allergy pills.

At the end of the month the first correction will take place, where you can express all your dissatisfactions to the master. At this point a decision is made: either the master corrects his work and you go through the healing process again, or you completely remove the powder permanent makeup with the laser.

Preparation for the session

At the preliminary consultation, the master draws the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil and gives general recommendations on preparation.

The client informs about his peculiarities, for example:

  • The presence of allergies;
  • The constant intake of medications;
  • Lactation period;
  • high blood pressure.

Based on the individual characteristics, the master makes additional recommendations and determines the date of the tattoo.

At least 2 weeks before the PM procedure, it is forbidden to correct the shape of the eyebrows, to dye or scrub them.

Preparation is associated with dietary restrictions, because. ingestion of vasodilator products provokes pigment washout.

Two days before the procedure of permanent eyebrow make-up you should not consume:

  • coffee;
  • energy drinks;
  • seafood;
  • alcohol.

If medications were taken the day before, you should inform the master about it.

Specialists recommend to perform the procedure in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Reviews .

80% of those who have done the powder tattoo of the eyebrows, remain satisfied with this procedure, as it is necessary to suffer only a month, and the result remains for a long time. Permanent makeup, according to many, allows to save time in the morning, as well as money for decorative cosmetics.

Also, thanks to this procedure, you can be confident in your appearance every day, around the clock.

The only disadvantage is the possible consequences. But they can be avoided by everyone. The main thing is to observe two conditions:

  1. Conscientiously endure the healing period after a powder tattoo, following all the rules and instructions.
  2. Choose a good beauty salon and master, based on the reviews.

One month after the tattoo, what happened and whether correction is necessary.

permanent eyebrow makeup

The healing of the brow arches after two weeks, comes to its end. Now it is possible to estimate the peculiarities of the achieved eyebrows' color:

  • Violation by the master of the technique of applying tattooing or the use of low-quality dye will become visible;
  • Accidentally or intentionally removed crust will cause a lighter coverage in some areas;
  • Invisibility of the contours, lines.

All the shortcomings that will be noticed by the client, she should remember to go to the correction, to voice them to the beautician. Completely unsatisfactory results can be the reason for changing masters or even the entire beauty salon. Sometimes such a result has to be removed by remover, laser treatment, which is done only in the salon.

Even with complete dissatisfaction with the achieved effect, it is necessary to visit the master. During the examination of the eyebrows under special lighting, in a large mirror, it will be possible to fully assess the condition of the arches. In addition, a qualified master can easily correct existing errors.


For women

For men