Types of thieves' tattoos - meanings, features, interesting photos

The prison world

Tattoo in the zone is a special category. There is a rule that is not mentioned anywhere, not disclosed, but it is always in effect. It is necessary to make the sketch that fits your unlawful crime, so tattoos in prison depend entirely on the person, his earlier actions.

In some countries, in order to mark criminals, the state specifically ordered a tattoo. The stigma remained for life, reminding of an unpleasant past.

Japanese Mafia

Yakuza tattoo

Tattoos of the powerful and ferocious Japanese mafia clan could only be worn by those who belonged to it. Everyone else is better to opt for other drawings, even if multicolored fish and dragons seem very attractive - and they are.

For example, you can take as a sample for yourself any of the ancient Japanese prints or simply stylize the image, using the same stylistic techniques: flat drawing, two or three bright colors in a bright contrasting outline, whimsy of lines and an abundance of details. This show of respect in the Land of the Rising Sun is sure to bring more joy and no problems with the Mafia.

What Thieves Tattoos Mean in the World of Crime

Tattoos of a criminal nature carry a lot of meaning. They tell a lot about the owner of such a sketch, their multiplicity and variety is extensive. For this, it is necessary to consider the options more carefully.

Usually gangster tattoos are applied to show aggression, dislike of authority. More often do the inscriptions on the body, showing disgust for law enforcement agencies. Especially popular are the animals with a grin.

There is a simple law in the zone: even if the prisoner has been disgraced, humiliated for any reason, he can have a drawing of a rooster, a rat. Especially often shameful images are made in prominent places, such as the neck, forehead. Therefore, not every tattoo makes a jailed person look like a serious authority.

It's not just shameful tattoos that get beaten up in prison. Felony tattoos tell about the life, destiny, past of the thief. Any inscription, tattoo made in prison carries a special idea. Individual images show discontent with the authorities, propaganda. Other tattoos suggest committing more murders, call for theft. Any tattoo is not a decoration, each carries a meaning, a person's history.

Military and political themes

prisoner tattoos

Everyone knows how easily and quickly you can get yourself in trouble. It's enough to make your political leanings known. And if you put on a tattoo of such content, you don't have to verbally communicate anything - they themselves will understand everything very quickly and probably rush to tell you exactly what and why you are very wrong. If you are not ready to suffer for ideological reasons - it is better to avoid such drawings.

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How to Identify a Thief by Tattoos

  1. A star with a cross has the meaning of "steal, let others steal."
  2. Sketch of numbers. Not an authoritative tattoo, usually means time served. It is possible to meet the number of the article of the Criminal Code.
  3. Executioner. Denotes a person who is in jail because of theft.
  4. The image of spiders, spider webs. Tattoos with such a sketch are preferred for drug addicts, thieves, racists. A spider crawling upwards denotes that the offender has stolen and will continue to steal. A spider with no web around it indicates a pickpocket thief. Spider circles imply years in prison, a circle equals one year.
  5. A star with a swastika is understood by thieves as an appeal that he was born free.
  6. Inscriptions. One of the popular thieves' tattoos. Any inscription carries a certain meaning.
  7. The spade suit denotes a person's criminal record for theft.
  8. The image of a bull. Usually worn by fighters, people who like physical strength.
  9. Mother of God. The offender began his life as a thief at a young age.
  10. Cat with keys. More often a thief who steals from apartments.

Predator's muzzle with a grin

snout with a predatory grin

In recent times, images of animals have become a real trend: every now and then someone from his acquaintances proudly shows a drawing in the form of a lion, wolf, tiger or at least a kitty cat. The motive for this choice is quite clear - these animals symbolize courage, strength, bravery and independence. Sometimes it is a symbol of the year of birth.

But the image of a predator with its mouth in the grin may be perceived by some people not at all as you would like it. In the criminal world, such an image should be worn by a person who is ready to go to any, even the most brutal and ruthless, crimes. It is clear that such a reputation must be earned by real deeds, and on a peaceful and law-abiding person this symbol will "count" extremely negatively.

Who can afford to stuff himself with thieves' tattoos

Tattoos in the zone are divided by class. A man who has achieved authority because of the serious crimes he committed, will have no problem nabbing a tattoo of his high status. Not every tattoo is given to a convict. For some it is easy to "ask": why was he in prison? What did he do? The stars of thieves mean that the inmate is of authority. Some tattoos have to be earned. One of the famous ones is the ring, which will tell much of the sitter's story.

Tattoo Cat Meaning

The Egyptians in ancient times endowed cats with supernatural powers and depicted them as a deity - a woman with a cat's head. The moon was considered the patroness of the sacred animal, because its contracting or dilating pupils resembled the cycles of waning or growing of the night star. The priests adorned their bodies with pictures of cats in an attempt to gain magical powers and a connection to the protective divine powers.

In ancient Rome, the freedom-loving and willfulness of the pet became a symbol of independence. The image of the goddess of liberty was always accompanied by the silhouette of a cat lying haughtily at a woman's feet. The graceful posture of the coiled pet, resembling an endless ring, was considered a sign of eternity, the cyclical nature of life, rebirth.

In Eastern culture, a tattoo of a cat carried a negative connotation, as the animal's terrifying hissing in an attempt to defend its territory, flashing eyes and releasing claws were seen as equal to the manifestation of dark forces. In Islam, cats are the embodiment of evil genies, and for Buddhists they are evil and cunning creatures, yet Muslims believe that the ability to stand up on all four paws when falling is an advantage received from the Prophet Muhammad.

Thieves' Images

The symbolic meaning on the area is extensive, with some meaning. Some popular images need to be considered in more detail.

Tattoo of a thief in the law

The image of such a tattoo is very recognizable in the criminal sphere: epaulet with a tiger head, a star with eight ends, wings, swastika. The individual part conveys a certain meaning.

Thieves' star.

In prison, they are stamped on prisoners most often symmetrically on the kneecaps, under the collarbone. Sometimes they divide the beam into two parts: black and white. The parts mean the beginning of human and thieves. Usually, people who have struck the stars show denial in this way. The stars have a deciphering.

The ring .

Is often used in the underworld. The number of rings speaks of the number of convictions, each has a specific meaning, a name. The numbers on it say how many years the prisoner has been in prison, the number of thefts, convictions.


Without much difficulty you can guess that the tattoo of a bat characterizes the offender as a thief who steals especially at night.

Swastika on the shoulder.

Nowadays, such designs are less common than others. Such a tattoo was popular among Soviet prisoners, denoting an anti-Soviet orientation. The tattoo can be seen in people who do not like the authorities, showing protest in this way. In another case, can be seen in fans of fascist ideology.

Spider in a web

A spider crawling down indicates that the prisoner is no longer engaged in illegal activities, as the spider in crime is a symbol of thieves.

Bells, Domes.

The designation of the bells is easy to understand: a convict who has served his entire sentence can get a tattoo. And the number of walks shows a church with domes.

Here we come to the end of our review of thieves' tattoos. Below we give you a huge photo collection of tattoos for all tastes!

Three dots with an equilateral triangle

tattoo three dots

It would seem - well, what could be so special in such a simple and modest tattoo? Around the world, it has the same meaning: the bearer has a prison past, and the dots are coded with the three words "My crazy life.

Wearers of this sign may try to recruit criminal bosses for various criminal assignments, and if you've never broken the law, you're bound to get at least a misunderstanding.


Most vividly in ancient culture, cats were noted in Egypt. Besides the fact that they had a goddess with a cat's head, and any other cat they considered a holy creature. Cats were treated with the same care as people. Their burials followed the same rules as for humans. In antiquity, cats were messengers of the moon goddess who personified not only fertility but also female sexuality.

Cats were not considered equal to the gods by the Scandinavians, but the legend of the goddess Freya was commonly found accompanied by her cats (they were harnessed to her chariot). Cats were vital to the people of the north. Fertile lands were extremely scarce, and all the food that could be grown or conquered had to be preserved from the vile little vermin - rodents. Although there were many dangers besides them, such as moisture.

In ancient times of Arab and Asian cultures SEALs were considered a symbol of wealth and power, they were very much revered not only among ordinary people. Later on, however, the Middle Ages were the dark ages for mankind. Poverty and misery were spreading among the peasants over vast territories, and it was outweighed by the luxurious life of the cream of society. The men at the top needed a way to manipulate the outrage, and they found it: they gave the people a fake enemy. At the time, as everyone knows, there was a persecution of witches in the world, and cats were considered their accomplices. However, killing cats only made the situation worse. Because of unsanitary conditions and poor health, people experienced terrible epidemics, and because of the invasion of rats, which there was no one to exterminate, these diseases spread very quickly. Apparently, karma does exist, since everyone was dying at that time: the poor, the rich, farmers and kings alike.


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