Snake tattoo - meanings and designs for girls and men

Hi guys. Welcome to another lesson. Today I'm going to give you another lesson on skull and snake tattoos. I know I've done a lot of these tutorials in the past, but I was in the mood to do something newer and brighter, meaner and cooler. So, here's another step-by-step way to draw a skull and snake tattoo. I am immensely in love with this art and am very happy to share it with you as a tutorial. The coloring work is my favorite because of the amount of detail that went into the whole concept. This is one of my favorite skull drawings that features a snake. I really hope you like it too. Have fun drawing a snake and skull tattoo.

Skull and snake tattoo

Where are tattooed more often

The reptile with its meandering configuration does not hold back the imagination, which makes it possible to apply it to any area of the figure, starting with small elements and ending with huge specimens curling all over the body. The snake flowing over the shoulder looks spectacular and original, accentuating the beautiful curves of a woman's or a man's arm's power. The symbol is suitable for both sexes.

The thigh will allow to reproduce, as a large-scale canvas, as well as to realize the idea of location on the front, side and even back of the thigh. The reptile can seamlessly wrap around the leg, highlighting its slimness. Such an image on a woman's ankle will give an elegant expression. The tattoo is also printed on the chest, back, stomach and ribs. The variation on the neck is interesting.

Snake venom

A large number of snakes are venomous. They need such a dangerous tool not so much for protection as to immobilize their prey. Usually two long poisonous teeth are clearly visible in the mouth, but in some species they are hidden deep in the mouth.

snake skeleton with caption

The venom is produced by special glands that are located near the temple. Through ducts, they connect to the hollow or relief teeth and are activated at the right moment. Individual representatives of rattlesnakes and vipers can remove their "stings".

The most dangerous to humans are snakes of the Taipan genus. They are common in Australia and New Guinea. Before a vaccine was found, mortality from their venom was noted in 90% of cases.

Women's choice

On a maiden's body, the picture is associated with sexuality and grace, indicating the presence of the hostess:

  • cunning and calculating;
  • dexterity;
  • a keen mind;
  • devotion to her beloved;
  • cold-blooded poise and confidence.

The paired, intertwined snake tangle is applied by lovers or spouses. A spiral-shaped piece around the arm protects the wearer. Usually girls choose one small piece adorning the wrist in the form of a bracelet or an area behind the ear.


Teeth are also a distinctive feature of the species or genus. Their shape and number depend on the lifestyle of the animal. Snakes need them not to chew, but to bite, grasp and hold their prey.

Animals swallow their food, not always waiting for it to die. To prevent the victim from escaping, the teeth in the snake's mouth are placed at an angle and directed inward. Such a mechanism resembles a fish hook and allows you to firmly grip your prey.

snakes have a skeleton

Snake teeth are thin, sharp and divided into three types: constrictor, or solid, fluted, or grooved, and hollow, or tubular. The first are present, as a rule, in nonvenomous species. They are short and numerous. On the upper jaw, they are arranged in two rows and on the lower jaw, in one row.

The teeth are located at the end of the upper jaw. They are longer than solid teeth and have a hole through which the venom enters. They are very similar to the tubular teeth. They, too, are needed for injecting venom. They can be fixed (with a permanent position) or erectile (they move out of the groove of the jaw when threatened).


In all snakes, the bones of the braincase are movably connected. The articular, medullary and angular bones of the mandible are fused to each other, connected to the dentition by a movable joint. The lower jaw is attached to the upper jaw by a ligament capable of extending greatly to swallow large animals.

For the same purpose, the lower jaw itself consists of two bones, which are connected to each other only by a ligament, but not a bone. In the process of eating its prey, the snake alternately moves its left and right parts, pushing the food inside.

snake skeleton structure

The skull of snakes has a unique structure. If the appearance of the spine and ribs is typical for the entire suborder, the skull reveals the peculiarities of a particular species. For example, a rattlesnake has a triangular head skeleton. In pythons, the head is elongated in the shape of an oval and slightly flattened, and the bones are much wider than in the rattlesnake.

Simple technical execution

To find out how to draw such a character beautifully, it is worth reading the full description of the process.

Then adhere to the following sequence:

  • A curved line is drawn to form the top of the head;
  • Under it, a circle is depicted;
  • A slightly curved line in the form of a wave is drawn on the left side. It passes through the circle. Connecting then with itself;
  • The direction lines are erased from the face;
  • Smile is marked with a short curved line. For the nose, a pair of oval nostrils is outlined, above each of which a slight curve is drawn;
  • A pair of curved lines is drawn at the beginning of the head;
  • The guide lines on the inside of the curves must be carefully erased;
  • From the head downwards a wriggling long line begins to be drawn;
  • A second line is drawn parallel to it;
  • The lower curve then continues so that it turns around the upper line;
  • A similar curve is drawn even higher. It should also run parallel. The body of the snake in the final version resembles the letter "S";
  • The tongue is made as a pair of lines drawn at the same distance parallel to each other. It should go down and resemble a "fork" of small size;
  • From the mouth to the middle part of the body a long curved line is drawn;
  • Small ten strokes are drawn to the left of the central part of the body;
  • Two circles are drawn above the snake's muzzle, with short curves above them;
  • In each eye there should be a smaller circle to be shaded;
  • The entire length of the body is evenly covered by ovals of different sizes. There should be exactly eighteen of them. Then the body can be considered fully drawn.
  • You can paint the smiling snake in any color from greenish or brown to bright red, yellow and blackish.

For children to develop their creative skills

The snake as such does not often attract children.

  • First, it is cold, and second, it bites with venom.
  • But acquainting the child with the world around him, to this point sooner or later have to return.
  • After all, snakes are everywhere, except perhaps snow-covered Antarctica.

Therefore, so that there was no fear, you can tell and show the young "artist" how easy it is to draw a cute snake from a favorite cartoon.

Thanks to the clear step by step instructions for children, this process will only be fun.


For women

For men