How can you remove a tattoo completely: a description of the ways

Tattoo - a way to decorate the body and express your attitude towards life, to stand out. However it happens that with age the beliefs change, the picture gets bored, or at all want to return the purity of the skin. Many make "youthful mistakes", typing the names of lovers at a very early age, with whom they soon break up. To help in these and other cases comes the procedure to remove the pigment.

Does it hurt to remove a tattoo?

Laser tattoo removal is done under local anesthesia (although the pain will be felt), except for tattooing. In the latter case, you are re-tattooed, so you will experience the same pain as the first time.

Important! Staining does not always give the expected result. Dark pigments mix with light pigments during the healing process and you may get a blotchy color. If it doesn't happen right away, the dark color may come through later. Therefore, you can only do overpainting on top of lighter tattoos. About this you will necessarily consult a master.

How is this procedure done?

Laser removal of tattoos occurs in several stages.

First, the master examines the place where the procedure will take place, assesses the area of work and determines the phototype of the skin.

The second step is exposure to the laser. If necessary, the treated area is shaved before the procedure. The client is given goggles to protect his eyes from the bright laser flashes.

The third and final stage is the application of a healing cream and further recommendations of the master.

The number of treatments performed depends on the pigment color and the depth of the dye.

After the procedure, proper care of the laser treatment site is necessary. For some time after the laser removal sessions you should refuse to go to the pool, bath, sauna, solarium. If crusts appear on this site, it is necessary to treat the skin with sunscreen.

Tattoo removal by laser in ]ASA Laser Cosmetic (Kiev)[/anchor].

How to remove a tattoo by laser?

The laser method is used for several decades. It is the most effective and safe. The device is sent to the drawing, the beam of energy affects the pigment molecules in the skin, destroying them. The small particles fall into the lymph flow and are eliminated from the body naturally.

Before removing your tattoo, a specialist will examine it and determine the type of dye. This is necessary because there are now three varieties of laser:

  • Neodymium - universal, allows you to remove tattoos of any size, depth and color, no scars or pigmentation on the skin;
  • ruby - used to remove superficial tattoos of blue, black and green colors;
  • alexandrite - almost the same as ruby, but handles large tattoos faster.

Methods of tattoo removal and the price of the issue

Currently, there are several ways to remove tattoos. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Laser beam

The effect of the laser beam has not yet been fully studied. It is believed that the beam, affecting the pigments, heats them, and as a result they disappear. The very cell containing the dye boils and disintegrates from the narrow beam of light. The remains are then taken up by special formless cells that absorb the dye and are removed in the blood stream.

Tattoo Removal5

A significant nuance that affects the result is the degree of pigmentation, i.e. whether it is light or dark. Laser removal allows you to get rid of the pattern on any skin, however, it is necessary to adjust the mode of operation of the equipment.

The pattern itself has the greatest impact on the effectiveness. In the course of elimination, all points are important: the color of the pigment, its chemical composition, the area, the location on the body, the depth of entry, whether scars are present, and so on.

One way or another, it is possible to whiten any tattoo, but the intensity of the measures and their number depends on these factors.

When using any type of laser equipment, the more quickly remove a small pattern that is punctuated in the surface layer of the skin.

There are general contraindications as well as individual ones. The first type includes: skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy. Individual intolerance is considered an allergic reaction to dyeing components. Even if the symptoms went away after padding, they may reappear during the convergence.

Parts of the body with the highest blood circulation are easier to wash away pigmentation, while places with low circulation (such as the fingers and toes) tend to be more difficult to give. These tattoos require more laser removal sessions.

Surgical tattoo removal

The surgical route removal Tattoos were practiced even before the spread of laser technology. At one time it had no alternative. Surgical excision is good for narrow linear patterns up to 1 cm wide and up to 7 cm long. The surgeon slices off layers of epidermis in thin layers, imposes cosmetic sutures. Another option is to transfer clean "flaps" from an inconspicuous area of the body to the place of the cut tattoo.

Mechanical peeling (dermabrasion)

It is a milling method of scraping the skin with a diamond-coated tool. The cutter is plunged into the epidermis to a depth of up to 1.5 mm, capturing up to 5 mm of skin on both sides of the pattern. This method of removing not deeply immersed pigment can be done by people with healthy skin.

Chemical peels

Rather aggressive procedure of tattoo removal is carried out with carbolic acid. Phenolic peeling requires the participation of a specialist with extensive experience and knowledge. Respiratory, liver and kidney diseases are contraindications. Acid removal of tattoos is dangerous, painful and difficult.

Be careful!

Phenol is toxic and dangerous to humans. This surgery should not be done at home.

Cryo destructive method

Removal of tattoos with liquid nitrogen is used less and less often. Of the advantages - quick action on the skin and effectiveness. The disadvantage is that the procedure is painful, you have to do it several times, and it takes a long time to heal. Bottom line the removed tattoos turn into scarred skin.

Other methods of tattoo removal

Medical clinics offer to remove tattoos by electrocoagulation, as well as by cold-plasma coagulation. In the first case, there is a high probability of ugly scars and long period of healing. The second method is effective, but very expensive, long and has many contraindications.

As for tattoo removal creams, experts do not advise using them outside the salon. The effect is small, and the problems with the skin with inept use can make a lot of trouble.

Lightening to overlap another tattoo

This approach is faster and easier, as the old paint does not need to be completely removed, but rather to make it less noticeable so that it does not stand out from the new one.

The myths that a tattoo can remove at home with manganese oil or iodine, not many people believe in it anymore. The result of such amateurism can only be a burn and a long non-healing wound.

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Tips for those who want to remove a tattoo

This is a serious procedure, for which you have to prepare thoroughly. The doctor's instructions should be strictly followed. Does it hurt to remove a tattoo? Whichever method is chosen, it involves the destruction of the epidermis, and this is painful. If the decision is made to get rid of the design on the body, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need, on average, 4-7 procedures. There will be a time interval between sessions. The ability to work during this period is out of the question.

You have to choose the clinic not on the principle, "Where is the best place for you?where и how much costs"but where it is safer for your health. Preferably, talk to former patients who have already been down this road, see, what the tattoos the reduced tattoos.

Find a good master can be found on our portal, in the appropriate section: ⇒"TATTOO REMOVAL"⇐.

You can choose your city and get acquainted with the masters living there. Each of them has information in their profile: experience, contacts and portfolio.

Before you go for the procedure, think over whether the tattoo really interferes with your life so fatally? Is it worth enduring these painful procedures, risking your health and spending money? Get rid of a tattoo is necessary when it really interferes with your full life. Getting a tattoo is a big decision in life. If you made it once, it means there was a good reason. Your decisions should be respected.

Surgical removal of tattoos

The classical method of surgery appeared much earlier than the laser. It involves excision of the skin flap with the pattern, followed by the imposition of cosmetic sutures. If the edges of the wound are far apart, the procedure is combined with a skin graft from another part of the body. The doctor tells you about the necessary technique in advance. This method is most effective for small tattoos. The disadvantage is the possibility of a scar, which will need to be removed.

Contraindications to both techniques:

  • diabetes mellitus:
  • Pre-cancerous condition or cancer;
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • General infections in the body;
  • Certain venous diseases;
  • epilepsy.

Surgery is also not performed if your blood clotting is abnormal, and a laser procedure is not performed if you have recently peeled or sunbathed a lot.

Are there any side effects?

There are practically no negative effects after laser tattoo removal. Immediately after the procedure swelling and reddening of the treatment area may occur. A few hours later these symptoms disappear by themselves.

Allergic reactions to the laser are very rare. This side effect occurs in people who are allergic to sunlight. After the procedure the skin becomes red and swollen. Such allergy is cured by taking antihistamines.

Before the procedure, you should have a preliminary consultation and inform the specialist about your allergies.

Do scars remain after removal?

Looking at the photos of tattoos before and after the removal of the pigment, one can see that almost no one can achieve complete discoloration. In addition, unattractive scars are often formed in place of the old tattoo. Is it possible to remove a tattoo, preserving the original skin texture? The answer is no. But it is possible to minimize the consequences of tattoo removal.

The fact is that any impact on the skin (impulse or chemical) breaks the integrity of the epidermis at the cellular level and affects the layers that are not subject to regeneration. To a large extent, the intensity of the damage and, therefore, the thickness of the scar depends on the skill of the cosmetologist and the level of the equipment used and the degree of tinting. That is why it is better not to save money on this procedure.

For example, the black pigment is quite realistic to remove just 3-4 sessions, after which the maximum exposure will remain marks in the form of white seals. Visually, they resemble surgical scars and are smoothed out by the same methods as any type of scars. The main thing is to perform the procedure in time. It is best to begin smoothing the skin 3-4 months after the end of sessions to remove pigmentation.

Unlike laser removers, many masters position removers as a means that does not leave scars. But in reality this is not entirely true. In the first weeks, the treatment site is covered with a crust. After the crust falls off, it leaves a pink, smooth skin with a small depression in its place. It takes up to 6 months to fully regenerate an area that has been chemically treated. Remuver does not leave laser-like scars, but small marks do occur.

How long does rehabilitation last?

Tattoo removal cannot be called a simple and quick procedure. In most cases, it takes months for the skin to be cleared of pigment and heal completely. In addition, if the tattoo was very large and the pigment penetrated deep into the skin, it may be necessary to have the procedure to remove or smooth the scars formed in the process of its removal.

That is why one should be prepared that to get the final result (i.e. a total removal of a tattoo or at least its maximal masking) several sessions may be needed, and each time one will have to face such phenomena as

  • Severe redness of the skin and swelling;
  • The appearance of crusts or wounds, which require special care;
  • there may be pain, itching as the tissue heals - in this case you should consult a doctor who will prescribe medication, but under no circumstances use the recommendations of friends and relatives.

It is very important to prevent at this time infection of the skin and the emergence of inflammation.

Laser removal of eyebrow and lip tattoo

How many sessions does it take to remove a tattoo with laser

Removal of tattooing from the eyebrows and lips can also be performed by laser. The technique of destroying the pigment in these areas is identical to discoloration of the tattoo. However, the skin on the eyebrows and lips is too sensitive, so anesthetic cream is applied prior to the procedure.

The procedure takes 10-15 minutes, but it is not possible to remove the tattoo entirely in one session. As a rule, you will need 3-4 visits to a cosmetologist.

Advantages of

Laser tattoo removal before and after

Laser tattoo removal has many advantages:

  1. No scars and scars. Exceptions are tattoos that have been made by an inexperienced master (the design is applied in the deep layers of the dermis).
  2. The procedure is painless. During the burnout you can feel a slight tingling and burning.

If we mention how much to remove a tattoo with a laser, the number of sessions depends on the size of the picture, its quality and color.

In one procedure, the tattoo is discolored by 10-15%. The session is conducted once a month so the skin has time to recover. The disadvantages of removing tattoos by laser may include the price of the procedure (often the cost of multiple sessions exceeds the cost of the tattoo).


Remover is the chemical etching of dye. The method refers to the number of gentle and universal. In some cases, masters recommend using it in combination with laser pigment crushing.

The main active ingredient is metal oxides (e.g. magnesium or zinc). By penetrating under the skin, the remuver combines with the dye atoms and pushes them out without involving the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The greenish tint that emerges indicates that the compound has begun to work and the process is going on correctly.


A good laser to remove permanent makeup is the neodymium picosecond or nanosecond laser. A common English-language name is Q-switch.

Neodymium Laser

The main advantage of neodymium lasers is the ultra-short pulse duration, which is 1 million times shorter than millisecond ruby and alexandrite lasers. The skin has no time to heat up and the procedure becomes safe in terms of burns.

Q-switch laser wavelength is 1064 nm. It is mainly used for dark pigment tones: black, blue, brown.

There is a filter nozzle with which the same device creates a green beam with a wavelength of 532 nm. It effectively removes warm colors, including red and yellow, against which other types of lasers are powerless.

The unique property of the neodymium Q-switch apparatus to deliver pulses so brief that the healthy skin is not damaged, makes it the best choice for all skin phototypes. This laser is the best way to remove eyebrow tattooing.

Methods of exposure

Laser tattoo removal

Laser exposure comes in two types:

  1. Selective. The laser beam acts on the subcutaneous formation, leaving the outer layer undamaged. The device is adjusted depending on the type of tattoo. In this way, it is possible to safely remove the tattoo with a laser. The pigments that have been destroyed are removed within a month.
  2. Ablative. The beam affects not only the inner skin, but also the outer skin. This method is usually used for the purpose of rejuvenation, because it affects the upper layers of the dermis. It is ideal for patterns that are in the upper layers of the skin.


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