What does the tattoo eagle mean: the history of the symbol and modern meaning

Tattoos are an ancient type of self-expression. It is difficult to accurately date the appearance of the first drawing on the human body, because it happened very long ago. Approximately, scientists call the date about sixty thousand years ago. This figure was named after some of the most ancient finds.

Tattoos on the bodies of mummies of pharaohs have been preserved in their original form.

However, most likely the drawings on the body appeared much earlier and they carried a slightly different meaning. Nowadays tattoos are more of an entertainment nature. Most people decide to get a tattoo in order to decorate their body.

There are, of course, and exceptions. Some people get a tattoo in memory of some dear person or event.

Eagle tattoo attracts many people, especially guys and men. The bird eagle always symbolizes pride, courage, freedom. However, the meaning of this tattoo may vary depending on the country, religion or gender of the person who wears this tattoo.

Eagle in the religious world

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The image of an eagle, which with its claws and beak tears the snake, is a sign of spiritual victory over impure forces. The bird was associated with the ascension of Jesus Christ. In the world culture the representatives of the hawks have always been treated with great respect, because it is a messenger of God - the only earthly creature that can stare at the sun.

Our ancestors believed: soaring high above the earth, the eagle burns its wings, and then grows them back just by dipping into the sea. Hence the bird came to be regarded as a symbol of baptism.

The eagle embodies the elements of air and fire. The body of such a bird was often depicted as the supreme gods. The Greeks saw the eagle as an assistant to Zeus. For Christians, the bird was a symbol of the soul of a man who decided to devote his life to serving God. It is also possible to interpret the image of an eagle as a sign of fidelity and constancy. Such birds create a couple once and for life. If one dies, the other will not seek a replacement.

Hence the image of an eagle in the nest is a good sign. It is the embodiment of family hearth, love and protection of the home. The interpretation of the symbol mostly always takes on a positive connotation. But in every barrel of honey has its own spoon of tar. Because of the tendency to take prey from weaker animals and birds, the eagle is compared to the robber. Right in flight, the bird is able to snatch a cherished treat from others: a mouse or a baby rabbit.

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Aggression is also expressed in connection with eating human flesh. Here it is enough to recall the myth of Prometheus, who gave fire to men. Zeus ordered the man to be chained to a rock and told the eagle to swallow the liver of the "criminal.

Drawing on ancient Greek myth, we can symbolize the image of the eagle as God's punishment. Ancient Greece belonged to the lands now inhabited by the Highlanders. A few centuries ago, they had a custom: the bodies of the deceased were given to be eaten by wild birds.

This was due to living in a mountainous area: it was difficult to bury the dead because of natural features. The traditions of the highlanders make it necessary to associate the tattoo of an eagle with the memory of the deceased.

In Russian fairy tales, there are often stories about the flight of hawks to the ends of the earth - where the birds bathed in lakes of living water. This is how the Slavs explained the longevity of the feathered birds. It seemed to them that hawks were immortal, just like Phoenixes. However, this, of course, is not true, although eagles can live up to seventy years.

The meaning of the eagle in different countries and peoples

In all times, the eagle has been a revered bird, and even ancient peoples began to use it as a figurative symbol in writing. The eagle was associated with power, victory, dominance and courage, so it was depicted on royal flags, emblems and shields. In addition, in ancient times, people began to apply the drawings on the skin in order to express themselves, but to decorate your body with this bird could not every man, but only a brave warrior or a member of a noble family.

In different peoples of the world the eagles were treated differently, but mostly they were worshipped and often compared to a deity.

  • The ancient Sumerians believed that these birds commanded fire, as evidenced by the legend of the young warrior who climbed a tree to destroy the eagles' nest. The mighty bird stopped him and offered to share the secret of getting fire if he would not touch its chicks.
  • The Aztecs identified the eagle with the heavenly forces that from time immemorial oppose the earthly power. They believed that a talisman with its image would protect from attacks of wild animals, add vitality, give hope and help in difficult situations.
  • In the Roman Empire, the eagle was a symbol of purification of the human spirit, and he was considered a guide to the realm of the gods. At the funeral of an emperor, the Romans performed a "deification" rite, during which they burned the body of the ruler and released the majestic bird into the sky. According to legend, it was supposed to free his soul from worldly consciousness and lead him to the gods.
  • In ancient Greece, the image of the eagle was associated with majesty and power, strength and speed. There is a myth according to which Zeus took the guise of this bird or sent a raptor to earth to deliver an important message to people or to protect them.
  • The Indians, who lived in North America, believed that eagles bring good luck in battle, give courage and increase strength, so they put their images on the body and homes, and their feathers decorated headdresses, as well as made amulets of them.

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Meaning in different nationalities

The meaning of the tattoo of an eagle in different nationalities:

  • If such a tattoo will strike a resident of Norway, it will be considered a reflection of wisdom;
  • Americans portray this bird on their bodies along with the national flag. For them it is tantamount to a patriotic symbol of the country;
  • Native Americans have long had an eagle painted on their skin. Here it took on a special meaning; therefore, only the best warriors could have such a tattoo. People believed that such symbolism was capable of causing rain after a severe drought. And the chief of the tribe was given the feather of the sacred bird as an attribute;
  • In China, the eagle informs all about courage and perseverance. If the bird was depicted sitting on a pine tree, it boded longevity;
  • The ancient Romans depicted an eagle with outspread wings and soaring through the air. Such a picture was supposed to bring success in the military.

Eagle tattoo for men

Men are attracted to this tattoo as a symbol of strength, determination, self-confidence and freedom. Young men, stuffing the image of this symbol often show signs of arrogance and self-confidence.

Tattoos with this exponent are more suitable for mature men who have life experience, rather than young guys with their non-serious lifestyles.

Tattoo and the criminal world

The image of representatives of the hawks decorate the bodies of the most authoritative people representing the criminal world. The eagle is a free bird and is the undisputed leader among other feathered birds.

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The same is true of the criminal world: to have a symbol of the mighty bird means to show one's authority and strength. Some sources mention that such tattoos are worn by prisoners who have escaped from places not so far away.

Eagles are also considered a popular prison image, being on the hunt and getting food for themselves. In such drawings, the mighty bird holds a victim in its talons. Most often it is a sheep or a skull. In this case, it is customary to add the inscription: "All yours and yours have always been mine and ours".

Often an eagle on such tattoos torments a woman. It is a symbol of power and strength. Sometimes such a drawing can have a purely hooligan meaning - the vulture attacked the bitch.

However, the image with the proud bird is applied to themselves not only male convicts, but also the representative of the weaker half of mankind. For ladies who are in criminal circles, you can often find a tattoo with a woman, on whose shoulders sits an eagle. The drawing is applied in the area of the abdomen, shoulders or hips.

In girls.

On the female body to meet a tattoo with the image of an eagle can be found much less often than in men. This is due to the fact that the eagle image is considered quite masculine and not at all for girls.

However, contrary to conventional norms, some girls are happy to wear a tattoo depicting this bird. As a rule, girls are trying to emphasize certain masculine traits in their character this way.

It began to gain popularity only recently. Nowadays the equality of women and men is promoted much more often. Also, some girls put in the tattoo of an eagle divine meaning, such meaning. In the Christian faith, this symbol has a meaning - faith, love and courage of spirit.

Who is suitable for a tattoo?

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The modern world has long gone away from the stereotype that tattoos are worn only by members of the criminal environment. More and more people dare to put something on their bodies. If a person chooses to draw a picture of an eagle, it shows his inner freedom and courage.

Most often, the symbol of the bird can be found on the body of a man; it emphasizes his fearlessness and militant nature. A representative of the stronger half of mankind with an eagle image on his skin is used to achieve goals and always fights for justice.

If such an image is preferred by a girl, you can safely say that there are masculine traits in her character. The drawing of the bird will look spectacular in the technique of realism. Thanks to the detailing and rich coloring, the image with the eagle will look as natural as possible.

And here among young people the so-called "Old School" style is more popular. In this case, the head of the eagle is placed in a frame. Often the composition is decorated with an inscription - this allows you to better convey the meaning of the picture. If you prefer monochrome images, stop at the technique of minimalism.

Modern tattoos are often performed in bright and sunny colors. Yang is the energy of light and day. In contrast to it comes Yin - female origin, night, darkness.

Meaning of the tattoo eagle.

Initially, the tattoo eagle refers to male symbolism. The bird is associated with power, strength and determination to conquer the world. The tattoo has side meanings, the image of the bird tells the viewer what character the bearer has.

The proud bird adorns the skin:

  • bikers;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • sailors;
  • truckers;
  • rock musicians;
  • representatives of the power structures.

The broad meaning of the tattoo - independence, the power to defeat circumstances, the desire to hold ground, to protect their territory and interests. That's why the drawing with the image of a proud bird suits strong personalities.

Men's tattoos

Depending on the age of the bearer, the eagle tattoo changes its meaning. For a mature man, it is a status symbol, a confirmation of life achievements. For a young guy, the tattoo confirms his ambition, the desire to reach the heights.

WARNING: It is not recommended to beat a tattoo to persons under the age of 22. Before this age, this picture will look inappropriate. Because the bearer does not yet have a life experience confirming his skills and capabilities.

Much about the meaning of the message can tell the position of the wings and the pose of the bird.

  1. So soaring signifies freedom of choice of path, confidence in one's superiority.
  2. Diving turned in profile - purposefulness, the ability to hold one's own.
  3. A diving eagle turned to face the viewer - a person capable of achieving the goal at any cost, a person can stand up for himself in word and deed.
  4. Eagle with head turned to the right - royalty, ruler of destiny.

Cute tattoos for girls

In the set of symbols for girls, the eagle appeared relatively recently. The ancestors of the tradition to beat a tattoo with a feathered carnivore were the salons of New York in the 50s. Girls were members of biker clubs and tattooed eagles as a sign of freedom.

Tattoos with an eagle look aggressive. For this reason, girls attribute their meaning to emancipation, freedom from restrictions and the right to be a leader.

Attractively look options totem image of an eagle. Such a tattoo does not look brutal. It looks beautiful spreading its wings on the waistline or in the bikini zone. The diving eagle is beaten by many women:

  • on the side
  • shoulder
  • neck
  • shoulder blade
  • above the chest.

Tattoo Meaning

The meaning of the tattoo will largely be related to the chosen sketch and place of application:

  • if the eagle is printed on the shoulder, it speaks of the courage and bravery of the person. The symbol will be ideal for a real defender - both himself and his loved ones;
  • The image of the bird on the back communicates the perfectionism of its owner. A man wearing a tattoo, any case will seek to bring to a logical conclusion; he never stands still. This type of tattoo is popular with both guys and girls;
  • drawing of an eagle feather indicates courage and strength;
  • if a person has a tattoo on his chest, it means that he aims for career growth and sets himself a global goal;
  • When the bird in the image prepares to attack the victim, it is a sign of the aggressiveness of the owner of the tattoo;
  • An eagle on the body, soaring in the air, tells of a free-spirited nature of the owner;
  • A tattoo on the arm tells of the master's outlook; his powers of observation and the ability to listen to other people. The eagle is a bird that spends most of its life in flight. From above he observes everything that happens on the ground;
  • A great option for a tattoo is the shoulder. If desired, the pattern can be hidden, and if necessary, they can show off. The tattoo in this place shows the inner freedom of the owner from the intrusive stereotypes of society;
  • The bird in the drawing may have two heads. It is an indicator of stability and balance. It is impossible not to mention the Russian statehood here. Eagles appeared on Russian coins five centuries ago. The two-headed bird seems to connect the sides of the world: Asia and Europe;
  • Wings folded are a sign of tranquility and rest. Such a sign is rarely seen on tattoos.

Tattoo with a hunting eagle

The image of an eagle rushing to the ground to attack its prey speaks of an aggressive mood against its enemies. Sharp claws of the bird of prey, ready to grab the prey, symbolize the desire of man to defend his principles, no matter what. The bearer of this tattoo is ready to start fighting for what he holds dear. He is confident that he will come out of it the winner.

Soaring eagle

The diving eagle or a representative of the birds holding the prey is a popular theme for tattoos among criminals.

Eagle tattoo for women

The eagle symbol is not at all feminine. Conditional "feminine beginnings" he acquired recently in modern culture. The application of this figure on the parts of the girl's body is a rare phenomenon, and acquires a rebellious character, which expresses it in such a meaning as:

  • looseness;
  • complete freedom of speech, of action;
  • the right of leadership;

Place of tattooing

The hand area is the most common for the application of the image. It is tattooed both in black and in color. Girls usually choose the mini-format, men fall for everything else.

In addition to the fact that on the meaning of the symbol of the tattoo affects the type of drawing, also on the essence of the context of what the masters of the salon have applied and the choice of location of the tattoo. For example:

  • the location of the tattoo on the shoulder displays courage and manliness and thus demonstrates the warrior, ready for battle and all the hardships of life;
  • If the tattoo is displayed on the forearm that shows wisdom and life experience, integrity, toughness in life;
  • Eagle tattoo on the wrist expresses the desire to influence the outside world and the environment;
  • Palm, fingers, hand - it's a place for creative individuals, for those going for feats, new deeds;
  • sleeve - only very courageous and self-confident individuals can have an image on the entire hand. Therefore, such a deed can be assessed as a demonstration to society that in front of it there is a powerful and proud person, ready to fight for his truth;
  • The drawing on the neck expresses the fortitude and endurance of the bearer. Such men are usually conservative in their views on life, calm and reasonable;
  • chest - for ambitious and purposeful personalities who do not like to sit in one place;
  • tattoos on the side show us the difference of meaning. If on the right, it is an expression of positivity and positive traits in the wearer's character. If on the left, it's an expression of negative experiences, disappointments, pain and failures;
  • Thigh - a rare place to apply, associated with the intimate component of life. Shows a passionate nature, devoted to a single one;
  • back - the place is quite beautiful, showing a purposeful and persistent person who always brings his affairs to a good and quality end;
  • leg - for stable personalities who stand firmly on their own, and do not change their decisions even under the strong pressure of powerful authorities;


For women

For men