Tattoo wolf: 20 ideas for those who have a strong-willed character and unwavering principles

Images of different representatives of the animal world on their tattoos have gained popularity and prevalence since ancient times. People often had a desire to be similar to some animals, especially predators, wanted to have some traits of their character and abilities. Many people have a wrong idea about what a tattoo of a howling wolf means. Such individuals give it the meaning of a loner who has turned his back on everyone. It is worth saying that in the natural environment wolves live only in packs. They are all closely related, they are united by family ties. The pack represents a huge family, in which all provide support and assistance to each other. If you decide to score on your body this beautiful animal, first of all, it is necessary to know the meaning of the tattoo howling wolf. It is necessary to consider your personal qualities when you want to see this image on your body, because a person with a weak character will not be able to wear such a tattoo.

Tattoo of a wolf

The magnificent and noble animal wolf carries a huge number of mythological beliefs and stories behind its back. They are the only creatures that have a dual nature: at the same time wolves can be independent and loyal, imperturbable and aggressively dangerous. Due to these unique qualities, the wolf tattoo is very popular and in demand.

Meaning of the wolf tattoo

Like the animal itself, the wolf tattoo symbolizes several meanings at once:

  • Character traits. Such a symbol is most often used if a person wants to emphasize his willpower, courage and determination, courage and loyalty.
  • Familiality. Also wolves can mean love and respect for nature, for their loved ones and relatives.

But remember! Such a symbol will not suit people who are weak in character and unsure of themselves. You should not do such a tattoo, if you like to change partners. After all, the wolf is primarily a symbol of loyalty, nobility, strength and independence. Tattoo with the image of a wolf will become a real talisman, if you will fit his qualities.

The meaning of the howling wolf tattoo and culture

Since ancient times, wolves have been considered a symbol of male, strong friendship, support and strong relationships between people. During battles, before the battle with the enemy, if the warriors saw a wolf, they believed that the battle would be won. In ancient Egypt there was a god who had the head of a wolf. He was the conqueror of the dead world and was the escort of the dead souls. In China, wolves were viewed negatively. In mythology, it was believed that they drove wolves crazy.

See a picture of a howling wolf tattoo.

Where did the wolf tattoo come from?

This symbol was considered sacred by many peoples. People feared and respected the wolf, worshipped and worshipped it. Wolf - this is a striking embodiment of those animal qualities that sometimes awaken from the depths of the subconscious of any person. He has little interest in universally recognized values, but he is not prone to destruction either. Do not touch the wolf, and he will not touch you!

Many peoples (especially Slavic) attribute supernatural abilities to the wolf. In some witchcraft rituals wolf symbol means the emergence of a conductor-protector between otherworlds. A wolf tattoo erased the distinction between the forces of evil and good, combining them into one whole.

In some cultures, wolves are attributed the role of a symbol that gives life to great heroes and people (remember the origin of Remus and Romulus, Genghis Khan). For the Scottish tribes wolf symbol has an association with the destructive energy of evil and union with the world of the dead. For Celtic tribes wolf symbolized the moon, the mystical lunar power. North American Indians considered wolves their teachers. According to their legends, the wolf could turn into a person to come to the aid of doomed people.

The wolf is one of the most striking and complex genres in the world of artistic tattooing. Modern masters can offer you a variety of options for the execution of this symbol:

  • A wolf howling at the moon - proud solitude, independence from the rest of society and witchy night power.
  • A wolf with fiery eyes - the strongest symbol in the world of black magic, the ability to transform your physical body into an astral double.
  • Wolf in the jump - with this symbol you will overcome any obstacles with the help of powerful inner force.
  • Wolf among the tongues of flame - this tattoo represents a demon, awakens and subdues the most powerful dark essence.
  • White wolf - a bright extraordinary personality, able to become his own among strangers and strangers among their own. This is a warrior, a fearless lone warrior.
  • Running wolf - a symbol for fans of extreme, risk and speed. But it also means vindictiveness, willingness to destroy all who hinder him in the implementation of his plans.
  • Wolf in a pack - such a tattoo is appropriate for a recognized leader, a noble leader, who will defend his family and friends until his last breath.
  • Wolf with gritted fangs - symbolizes toughness, fury and fearlessness in all situations.
  • The wolf is a symbol of the highest justice and loyalty. After all, a wolf fights for his beloved only once and his partner must have a pure devoted heart and follow his leader to the end.

Choosing a wolf tattoo, remember that any tattoo symbolizes the very nature and essence of man and most fully reveals his whole nature. If you decide to prefer this elegant and noble beast as your talisman, be prepared for a change.


History and meaning of the howling wolf tattoo

The wolf was considered a sacred animal by many peoples of the world. People at one time feared and respected him. The wolf shows all the qualities and characteristics of a strong personality. Many peoples, particularly Slavic peoples, believed that the wolf had unusual abilities. Some witches believed the wolf to be a conductor to the other world. We can say that a tattoo with such an image speaks of the fine line between good and evil. Some cultures of the world said that wolves gave life to heroes. Scottish tribes believed that the wolf was an ally with the world of the dead. The Celts saw the howling wolf as a symbol of power. The Indians of North America took wolves as their teachers. There were also legends that the wolf is able to reincarnate into a person.

The meaning of the tattoo wolf

The wolf tattoo is an ancient tattoo. It has a dual meaning, with different peoples wolf found both positive and negative meaning. The wolf was respected for his strength, as he is a predator and hunter. In Russia, the wolf was a totem animal that was worshiped. Wolf skin was used in winter, as such "cloak" not only warmed well, but also protected from evil spirits. In today's world, a wolf symbolizes greatness. The ambiguity of this image image is that on the one hand, the tattoo speaks of aggression and strength, and on the other about loyalty and devotion.

What is the meaning of the howling wolf tattoo?

Many people know that the wolf is a symbol of courage, resilience and strength. However, along with this creature also combines such qualities as help, aggression, family, strength, loyalty. It is worth saying that this is a predatory animal and it can show anger and aggression when they begin to violate the boundaries of personal space. It is necessary to determine the meaning of the tattoo, because it can have a two-way message. A howling wolf is often depicted as a symbol of loneliness or grief from loss. Such a beautiful tattoo as a howling wolf can be a symbol of faith in the future. Like any tattoo, at one time this image can mean several different denotations in itself. Often, it is popular among people who have their concepts, beliefs and strong character.
See sketches for a howling wolf tattoo

Meaning of wolf tattoo

  1. Wolf howling at the moon - speaks of the loneliness of a manas a rule, It's a tattoo for more relaxed people..
  2. A wolf in a pack - suggests that the man in life used to be a leader and leader in the group.
  3. She-wolf symbolizes loyalty and caring. After all, in life, the wolf stays with the wolf to the end, she protects her offspring and stays by her side no matter what.
  4. The wolf with bared fangs - Most of the time it has a negative meaning, aggression, intemperance, hostility.
  5. The wolf's eyes - Means that you are a shrewd person who sees right through people.
  6. Running wolf - says that you're not afraid to take risks, to be ready for change and adventureand also speaks to a... vindictiveness and vindictiveness.
  7. A wolf with a rose - A wolf with a rose suggests a person who is romantic and gentle but strong inside.
  8. The wolf itself suggests that you are a brave, resilient person, as well as justice.
  9. A wolf's footprints indicate that you are willing to to care for and take care of other people.

The meaning of the wolf tattoo in the zone

For the common man, the reason for choosing the picture most often is beauty. But not for those serving time in prison. Each mark on their body and its color has a certain meaning, and this fact is worth considering.
The meaning of the wolf tattoo in prison contains the following subtext:

  • the predator howls at the moon - the prisoner is a loner, not in need of help and friends;
  • the head of the animal - the convict has a high rank among the "cons", the sign of a recidivist thief;
  • The animal grin - indicates disagreement with the regime in the zone.

The meaning of the tattoo is deciphered quite simply. The man who favored this particular animal sees the following traits in his character:

  • Masculinity.
  • Courage.
  • Devotion.
  • Freedom.
  • Courage.
  • Independence.
  • Loyalty to the people of the world.

To the same extent, these qualities apply to girls with a tattoo of a wolf, but to those people who are characterized by frivolity, cowardice and shyness, this animal is absolutely not suitable.

Other meanings

Howling wolf tattoo meaning in the zone

Variants of how you can portray a wolf on your body there are a lot, on that and the meaning of the tattoo can be different. Below will be the most common options:

  • A wolf howling at the moon, speaks of loneliness or betrayal.
  • A wolf with an open mouth and a grin on the shoulder, suggests that the person on whose body it is painted is angry and aggressive.
  • A wolf on fire on the shoulder blade or on the back suggests that the person has some otherworldly powers.
  • An animal in flight speaks of purposefulness.
  • A running wolf speaks of adrenaline stirring in a person's blood.
  • A wolf with her children speaks of loyalty.
  • The white wolf on the hand speaks of a person's fearless qualities.

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Before you put such a strong and evil beast on your body, you need to think several times and look at any meaning of the tattoo.

Interesting facts about the wolf tattoo

  1. The wolf is an amulet against evil forces and spirits.
  2. In Roman mythology, the wolf Represents rage and anger..
  3. In Celtic mythology the wolf symbolized A symbol of mystery and mysteriousness.

Where it is better to put a wolf tattoo?

As the tattoo is suitable for both menas well as for womenWe advise to apply the image of a wolf on the forearm, wrist and shoulder blades. WomenAnd on the shoulder, back, chest - men .. Here the size of the tattoo is very important, because the bigger the tattoo, the more powerful it looks. A good decoration for the tattoo will be feathers, moon and flowers.

The meaning of the wolf tattoo: what does the wolf tattoo hide in itself? 100 photos and sketches

Tattoo is a word meaning "drawing on the skin of a person," which was borrowed from a group of Polynesian languages and came to us through the French language. In this article you will learn the full meaning of the tattoo wolf. The application of tattoos is a very ancient phenomenon, but still very relevant among certain segments of modern society or adherents of body art. Tattoo is an encoded, coded, carrying in itself a certain mystery, information about character, status, relation to the existing reality and the way of life of the person.

For drawing on the body there are tattoos of different types, namely: military, criminal, with the image of animals, birds or plants, female or male, magic, in the form of inscriptions, etc. The most popular and having a deep sacred meaning are tattoos with images of animals, both real and fictional.

Where can I get a tattoo of a howling wolf?

When you have definitely decided to depict the image of a howling wolf on your body, remember its meaning. For each person it is different, and take into account your character, the tattoo can affect your life. Decide on the meaning of the image for yourself. It is worth saying that there are a lot of tattoo parlors these days and it is difficult to find a good professional. Approach the matter as seriously as possible and then you are sure to be happy with your tattoo. To do this you need to find a good salon that has specialists with experience. A good salon should have a lot of reviews from customers. Only a professional will be able to perform a high quality tattoo.

What does the wolf tattoo mean: a symbol of strength and loyalty

One of the most common among the above-mentioned tattoos is considered the application of the image of a wolf on different parts of the body. The wolf is one of the mysterious, highly organized, especially revered and sacred animals. His heroic image with inimitable charisma has been present in fairy tales, legends and myths of all the peoples of the world since time immemorial. Many stories, short stories and novels by both foreign and domestic writers are dedicated to this amazing and beautiful animal. Cinema, too, did not stand aside and we can recall several films, both fiction and documentary, which impressed us with their stories to the core.

Undoubtedly, a person applying a tattoo with the image of a wolf possesses or wants to bring to their image and character inherent in this wise animal traits, namely:

  • endurance;
  • speed;
  • strength;
  • impetuosity;
  • leadership;
  • intelligence;
  • courage;
  • loyalty;
  • independence;
  • ability to overcome the greatest obstacles;
  • purposefulness;
  • nobility.

Depending on the image itself, its angles and accompanying elements, the meaning of such a tattoo may contain a negative connotation, reminding us that in each of us from time to time the image of the "beast" may be born, caused by injustice of the outside world, despair and offenses inflicted, for example:

  • Deep loneliness;
  • inner turmoil;
  • a commitment to unnecessary risk-taking;
  • cruelty;
  • bloodthirstiness;
  • involvement in the otherworldly world and the dark forces.

Tattoo wolf: 20 ideas for those who have a strong-willed character and unshakable principles

Tattoo wolf choose those women who have a strong-willed character and unshakable principles. The owner of the future tattoo should have an incredible strength, an independent attitude to people and be confident in its beauty. Tattoo with the image of a wolf will become a true symbol - a talisman that can protect against difficult situations and give even more opportunities for an active life pastime.

Women who love a strong animal, but want to denote their inner gentle nature perform a tattoo with an element of flowers, bright colors and romantic patterns. It is possible to make such a body drawing practically in any region of the body, the most important thing is that the drawing should bring positive impressions both for the owner and for other people.

Some do not want to perform a standard graphic drawing and choose a wolf tattoo with geometric shapes. Such a sketch will signify not only the strong character of the wearer, but also a peculiar way of thinking, which may be incomprehensible to others.

The wolf is one of the totemic animals. He was worshipped and believed in his power. Tattoo performed in a peculiar divine style will mean that the woman is ready to believe - her character will be more strong-willed and brave. She will be able to overcome many troubles and come out of any life situation with a proud head held high, in the role of a beautiful and brave wolf.

The wolf has a lot of positive meanings. The animal is present in many legends, beliefs and myths. He was worshipped and sacrificed. Predator can be viewed from two perspectives: a loner who is too cautious, and a loyal one who loves his only one. These dual traits make the wolf tattoo very popular and in demand among women and men.

A beautiful wolf in the form of a tattoo will not only look like a strong and freedom-loving animal, but will also point to the special beauty of the predator. Despite the white and gray fur, wolves have an incredibly attractive beauty, their muzzle is able to strike with one glance. Women who want to enhance their beauty can safely choose a wolf tattoo on any part of the body.

Tattoo wolf will always symbolize strength of mind, courage, wisdom and strong-willed character. People since time immemorial respected the animal and valued its main qualities. Its strength envied even the most dangerous predators. The love that the wolf contains in itself was praised even by ancient peoples.

Strong character is not the only positive quality of the wolf tattoo. In addition, the wolf has always been distinguished by his loyalty to his fellows. He will never leave the pack, always keeping her loyalty. It is this trait that brings many people closer to the wolf.

Girls with a soft, optimistic, slow character tattoo with a sketch of a wolf is not suitable. A man should have most of the virtues of an animal in himself, thus it will increase the strength of each character trait.

Tattoo with a howling wolf on the moon do those women who have felt in his life loss. Such a symbol will remind that a man must live on, but no one forbids to still remember and show his feelings to other people. A beautiful design of a wolf with the moon will be a reason for a woman to believe in a better future, despite the negative situation.

Since the wolf cannot be labeled to a particular gender it is performed by both men and women. Not forgetting the fact that the animal chooses its partner for life, some couples get paired tattoos as a sign of their sincere love. Usually for this purpose, the area of the hand is defined. At the same time, the wolf images themselves can be with more feminine and masculine features.

The wolf tattoo is suitable for those who have a strong-willed and peculiar character. To such people, many people may simply not find a hike, but if a person opens his heart, he will be faithful to the end of his days. The wolf is a brave animal, and his body drawing can give the wearer incredible beauty and strength.

And which sketch did you like best? Would you like to do a wolf tattoo for yourself? Share your thoughts in comments!

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The wolf tattoo: the meaning of popular tattoos

In most cultures, the wolf is directly or indirectly associated with the army, soldiers, military honor and courage. Even the ancient Roman deity of war Mars, in one way or another, was associated with the wolf. However, in the Middle Ages - in the countries of the Old World - the wolf was a symbol of greed, harshness, hostility. It was a dangerous animal that attacked shepherds and their herds, attacked villages and lonely travelers. Although, despite justified fear, many peoples valued the wolf for its courage, respected and even worshipped it. And also, as the epics of many peoples claim, the wolf is not particularly interested in universally recognized human values and norms of behavior, but it does not seek to kill for the sake of killing, to destroy for the sake of destroying.

The wolf tattoo for men: seriousness and brutality

On the male body the wolf tattoo is most often applied in a realistic style and mostly monochrome. An experienced, qualified master on forces, simply using the play of light and shadow, to convey a special character of the beast!

Pay attention! Of course, there are also color tattoos. They allow you to fully appreciate the aggression of the animal, to show its predatoriness.

Very attractive look "tattoos", perfectly imitating rock paintings, such as those adopted in the culture of Indian tribes. In addition, many professionals advise to apply such a picture, as a symbolic image. Tattoo a wolf looks good, if it is a large, large picture. Therefore, it should be pricked on the back, in combination with other elements, which will create a complete picture. For example, good options for such a picture would be:

  • An animal against a background of a forest or surrounded by trees;
  • A demonstration of the transformation of a man into a predator or vice versa;
  • a wolf or werewolf walking under the moon on the streets of the city.

Another common option is the paws of the animal, located on the shoulder or chest. The picture will indicate the steadfastness of the person's character, his inner strength. Moreover, the tattoo deciphered as:

  • Loyalty and devotion, both to a certain person and to specific ideals;
  • success in all affairs;
  • fearlessness in the face of enemies and life's difficulties;
  • steadfastness of opinion;
  • self-confidence and a clear awareness of "one's worth."

Pay attention! A good option for a wolf tattoo on the hand is a beast with three eyes. He symbolizes discernment. Putting it on his body, a person will become to anticipate the development of the situation.

Those who wish to stand out and demonstrate their flamboyance, can apply a realistic drawing of a wolf, tearing the skin. Such a tattoo is sure to leave no one indifferent. If you do not know what style to give preference, consider a wolf tattoo on the arm in the Celtic style or tribal.

Tip! If you already have other body art, make sure that the wolf will not contradict them either in style or meaning. It is important to tattoo drawings in the same stylistic key.

As you can see, all male wolf tattoos demonstrate strength, confidence and even some, albeit hidden, aggression.

The meaning of the wolf tattoo in prison

Interestingly, in the zone, the wolf tattoo has a different meaning. It is believed that the prisoner thus demonstrates a contemptuous attitude towards the authorities of the colony administration. In the zone there is also a tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon. Its owner wants to show fellow inmates that he does not need help or company, a lone howling wolf.

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Howling wolf tattoo meaning in the zone

The wolf tattoo with a grin in convicts speaks of a man who is not afraid to challenge the "trash".

For girls, the meaning of the wolf tattoo is different from the meaning of the image for men. The wolf is a female, a predator, loyal and devoted to the male. In the case of the death of a loved one, the meaning of her life becomes vengeance, then the most relevant image of a howling wolf or she-wolf. And to show their loyalty, tattoos are made in a prominent place - on the arm, shoulder, forearm or leg.

There is another meaning of the predator tattoo for girls. The she-wolf is a model of motherhood, caring, love and devotion. She is ready to forgive everything, except for betrayal. The view of a proud wolf surrounded by a landscape forest on the chest or back looks spectacular.

As a rule, wolves are the real adversaries of man, which is why quite a few sayings and allegorical expressions are said. In ancient times and today in some areas wolves howl with humans for food, which is the reason why this animal can be called cunning, vicious and aggressive. Many people personify wolves with otherworldly forces - because they like to hunt at night, howl at the moon, and at midnight their eyes seem so scary that any person will be confused

Other meanings

What does the wolf tattoo mean for girls

For the fairer half of humanity, the meaning of the wolf tattoo is completely different. The female wolf depicted on the body symbolizes:

  • the desire for justice;
  • guardianship of his family;
  • love for children.

But at the same time, this picture can indicate the following - loneliness, devotion to the predator. Therefore, women are not advised to put a white wolf on their skin. Often beautiful ladies give preference to bright, colorful sketches, but also monochrome pictures look great. The best places for them would be the following parts of the body:

  • breasts or just below the breasts;
  • shoulder blades;
  • forearm;
  • foot.

By the way! If you look at the female wolf tattoos sketches of which are presented on our site, you can see that they can often have different additional elements. Among these are watches, glasses, the girl's face.

A great option would be a symmetrical large tattoo, located on the back. And the paws of a predator are an ideal option for a girl's lower back. Although also on the shoulder blades they look very, very attractive.

What styles to choose and how to combine them with other drawings

We have considered in detail the meaning of the tattoo wolf. Now let's talk about what style to choose and how to correctly combine the drawing with other tattoos. For example, if you look at the picture of the wolf tattoo on our site, you can see that one of the most common styles for the tattoo of this type is realism. Such a drawing is rather difficult to put on, and that is why you should entrust this work only to the professional master. He will be able to create a realistic image of an animal by transmitting the play of shadow and light, using only black color.

Note. Although color tattoos can also be realistic. They will resemble a true work of art, created by a talented artist.

On the second place in popularity are the wolf tattoos, made in graphic style. They involve a kind of "shading". A large number of lines of different lengths and thicknesses are parallel to each other. Exactly this allows creating a full picture, looking bright and juicy! Of course, such a tattoo should be, if possible, as big as possible. A good option is a wolf tattoo in the old skool style. This is one of the most developing styles. The direction has its own unique features. The style is quite simple, but, at the same time, elegant. It can even be considered in some way romantic. Its main characteristic is thick outlines, bright colors and contrast. Trabble or tribal implies the use of different shapes and patterns and lines. He is quite contrasting.

Tattoo wolf photo: popular wolf tattoos

Note! It is said that the trabal even carries a certain spiritual connotation.

If you want a wolf tattoo on the shoulder, which will go smoothly down the arm, consider this option. A great option is watercolor. This is a true artistic style that allows you to create truly colorful, vivid paintings, with an amazing range of colors. Looking at such a tattoo, you will no longer think about what means tattoo wolf, because it is in this case, the image will be a work of native art. But the compositions can be completely different. Above, when we considered wolf tattoos for guys, we briefly pointed out the possible combinations with other drawings. Here we should also note that ideal additional elements can be:

Naturally, the meaning of the wolf tattoo will change depending on the meaning of the additional compositional element.

The wolf in different cultures.

The Mongols consider him to be their ancestor. They see the image of the wolf as a symbol of happiness, especially for men.

Chechens placed the wolf on the coat of arms of their republic.

In Japanese culture, the wolf is seen as a friend of farmers and as a guardian of people, protecting them from misfortune.

The wolf in Roman mythology was a symbol of the founding of Rome.

In Norse mythology, the giant wolf Fenrir is a symbol of chaos and evil. On the other hand, the wolves Jeri and Freki accompany the supreme god Odin.

In Celtic culture, primitive hunters valued amulets of wolf teeth, which were supposed to give them the strength and agility of these animals.

Scene tattoo with a wolf on his shoulder

Plot tattoo with a wolf on the shoulder

Therefore, it is not surprising that the wolf has been and remains a popular tattoo motif that suits almost any style: it looks good in old school as well as Japanese, realistic, spot-on, black and white or geometric, and even watercolor style. It can be a lone wolf howling at the moon (head or entire silhouette), a snarling wolf snout (profile or front view), a running or jumping animal, but sometimes a wolf with two males or a pair of wolves (as a symbol of love and loyalty, because these animals are linked to each other for life).

Tattoo wolf on the shoulder in the Asian style

Asian-style wolf tattoo on the shoulder

Watercolor tattoo of a wolf on the shoulder

Watercolor wolf tattoo on the shoulder

As for the wolf, which is part of a large whole tattoo, these animals go well with elements of tribal tattoos, mostly Indian: dream catcher, feathers, faces of Indian warriors or shamans, skulls, trees, mountains, horses.

Tattoo of a wolf on the shoulder

Wolf grin tattoo on the shoulder

Sketches of a wolf tattoo on the shoulder

Sketches of a wolf tattoo on the shoulder

Sketches for the wolf tattoo on the shoulder

Sketches of a wolf tattoo on the shoulder

Tattoos depicting werewolves are also associated with the character of the wolf. They imply the duality of nature, its good and dark side, good and evil, light and darkness.

To summarize: how a wolf tattoo will affect your life

Tattoos depicting a wolf are overwhelmingly applied in a realistic style. They very rarely use multiple colors. Often masters try to use one color, as well as the play of light and shadow, glare. Note that tattoos imitating rock art look very attractive. If you want to "stuff" a tattoo depicting a wolf on his arm, in this case, fit a symbolic picture. But a full-scale, realistic picture will look perfect on the back. But also will look good realistic wolf on the shoulder or on the hip.


The meaning of the wolf tattoo for men

The image of this animal as a tattoo is most often chosen by the representatives of the stronger sex. The wolf tattoo is suitable for men who are freedom-loving, courageous, fearless, valiant, loyal and enduring. Most often, the predator is identified with a brave warrior, leader of the pack, endowed with intelligence and insight.

Quite often a man such a picture wants to show their loyalty to the only one chosen, because in nature the male of the animal is considered the only lover.

Usually, a drawing in the form of snouts of the animal make on the hand, on the forearm or on the shoulder. Recently, tattoos on the leg have become very popular among the stronger sex. If you want a more voluminous and characteristic drawing, then to implement the idea requires more space, for example, on the back or chest.

If the drawing shows a wolf howling at the moon, it can represent self-sufficiency and inner strength. Another interpretation of the howling wolf tattoo is loneliness due to betrayal of the beloved woman.

A wolf with a grin, more often depicted on the shoulder or on the forearm, indicates a willingness to take extreme measures in the event of a threat or danger. A depiction of a wolf with a grin indicates that its possessor is a fearless, fierce, and at times cruel person.

What does the wolf tattoo mean? Meaning of the wolf tattoo for men and women: photo

What does the wolf tattoo mean? Meaning of the wolf tattoo for men and women: photo

What does the wolf tattoo mean? Meaning of the wolf tattoo for men and women: photo

What does the wolf tattoo mean? Meaning of the wolf tattoo for men and women: photo

What does the wolf tattoo mean? Meaning of the wolf tattoo for men and women: photo

What does the wolf tattoo mean? Meaning of the wolf tattoo for men and women: photo


For women

For men