Tattoo Maple Leaf: meaning, symbolism, photos with examples of application, the best sketches, templates, stencils. The meaning of the maple leaf tattoo: in prison, in the zone

In men, the tattoo in the form of a maple leaf can have many decipherments. The enclosed meaning depends on the place of residence of the man, his nationality and the corresponding mentality. In Russia, the drawing is often accompanied by the abbreviation K.L.Y.N, whose meaning sounds like: I Swear to Love Her Forever. Even today, it can often be found on men 30 years and older, whose childhood and adolescence were spent in an era with a high proportion of romance.

The maple leaf in the form of a drawing is closely associated with Canada. In this case, its meaning is banal to the point of simplicity. The man may be a former or active member of the Canadian Army, a citizen of that country, or a fan of the national hockey team. When looking closely, attention should be paid to the number of ends of the maple leaf. The classic Canadian version provides for them in the number of 11 pieces. In other cases, the meaning of the tattoo may have a different meaning.

Maple leaf tattoo: meaning

With the Celts, the maple was considered the embodiment of firmness and strength, both spiritual and physical. After all, such trees can withstand severe frosts and winds. To wear such a tattoo could only a man who has shown courage and bravery on the battlefield.

For inhabitants of Asia, the maple tree is still a cult, a symbol of eternal pure love and boundless devotion. There was even a ritual in which paired drawings were applied to lovers shortly before the wedding. This gesture was regarded as a proof of serious intentions, love and boundless care. By the way, the removal or masking of such tattoos was regarded as a symbol of impermanence and fickleness.

For the Slavs, the maple is a sacred tree, as evidenced by the many legends that have survived to this day. The image with young leaves of a maple tree symbolizes the addition to the family, but wilted or fallen - the loss of a loved one.

Germans believe that the maple - the embodiment of the beauty of life and love for it, resilience. Relatively recently, the tattoo of maple leaves acquired a new interpretation - peace and kindness. But you can also encounter the opinion that it is a symbol of autumn and sadness, especially if the depicted not blooming green leaf, and fading in orange-red shades.

Women's tattoo

In girls, the image of a maple leaf is most often associated with an active relationship or memories of a lover. Not surprisingly, the tattoo closely overlaps with male associations. In women's interpretation, the maple leaf means falling in love with a beautiful man, in which the slender body complements the unruly temper.

The peculiarities of his nature imprinted on the relationship, forcing the bearer of the tattoo to experience mixed feelings.

In them, the suffering of an indomitable nature companion intertwined with the eternal female passion for a free and independent personality.

In Russia, the meaning of the tattoo in the form of a maple leaf on a girl also reflects the Slavic symbolism. In it, the maple leaf has always been associated with sorrow. Relationships remained in the past, and the memories of them, make a woman sad. To paraphrase a well-known saying: Maple - with a maple bouncer, - for guys such a tattoo on a pretty girl, is a direct guide to action.

What sketch to choose

The meaning of the tattoo is interpreted in different ways and everything depends on the wishes of the potential bearer, the technique of execution, style and color scheme. Therefore it is necessary to choose the sketch carefully, so that the image reflected views and the inner world.

Tattoos in the watercolor technique look impressive and bright. Usually these are large-scale drawings that look especially good on the back and shoulder. In the black and white drawings look harmonious in the style of minimalism, you can place them on the wrist, ankle, etc.

The maple leaf is a very effective and beautiful pattern, which will suit both men and women. The main thing is to determine the meaning: love, resilience and strength of character, or sorrow for the past.

For men.

A man, who put it on his arm or other parts of the body, is very often a connoisseur of oriental traditions, especially if he also has an Asian appearance. In this region, the tattoo (tattoo) of a maple leaf has been associated with love since ancient times.

Up to the present day, it can often be seen on marital beds. At the same time, the maple leaf symbolizes steadfastness and courage, following the example of the maple itself. It was used to demonstrate the Asian man's will, the dominance of the spirit over the body, and indomitable character.

The maple leaf had a similar meaning in Celtic symbolism. Here its tattoo conveyed the individuality of the bearer, his tendency to defend his Ego in the face of the environment and circumstances.

Where to get a maple leaf tattoo?

This incredible tattoo can be applied in any tattoo parlor in your city. However, not all tattoo parlors have highly qualified specialists with the proper experience. Therefore, it should be more attentive and responsible to select a good tattoo salon in which you will do a long-awaited tattoo. Good salons, as a rule, have a lot of positive recommendations and feedback from satisfied customers. Masters of such institutions can make you a tattoo that meets all your requirements.

Tattoo of ivy

Separately I would like to tell about the ivy tattoo, as this is a creeping plant, it is usual to depict him accusing the body on one side or even in a circle. Its widespread meaning is fidelity and love, I think the reason is clear - the plant as if envelopes the person. But I would like to remind you that in mythology ivy has more negative connotations, it was more often represented as a plexus of deception and evil.

There were also questions about the meaning of the hemp leaf tattoo, but modern hemp tattoos unfortunately have some twisted meaning, so about them I will say nothing.

The meaning of the oak leaf

The oak leaf is primarily a symbol of masculine strength, spiritual energy of the master of the house, the head of the family. The owners of the tattoo get together with the image the firmness of character, the fortitude of a warrior and longevity. Oak wreath depicted on the body speaks of a stern temper and determination of the owner, such people are not dispersed by trifles and confidently go once chosen a straight path.

The desire to create a family expresses a tattoo of the leaf oak in a realistic manner. This symbol of fertility promises marital happiness in marriage, the birth of strong and obedient children, endless love and respect between husband and wife. The owner of the tattoo sincerely believes in the institution of marriage and observes the ancient precepts, allowing to live in peace and harmony until old age.

The meaning of the maple leaf tattoo in history

Since ancient times, the maple tree and its leaves had an important, but very sad meaning that people gave to this beautiful plant. As if the entire history of this mysterious and miraculous maple tree is saturated with bitter sadness and unbearable experiences from the loss of a dear person. In the past, images of a maple tree or its leaves symbolized that a person had lost someone very important, perhaps that person had died or there was no longer a chance to see him or her. Today, however, maple leaves are treated more positively and many revere them as a symbol of love.

The meaning of the hemp leaf

The image of cannabis may not necessarily be associated with drug use and asocial lifestyles. Such a tattoo often indicates the owner's passion for Rastamanic culture. Such people do not welcome conventional values and openly declare it. The tattoo is popular among rebels and opponents of stereotypical thinking.

The hemp leaf tattoo can be a symbol of a passion for reggae, funk and hip-hop music. Adherents of the Rastaman subculture prefer the yellow-red-green scale not only in clothing, but also in tattoos. The owners of tattoos are often rich in imagination, a sense of humor and a love of creativity.

In prison

On a person who has served a prison sentence, the image of a maple leaf can have a fundamentally different meaning. Most often, the tattoo (tattoo) symbolizes the former inhabitant of an educational colony for juvenile offenders. The maple leaf shows the early detachment from his homeland, as well as the deliberate entry into the criminal path.

The abbreviation KLEN in the prison tradition has an unambiguous deciphering: I swear by the Left E... Knife. Its bearer is most often directly related to the groups that deny the authority of the prison administration and detention regime.

The widespread interpretation allows you to hide the true meaning, and at the interrogation with a sneer to explain the tattoo of eternal love for a girl.

Prison tattoos and their meaning. Do you know what a prison tattoo means?

The fashion for decorating one's body with tattoos has now spread to all walks of life, whereas in the past it was a privilege of the criminal or incarcerated world. This article will cover "Prison Tattoos and Their Meaning."

A bit of history

It is worth saying a few words about the world of prisoners and their ways. So, in Russia, this is actually the second power, which, of course, is the anti-system, the opponent of the current managers of the country. It will seem interesting that this arrangement exists only in two other countries - Papua New Guinea and South Africa. As for Russia, it dates back to the 18th century, when the criminal hierarchy was formed in response to the restoration of the Prussian bureaucratic system. So, in order to distinguish themselves and have their own designations, the world of thieves and criminals invented their own language, which they borrowed partly from the small traders - the Opheans, and partly from the Jews, who at that time were also an oppressed people. Well, of course, the place in the criminal hierarchy of any prisoner determines his tattoo.

Types of tattoos

Studying prison tattoos and their meaning, it is worth saying that all of them are divided into three main types. First: regal drawings, which allow you to distinguish a person of the highest levels of the prison hierarchy. It is worth saying that not everyone can get tattoos in the zone. Such honor must be earned, or it will be a forced drawing. The second type is the portraits. These are drawings, which were made by prisoners themselves from various improvised means, self-taught and not specialized masters. And a third type of tattoo: the sassy tattoos, which were imposed as a certain mark of shame on a prisoner solely by compulsion. These are prisoners of the lowest hierarchy, who were convicted under certain laws or who did not observe the foundations of the prison world.


So, we consider the topic "prison tattoos and their meaning" next. The first thing we want to say is that the inmates could stuff themselves with all kinds of inscriptions. But mostly they were not full phrases, but their shortened, understandable only to the criminal world variant, which was deciphered by the main letters. As an example, on the bodies of convicts you can see the words "HORN", which is deciphered by the first letters of the written: the state condemned to slavery forever, "CALL" - know thieves, they will teach very cool, "COT" - the native inhabitant of the prison or "BREAD" - I will keep love forever. There are many such inscriptions, some of which may disappear due to their irrelevance (e.g., inscriptions about the Soviet regime), while new ones appear from time to time.


For women

For men