Tattoo with a wild boar - what can it mean today?

The wild boar is a rather large animal that can reach up to one and a half meters in length. The weight of an adult varies from 150 to 300 kilograms. The bristly hair of the boar resembles the color of a bear with a slight reddish tint. Their distinctive feature can be called large lower canines, which can be about 25 centimeters in size. This agile and nimble beast is capable of speeding up to 40 km per hour, making it elusive for both wildlife and hunters. On top of that, the wild boar is an excellent swimmer and jumps a distance of 3.5 meters.

The role of tusks

The main function performed by the wild boar's tusks can be called protection and attack. The greatest threat to this animal can be a pack of wolves, hunters or a bear. When attacked, the wild boar is capable of inflicting lacerations due to its fangs. Everyone knows that the wild boar is an animal that people enjoy hunting. You should know that this animal is not so stupid. There have been many cases when boars lured a man to the reeds by various tricks, and then suddenly attacked. To escape from the fangs of an enraged boar is very difficult, they are deadly. When an animal is wounded, it goes into a rage and can attack back. In such a wounded and furious state, even wolves do not touch him.


A bit about the wolf's core

Chateau of the wolf begins the countdown in the svarog circle. It is under the patronage of the god of justice and the preservation of the laws of nature. Ramhat watches over the preservation of order in the celestial sphere and the earthly sphere.
In addition, the god of just judgment is the keeper of the sacred book of RITA, which describes all the rules and procedures of earthly and heavenly life that must be observed. In the book of RITA the main sin is deliberate harm to man or murder. The gods were believed to forsake a person who transgressed this con.

Habitats of the wild boar

The boar (wild boar) is a fairly common species that is found throughout Europe, Asia, America and other tropical places. This animal has taken root in both coniferous forests and deserts. The most beloved place for these boars is the oak forests. Very often such a big wild boar is found in the Caucasus and Transbaikalia near mountain rivers. The boar is a gregarious animal. Females are smaller than males and have a smaller territory with piglets than males. Its territory depends on the saturation of forage in a particular place. These wandering animals are capable of traveling several kilometers in a single day in search of food.

wild boar

Ramhat's patronage

The womb of the boar is under the patronage of Ramhat, the creator of laws of justice based on love. People born under this sign have the traits of their patron. To understand the nature of the ancient god it is enough to get acquainted with the main commandments of Ramhat, written in the book of Rita, it is by these canons of the god of justice and judges man for all his deeds.

Commandments of the god of justice

Ramhat's commandments are a set of rules which clearly prescribe the norms of life for everyone who has come to the world of Yavia. The role of everyone on earth and man's place in the general system of the universe are precisely prescribed in the commandments. Also, the role of men and women in society and the family is indicated there. All the laws of life are built on justice, love and respect.

The Offspring of the Wild Boar

Such an animal as the boar is divided into 25 subspecies, characterized by a stocky body with a large head, wide ears and small eyes. All adults protect their herds. Each female is able to produce about five piglets annually, each of which can weigh about half a kilogram after birth. Nature itself has taken care of the safety of the babies and has painted them in stripes, which makes the little boars less visible, unlike the dark-colored adult boars. Since wild pigs most often band together in huge herds in the fall to protect their young, even wolves do not always dare to attack pig offspring.

colossal boar

The meaning of the tattoo for girls

The tattoo with a boar is rarely found among girls, because it expresses a clear masculinity, the predominance of masculine traits in the character and appearance. An interesting option is considered a body drawing in a vintage or ethnic style, complemented by original ornaments. Such a tattoo will serve its owner as an amulet, bringing energy, good health and vitality.

Girls often decorate the body with tattoos with boars - the heroes of animated films. The image of cartoon characters causes a positive mood in others, and the owner herself is charged with optimism and good humor when looking at the tattoo. Very popular among masters of tattoo the hero of the Disney cartoon "The Lion King" boar-bearded boar Pumba, cheerful and simple-hearted cheerful.

The character of the boar

Most boars prefer to spend their day in gray wetlands, wallowing in holes. In case of danger, this huge boar is able to escape through thickets impassable to other animals, swim across a water obstacle, and, if necessary, attack. After all, everyone knows that the best defense is an attack. The big boar tries to avoid meeting people, but there are often cases when hunters together with the dogs themselves get into trouble and they can find them. The pig's hearing is quite well developed, so for everyone's safety, feeding is done at night. It should be noted the behavior of females, because for the sake of their offspring, they are willing to go into fire and into water, and even on an armed man, whom they will pursue to the last.

boar tusks


In order not to come across such a deadly animal as a boar once again, it is recommended to act as follows:

  1. Be as careful as possible and avoid getting close to a pack of boars. It is best to get away before one is spotted.
  2. If you had to come across a piglet, you should keep in mind that the mother is sure to be somewhere nearby.
  3. If wild boar tracks were found, it is better to go in another direction, away from this piggy trail.
  4. When a wild boar takes a man by surprise, there is no need to attack him. The best way out of the situation is to climb a tall tree and lurk for a while.

boar animal


There are many sketches of tattoos with the image of a boar. Consider the most interesting of them.

  • Large-scale tattoos, made in the style of realism, are suitable mainly for men, as they look very aggressive and defiant.
  • The tattoos, where the image of the boar is presented stylized, also inflict men, girls also prefer tattoos that have a different semantic meaning and a more aesthetic look.

  • And here are options for lovers of more miniature drawings.


Pregnancy can last about 120 days, after which the females temporarily separate from their flock to build a nest in some quiet place. The new "home" for the brood is more like a hut made of branches. During this crucial period for her, the mother becomes maximally aggressive, which allows her to reliably protect and defend her cubs. In contrast to males, the female does not have huge, intimidating fangs, but this does not mean that she is not dangerous. When defending or attacking, she is capable of trampling and trampling her prey to death. After the offspring grows up, all family members return to the herd.

wild boar animal

Life in the wild

Nature provides for everything, but that does not mean that life in this world will be without difficulties and obstacles, even for boars. Without a doubt, boar fangs are a powerful weapon and helper throughout their existence. But it is impossible to foresee weather conditions, which make their lives much more difficult. The snow makes it difficult for them to move, and as a result, the animals are only able to cover one and a half kilometers, which threatens them with hunger, and no fangs and the animal's speed will help them in this.

The skin of the boar is quite thick, especially around the hips. Many hunters know this firsthand. An animal wounded in the hip is worse than a healthy one, as such a vicious animal is able to fight its attacker to the last moment.

Everyone knows that the wild boar is an animal that emits a terrible roar, which can put anyone into a stupor. When meeting the animal, you should remember that it has an excellent sense of smell and hearing, but its vision is slightly lame - this can be used in certain situations to save your life. In the wild, when this huge boar comes face to face with an opponent, it will never retreat, no matter how many enemies surround it.

wild boar

Appearance of the wild boar

The wild boar is an animal with a rather unusual appearance. Its body can be conditionally divided into two parts: hind and front. In front, the boar is huge and massive, has a large head flowing smoothly into the torso, which narrows strongly in the back. This is why it looks slightly hunched over. The ridge that extends along the entire back adds to the aggressiveness. On reaching the age of three, the boar has two pairs of powerful fangs. Females, on the other hand, are very different from their partners in this matter. These weapons can become sharper and more dangerous over the years, as boars are constantly honing them against rocks and frozen ground. The boar is an animal that resembles a kind of tank, capable of making its way through even the most impenetrable thickets at lightning speed. This allows you to save your life if necessary. And the animal's favorite pastime is considered to be mud baths.

The body of the boar is so dense and bunched up that it looks more like a bristly shell, which not every hunter can penetrate, but annoy the beast quite well. This animal is unusually strong and capable of overturning huge rocks and digging out 10 centimeters of frozen ground. Of course, to meet one-on-one with such a powerful killer as a boar is a sad story, but you should not panic, even if the beast roars and tries to intimidate a person. You should always soberly assess the situation. If you do not approach the animal and its cubs, do not provoke, do not get in the face, then you can avoid problems. As a last resort, it is recommended to climb the nearest tree - this is the only true option.

Where to apply?

Tattoo with the image of a boar can be applied to any part of the body. It depends only on the preferences of the owner of the future tattoo and its scale. The most successful place is considered the shoulder and forearm. This is explained by the fact that in ancient times, the image of a boar on these parts of the body was applied in order to ensure a good hunt and prey. In modern times, tattoos with the image of a boar are often applied to the back, chest, side and rib.

If the tattoo is small, it can be placed on the wrist, neck or leg.


For women

For men