Facial Piercing: how can you beautify yourself and stand out from the crowd?


> Interest > Piercing on the face: how can you beautify yourself and stand out from the crowd?

Each of us likes to stand out from the crowd, because we all want to be unique, unique and memorable. Some people dye their hair in all the colors of the rainbow, buy bright clothes, decorate their bodies with tattoos or prefer to wear gothic corsets in everyday life. We are all different and it is wrong to judge a person only by his appearance. One of the most popular ways to stand out is through piercings. Today we will tell you what facial piercings can be.

Facial piercings: how can you beautify yourself and stand out from the crowd?

The harm from an unusual ornament

In the photo, girls with facial piercings look beautiful and unusual. But not many people are aware of the side effects that metal decor will bring to wearers.


Problems with the skin on the face

After installation, not uncommon problem is considered - an allergy to the metal:

  1. long healing of the puncture wound;
  2. The appearance of purulent discharge;
  3. pain and swelling.

In the presence of the above symptoms, the jewelry must be removed, otherwise the risk of inflammation is high.

The consequences of body piercing

The second serious problem is the overgrowth of connective tissue that has appeared in place of the damaged epidermis. The cause of the appearance is considered to be improper wound care or poor execution of the procedure.

Infections and blood poisoning

During the procedure, an infection can be contracted, leading to serious and severe diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • Tetanus;
  • HIV infection;
  • hepatitis.

The serious consequences of piercings can be fatal. There are several reasons for this:

  • Failure to meet sanitary and hygienic standards during the procedure;
  • unqualified specialist;
  • Frequent visits to public places during the period of healing.


Sepsis, or blood poisoning, is considered the most dangerous. The risk of getting it is great if you perform the procedure yourself or in a room with unsanitary conditions. This process is rapid, as literally in 2 hours symptoms are observed:

  • high body temperature;
  • fever;
  • hallucinations;
  • shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia.

Loss of consciousness is possible. The first aid to the patient is to call a doctor at home, and then put the patient in a comfortable position. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor.


Nose piercings are made in different places. It can be:

  • piercing in one nostril or both, symmetrically or asymmetrically;
  • A horizontal or vertical bridge on the bridge of the nose;
  • puncture of the nasal tip without affecting the cartilage;
  • The piercing of the central nasal septum between the nostrils (Septum).

The choice of the type of nose piercing depends primarily on the type of face. Bridge is not suitable for people with a thin face and thin skin. The most popular and popular to date is the nostril piercing. The wings of the nose are decorated with both the usual nail earring, as well as with a ring. The septum is usually performed with rings or semi-rings. Such decorations look most favorable on the lower septum of the nose.

Body modifications with a play piercing

Play piercing

- Is a special subspecies of body art. Its main difference from many other types is that it is not left in the body permanently (or for a long time). Most often it is performed for certain events or a short period of self-affirmation. Play piercing is the implantation of various foreign objects under the skin in large quantities with numerous punctures. This includes decorating the back, fingers, wrist and abdomen with ribbons and beads, placing pins in the skin, etc.

Even among veteran "piercers" there are few people who dare to wear such decorations for more than one day. It is not only uncomfortable, but also very painful. Among the fans of extreme body art, corset and smiley face compositions are especially popular. Although many specialized salons offer to do even more complex combinations of elements.

Is it possible to pierce myself on the face and in what places?

Most fans of "savage" jewelry prefer to make piercings themselves, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. The facial area is a cluster of many blood vessels and nerve endings. When performing the procedure, it is important to be extremely careful not to cause any harm. The piercing is carried out strictly according to the instructions used by specialists in the salon.
  2. No less important is the observance of sanitary and hygienic norms.
  3. For nose piercing, it is recommended to use those types, where the needle passes through the wings or the tip of the "sniffing" organ, without affecting the cartilage septum.
  4. The eyebrow is a safe area due to the absence of a large number of blood vessels and nerve endings. The skin is thin, therefore, there will be practically no painful sensations.
  5. In the lip area, it is allowed to perform the procedure at home. The needle passes hard, and heavy bleeding is possible.

Nose Bridge

At home, it is forbidden to do chin piercings, to install microdermal and planar views. Do not experiment with your health. It is better to go to a specialist who knows all the subtleties and nuances of the procedures.


Piercings of one or both cheeks are often made to imitate dimples on them. Through-the-cheek piercings are less common than superficial piercings - microdermals. Through-the-cheek piercing is dangerous for the release of lymph, and scars may remain after healing.

After the piercing procedure, regardless of its location, it is necessary to ask the master about further actions. The future of the piercing depends a lot on the proper care of the piercing. Healing takes quite a long time and it is worth having patience for the full care of the piercing.

Contraindications to the procedure

The installation of facial piercings is considered the least surgical intervention, but it has a number of contraindications:

  1. The presence of a severe form of diabetes mellitus, in which a person does not do without the administration of a portion of insulin;
  2. Infectious and inflammatory problems on the skin;
  3. epilepsy and other psychiatric disorders;
  4. previous head injuries;
  5. the period of childbirth, breastfeeding;
  6. presence of chronic diseases;
  7. cancerous tumors;
  8. Periodontal disease, cavities;
  9. Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.

To do piercing or not, it is up to you to decide. The main thing to remember is what harm the procedure will bring in this way of body modification. When deciding to make a piercing, it is important to think through all the details: the place of performance, choose a qualified specialist, as well as do not forget to follow the instructions.


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