Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches with a rose, an inscription, a spider's web

Butterfly knife - a tattoo with a hidden meaning. If the image of an ordinary knife speaks of the temper of a person, then the "bowtie" indicates the hidden aggression of the wearer. From history we know that the pictures of knives and other knives applied to the skin warriors and pirates. The first tattoos with knives were made in black or brown with natural dyes.

With the development of industry, many specialized dyes appeared for the body drawings. In most cases, the knife on the body is not drawn for nothing, and in many cultures such a tattoo tells hidden facts about its owner.

The meaning of the tattoo "Butterfly knife" in different variations

The tattoo "Butterfly Knife" is rare and this is due to the meaning of the picture. This symbol is drawn in most cases on a hidden part of the body. The first name of the knife-butterfly is "Balisong" and he appeared in Europe during the Second World War, thanks to the American soldiers who delivered these folding "toys" from the Philippines.

Tattoo bowie knife. Photo, meaning, sketches with rose, inscription, web

Historians have several versions of the appearance of the balisong. One version suggests that such edged weapon was invented in Balisong town, Batangas province, by local fishermen, who could drag a net with one hand and cut ropes with the other.

The second version associates the bowie knife with the German manufacturers of edged weapons "Bontgen and Sabin". According to it the first batch of balisongs was launched at the end of XIX century. And in 1710 a sketch of bowie knife was published in the French encyclopedia. Nowadays the owners of the branded sharp butterfly knives are the American .

Since the butterfly knife did not exist in ancient times, and it appeared relatively recently, its meaning is the same as that of simple blades. It is possible to highlight except that the secrecy of the nature of the person who chose such a tattoo. From the bearer of such a picture on the body made to expect a sharp attack or manifestation of hidden aggression against others.

The classic meaning of a body image of a knife:

  • loneliness;
  • belligerence;
  • the ability to stand up for oneself;
  • belonging to the military;
  • fortitude.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

The listed qualities also depend on the nuances with which this edged weapon is depicted. A knife that pierces the body of the wearer indicates that he suffered a deep mental wound or physical loss. If there is blood on the weapon, then the person has suffered a psychological trauma because of the loss.

In Vedic culture, the knife symbolizes purity and therefore can be found on the bodies of enlightened people. It is also a cold weapon indicating that one has freed oneself from the material and is on the spiritual path.

Those engaged in occult practices draw the knife on the body to improve communication with the subtle spirit world. The tattoo is designed to protect the wearer from the dark influences of enemies. Sectarians depict knives on the body as a symbol of willingness to sacrifice their lives for the sake of faith and ideas.

At a young age, a knife piercing the heart denotes the loss of a loved one. Such a picture is always surrounded by additional details that tell a complete picture of what happened.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web
Butterfly knife tattoo on the arm

In the criminal world, the knife tattoo has a different meaning. If there are drops of blood on the tip of the blade, then the owner of the picture killed a person at large, while the handle in the barbed wire indicates that the incident occurred while in prison. When a knife blade pierces the neck or throat, the tattoo indicates a person's willingness to stand up for himself at the cost of his own life.

In addition, the image of the knife indicates that the owner:

  • does not forgive insults;
  • avenges an insult;
  • Is lethal;
  • can attack at any time;
  • dominates those around him.

It is believed that the knife gives its bearer strength and resilience of steel. Varieties of knives are applied to the body mainly by men. If a woman makes herself a tattoo of such a cold weapon, it is often located on a place hidden from prying eyes.

What can the tattoo Dagger mean?

The Dagger tattoo has many different symbolic meanings for those who wear them. Over the years, tattoo artists and owners have contributed their creative ideas to the design.

Dagger tattoos can mean:

  • protection;
  • independence;
  • heartbreak;
  • life;
  • warrior;
  • death;
  • lost love;
  • memory;
  • wound;
  • betrayal;
  • freedom;
  • courage;
  • sacrifice;
  • hidden danger;
  • honor;
  • strength;
  • luck;
  • hidden power;
  • vigor;
  • aggression;
  • pain.

Having a dagger tattoo can represent both the virtuous qualities within ourselves as well as any trouble we may experience in life, the greatest of which is death.

Not only does the dagger symbolize treason, loss and danger, but it also acts as a symbol of protection, sacrifice and courage. Therefore, its specific meaning can be unique depending on the wearer.

Sometimes this tattoo can be a warning to others of hidden dangers from the wearer. Other times, it may be a visual reminder to the tattoo owner of the dangers hidden in others.

Who is suitable for the design and who is not?

The bowie knife is a tattoo that is not suitable for everyone. Cold weapons on the body looks harmoniously at people engaged in various types of martial arts. In addition, knives are drawn on the body of chefs and other representatives of professions that use this tool.

Tattoo bowie knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of a rose, an inscription, a spider's web

Masters do not recommend padding knives teenagers, because the picture carries a certain symbolism, which is not combined with the psychology of the growing body. It is not nice to look a cold weapon on fragile girls.

Butterfly knife, like any other tattoo, once on the human skin, begins to affect the wearer. Previously soft and compliant guy will become more often aggressive or intolerant, and the girl - with a sharp word will send the offender to knock out.

Where to get a Dagger tattoo?

Most dagger tattoos are medium-sized. The shape of the dagger (narrow and long) predisposes it to certain parts of the body: it is ideal for the arms, legs, hips or back.

Because the patterns are often thin and long, dagger tattoos look best on body parts such as the forearm or calf. Dagger tattoos are a great way to express the individuality of every man and woman. The wide values of such drawings give you the opportunity to choose an original tattoo, placing a hidden meaning in it, or to put a unique decoration on the body to hide skin imperfections such as scars or burns. Before you go to the master look at photos with tattoo designs to choose the most suitable drawing for you.

Tattoo placement options

The tattoo "Butterfly knife" is placed on different parts of the body. The location of the drawing also depends on its meaning:

Where is itWhat does it mean?
On the index fingerDetermination and nimbleness
On the middle fingerThe owner's superiority in society
On the neck (passes through the Adam's apple)Personalityality unconventionality
On the wristReadiness for surprise attack
On the shoulderCourage and readiness to stand up for yourself
On the stomachSecrecy and the presence of "skeletons in the closet
On the legVigilance and self-control.

In addition, men put the image of the knife on the back or head.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

Finding a balisong under the chest of the strong sex indicates that they may often have been involved in street fights or belong to gangs.

The Meaning of the Snake in the Cultures of the World

In most countries, snakes had a positive meaning - they were respected and loved. In Egypt, snakes (cobras) were a symbol of power, wealth and knowledge. In Greece, they symbolized wisdom, healing and renewal. In Oceania, the serpent was considered the creator of the world and was often associated with pregnancy.

In Christian culture, snakes were negative. Beginning with the biblical serpent of the tempter who seduced Adam and Eve, the serpent was later identified with evil.

The Dagger tattoo is not considered a popular tattoo, although many are attracted to this design. The dagger has many related meanings, but your tattoo can be written with different symbols, with different elements emphasizing the meaning you have in mind.


The classic "butterfly" is depicted in dark colors. If the knife has additional decorative details, the tattoo can be in color. For example, a black knife girls entwine with bright flowers or ribbons, and men prefer a combination of black and red or green. In the fantasy style "Watercolor", where there is no crispness of lines and blurring, the balisong is not depicted.

Styles suitable for such a tattoo:

  • Blackwork.
  • New skool.
  • Old skool.
  • Sketch Style.
  • Traditional.
  • Thrash Polish.
  • Black and white.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

It is possible to paint the blade of the knife, as well as the handle, as desired. In addition, edged weapons are depicted with or without a shadow, as well as in 3D.

Beautiful examples

Masters often suggest making changes to the finished sketch to make the tattoo individual and match the character of the wearer. Each illustration can be tweaked, as well as creating one picture from several different images. We propose to consider several interesting examples of tattoos with a rose and a dagger.

  • In graphic style. An unusual solution for a tattoo with deep undertones. The technique perfectly emphasizes graceful lines and envelopes the wearer with a romantic aura of the 1950s.

Sketches of the tattoo "Butterfly knife", the meaning of drawings with additional symbolism

Tattoo "Butterfly Knife" are applied as an independent element or with additional decorations.

For example, there are pictures with:

  • flowers;
  • spider web;
  • barbed wire;
  • heart;
  • blood;
  • ribbons;
  • serpent;
  • skull;
  • eye;
  • feathers;
  • inscription.

If a cold weapon pierces the heart, it is a sign of lost feelings. If there is blood, then the bearer has lost a loved one. In addition, such a picture can also indicate love unto death. A knife wrapped in ribbons indicates a defiant temper. If the bandage is crested, then the owner of the picture belongs to an ancient family and is proud of it.

In the case where the knife blade entwines a snake, the picture indicates that the person refers to medicine. If the picture is applied to the body of a prisoner, it highlights the thief in law. Also, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and cunning, so the owner of the tattoo with it is not as simple as it seems. A knife tattoo with a snake may indicate that the person is practicing the occult.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

A skull pierced with a balisong denotes universal fatigue or victory over death. In addition, the wearer of the worn picture can be deadly to enemies and others. If the cold weapon pierces the wolf's head, it indicates victory over fears. A butterfly knife piercing the all-seeing eye is a symbol that the owner of the drawing sees right through people and it is better not to mess with him. Such a person is always ready to deflect a blow.

A knife and a butterfly in different variations

A bright butterfly, pierced through with a knife, indicates the transience of time. The tattoo shows that the past cannot be returned. Airy large butterfly, sitting on the blade of a balisong, indicates that its owner honors the memory of ancestors and is ready to take revenge on the offenders of the family. Also, the picture tells you that its wearer is someone's protector.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

If the blade of the knife minted butterfly, it means that the bearer of the tattoo is vengeful, but calm. Such a person quickly forgets insults and can forgive enemies.

With a rose

A cold weapon piercing a rose denotes treason. The person who inflicted such a thing has previously had his heart broken. If blood drips from the blade of the knife, a murder motivated by jealousy has occurred. In places of incarceration, the red drops are used to count the term for the crime committed.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

In the case of a flower with thorns next to a balisong, one must understand that the person is thinking about eternal values, about peace and love. If the wild branch of the rose entwines the blade of the butterfly knife, then here goes an indication of the strong feeling of the bearer and the desire to protect the beloved. The knife in the flower symbolizes lost hope and disappointment. In addition, the edged weapon next to the scarlet bud signifies passion.

With a spider's web.

On the bodies of men, you can see the image of a half-deployed butterfly knife with a spider web on the blade. Such a tattoo indicates a thief-pickpocket and a simple person who does not belong to the criminal world is better such a picture on the skin is not applied. In criminal circles, the number of rings in the grid, woven by a spider, indicated the years spent in prison.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, thumbnails with a rose, an inscription, a spider's web

A spider's web on the blade of a knife sometimes indicates that the wearer is dedicated. It is also a sign that the person will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

In barbed wire.

People who killed a person in prison put an image of a knife on the body, the handle or the blade of which is wrapped with barbed wire. Such a picture is also not recommended for those who are not involved in the criminal world.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

In addition, the barbed wire may indicate that the person is unrequitedly in love with someone and is suffering from a heart wound. Also, in some variations, the tattoo tells those around them that the person in front of them is a serviceman who participated in military operations abroad.

With inscriptions.

The image of a butterfly knife on the skin is sometimes found with inscriptions that can go along the blade of the knife, cross it or are on the ribbon that winds around the weapon.

Popular words and phrases such as:

  • no fair;
  • hate;
  • love;
  • let's do it for;
  • endure and survive;
  • as strong as my blade;
  • death before dishonor.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

"No fear" or "no fair" is written on the body across the knife or across the blade by those who are not afraid of anything. A person in this way intimidates those around him, letting them know that he does not know the feeling of panic.

"Hate" or "hate" looks organic on the tip of the butterfly knife and communicates that the wearer has conquered this feeling in himself. In addition, the picture can also indicate that the wearer hates someone so much that he or she has left a reminder in the form of a tattoo.

The word "love" or "love" next to the knife tells how strongly the bearer of the picture feels about someone. Also, the tattoo is an indication that the person is willing to fight for love. If there is blood on the blade of the balisong, it indicates that the owner despises the feeling.

"Let's do it for..." or "let's do it for..." is inscribed in the ribbon encircling the knife. In this case, the phrase ends with the name of the person for whose sake they are prepared to do anything or to whose memory they dedicate their further deeds.

The expression "endure and survive" or "endure and survive" is applied to the body in conjunction with a cold weapon by military personnel. This way they show their readiness for all vicissitudes of fate.

The phrase "as strong as my blood" or "as strong as my blade" adorns the image of the knife of people strong in mind and body. The tattoo testifies to the steely willpower and indomitable nature of the owner.

The expression "death before dishonor" or "death before dishonor", applied across the knife, most often found in the fair sex. With such a picture girls usually say that they will not let themselves be offended.

Besides this, inscriptions in Russian are used together with the knife. For example, some people write "nothing to be afraid of" or "this knife is not real".

With a feather

A butterfly knife and a feather of a bird are depicted on the body of those who want to be protected by higher powers. In this combination the pictures are found in shamans and other followers of occultism.

The feather in tattoos signifies lightness, spirituality and the ability to fly. Next to edged weapons, this object indicates that a sharp blade will also easily and silently catch up with the offender, just like a bird in flight.

Tattoo Butterfly Knife. Photo, meaning, sketches of the rose, the inscription, a spider's web

In places of incarceration, a feather and a knife next to each other on the body tell others that the wearer of the picture will quickly and without hesitation use a cold weapon. Besides, a feather in prison parlance refers to any knife.

The bowie knife is a beautiful tattoo, but it is rare. Experts have come to the conclusion that the image of this type of weapon on the body changes the character of its bearer. Before getting a tattoo, it is recommended to consult with the master.


For women

For men