Swallowtail: description, interesting facts, beautiful photos, nest, chicks, what they eat, how long they live, where they live

Reviewer: "ZooVita".

Swallow is a bird that, perhaps, everyone knows since childhood. Swallows can be found in almost every corner of our globe. The only exceptions are Australia and Antarctica.

These birds belong to the order of "passerines". The photo of the swallow shows that the bird is small. The bird weighs up to 25 grams, the body length reaches 23 centimeters. The wings reach a span of up to 30 centimeters.

Features of swallows

The body of swallows is elongated and narrow, and the wings are not wide. The tail is long. Thanks to this body structure, the swallow maneuvers easily when flying. The bird is so adapted to flight that it can make long flights without getting tired. This is especially useful during the flight to the place of wintering and back.

The bird's beak is wide and adapted to catching insects. The short and thick beak allows catching insects of swallows even on the fly. Even the most fast-moving insects do not escape from the agile bird.

Scientists count about one hundred and twenty species of individuals. Although the species have their own characteristics, the description of the swallow bird applies to all varieties with the following features:

  • The upper torso is always colored black, regardless of species
  • The mouth is large, and the beak is quite wide and short
  • The feathers are thick and close to the torso
  • Male and female are very similar in appearance and can only be distinguished by a slight difference in plumage
  • The paws are short and the claws, on the contrary, are very long. The swallows easily cling to them
  • The chest is convex.
  • The plumage of the nestlings is similar to that of an adult.
  • The back has a distinctive metallic tint.

Swallow species are also similar in that birds often form groups to live together.

Way of life

It is quite difficult to capture on the photo of swallows that are resting. They work all the time and spend a huge amount of time in flight.

Twice a year they travel huge distances, flying from one territory to another in search of better conditions. Sometimes such flights can lead to the death of the entire flock due to bad weather.

Their paws are not designed to walk on surfaces, they may land to grab building material for their nests. They can walk on the ground, but it looks awkward and happens very slowly.

Their element is the air, they fly quite high into the sky or, conversely, drop very low. In flight, they can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h.

You can often find a description of a swallow as "chirping". Birds really love to sing. And their overflows are quite beautiful. Swallows are often confused with swallows, because they have an external resemblance.
Swallows mostly eat what other birds do - insects. They hunt them in the air. As a rule, they catch beetles, grasshoppers, dragonflies, crickets, etc. They also feed their chicks on the fly.

How to distinguish male from female

Males and females are very similar. You can distinguish them only by their plumage: the females' color is not so pronounced. Also females have a shorter tail than males. Nestlings and adults are the same in plumage.

By the way, swallows pair once and for life.

Natural enemies

Terrestrial and aerial raptors pose virtually no threat to swallows because they simply cannot keep up with them. Only certain species of falcons, just as fast and maneuverable, are dangerous.

Photo: fineartamerica.com

Swallowtail (50 photos): description of the bird, what it eats and where it lives

Swallow species

Let's consider the most famous and frequently encountered:

Ornamental style

Ornamental is a style with a very complex weave of different lines, more like a tablecloth, but from this it is no less popular than the same Oldskul. The paint is only black, and the tattoos themselves resemble a network with intricate weaving. In this style it is quite difficult to depict any specific object, because it is drawn in silhouette, the basis of which are difficult weaves.

One of the chosen drawings is the swallow, consisting of small crossed flowers strictly symmetrical, creating a total woven fabric. The style does not boast such techniques as shadows, volume or highlights, but it is no less beautiful.

The village swallows.

Barn swallows nest usually under the roofs of buildings. They feed on insects. There are cases when village swallows perish when unexpectedly cold weather comes and they didn't have time to fly away for winter. The color of these birds is black with a blue cast, the lower part of the body is white with pinkish.

Interesting facts

Swallow bird speed
Swallow in flight photo

  1. There are 120 species of swallows in the world.
  2. Swallows are insectivorous birds. Flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, bugs - this is only a part of what swallows eat.
  3. The swallow feeds on the fly.
  4. Swallows living in the city are not afraid of humans. They often settle under eaves of houses and on balconies.
  5. Swallows have well-developed vision enabling them to see a tiny insect at a distance and to chase it.
  6. The swallow is constantly busy looking for food. Swallow chicks eat up to 300 times a day!
  7. Swallows not only eat, but also drink, mate, and even sleep on the fly.
  8. Swallows live four to eight years.
  9. The dwelling of swallows is handed down from generation to generation.
  10. The tree swallow is the national symbol of the Republic of Estonia.
  11. The tree swallow is depicted on the Slovenian coin in denomination of 2 tolars.
  12. Cuckoo mothers are found among the swallows. They lay their eggs in someone else's nest or move them while the mistress of the other nest is not around.

Folk omens about swallow birds.

The significance of swallows in folk folklore is great. With this bird associated with a lot of folk signs and representations. For example, in Russia, the swallow represents prosperity, tranquility and peace, while in Ireland this bird is read as a "devil spawn".

Common omens

Swallow perched on a branch photo

  1. A swallow has made a nest under the roof of a house - for good luck. This means that the swallow has chosen a kind family to live near, where it is quiet. The swallow will not settle where there is a nervous environment.
  2. The swallow left the nest, which she created under the eaves of human habitation - a bad sign, which means losses, disappointment.
  3. Swallows fly low - to rain. This belief is explained as follows: before the rain flies, which swallows feed on, go down to the ground. That's why the swallow has to fly near the ground in search of food.
  4. To destroy a swallow's nest or to kill a bird means to bring bad luck, hunger and illness.
  5. The bird flew into the house through the window - the omen foretells only bright future. In this case, one should not chase a swallow away: one should feed it and wait until it flies out the window.
  6. To hear a swallow singing is a good omen. At this moment you should wash your face with milk - to get rid of sins.
  7. The villagers believe that if you kill a swallow on purpose, it will lead to the death of livestock.
  8. When you see the first swallow in spring, feed it. This will bring prosperity into the house.
  9. Swallows circling over the heads of newlyweds - to happy family life.
  10. The first swallows flew in early spring - to a good harvest year.

What do you dream about a swallow?

Red and white swallow photo
It is believed that the swallow is a symbol of change, renewal. If in a dream the swallow is circling overhead, it means that you are expecting news from relatives. Swallow flocks dream of unexpected but pleasant news. To see a swallow separated from the flock and flying straight at you - to a meeting with an old friend.

To see, as a bird sits in a nest - to peaceful future, troubles will bypass. If a bird is incubating - wealth will soon come. Swallow's chicks dream about an easy pregnancy.

A swallow perched on her shoulder - positive changes are expected. An unmarried girl will soon marry, and a single one will find an admirer. In this dream, career people can hope for a promotion or a pay raise soon. To hold a swallow in your hands - to wealth, prosperity and a happy life.

Tattoo birds swallow means youth, prosperity, good luck. In addition, for women the swallow symbolizes motherhood, the continuation of the family, caring for offspring. Similar tattoos are placed by young people on the collarbone or shoulder blade.

Urban swallows

Urban swallows - the abdomen of such individuals is lighter in color. They are smaller in size than country swallows, as a rule, do not differ from them in any other way.

Nesting and hatching

Swallows are considered monogamous birds. During one season they choose the only partner and remain faithful to him. In the southern regions females manage to lay 2 eggs in a year, and in the northern regions only 1 egg in a year.

The bird builds its nest in an unusual way for birds. The nest is shaped like a basket which is neatly glued to a vertical wall at the top and sides. For nest building, the birds use soil that they mix with their own saliva. This mixture soon hardens and becomes a very durable material. Very often swallows build their dwellings on cliffs or in caves. Swallows are gregarious birds and they form large colonies that can count several hundreds of families.

Today's swallows have increasingly begun to use the walls of buildings in cities and towns for their needs. Today only coastal swallows can be found in natural conditions. They build their nests in cliffs with sandy or clay soil. Swallows dig holes in soft soil and build nests there.

The inside of the nest is lined with feathers, soft grasses and down. Three to six eggs are laid in each nest per season. For 2 weeks, the female incubates her eggs while the male brings her food to the nest. If the weather outside is bad, there may not be enough food and then the incubation period drags on for up to three weeks.

The chicks hatch from eggs with no plumage at all and are helpless.. These babies spend the first three weeks of their lives in the nest. During this time, both parents obtain food and bring it to the nest for their offspring. Since the parents predominantly hunt small insects, they have to fly to the nest with their prey up to 600 times per nest. After the young grow up, they fly away to winter with their parents in India, Indochina, Africa, or South America.

If a swallow is attacked by a predator, all birds begin to shrill and try to scare off the enemy and confuse him. In some cases, these small birds even manage to scare off a large predator such as a fox.

Shore Swallows

Shore Swallows are widespread and are considered migratory. The upper part of the body is colored brown and the lower part is white. They need frequent food, so they usually build their nests near ponds. In contrast to city birds, they prefer to settle in flocks. Feeding the same as that of other congeners.


Despite its fragility and small size, the swallow is a unique bird, whose unpretentiousness allows it to settle in almost any region. The area of these birds' habitat is incredibly wide.

They do not live only in the Far North, because of the severe climatic conditions.

Two main species of swallows are mostly common on the territory of modern Russia: country and city swallows.

As their names show, the Urban Swallow prefers to live in big populated areas. Also this bird species settles in rocky terrain, building nests in stone crevices.

As for the second species, the rustic swallow prefers the quietest and quietest countryside as its main habitat.

Often the bird settles in the vicinity of open natural water bodies, which is due to the abundance of building materials for nests, as well as a large number of insects.

If you are interested to know what birds live in the Moscow region, you are advised to read the article

Blue Swallows

Blue Swallows live in West and Central Africa, so they do not need a flight. If they migrate, then over short distances. They live in tropical forests near water bodies. Plumage is black with a blue tint. The tail is straight, not bifurcated.

External Description

Probably almost everyone knows what a swallow looks like. These graceful birds are found not only in rural areas, but also in large cities.

With care and observation, it is quite possible to see that different species of swallows clearly differ from each other in external features: coloration, size, weight.

Nevertheless, there are some common descriptions that unite these birds. Among the similarities are:

  • A streamlined body structure that provides the swallow with excellent aerodynamic qualities;
  • rigid plumage, which adheres to the body very tightly;
  • poorly developed limbs;
  • long pointed wings;
  • mainly blue-black color of the plumage, different shades are possible depending on the species;
  • plumage also white in area of abdomen, scutellum or thorax;
  • simplified structure of the beak.

If you are interested to see the birds with the most beautiful and unusual beaks you are advised to read the article


Feeding chicks is a very responsible activity

Most photos show swallows in flight, or in the vicinity of the nest, shaped like a ball. This can be explained by the fact that the overwhelming half of their life these tiny birds spend exactly in flight.

A little bit unusual appearance, low weight, thick plumage - all these features together allow swallows not only to fly short distances perfectly, but also to cover thousands of kilometers during the migrations.

Photo of swallows

Swallow in Thrash Polka style.

One popular style that uses red and black colors, playing on their contrast. The style itself is designed more to portray something negative in a more positive light. Drawing is simple, and can be done in peculiar "strokes" that mimic a brush drawing.

The swallow in this style is not depicted in detail, but merely as a silhouette or simply as a line remotely resembling a bird. The tattoo itself is bright due to the contrast and noticeable even at a cursory glance on the wearer's body.

Places to apply

The choice of location for the tattoo in most cases depends on how much a person can tolerate pain. For example, the back and shoulders are not as painful as the elbows, shins, or hands. Therefore, choosing a place for the tattoo should be based initially on this aspect.

The second important factor in choosing the location is the size of the tattoo. A large image is physically impossible to put on a thin shoulder or forearm, because the best approach is the back and chest. For small drawings it is advantageous to use the forearms, shoulders, calves and reeds. For the very petite, even the lumbar area will do.


For women

For Men