The mesmerizing flamingo: the beautiful bird as a source of inspiration

The flamingo is a very beautiful bird that is admired by most people. The unusual color of pink, the swan neck and long legs all create a wonderful and unique image of the flamingo.

The desire to get a tattoo with this bird is quite understandable. Flamingo is associated with tenderness and romance. Its charming beauty alone is enough to make a choice in favor of tattooing with this bird. However, the symbolism of this bird in different cultures and countries is quite contradictory. Before doing such a tattoo, it is better to familiarize yourself with what flamingo means as a tattoo.

The meaning in the tattoo of the peoples of the world

Flamingos are one of the oldest birds, whose existence dates back thousands of years. At dawn, they gather in a flock and circle in the sky, marking the beginning of a new day. In Ancient Egypt they called the flamingo the bird of the sun, equating it to a sacred creature. The Egyptians believed that tattoos with this bird could grant wisdom and access to secret knowledge.

In America, as of late, the image of flamingos has become incredibly popular. The trend gathered momentum so quickly that very soon its symbol flooded all of America. He was depicted on articles of clothing, tableware, furniture, and wallpaper. So nowadays it has lost all its beautiful qualities in this country and is associated with tastelessness and primitivism. It is not necessary to rely on the consequence of such a temporary phenomenon when choosing a tattoo, but be prepared for the fact that in America you will be treated according to such beliefs.

In Western cultures, the flamingo is the personification of peace, kindness, care for nature and animals. Tattoo with its image is widespread among Pink Floyd band fans, which means "pink flamingo". In Russia and nearby countries, the flamingo is a symbol of love, devotion and selflessness.

Flamingos are very friendly and cohesive birds. On the ground, they unite in groups, and fly in a flock. When a predatory animal tries to attack it, the birds scatter in order to take off. At this time, the predator's eyes see a motley moving picture and it has no time to focus on a single victim.

Flamingo's coloring helps to avoid being attacked by animals. Tattoo with this bird represents openness to people, readiness to come to the aid and ability to be a part of a team. The tattoo also symbolizes the ability to avoid danger.

Often the flamingo tattoo can be found among creative people. Such a tattoo is a symbol of inspiration and creative impulse. There is an opinion that he is able to melt the ice in the heart of a person who is disappointed in love and closed from the opposite sex.

Flamingo is a symbol of goodness and mercy. There is a legend that in times of great hunger, they saved people from death. They would bite off pieces of meat and give them to people. The dripping drops of blood stained the plumage of flamingos pink. Tattoo with the image of this bird do people with a good heart, ready to come to the aid of others in a difficult situation.

Tattoo with flamingo suits people who live with feelings, are sentimental and dreamy personalities. Reality is too harsh for the sensitive nature of such people, it's easier for them to create their own world and live in rose-colored glasses.

Often tattoos with flamingos are made by lovers. Who else but this bird is the embodiment of true love and devotion. These birds are known to find a pair and don't part with their mate till the end of their lives. The flamingos do everything together, and even the eggs of the male and female incubate together in turn!

The owners of the tattoo experience the rupture with their beloved very hard, as they are monogamous and tend to have one partner for the rest of their lives. Often these people are not tied to the mundane life and choose the other half, which has a more objective view of the world. After parting with a loved one, they become completely helpless, as they are not used to independent life. Left alone, they don't know how to live their lives, because they thought they were one with their mate.

The flamingo has a neck that, when lowered, resembles a question mark. Birds leaning against each other form a heart. Often one half of such an image is painted by one partner and the other half by the other. When combined, a very effective picture is formed, symbolizing the couple's great love.

The flamingo tattoo symbolizes:

  • love;
  • purity;
  • openness;
  • peacefulness;
  • beauty;
  • devotion;
  • romanticism.

How to place the flamingo statue correctly?

Pink flamingos, according to feng shui, belong to the fiery or simply bright birds. This group is ruled by the element of fire and the statuette should be placed in the southern zone of the house.

The southern zone is the sector of fame and the appearance of the flamingo mascot will contribute to its popularity. If there are many other items here, they should be removed.

The statuette may be placed in the office for development of intuition, or in the living room. There should be enough space around it for flamingo to take off without obstacles.

This talisman will also protect its owners from danger and will be the first to notify of new events.

This talisman will also protect its owners from danger and will be the first to inform them of new events. Everything on Earth is interconnected and has its own root cause. Following the precepts of feng shui can be closer to nature and try to become part of it.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

Flamingo is the embodiment of femininity, kindness and sentimentality. Such a tattoo can be applied to girls who are sensitive and a little naive. They are easily surrendered to emotions, inclined to trust and do not notice the bad qualities of people. The owners of such tattoos often remain in the world of illusions and are not able to evaluate the reality objectively.

Tattoo with flamingos may indicate the frivolity of its owner. Such girls tend to be adventurous, love adventure and care little about tomorrow. On the other hand, flamingos can symbolize peace, tranquility and constancy. It all depends on what meaning its owner wants to put in the tattoo.


Birds, insects, reptiles, fish and mammals - all these symbols influence the energy of the house and its owner. Feng shui also honors mythical creatures, such as the three-legged toad and the celestial lion.

Let's start with universal talismans. Wherever we place the figurine of a carp, it will have a beneficial effect. Carp is a sacred fish, it brings good luck, helps in business, attracts love and affects spiritual growth.

9 carps according to feng shui mean prosperity and well-being, it is a talisman for any situation. You can have such fish in an aquarium, but you will have to carefully monitor their health.

A favorable neighborhood for carp is water. Take into account the influence of the element on certain zones in the house. In the financial sector, fountains and aquariums will come in handy.


Pisces in Chinese is synonymous with happiness and abundance. Fish is given as a gift on Chinese New Year, thereby wishing the person prosperity and wealth.

The most important type of money mascot is a goldfish in an aquarium.

Two fish means mutual understanding and harmony between a man and a woman. Two is a number for a couple, you can combine any significant objects in such a talisman.

Popularly, the image of two dolphins to maintain the marriage.

  1. Important: live fish as talismans of marital happiness are not placed in the bedroom: this area does not accept water, as the element attracts treachery.
  2. It is also recommended to have an odd number of pets, for example, eight goldfish and one black fish.

An interesting fact about live fish: if the pet died, it means that it took bad luck away from the house. In this case, get a new fish as soon as possible.


Butterflies in Chinese philosophy mean joy and love. These light and airy creatures sages attributed magical properties, watching them transform from caterpillars.

Butterflies for single people on their wings will bring love and attention, and for a married couple - romantic feelings. The best place to place the figures is the bedroom. The talisman is much more active if it works in a pair.

Frog (toad).

A frog, or rather a toad, is one of the main money symbols and means prosperity and well-being. The three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is placed in the money sector of the house - in the southeast.

The mythical symbol is nourished by the money tree, fountains, and goldfish.


The turtle has a strong shell and symbolizes a reliable rear, longevity and good health. Place the turtle statuette right behind the workplace to make things go well. So you will feel calm and confident.

It is this animal that, according to feng shui, is assigned the role of guardian of the home and family. Figurine of a white tiger made of metal, wood or stone is placed at the front door.

Heavenly lion

This mythical lion will also be a reliable guardian of the house. Place the statuettes in the direction of the exit to keep out negative people and unwanted guests. Lions will also protect the apartment from the windows.

Elephant With its long trunk attracts luck to the house. Such a figure will be useful if the apartment layout has flaws. 7 - is a magical figure, seven elephants will fill a person's life with well-being in all important areas.

Another symbol of good luck and career growth is the peacock. The gorgeous plumage of the bird will attract fame and fortune to the house, as well as protect against the evil eye, like a fan.


Images of flamingos, phoenixes and other birds are beneficial for marriage, and help single people find a soul mate.

The owl is a well-known symbol of wisdom, which has found a place in the teachings of feng shui. This nocturnal bird protects you from impulsive actions, in particular illogical money spending. Place the talisman in the money sector and strengthen your office with it to keep your finances on track.

Another symbol of wisdom is the wolf. This talisman carries male energy, strength and protection.

The meaning of the tattoo for men

Flamingo is used by men as a tattoo quite rarely. For men, the flamingo symbolizes passion, a stormy display of feelings and endless loveliness. These men are capable of the most desperate and reckless acts for the sake of his beloved.

With such a tattoo man can communicate that he is a leader, and in the relationship he will be the main. Young men can score a tattoo with flamingos for finding harmony in love. Suitable such a tattoo for men who want to find their soul mate. With the image of flamingos, they communicate that they are faithful and reliable companions in life.

Flamingo statuette by feng shui: why and where to put it

The system of feng shui has existed for more than 5000 years. It seeks to promote prosperity, good health and general well-being. Feng shui is pronounced "fung shway" which literally means "wind and water" and is used to determine the location, design and architectural features of buildings, placement and style of furniture, colors and decoration schemes, as well as the location of plantings, paths and other outdoor elements.
Creating a more pleasant atmosphere, feng shui experts' advice helps to improve family communication, restore cooperation among employees and increase business sales.

A favorable combination of heavenly and earthly symbols influences a person's health, happy life and progress. Following the settings of this complex system can significantly improve your situation.

Why is it called that?

Why are flamingos so named?
Flamingo bends its neck
Flamingos are the oldest feathered birds on earth. According to scientists, these birds originated in places with hot, humid climates - Asia, Africa and Latin America. The birds were named by Latin Americans. In their vocabulary is the word "flamma," which means "fire. Plumage of these birds really looks like fire - as bright.

There is a legend that the mythical "phoenix" bird was reborn as a flamingo.

The role of color in feng shui

Colors are used on par with symbols to activate zones in the apartment:

  1. The most important color in feng shui is red. It attracts fame and success.
  2. Yellow is a creative color, as it helps to tune in to work and unleashes the imagination.
  3. White is also purifying color.
  4. Blue shades are relaxing and recommended for the bedroom.
  5. Blue and green are used to attract money, in particular live plants with large foliage.
  6. Gold means prosperity, wealth.
  7. Purple shades symbolize wisdom, kindness, love.
  8. Black should be used in detail, it is the color of mystery, mysticism.

The choice of color design for the house requires a separate article: the effect of the shade depends on its saturation and location, as well as the combination with other colors.

The house, decorated according to feng shui, is a real fortress of man. To go there and replenish the life energy, use the ancient Chinese knowledge, the good news is that it came to us in a simplified form.

In addition to the symbols and colors, what counts in Feng Shui is the layout, purity, absence of objects that evoke bad emotions. But do not overdo it: cluttering the house with talismans will complicate the flow of the Qi, will attract conflict.

Nesting, hatching chicks

The nest of pink flamingos is original because it is entirely made of silt. By raking the silt in the middle on the chosen place, the male forms a mound, presses it on top and makes a depression for the eggs. Flamingos live in flocks with a large density and build nests close to each other, sometimes the distance between them is only half a meter.

Nestlings come into the world with a straight beak and white fluff. Parents first feed their young with semi-digested food, the so-called "bird's milk", which is similar in composition to the milk of mammals.

The nestlings remain white for about three years, and the appearance of the pink shade in their plumage indicates their sexual maturity.

Young flamingos start to fly at the age of three months, by which time their beak acquires a curve.

Pink flamingos have such color of plumage because of carotenoids contained in algae and plankton. That is why the chicks are white at first, and then they turn pink - the substance accumulates in the body and forms this color. Watch the video where pink flamingos are not afraid of people!

It is interesting!

You do not know how to determine the sex of a wavy parrot? Then you are right here! It turns out that many people still have no idea how to distinguish the male from the female. Until the age of 3-4 months, not every professional can do it. But still it is possible!

About the article

Appearance and features

Photo: Flamingo Bird

Photo: Flamingo bird

The appearance of any representative of the animal world is usually due to the characteristics of the lifestyle and habitat. Flamingos are no exception.

Nature has endowed these feathered birds with everything necessary for a comfortable existence in familiar conditions:

  • Long sturdy legs for moving through shallow water;
  • Long necks to make it easy to find food;
  • webbed feet so they don't get bogged down in the muddy bottom of reservoirs;
  • A strong, curved beak with denticles on the edges to strain food;
  • Wings to fly to warmer climes and places of feeding.

The flamingo is an aquatic wetland dweller. Weighs an average of 3.5-4.5 kg, but there are both larger and smaller individuals. Height is about 90-120 cm. Body is rounded, ends with a short tail. Carries a well-deserved title of the long-legged and long-necked bird of the world (in proportion to the size of the body).

An interesting fact: the neck of flamingo is curved in the usual state, but if it is stretched in a straight line, it will be equal to the length of legs.

Flamingo has small wings. To rise in the air, it has to make a long run-up, and to hold its body in flight it has to flap its wings rather often and actively. In flight, the bird does not arch its neck and legs, but stretches them in one line. She flies swiftly, smoothly and gracefully.

The plumage of flamingo is white, pink or scarlet. Interestingly, all representatives of this species are born white. The richness of color of the feather cover depends on the diet, namely on the quantity of carotene contained in the consumed food. The more carotene, the more actively the flamingo's organism produces the pigment astaxanthin, and the brighter color it becomes.

There is an interesting fact: unlike most feathered representatives of terrestrial fauna, male and female flamingoes have the same coloring.

The order includes the following species of flamingoes:

  • Pink (common);
  • Red (Caribbean);
  • James flamingo;
  • Chilean;
  • Andean;
  • Lesser.

The largest representative of the species is pink (common) flamingo. Its weight is more than 4 kg and its height reaches 140 cm. And the Lesser Flamingo is obviously the smallest of flamingos. It weighs half as much as its pink (ordinary) colleague and hardly grows taller than 90 cm.

Mandarin ducks according to feng shui

The mandarin duck is considered a very bright bird with unusual plumage. The Chinese believe that such creatures should not be separated, because they cannot survive alone. In this connection, mandarin ducks according to feng shui are identified with the faithfulness of spouses and tenderness.

Once they find a pair, the birds stay together for the rest of the time. There are several options for figurines with ducks of this breed.

Two mandarin ducks on a lotus

Two sculptures, placed on one plane (on a usual surface or a lotus). Here different compositions are possible: ducks in joint swimming, bird kisses, touching wings and mutual glances.

In any case, such a figure is a symbol of the unity of loving souls and serves to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. Mandarin ducks in feng shui restore harmony and help cope with any disagreements. This talisman is suitable for singles to attract happiness and find a soul mate, as well as for couples who just started living together outside of marriage.

In addition, ducks are a great romantic gift.

The floating tangerine

There are also figurines of separately floating tangerines. It is a big mistake to buy them in single copies, because they attract loneliness to the room. Do not buy also three ducks, because otherwise there will be a stranger in the relationship. It is better to find in the store a figurine of a drake in multicolored plumage, and a mandarin duck, which looks more modest.

Note that the color must match the natural color of the bird, so choose from orange, bronze and gold colors


The best evidence of the variety of figures that resemble tangerine ducks is a photo. Feng Shui advises to look in advance at different talismans, but prefer products made of natural materials associated with the element of the Earth. Symbols made of jasper, porcelain, wood, jade or quartz will be quite appropriate.

The nobility of the material largely determines the power of the feng shui helper himself. Remember that a picture with mandarin ducks or a panel on a natural fabric base will also be suitable for the development of love relationships.

Where to put the mandarin duck figurine

The main question, when purchased tangerine ducks according to feng shui, where to put the symbol. To begin with, decide on the appropriate sector - the zone of love and marriage. It is located in the southwestern part of the apartment, and it is very good if you have a bedroom there. In principle, the ducks will fit perfectly in a room for sleeping with any side of the world, if you follow the rules.

So, it is very important to pick up the tangerines a good environment, reminiscent of the water element or enhancing the love effect. The ideal neighborhood of a talisman includes an aquarium, a room fountain, live plants, wedding photos, a marriage certificate

Next to tangerines for the night, it is possible to put wedding rings so that they are charged with energy. And remember that figurines need care, because a dusty symbol loses its power.

A little bit of history

Flamingo is an ambiguous symbol, different countries and peoples treated this image in their own way. For example, the Egyptians worshipped this creature and considered it sacred. In ancient Egypt, the god Ra was often depicted with the human body and head of flamingo on the ancient frescoes and in temples.

In America, the bizarre bird represented stupidity and tastelessness. People often placed the pink plastic figurine as an unusual decoration in their backyards to the envy of their neighbors. Europeans believed that the bird symbolized infantilism and frivolity, bordering on naivety and infatuation.

In 2007 there came a turning point, when the image of flamingo became the official symbol of environmental protection. It was preceded by a mass protest of residents of a small American town against the construction of a shopping center in a park area. Despite the fact that the city was drowned in plastic figurines of the exotic bird with the inscription "Small is Beautiful," the authorities did not listen to popular opinion. After that, the pink flamingo became the emblem of one of the environmentalist movements.

Social structure and breeding

Photo: Flamingo bird

Photo: Flamingo chick

Flamingos nest in colonies divided into distinct groupings, each with highly synchronized timing of egg laying. The social behavior of these birds has rather complicated forms.

The mating period of flamingoes begins with the organization of mass mating demonstrations. It takes place about 8-10 weeks before the beginning of nesting. Flamingos show certain aggression, striving to occupy the most advantageous position among their congeners during mating games.

When a pair is formed, the male and female become one. They protect each other in skirmishes, synchronously perform common actions, are constantly near each other and even shout in duets! Most couples stay together for years, becoming a real family.

The period of laying eggs by flamingos is extended in time and can last from the beginning of May to the middle of July. Most often birds build nests in shallow waters in the territory of their colony. Shells, clay, silt, mud serve as nesting material. But some species prefer to nest on rocks or lay eggs directly in the sand, without making depressions.

Usually, a clutch consists of 1-3 eggs (most often 2), incubated by both female and male. After about a month, the chicks are born. They are born with gray plumage and a completely straight beak. The chicks begin to acquire flamingo-like features by the age of two and a half weeks. They have their first molt, and their beaks begin to curve.

During the first two months of life, the babies are fed by their parents. They produce so-called "bird's milk", a special secret secret secreted by special glands located in the esophagus. It contains a lot of fat, protein, some blood and plankton.

An interesting fact: "bird's milk" to feed newborn chicks is produced not only by females, but also by males.

After 2-3 months already matured young flamingos become free from parental care, take wing and start to feed themselves.

Other popular symbols

Other popular feng shui symbols for well-being in the home:

  1. Water: fountains, waterfalls, aquariums without a lid. Water should be in contact with air. But be careful: too much water has the opposite effect on finances, observe the measure.
  2. The Mill - A mill is an image of a mill which symbolizes the flow of money.
  3. Bridge means the union of the heavenly and the earthly, man and deity.
  4. Images of mountains concentrate energy and direct it in the right direction.
  5. Shells - were used as ornamental element and were inspired by the sea. Shells are feminine amulets, which attract mentors. It is also a symbol of travel, which will fit in the northwestern sector of the apartment.
  6. Fan - A protective amulet that scares away ill-wishers and envious people. The fan sweeps scandal out of the house.

Variants, styles, compositions

The color of the bird is often used as a starting point for constructing an allegory in a picture. So the body of the bird can be formed from pink cherry petals. Which will denote freshness and young spring. The tattoo is ideal for young girls.

The outline of the bird's body is often used as a frame, filling the inner space with pictures of tropical landscapes. It is a reference to rest, the sea. The body of the bird can disintegrate into many pearl beads. Such a drawing also emphasizes the financial success of the owner.

Works in the style of geometry occupy a special place among tattoos. Most often triangles are used as the basis of the composition. They can be filled with color or leave only the contours.

Tips for sketches

The sketch to the flamingo can become the most original in your tattoo collection. This unusual symbol pairs well with the velvet lush peony heads. It can easily be depicted in the traditions of old skool and new skool. The directions of drawing and watercolor give unlimited possibilities for the expression of the master.

The color of the bird does not have to be pink. Its expressive silhouette is recognizable even without color. Therefore, color substitution is welcome and can be used as a key to the uncommonness of the work. The flamingo is beloved by many artists. Have patience and you can find an image that will inspire you to create a custom work.

Since the main leitmotif of the tattoo is originality, you should not copy your favorite work. Show it to the master, and he will create you an image in the spirit and style of this drawing.

Population and status of the species

Photo: Great Flamingo

Photo: Greater Flamingo

Terrestrial and winged predators aren't the biggest threat to flamingos, however. The population of these birds is decreasing all over the world, and the reason for these processes is not natural selection but destructive human impact.

Unique plumage of flamingo brings to people not only esthetic pleasure, but also quite tangible material income. Poachers catch and shoot birds in huge quantity to use their feathers for decoration and souvenirs.

Flamingo meat was not to human taste, but the eggs are considered a real delicacy and are served in the most expensive restaurants. In order to amuse exotic lovers and make a lot of money, people are ruthlessly destroying flamingo nests and devastating their clutches.

Technological progress plays an important role in the decrease of the population of these beautiful birds. People develop more and more territories, build industrial enterprises, lay highways, not caring at all about the fact that they intrude into the natural habitats of the birds. Flamingos are forced to leave habitable places and look for other territories for living and breeding. And there are fewer and fewer suitable places on our planet.

The inevitable pollution of the environment - air, soil, water bodies - cannot but affect the vital activity of birds. They suffer from the negative effects of these factors, get sick, are deprived of enough quality food and, as a consequence, die in large numbers.


For women

For men