35 Dragon tattoo: the meaning of the mythical creature for girls and guys

The dragon is a symbol of strength, power and authority, a mythological creature that is currently popular in our time. Many people want to decorate their bodies with this particular tattoo, and for good reason, because the image of the dragon looks really majestic and even frightening. Such a decoration of the body certainly will not leave without attention, but did you know that the dragon is a symbol that gathered the qualities of completely different animals? If we talk about the appearance of the dragon, his head is similar to the head of a camel, but his horns look like antlers of a deer, the body itself resembles a snake, dragon scales resemble fish scales, cow ears, demon eyes and the claws of an eagle. His whole image looks creepy, but the winged snake associated with the element of water and fertility, symbolizes the highest power and infinity, is protection from evil forces. А In Japan, dragons were a symbol of rain or thunderstorms, so their statuettes or sculptures in that country can be found quite often.. But not everywhere and not always, the dragon meant goodness and prosperity, so the image and symbol of the dragon, as well as the meaning of the tattoo can vary greatly. From what and why? About this we will tell you below.

Meaning of the dragon tattoo

If In the East, the dragon symbolized wisdom and divine powerthen In the West, the dragon, rather a negative attitude. The fact is that In the West, the dragon is a symbol of evil and darkness.. Vikings carved a dragon on their ships, so that enemies were afraid of them, but in the Middle Ages, the dragon looked even scarier than we can imagine it now.. Usually in the Middle Ages it was depicted with several heads, with bat wings, and flames usually bursting out of its mouth. In Christianity, the dragon is also considered a symbol of evil, the devil, the devil or Satan. After all, it was the serpent that had become the tempter of Adam and Eve.

It is because of the many contradictions, different attitudes of peoples to this serpent, the tattoo can change its meaning. On the one hand the dragon tattoo is:

  • Perseverance and wisdom.
  • Magic and leadership.
  • Greatness and mystery.
  • nobility and beauty.
  • Power and determination.

This means that the person is strong and noble, who will not show aggression, will solve problems calmly and judiciously, and on the other hand the dragon tattoo can mean

  • aggression and anger.
  • ferocity and disgust.
  • Contempt and denial.
  • irritation and anger.
  • hatred and horror.

Of course, do not forget that much depends on the color of the tattoo, as bright colors can give the tattoo a more positive meaning, even if the dragon sketch itself is a bit intimidating. Conversely, darker colors and shades, will give the tattoo a more sinister look, even if the tattoo sketch itself does not look aggressive.

What does the color of the dragon tattoo say?

  • The red color of the dragon symbolizes love, passion and power. The element of fire.
  • The green color of the dragon symbolizes harmony. Earth element.
  • Blue dragon symbolizes longevity and eternal life. Element of water.
  • The white dragon symbolizes purity, obedience and loyalty. Element of Air.
  • Black dragon symbolizes respect and loyalty.
  • Yellow dragon speaks of conquest, victory or war.
  • Gold dragon symbolizes understanding, wisdom and prosperity.

If we talk about the style of the tattoo, it is best to put a tattoo depicting a dragon in the Japanese style or in such styles as: sketch, tribal, realism, oriental and watercolor.

What does the Chinese dragon look like?

I think everyone knows very well what a dragon looks like - it's a powerful flying reptile that spews fire. But you have to understand that dragons can be different.

There are many classifications, but the simplest, related to the 9 varieties of dragons:

  1. Celestial
  2. Spiritual
  3. Winged
  4. Serpentine
  5. Horned
  6. Nosy
  7. Yellow
  8. Water
  9. Dragon - keeper.

This whole classification of dragon species differs by habitat (water, air, dungeon, etc.) or by body features (with wings, without wings, with a big nose, etc.).

Water dragon

So, according to feng shui, the Chinese worship the king of all dragons, the largest of all representatives - Lun-Wan, the lord of water and sky, who has the body of a snake, camel head, deer horns, carp scales, legs and claws of an eagle, paws of a tiger, eyes of a demon, and ears of a cow. He has a bump on his head that allows him to soar into the sky without wings. And unlike European dragons, the Chinese dragon is a symbol of goodness, wisdom and protection. He is not aggressive to humans, but on the contrary patronizes him. Moon lives in the sky in summer, at sea in the fall, and sleeps under the ground in winter.

It is true that his descriptions may differ in different treatises. For example, if it concerned the dragon as a symbol of the horoscope, it was thought that he absorbed the attributes of 11 other signs: the moustache of a rat, claws and teeth of a tiger, horns of a bull, body of a snake, beard of a goat, legs of a horse, crest of a cock, ears of a dog, snout of a boar, and ingenuity of a monkey. That is such a collective image, chief over all.

The Western Dragon

What's more remarkable, the Chinese dragon (龍, lun) has its own numerical codes related to the universe. It has 117 scales on its body, which is the number of 1/3 days in a year. Of these, 81 have masculine energy (Yang), and 36 have feminine energy (Yin). These numbers are multiples of 9, and nine, as we know, is a fundamental number in many cultures, not only in Chinese. Thus, there are 9 male nodes (9x9=81) and 4 female nodes (4x9=36). All together this gives the beginning of a new life and energy.

Where best to apply the dragon tattoo

Without any doubt, whhe more will be a tattoo of the dragon, the more emotions it will cause, so it is worth to consider large enough places, for example: the back or chest. But it is not necessary to fixate on the fact that the snake must be necessarily large, because It is quite possible to make a small tattoo, more intimate, which will look as unusual, for this should be considered such places as: shoulders, hips, shoulder blades, arms, calves. The dragon tattoo is universal, it is suitable for absolutely everyone, ie as men and women.

One more small point.

A lot depends on who or how you want to portray the dragon, for example:

If the dragon on the sketch is calm, the tattoo means tranquility and inner balance, harmony. If the dragon opens its mouth or there is a grin, it indicates leadership and aggression. If the dragon flies over the mountains or simply aims upwards it means openness and aspiration in life. If, on the contrary, the dragon aims down, it suggests hostility and aggression.

If the dragon and tiger are equal in size, it indicates harmony, but if the tiger is bigger than the dragon or defeats him, it speaks of anger and rage. If the dragon defeats the tiger, it speaks of tranquility and goodness.

Thanks to the dragon tattoo, the girl will be able to emphasize her femininity and sexuality, she is clearly a strong man. Men dragon tattoo will help look more dangerous and masculine. It is best for girls to get a dragon tattoo on the wrist, shoulders or lower back, and it is best for guys to get a dragon tattoo on their arms, upper arms and chest.

Who is suitable for a dragon tattoo?

Artistic tattoo "samurai dragon". Master Eugene Chemist.
The dragon tattoo is suitable Both women and men.

It can safely apply those who:

  • Wants to emphasize his power, or proximity to power.
  • Wants to create a mystery in his image, the secret.
  • Able to show their strength and masculinity.
  • Wants to be sexier, more beautiful. With this tattoo, you will be noticed for sure!
  • Wants to be different.
  • Wants to emphasize his intelligence, experience.

In tattoo parlors (St. Petersburg) often come with a request to perform a tattoo of the dragon. However, experts do not advise doing such a tattoo to insecure, irresponsible, weak people, because the dragon symbol is quite powerful.

According to customer reviews, some people's lives really change completely and go uphill after applying this tattoo. They become more liberated, courageous, find new friends quickly.

But many of them do not appreciate past relationships and go "over their heads", achieving their goals, so the weak are able to suffer a crushing fiasco in any sphere of life.

Interesting facts about dragons

  • China has a "dragon day," which begins at 7:00 a.m. and ends at 9:00 a.m.
  • The Chinese dragon has five fingers on its paws, while the Vietnamese dragon has only four fingers.
  • The sex of the dragon depends on the tail, if the tail is fan-shaped or fluffy, then the image or tattoo of a female, but if the tail of a dragon is triangular, pointed or peaky, then it is a male.
  • According to legend, the dragon is capable of transforming a person into any animal, so be careful when choosing a tattoo of a dragon.
  • Dragons are long-lived and very wise creatures.

Dragon and China

The dragon for the Chinese is the personification of strength, flexibility, intelligence, elusiveness, power, authority - in a word, those qualities that should be inherent in the emperor. All symbolism associated with the dragon in the first place was at one time only available to emperors and had a pronounced Yang energy, and the counterbalance to it Yin energy was the image of the mythical bird - the Red Phoenix. Therefore the empress (wife of the emperor) had the right to use images of the Phoenix in her clothes and jewelry.

Dragon and Phoenix

Often on souvenirs you can see a combination of images of the Dragon and the Phoenix - a reference to the tandem of love, harmony, family, relationships.

From the point of view of astronomers and astrologers of antiquity the Dragon was associated with such compass direction as the East. This group of stars symbolizes the Palace of Spring, and the voice (or voice) of the Dragon is the roar of thunder.

In ancient times the image of the Dragon was on the national flag of China, but with the arrival of the European "masters" the authorities had to remove the dragon, as he acted quite frightening to foreigners, causing thoughts of lurking aggression and defiance.

Dragons on the roof

However, the common people were against it, still continued to worship the dragon and use its images everywhere. It remains so to this day - there is no dragon on the flag, but in the culture of the country and in the souls of the people it is there. Every year in China there are festivals of veneration with mass processions of dragon figures.

During the Dragon years in China there are observed birth rate booms (the nearest year of the Dragon will be in 2024), because it is believed that in such a year is born a gifted, intelligent person, who may even become the ruler. Or if he will not become a ruler, he can easily achieve heights in life. It is a great honor for a family. If such a child is born into a non-wealthy family, great expectations are placed on him.

Dragon Indian symbolism

Some Native American tribes had legends of a dragon-like creature called the Thunder Lizard. This may have been inspired by the discovery of dinosaur bones by Native Americans.

Native tribes on the coast of California told stories of dragons and their role in shaping the earth by the dragon and God. Before the present earth was formed, two gods, Nagaycho and Thunder, created the earth and placed stones, flowers, clouds, and fire.

But soon it rained and everything was flooded. All living things were washed away by the flood, and everything became dark. Then the earth dragon flew with Nagaicho on his back. As it went under the ocean, it formed ridges and islands.

Some Native American tribes had legends of a dragon-like creature named the Thunder Lizard.

Then Nagaycho applied clay between the dragon's horns and created grass, mountains, hills, and forests. He then grew acorns, seaweed, abalone, mussels, and other foods for the people.

Later he created Native Americans as the first people on earth. These people then evolved into their animal namesakes. In Arnold Krupath's autobiography of Native Americans.

In the anthology, the author describes the dragon as an evil symbol that devours children born to women. One woman, the mother of the local hero Apache, successfully hid her child in a cave. Apache later grew up and killed the dragon with his arrows.

Main Places of Application and Colors

Being a creature large and majestic, the Japanese Dragon requires a rather large area of the human body to be devoted to its own image. These standards are met mainly by the back and chest. At the same time, the drawing can move from the back to the neck, arm or hips. The tattoo is usually realized in a palette where black, red, green and gold colors are present. Their combination, as a rule, most fully reflects the whole inner essence and outer appeal of the Dragon. The stylistics of the image is mostly in the Oriental style, but variations are also possible (Traditional, Trible). Oriental style implies the addition of ethnic Japanese elements such as Koi Carp, Tiger, Phoenix, Fire, Flowers, Hieroglyphics, etc. to the composition.

For men

Guys choose a more "tough" image of the dragon. Very often with spread wings, gritted teeth, flames from the mouth. Men's preferred colors are black and red.

Tattoos for men have meanings of greed, power, duality, intelligence, potential, dominance, non-conformity, wisdom, and unpredictability. The most popular places for application are the chest, back, and arms. Dragons have magic, which gives them infinite potential.

Where to place a dragon - sides of the world and rooms

Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
The best place for a dragon according to feng shui is in the east of the house or apartment, and it is better if it is the east of the living or dining area.

Significance in the east:

  • family patron - protection of the whole family from trouble
  • prosperity of the family - good luck, including financial prosperity
  • health of the whole family
  • support of men or even attraction of men
  • To strengthen a man's affairs or position in the family

If it so happens that in the east of the living room or dining room is not possible to put a dragon, then you can put wherever you want, but it must look to the east. This can be done by single women, purchase a dragon figurine, place it in the east or looking east.

In the southeast and in the north:

For career advancement, but even if you are in the southeast or not in the north, the dragon face should look east, to your home sector.

The same information applies to your workplace. You can have a feng shui dragon placed on your desk or within your office, if you have the opportunity. You can set in the southeast, in the north for career or in the northwest (this is a sector that helps attract help and support, including from higher people), if you feel that you need such support, then feel free to set there a figurine or a picture of a dragon.

If you want to use the dragon for protection, then it should be installed in the hallway, near the entrance area. To the left of the entrance, not lower than 60 cm from the floor, but also should not be higher than your height or almost at head level. Otherwise the dragon will begin to dominate you, and that is not good. Furthermore placing the dragon to the left of the entrance, we often strengthen the position of the man in the family, if he has any difficulties with his physical or psycho-emotional health, or if he is lazy and does nothing.

You can put a dragon on the window if the view from the window faces an active part of the road. Only this is not the road where a couple of cars pass per hour, but exactly an active highway or vital active intersections.

A dragon with a pearl in its mouth

If the view from the window overlooks water bodies, even if you can't see them, but you know there is a river, lake, sea or ocean in that direction, it is very good to have a dragon looking at the water. By the way, it could even be a water tower or something similar. Water must be clean and flowing, it should not be stagnant water bodies, such as ponds, which have no underground sources and water does not circulate in them, some dirty rivers or polluted water bodies. The dragon absorbs this energy and accumulates it, thus attracting mentally energy to your home, so such an activator then it is better not to use.

Dragons like cleanliness and fresh air. Because they are mythical animals that either live in water, or move through the air, so this freedom and purity of natural thoughts is very important, try as often as possible to wipe the dust off it and ventilate the room where it is.

If the dragon is under an air conditioner or fan - that's not bad either.

Hour of the dragon according to feng shui and its activation

Bulging dragon eyes - activation
Take black ink or gouache and an ordinary brush. You dip, put where the eyes of the dragon are just black dots on the eyes, thus, you draw his pupils. If you look at the statuettes, their eyes are the same color as the color of the entire body. This should be done from 07.00 to 09.00 in the hour of the dragon. There is no need to translate time, to complicate everything, just at this time in that time zone in which you live.

That is, we awaken the dragon and sort of tell him, "Look, now you're going to live here. We set it up according to the rules that are described above. And that's all. Thus, you will have a talisman in a working state.


For women

For men