Tattoo of a ram - sketches and meaning, symbolism of the tattoo (including the ram's skull tattoo), where to place, impressive photos of works

ram skull tattoo on chest
Tattoo of a ram's skull with a spider's web on the chest
Those who seriously thought about how to apply to the body a drawing in the form of the skull of a ram, be sure to familiarize yourself with the meaning of such a tattoo, because it can mean both something good and carry a negative meaning, it all depends on the style of the sketch and technique of execution of the sketch.

ram: the meaning

The first thing that comes to mind about the ram, his stubbornness. The sheep has pronounced habits and always acts in the same way. Therefore, the tattoo is suitable for people who have a rigid type of thinking and principle. The owners of such a tattoo hardly tolerate changes and live their entire lives adhering to the same beliefs. Their behavior can be easily predicted, as sheep act according to the same system.

The sheep is a herd animal. It sees nothing but its fellows. Even when it is in a flock without a shepherd, the ram is not aware that it is free and adjusts its behavior to suit the leader. In order to manage a flock of 1,000 rams, one shepherd is enough. In order to do this, the movement of the main ram should be guided, and the rest of the sheep will be guided by him.

The rams have a very hard time with loneliness. They are able to exist only in a herd. In this case, it does not matter the number. If other animals have limitations, the rams feel fine in a huge herd.

Features of the animal

An unusual feature of the ram is that the animal is not able to stand up on its own. Falling on its back. Once alone in this position, the ram suffocates for several hours. Therefore, the tattoo with a sheep symbolizes defenselessness and dependence on close people.

Sheep can not be attributed to animals that have courage. Sheep are very cowardly, lives by the established rules and does not show his will. People with the sign of the zodiac Aries, from an early age learn the rules that their parents teach them, and adhere to them throughout life. Such people do not change their habits, so they easily achieve their goals.

Our ancestors treated sheep with respect. The animal represented reliability and prosperity. You could always rely on sheep because they never acted against the rules. An obedient animal was loyal to its master, so rams could be kept in large numbers. In ancient times, sheep were the main source of income. Not only did sheep provide people with food, but they also provided wool that could be used to knit warm clothes.

The ram is not only a valuable wool.

ram's horn

This herbivorous domestic animal, a male sheep, belongs to small livestock. An adult sheep grows no more than a meter in height and one and a half meters in length. An adult ram weighs about 180 kg. This animal wears heavy, powerful, spiraling horns, which occupy 10-15% of its total weight. An adult healthy male is capable of speeds of up to 24 km/h and of jumping one and a half meters in height.

Wool and lamb meat are used in husbandry. During the mating season, fierce battles take place between the males. The rams run into each other with their foreheads. This is not a sight for the faint-hearted, as the force of head-on collision is quite great. Fortunately, nature has given rams a strong skull. The above photo of the ram's horn perfectly illustrates the fact that this "headdress" is very strong and can cause tangible damage to an opponent.

Character traits

Ram horns are difficult to make contact with. It is difficult to get cooperation from them and to explain what needs to be done. Sheep act according to set rules and move in one direction. There is an expression "looks like a ram at a new gate." Once in an unfamiliar environment, sheep become completely defenseless and do not know what to do. The tattoo symbolizes the monotonous lifestyle, lack of flexibility and dislike of change.

In Egypt, the animal was associated with solar energy. Sketches of a ram decorated the interior and burial sites. The sheep embodied the basic essence of human life, as it is one of the few animals whose behavior can be fully explained logically. Sheep spend their lives fulfilling their basic needs. They never cheat and don't need tricks.

Meaning of tattoos for men and girls

For young men, the ram symbolizes a strong spirit, self-confidence and reliability. On such a man can be relied upon. If the owner of the tattoo gave his word, he is sure to keep it. Own default is perceived as a weakness. Men with a tattoo of a ram are faithful husbands. They are able to earn money and are able to provide for a large family. Discipline and a clear daily routine are of great importance for them.

Girls choose the tattoo with a ram mainly as a symbol of their zodiac sign. The owners of such a body image are open and straightforward. They never use deception to achieve a goal, even if it promises to benefit. Such girls have honor and dignity. Often can be too principled.

Technique of execution

Men are recommended to apply a tattoo on the shoulders, back, chest - it will help to strengthen the magical effect of the image. As for the choice of style, here it all depends on the chosen sketch.

The classic image looks spectacular in the style of realism. The detailing and rich color scheme allows you to reproduce the picture as in the photo.

Tattoo with a skull looks better in a monochrome version, so here it will be more appropriate to stop at the technique of dotwork. The image consists of many dots, which allows you to create the effect of a real volume.

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Head of a ram

Such a tattoo symbolizes the highest degree of responsibility. People with this tattoo value friendship and are loyal in relationships. You can safely rely on them, as they are always responsible for their own words. If the animal is depicted not completely, but only the head, the tattoo indicates a rigid thinking and strongly expressed beliefs. Such a person is difficult to change his mind about something, because he relies on his own thoughts. The tattoo communicates a strong character and self-confidence.

Symbolism of the tattoo

The ram is one of the significant symbols. The animal is associated with strength, if you go deeper into history. The ram symbolizes masculinity. Men tend to choose this tattoo and wear it proudly. Mostly stubborn and confident young men wear the image of a ram. They are used to achieve goals, to implement plans. Some are convinced that the ram tattoo is a strictly male tattoo. The owners of the ram tattoo, in life are disciplined. The order of action for them is important. On such people can be relied upon, they value friendship and cherish expensive relationships. The ram symbolizes strength of spirit, reliability, steadfastness.

Girls born under the zodiac sign "Aries" often get a ram tattoo. They are direct and open-minded people. They do not tolerate deception and do not resort to it. Girls wearing a ram tattoo have dignity, can be very principled.

Men and women with a tattoo ram are united by character traits:

  1. Purposefulness.The man will be able to overcome difficulties and obstacles in his way of life. No matter how difficult the task will be. In any case, he will be able to achieve the task.
  2. Integrity.One does not go against his principles. A person sets his own rules and plays by them.
  3. Confidence.The bearer of the tattoo ram is able to make decisions quickly. Not afraid of risk. Acts clearly and makes conclusions on his convictions.
  4. Uncompromising.Holder of the tattoo convinced of the actions and the rightness. Will not listen to someone when he calls for discretion.
  5. Inflexibility.This person can not be changed. He will always stand his ground because he thinks it is right.

The skull of the ram.

The skull symbolizes the netherworld. Such an image is a guide to the realm of the dead. In ancient Egypt, the skull of a ram depicted in the burial places, as the ram helped man easily move to the new world. In China, the skull of a sheep represents immortality. The tattoo symbolizes long life and good health. It was also used as a talisman to attract success and prosperity.

The image is best to be printed in black and white, because it looks so much more effective. If the skull of a sheep is depicted with a cross, the tattoo symbolizes faith in God, loyalty and obedience. The ram represents righteousness and humility. The owner of such a tattoo knows how to live by the rules and observes discipline.

Meaning of the phrase "bend the ram's horn.

bend in the ram's horn

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian language offers the following definition:

By cruel oppression, to obtain obedience, total submission to someone, to deal with someone who is disobedient.

To coerce, suppress, completely subdue to one's will, force one to be obedient and uncomplaining. Meaning that a person, rarely a group of common interests (X) by oppression and excessive rigor seeks total obedience, submission, humility of another person, rarely another group of persons (Y). Usually said with disapproval.

As we can see, the meaning of this expression is consonant with the main features of the ram's behavior. In addition, the very shape of the ram's horns, twisted and strong, without the possibility of "unwinding" them, imposes an additional semantic meaning.


For women

For men