Latin love phrases with translation

Tattoo in Latin: aphorisms and quotations about love

Phrases and sayings for tattoos are a very popular trend in body art. Statements are decorated with ornaments, flowers, thematic drawings, and the quotes themselves are stuffed with beautiful fonts to give the tattoo uniqueness and highlight the nature of the text.

Latin or Latin is a unique, one of the most ancient written languages. Classical Latin refers to the literary language that reached its greatest expressiveness and syntactic structure in the writings of Cicero, Caesar, Virgil, Horace and Ovid. Along with ancient Greek, Latin has long served as a source of international socio-political and scientific terminology. Aphorisms, winged phrases and quotations in Latin about love are a rich source of inspiration among tattoo lovers.

Beautiful phrases for tattoos in Latin with translation

Magna res est amor. The great thing is love.

Tattoo in Latin

Vale et me ama. Vale et me ama.

Amantes sunt amentes. Lovers are insane.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant. Friends are created by happiness, unhappiness tests them.

Amor etiam deos tangit. Even gods are subject to love.

Amor non est medicabilis herbis. Love is not cured by herbs. (There is no cure for love. Ovid, The Heroides)

Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit. Love, like a tear, is born out of the eyes, it falls on the heart.

Febris erotica. Love fever.

Ira odium generat, concordia nutrit amorem. Anger breeds hatred, concordia nourishes love.

Antiquus amor cancer est. Old love is not forgotten.

Castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod amem. I punish you not because I hate you, but because I love you.

Amantium irae amoris integratio est. The anger of lovers is the renewal of love.

Dum spiro, amo atque credo. As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet. Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.

A NULLo diligitur, qui neminem diligit. No one loves someone who himself loves no one.

Finis vitae, sed non amoris. Life ends, but not love.

In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium. In love, pain and joy always compete.

Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare. It is very pleasant to be loved, but no less pleasant to love oneself.

Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. I hate and I love. You will ask why I do this? I do not know, but I feel that it is done, and I go out in anguish.

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori. All triumphs over love, and we submit to love.

Amor tussisque non celantur. Love and cough cannot be concealed.

Odi et amo. Hate and love.

Si vis amari, ama. If thou wilt be loved, love.

Prima cartitas ad me. The first love is me.

Cantica giginit amor. Love gives birth to songs.

Amorem canat aetas prima. Let youth sing of love.

Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est. Only the mother is worthy of love, the father is worthy of respect.

Ut ameris, amabilis esto. To be loved, be worthy of love.

Vivamus atque amemus. Let us live and love.

Amantes sunt amentes! Amantes sunt amentes!

Animae dimidium meae. Half of my soul.

Amor dolor. Love is suffering.

Con amore.With love.

Con amore love

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Winged phrases in Latin about love

Author: Dmitry Sirotkin

I present you a set of Latin winged phrases about love.

It includes more than 50 sayings and proverbs.

They're arranged... by thematic groups: love is, the power of love, the madness of love, about women, carnal love, the sweetness of the forbidden, love sickness, marriages are made, sweethearts marry.

Quoted from translation of and, if possible, the author and the work.

Love is...

  • Amor caecus. - Love is blind.
  • Amor non quaerit verba - Love requires no words.
  • Amor magister optimus - Love is the best teacher
  • Amor omnibus idem. - Love is the same for all (Virgil, "Georgics").
  • Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - Love is like a tear, it comes from the eye and falls on the heart (Publius Sire, "Sentences").
  • Credula res amor est. - Love tends towards credulity (Ovid, Metamorphoses).
  • Amor tussisque non celantur. - Love and coughing cannot be concealed.
  • Amor odit inertes. - Amor does not tolerate sloth (Ovid, The Science of Love).
  • Amicit ia semper prodest, amor et nocet. - Friendship is always useful, but love can also do harm (Publius Cyrus).
  • Si vis amari, ama - If you want to be loved, love (Seneca, "Letters to Lucilius")
  • Qui me amat, amat et canem meum - Whoever loves me loves my dog (Bernard of Clairvaux (Saint-Bernard)).
  • Incitamentum amoris musica - Music inspires love.
  • Ex aspectu nascitur amor - Love is born of the gaze (Erasmus of Rotterdam, Proverbs).

The Power of Love

  • Amor omnia vincit - Love conquers all (Virgil, "Bucolics").
  • Amor timere neminem verus potest - True love fears nothing (Seneca, Medea).
  • Amor etiam deos tangit - Even gods are subject to love (Petronius).
  • Militat omnis amans.-Every man in love is a soldier (Ovid, Elegy of Love).
  • Levis est labor omnis amanti - All difficulties are easy for a man in love.
  • Si tu esses Helĕna, ego vellem esse Paris - If you were Helen, I would like to be Paris.
  • (from a medieval love poem)
  • Cras amet, qui nunquam amavit - Let tomorrow love those who have never loved ("Venus Night Feast")

The Madness of Love

  • Amantes sunt amentes. - Amantes sunt amentes (G. Rollenhagen, "Amantes sunt amentes")
  • Amare et sapere vix Deo conceditur - To love and to be reasonable can hardly be the gods themselves (Publius Sire, "Sentences")
  • Insano nemo in amore videt - In the madness of love all are blind (Propertius, "Elegy").
  • Odero, si potero. - Hate if I can So Ovid in the "Love Elegies" describes the attitude toward the treacherous lover.
  • Odi et amo. - I hate and I love (Catullus).
  • Da mi basia mille. - Give me a thousand kisses (Catullus, Poems)
  • Amorem canat aetas prima - Let youth sing of love (Propertius, "Elegies")

Oh, women...

  • Domi sedet, lanam ducit - Sitting at home, spinning wool A common praise for the Roman matron
  • Lassata viris necdum satiata recessit - She left, weary of men but still unsatisfied (Juvenal, "Satires," about the wife of Emperor Claudius (41-54 AD), Valeria Messalina, who, following her debauched tendencies, visited a brothel)
  • Varium et mutabile semper femina - Woman is always mutable and fickle (Virgil, Aeneid) With these words Mercury urges Aeneas to leave Didon and sail from Carthage to Italy.
  • Rara est adeo concordia formae atque pudicitiae - Beauty and chastity seldom meet together
  • Casta est quam nemo rogavit - Chaste is the one who has not been molested (Ovid, "Love Elegy")

Carnal Love

  • Desideria carnis. - Carnal Desires
  • Jus primae noctis. - The right of the first night.
  • Peccare licet nemini! - No one is allowed to sin!
  • Somnus, cibus, potus et Venus omnia moderata sint - Sleep, eat, drink, love, let everything be in moderation (Hippocrates).
  • Post coitum omne animal triste est - After coitus every creature is sad

The sweetness of the forbidden

  • Juvat inconcessa voluptas - The pleasure of the inaccessible is pleasant (Forbidden fruit is sweet) Ovid, "Elegy of Love")
  • Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negate - We always strive for the forbidden and desire the forbidden (Ovid, "Elegies of Love")
  • Nil magis amat cupiditas, quam quod non licet - Passion loves nothing more than that which is forbidden (Publius Cyrus, "Sentences")
  • Quod licet, ingratum est. - The permitted does not attract (Ovid, "Love Elegy").

The Sickness of Love

  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis - There is no cure for love / love cannot be cured by herbs (Ovid, "Heroides")
  • Febris erotica - Love Fever
  • Corda nostra laudus est. - Our hearts are sick with love.
  • Antiquus amor cancer est. - Old love is as tenacious as cancer (Petronius, "Satyricon").

Marriages are consummated...

  • Ubi tu Gaius, ibi ego Gaia - Where you are Gaius, there I am Gaia A touching formula for marital fidelity
  • Conubia sunt fatalia - Marriages are destined
  • Ut ameris, amabilis esto - To be loved, be worthy of love (Ovid, The Science of Love)
  • Quod non licet feminis, aeque non licet viris - What is not allowed to women, is not allowed to men either (Roman legal formula which equalized men and women in divorce proceedings)

The sweet ones have a fight...

  • Amantium irae amoris integratio - The quarrels of lovers are a renewal of love (Terentius, "The Girl from Andros")
  • In amore semper mendax iracundia est - In love, anger is always false (Publius Cyrus, "Sentences").
  • Injuria solvit amorem - Resentment destroys love.

After such an abundance of deep, subtle, and ironic sayings about love it is hard to add anything. Let me remind you only that the men of the Roman Empire were the first in our history to encounter such a phenomenon as the phenomenon of female emancipation.which reached the extent and manifestations of the current female emancipation. In this connection we can sincerely sympathize with them. Although, in some ways, I envy it.

A certain irony of the story lies in the fact that, judging by the queries in the search engines, the greatest interest in the phrases in Latin about love is shown by those who are going to to get a tattoo (tattoo). However, perhaps this should be seen as one of the modern ways of embracing classical culture. I don't think it would have been better if a quote from Ovid in Latin had been replaced with something simpler in Russian (like "Vasya was here").

Next you can go on to quotes about love or or related material:

  • Winged Latin expressions: Ancient Rome
  • Famous phrases in Latin
  • Latin phrases about life
  • Phrase-phrases about love and relationships
  • English idioms about love and relationships
  • Phraseology of Ancient Greece

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Quotes about love in Latin

Love, the most beautiful feeling, allows a person to feel elated, forgetting about everything in the world. It has been described over the years by the classics, revealing love from different, sometimes most unbelievable moments.

Using our helper in quotes about love in Latin with translation into Russian, you will discover an incredible number of phrases. Maybe they will be a support for you in the most difficult situations, or maybe you will use them when joy overflows your heart.

Amor wincit omnia. - Love conquers all.

Amor magister optimus. - Love is the best teacher.

Amor non quaerit verba. - Love requires no words.

Si vis amari, ama. - If you want to be loved, love.

Amor timere neminem verus potest. - True love fears nothing.

Amor etiam deos tangit. - Even gods are subject to love.

Corda nostra laudus est. - Our hearts are sick with love.

Amantes sunt amentes.


For women

For men