Tattoo Space - meanings and designs for girls and men

Modern people have always tried to comprehend the mysteries of the universe. The embodiment of this desire is the astronaut tattoo, which the lovers of body painting are proud of. This heroic profession became a dream of all the boys and girls of the Soviet Union, but only a few dozen realized it. Those who passionately wished, but for some reason could not become a cosmonaut, you can advise to quench the thirst for a trip to space with the help of tattoos.

Tattoo with space

A bit of history

On April 12, 1961 the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin flew into space for the first time. This event became a world sensation. The whole country lived under the impression of this flight, with a sense of pride and superiority over others and, at the same time, with the hope of universal friendship and the possibility to unite everyone. After all, if one is able to get off the ground and return safely from space, finding a common language on the planet seems no longer such an impossible task. The first woman to go into space was Valentina Tereshkova, also a Soviet citizen. The thirst for new discoveries captured the hearts of many millions of people, both male and female.

The word "cosmonaut" consists of two words and translates as "sailor" and "universe. Today, mankind is close to the realization of space tourism, but not many still have the opportunity. That's why scientists and dreamers feel a cosmonaut without leaving the Earth. After all, this is a whole philosophy, a different worldview, a desire to accelerate technological progress. An astronaut is synonymous with a discoverer, so such an endeavor is commendable.

astronaut in minimalism

Interesting facts about space

There are actually a lot of them, but let's entertain you with a few particularly startling ones:

  1. We know more about space than we do about the ocean. At least, that's what scientists think. How is that possible when the ocean is right there at your fingertips?
  2. If you scream in space, no one will hear you, because you need an atmosphere for sound, and there isn't one in space. Of course, it's not an absolute vacuum, it doesn't exist in nature, but it's very close to it.
  3. There are huge objects in space. Scientists know Quasar OJ287 is 18 billion times heavier than the Sun. That's impossible to imagine, isn't it?
  4. Scientists have calculated that there are many stars in space. A lot. Supposedly 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Can you read that number?
  5. The odds of being killed by space debris are 1 in 5 billion. It's not the number that's striking, but the possibility that you're walking down the street and suddenly, bang, a piece of asteroid goes through your head.

Who the tattoo suits

Tattoo astronaut in the first place will approach the representatives of the profession with the same name, it will reliably protect its owner from trouble and hardship. The characteristics of the person of another profession with a similar tattoo is replete with positive epithets. The meaning of the astronaut tattoo is difficult to overestimate, as this choice characterizes a strong, courageous, purposeful person. He always strives forward, bravely overcomes all obstacles, at any moment is ready to come to the aid of a loved one. He is a romantic and a dreamer, a convinced optimist, proud of his achievements and the successes of his loved ones. Such a person is loyal and reliable, he will always be able to protect and find words of comfort.

The meaning of the tattoo astronaut

See also photos of tattoos on the theme of the astronaut.
Many people since childhood admire the astronauts, their ability to go into outer space, to fly where it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person. Some of them became real heroes, causing the respect of their compatriots. Depending on the design of the sketch, the astronaut tattoo can mean dreaminess, unfulfilled desires, the desire for new discoveries, and sometimes pride and patriotism.

The meaning and significance of tattoos with astronauts

All tattoos with astronauts can be divided into two categories. One of them includes images of portraits of real people who left a significant trace in history. Such people undoubtedly include Yuri Gagarin - the first person to have been in space. As a Soviet cosmonaut, he evokes a sense of pride and patriotism not only among Russians, but also among many residents of the former Soviet Union. His famous phrase "Let's go!" also serves as a popular theme for tattoos.

Another no less famous personality in this area is Alexei Leonov, the first man to go into outer space. Due to such merits, many people decide to immortalize the memory of him and express their respect by making a tattoo with his portrait. The creation of such body drawings is most often peculiar to men. Portraits of people usually portrayed in a helmet, on the background of a rocket or outer space. Sometimes a helmet or a rocket itself can become a theme for a tattoo that implies a space orientation.

Other famous figures in the space sphere were Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, the first people to land on the moon. All of them contributed to the history of the space industry and can be a choice for tattoo fans.

Male and female astronaut tattoos

The second category includes astronaut tattoos that do not show specific people. It can be just little men or animals in spacesuits. Such tattoos are more liked by girls. They personify a dreamy nature, believing in miracles. Also such a drawing can mean constant development and improvement. An astronaut with balloons symbolizes upward movement. These tattoos are often the choice of purposeful people.

stupenka_tattoo antonio_kotelnikoff

Cats, dogs or pandas dressed in space suits are often the idea for a small female tattoo. Such drawings bring a smile and a hint of amusement to the surrounding people, although they can actually have a deep hidden meaning for their owner. Girls place them on the arms, sides, back, calves and hips - there can be a lot of options and it all depends on the imagination.

Men's tattoos have a more classic arrangement - as a rule, they are placed on the shoulders, chest or shoulder blade. Such a choice is due to the size of the drawings, which often turn out to be quite large. They are depicted in a variety of styles, from realism and tradition to watercolor and graphics. The choice depends on the mood of the sketch itself and the owner's preferences. For example, images of dead people or dead astronauts are performed in black and white style or thrash-polka.

The most popular designs

Among the tattoos with the image of an astronaut there are portraits of the discoverers of Gagarin and Tereshkova in full-length, up to the waist or directly to the face in the helmet. Very often the inscription POEHALI is used as a drawing, as well as the names of the Vostok spaceship, the Mir and ISS stations, the Soyuz - Apollo program for the Soviet-American expedition.

The astronaut is depicted with an artificial satellite, rocket and on the background of the universe. The drawing can be placed in a square, triangle, circle, star and other original geometric designs. The sketch of the dead astronaut tattoo on the background of tall grass means infinite continuation of life and the desire not to give up in front of death.

interesting image of planets and astronauts

Very cute and funny looking tattoos with Squirrel and Arrow, cat, panda and rat in a spacesuit. A popular image is that of a single helmeted astronaut.

Astronaut tattoo

Tattoo on forearm, photo from:
In tattoo culture, the astronaut is a symbol of limitless possibilities, reckless character and dreaminess. The tattoo is worn by people capable not only of making daring plans, but also of bringing them to life. For such a person, the future is an interesting adventure, which should be thoroughly prepared for. The tattoo has a large number of interpretations and admirers.

Tattoo meaning of the astronaut

Tattoo astronaut choose people with a romantic soul. The figure has a rich history, as the image of the space traveler was gradually nurtured by pop culture. The formation of the tattoo symbol was influenced by the works of David Bowie and the band Earthlings.

Tattoo on the arm, photo from:

The tattoo means:

  • optimistic attitude to life;
  • Belief in the primacy of progress;
  • The desire for success and development;
  • courageous personality;
  • a brave heart;
  • a desire for new discoveries;
  • unfulfilled desires;
  • pride and patriotism.

In the image of the space wanderer the human desire to conquer the unexplored is intertwined. Explorers of the World in and around themselves tattoo to emphasize their attraction to mysteries. It is a symbol of overcoming the impossible, because man has found the way to the stars through scientific progress.

Recommended reading: Map of the world tattoo

However, no discovery or invention could have guided humanity's gaze into the darkness of space without dreamers. Tattoo owners are rabid romantics who know no barriers and are willing to test any rule of thumb.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

On a woman's body, the meaning of the cosmonaut tattoo takes on a romantic coloring. Tattoo wearers first of all seek to unravel the mysteries of their inner microcosm. Among them, there are many psychologists, elementary school teachers, yogis and artists.

Tattoo on the ankle, photo from:

Meaning of the tattoo for girls:

  • dreamy nature;
  • believing in miracles;
  • incessant development;
  • self-improvement;
  • upward movement;
  • the power of fantasy over reality;
  • the search for true values;
  • magic brought to life.

The tattoo encourages others to abandon vanity and truly experience life. It is performed in color with the addition of sentimental images. For example, popular is the astronaut flying on balloons.

There may be a cat or a dog in a spacesuit. Rainbow smoke bursts from the starter's satchel or a butterfly's wings cut through. The structure of the composition is subject to the rules of abstract interpretation of the symbol of the conquest of space.

The meaning of the tattoo for men

In men, the meaning of the astronaut tattoo is associated with overcoming the impossible. The meaning of the figure is associated with the struggle, confrontation and conquest of incredible peaks. For this reason, the astronaut is depicted as a space warrior. In his hands is often depicted a sword, shield or automatic rifle.

Tattoo on the side, photo from:

The meaning of tattoos for men:

  • conqueror of worlds;
  • overcoming the limit;
  • the search for perfection;
  • no limit!
  • through thorns to the stars;
  • let's go!
  • victory over oneself, etc.

An astronaut is drawn with a spirited launch pad. One can feel the strength and confidence in him. The drawing is filled with optimism and healthy aggression. Added to the symbolism is the drama associated with the need to sacrifice something on the way to the dream.

This reflects the impenetrable dome of the spacesuit and the surrounding black space. The image of the dead astronaut is imbued with a sense of deep sorrow. He is portrayed by a skull in a space suit. In this reading, the tattoo signifies the loss of a dream or the collapse of something.

Styles, variants, compositions of the astronaut tattoo

Cosmonautics is inextricably linked to any theme of space. That's why the planet tattoo has its own meaning, but inextricably linked to the astronaut. In this case, it matters which planet is depicted.

Tattoo on the forearm, photo from:

The meaning of the cosmos tattoo:

  • Mercury - cunning mind, sharp sense of humor, business acumen;
  • Venus - love, the ascent of creative energies, the search for dreams;
  • Earth - global fantasy, conquest of self, thoroughness;
  • Mars - willpower, struggle with circumstances, victory;
  • Jupiter - power, guidance, leadership;
  • Saturn - fertility, mystical power, transformation of old into new;
  • Uranus - life-giving, life-affirming character;
  • Neptune - the power of creativity, upward energies of transformation;
  • Cosmos in a triangle - creative spirit;
  • small planets - vibrant life, desire for adventure.

Tattoos with planets are advantageous to stuffing in realism, watercolors and graphics. Of great importance is the portrait of an astronaut, a skeleton and a spacesuit are performed in an aggressive technique of thrash polka dots. Sometimes it is stuffed in realism or blackwork. The neo-tradition, new skool, and sketch style look good.

The image of the astronaut's helmet is done in black and white technique. The spherical shape is suitable for geometry or abstraction. Portrait of Yuri Gagarin will always be a symbol of man's victory over circumstances. His image has been performed more than once in hyperrealism, realism, watercolor and black and white technique.

Places for tattoos

Tattoo astronaut will decorate the sleeves in the style of realism. It is ideal for creating a volumetric composition. At the same time to extend the space scenery can be both on the shoulder blade or chest, and to limit the color to the contour of the shoulder. Tattoo on the shoulder is performed with a dense color scoring. Mostly dark colors and shades are used.

Tattoo on the shoulder, photo from:

For light and transparent work in watercolor, geometry or linework, tattoos on the chest are suitable. Similarly performed tattoos on the arm, in the area of the forearm figure astronaut concluded in a triangle or circle. The astronaut himself can become an outline for a three-dimensional image of space or planets.

The area of the ribs, back and sides are decorated with the drawing. On the legs, the thighs are used for the sketch. On it, it is possible to stuff large works. At the same time, in the case of the astronaut, men are allowed to depict in this zone. The shin and calf are actively used.

Tips for sketches

In order for your drawing to convey the ideas behind it, it is not recommended to copy ready-made works. Ask the master to draw you an image. The astronaut suit is traditionally performed in a light monochrome gamut. Therefore, bright and contrasting colors can be placed on its background. Together the sketch will look bright and festive.

In the directions of new skool and neo-tradition, the astronaut's helmet can be depicted in any color. Gold and ochre look nice. Complementing the drawing with the shapes of the planets with their unique palette you get a real painting on leather.

Black and white works are better beaten in the Dotwork style. The mechanics of doing the image will allow you to create a soft diffusion, reminiscent of the conditions of light transmission in a vacuum. Otherwise, use the recommendations and remarks of your master.

Video - astronaut tattoo, photo gallery


The stylistic solution directly depends on the chosen sketch. The portrait of Gagarin or the image of an astronaut on the background of the Earth looks spectacular on a large scale in the style of realism. Watercolor will appeal to lovers of saturated colorful tattoos and psychedelic. Very unusual looks astronaut in the technique of blackwork: white outline on a black background. Thresh polka is usually chosen by men who want to give an image of brutality. The compositions look very expressive and gloomy because of the blood-red strokes. Tattoo with an astronaut looks beautiful on the arm, back, shoulder blade, shoulder.

Watch the video on the subject

Tattoo photo with an astronaut


Photo gallery of interesting works of tattoos with astronauts, looking at them you can be inspired and even come up with your own tattoo.

Space tattoos amaze with their diversity. Realistic images of galaxies, miniature drawings of planets, portraits of astronauts and UFO images more than once became subjects for tattoos. The endless expanses of the universe attract people by their mysteries and discoveries. A childhood dream, to become an astronaut, also, embodied in bright tattoos.

In any style of tattoo, you can successfully bring the space theme to life.


For women

For Men