Geisha tattoo - meaning and sketches, locations, beautiful photo ideas

04.07.2020Rub: Parenting without Punishment

Let's try to understand the meaning of the geisha tattoo. The word itself is composed of two characters and in translation means "art" and "man". So it is customary to call the women, who entertain visitors and guests with the help of dancing, singing and leading the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The Japanese woman is dressed in a kimono and has traditional makeup and hair. The classic hairstyle is a high chignon. To maintain it, the geisha sleeps with her neck resting on a wooden roller. This procedure eventually helps not only to save a spectacular hairstyle, but also to make the posture, back, neck more graceful. Before their first performances, Japanese beauties have a "momoware" hairstyle, which translates to "divided peach".

Geisha are engaged in carrying out various banquets in special tea houses, as well as hotels of Japanese type, Japanese restaurants. At such events they are the main personages. It is the duty of a geisha to entertain guests (men and women). It is she must do everything to ensure that the pastime of the visitors was really fun and interesting. Geisha often directs the conversation and sometimes can even flirt. But at the same Japanese woman tries to maintain a sense of dignity.

In modern Japan, there are not many geisha left. In the twenties there were more than eighty women of the profession, but now there are no more than a thousand. Moreover, in the cities you can often see the people dressed up in robes of Japanese women who pose for a photo, rather than a real geisha.

Tattoos depicting geishas are mostly made by women. Although sometimes similar body art is chosen and the representatives of the stronger sex. Now we propose to find out what such a tattoo will mean for men and women.

The meaning of the tattoo geisha for women

Many women and girls prefer a tattoo depicting a beautiful Japanese woman. Moreover, it certainly should be a geisha. Such a tattoo for women means:

  • seductive beauty
  • fortitude
  • mystery
  • desire for beauty
  • passion for Japanese traditions

Spectacular tattoo with a Japanese woman will make a woman even more attractive in the eyes of men. Such a body image can emphasize the beauty and charm of its owner.

And also a spectacular image will tell about the mystery of a woman. Moreover, such a tattoo can tell that the girl has not only a beautiful appearance, but also a strong willed character.

Geisha tattoos most often indicate that their owners are unusual people and always strive for the best, ideal life. For them, beauty in all its forms is very important.

The meaning of the tattoo geisha for men

Despite the fact that this tattoo is more suitable for the fair sex, sometimes it chooses and men. For them, such a body drawing will mean:

  • desire for beauty
  • Love for the tender and beautiful girls
  • Passion for Japanese culture.

If a man wants to emphasize his sympathy for beautiful ladies, he can decorate his own body with such a spectacular drawing. In addition, such a tattoo will emphasize his desire for beauty

, the desire to make life more interesting and beautiful.
6 June 2011, 19:01
One of the types of Japanese tattoos are considered a ladies' tattoo. Initially, the Japanese geisha with the help of tattoos managed to bypass the ban and showed their naked body at ease. The thing is that the Japanese tattoo covers virtually every inch of skin, leaving only the face, neck, palms and feet untattooed. Consequently, the body appeared as if covered by a cloth with a multicolored pattern. Legendary Japanese geisha did not change partners - they had to have a permanent partner by status. Geisha practically became a spouse, with whom the customer was not so much amused on the mats, but also held a conversation, asked for advice, complained about his own troubles. Consequently, the geisha became a soul mate for the man, as a consequence, it is not strange that often there were high feelings between them, in commemoration of which the couples applied the same tattoos. For example, as a symbol of loyalty and loyalty to the buddy of a tattooed mole-points, which when connected to the palms mutually had the opportunity to overlap no small fingers of the hands. More prickly were the names of lovers and tattoos, hieroglyphs "inoti", meaning "fate," with a Russian interpretation - "love until the grave. One curious type of female tattoo in Japan was a distinctive form of tattoo - kakushi-boro. This tattoo was made with rice powder, which was rubbed into artistically made incisions. In its simple state, nothing was noticeable on the skin. But as soon as the body got excited, a delicate pattern appeared. This also happened in the aftermath of swimming. In the form of motifs for the ladies' tattoos were used ancient legends and Japanese fairy tales, where the key characters were dragons, samurai knights, and various animals that bring bliss. Updated 06/06/11 23:55

: I found a photo of a kakushi boro.

An ancient profession of Japanese women. Beautiful (by Japanese standards) geishas entertained their guests with singing, dancing and small talk.

Who is suitable for whom?

This is a beautiful, feminine and very sophisticated tattoo. Suitable for girls who are able to charm any man they are interested in. Applying for this, all feminine charms. Often, such a tattoo is made, focusing on its brightness and attractiveness. Not paying attention to the meaning of the symbol and the fact that the image of a geisha is rooted in ancient Japanese culture.

Location and style of the tattoo.

Such tattoos are most often applied to the back or shoulder. Effectively looks bright realistic image. Less often a drawing in black and white tones is applied.

The best places for a tattoo

Geisha tattoo can be done on any part of the body. To specifically reveal the image and clearer draw the details, many choose the back. Here the temptress can be depicted with a fan or an umbrella, there will definitely be enough space.

The full-length geisha can be depicted on the forearm or on the back. On the shin, by the way, the tattoo will look quite spectacular.

  • The face of the beauty will look harmoniously on the shoulder or arm.
  • Men often stuff the image of a geisha on his chest.

Each tattoo parlor has whole albums with sketches and photos of finished works. Masters will be able to tell you what kind of tattoo and where to hit, will explain the symbolism. Geisha tattoo can be applied both in black and white and in color, completely conveying the bright and colorful image of the Japanese seductress.

The meaning of the symbol

Tattoo with the image of a geisha, symbolizes the mystery of the female soul, attractive beauty, refinement and gracefulness of movement. The name of this ancient profession is composed of two hieroglyphs: "man" and "art. Thus, we get a literal translation, "man of art. A geisha is a woman who "elevates" men. Such an image combines a meek submissiveness and great strength of spirit. The meaning of the symbol is the pursuit of beauty, internal and external. The desire for all that is beautiful and refined. For girls, the meaning of the symbol can be formulated as follows:

  • Femininity,
  • a meek disposition,
  • beauty,
  • strength of spirit.

Tattoo with a geisha, rarely, occurs and men. Image geisha on a man's body

means his desire for beauty. The ability to appreciate a woman's beauty and body.

In Japan, there was a ban on the demonstration of the naked body. Therefore, the entire surface of the body geisha, with the exception of the palms, face and feet were covered with drawings. On their bodies, geisha depicted scenes of historical events or myths. Traditionally, a geisha could only be intimately involved with one man. Nowadays, geishas in Japan, on the contrary, are forbidden to draw on their bodies. But, this ban is successfully "bypassed", thanks to the technique of white (invisible) tattooing.


The process of applying the tattoo with the image of a geisha on his leg.

Geisha tattoo is exquisitely beautiful, it is often applied by people who appreciate everything beautiful, people of art. Geisha is a famous female profession in Japan, geisha entertained guests with singing, dancing, interesting conversations. Such a tattoo is very common because of its beauty and grace. Geisha tattoos are applied most often on the back or chest, it is a juicy, bright tattoo.

The meaning of the geisha tattoo is simple. It means alluring beauty, feminine mystery, strength of spirit. In addition, the desire for the beautiful and amazing, wonderful and everything mesmerizing. Geisha were famous for their enchanting beauty and gentle disposition, they are able to seduce anyone, their speech pleases the ear and pleases the eye.

Tattoos with the image of a geisha are applied by both women and men. The fairer sex symbolizes femininity, gentle disposition, beauty, and strength of spirit.

Tattoo with a geisha on a man means his desire for beauty, love for the female sex, especially for the delicate, charming young ladies. In this figure often stop the choice of women because of its catchiness and effectiveness.

Enjoys great popularity both in Russia and in the West. Tattoos are part of Japanese culture. And the geisha is one of the famous symbols of this country. Therefore, tattoo masters decided to combine these manifestations of Japanese art into one. And now tattoos with the image of a geisha are very popular.

History of origin

The emergence of geisha is associated with the entertainment of the public, appeared in ancient Japan. Geisha were exclusively men who acted as jesters. Gradually women replaced them and radically changed their purpose: the task of geisha became the entertainment of high-ranking officials with oriental dances, singing and fascinating conversations.
Conversations carried the goal of psychological help. Men conversing with geisha, gained peace of mind.

Becoming a geisha was not easy, the girls went through serious training, they had to be not only graceful, gentle, connoisseurs of beauty, but also well-read, educated, musical person. Not for nothing that geisha means "man of art.

They had a special image: their clothes consisted of colorful kimono with a belt and wooden sandals, which did not allow the girls to make big steps. Their hair was pulled into a bundle and pinned with chopsticks.

The greatest interest was the face, a kind of mask: it was strongly and unnaturally whitened, the eyes were lined, the lips were highlighted by red. Many people believe that the main focus of geisha is the entertainment of men in an intimate way, but this is not true. A geisha is a highly educated, self-aware wise woman who is highly respected in the East.

Nowadays, geisha also exist, but they are not so common. If you happen to see a geisha at any reception, it would indicate its high level and importance. The appearance has undergone some changes, you can compare the photo of an ancient and modern geisha, but the purpose remains the same - to hold an intellectual conversation and not to bore the guests of rank.

History of the geisha tattoo

The history of the geisha tattoo is not even 200 years old. The subject is quite young, although it has gained popularity. Geisha tattoos became widespread in Russia in the 1980s. In Europe such tattoos became popular about 50 years earlier.

Did you know?

In the 16th century, geisha were men. As in many other countries, women were not allowed in any type of performance and entertainment shows. Therefore, all female roles in the theater and at masquerades were performed exclusively by men.

A bit of history

In Japanese, "geisha" means "man of art". In the XVI century, so called the men who entertained guests, dressed as jesters. A century later, in Kyoto, a woman appeared on stage for the first time. The entertainment show made such an impression that the fairer sex gradually superseded men for good.

In the XIX century geisha changed the role: from the court buffoons they turned into a real seductress. In special schools, girls were taught the art of conversation, the tea ceremony, makeup application, and fashion lessons.

Since then, geisha became the embodiment of the Land of the Rising Sun and a role model for many generations of girls.

The meaning of the geisha tattoo

Japanese women have always attracted the attention of men, but to depict them on their bodies, not many dare. After all, such an image carries a feminine coloring. Tattoo in the form of a geisha says that its owner is a soft-hearted, sensitive nature. Such a person has a creative potential, loves to be in the spotlight. People who choose a tattoo with a geisha, sociable, have a wide circle of acquaintances. But also geisha means insincerity of the person, his showing off and the desire to always present themselves only at their best.


The geisha tattoo, tattooed on the male body, has an interesting interpretation. Such a picture means that the guy is the soul of the company, a lady's man and a ladies' man. He loves beautiful girls not for their deep inner world, but for their beautiful body and clothes.

Actual varieties of geisha tattoos

  • Realistic image of a girl.
    Most often, realistic sketches of geisha tattoos are complemented by sakura branches . Such a combination looks symbolic and very soft. Cherry blossoms represent tenderness and fragility, as the duration of their blossoming is very short. In the same way, a woman's beauty fades with the years. In such a tattoo, people are trying to capture the moment, to stop time. The owners of the geisha tattoo demonstrate that they appreciate every moment and see beauty in everyday things.
  • Geisha with an umbrella.
    Such a drawing prefer to decorate their bodies girls. There are a lot of photos of geisha tattoo with an umbrella on the Internet, and any of them can be taken as an analogue. Usually this variation of the tattoo has a large size, as such a drawing requires detailed elaboration. A geisha with an umbrella carries no contradictory meaning. She represents femininity and coquetry.
  • A cartoon image of a geisha
    Prefer to stuff both men and women. Such a tattoo shows that its owner makes fun of vulgarity and the art of seduction. A person who chooses this image is not peculiar to guile and pretend. He loves honesty and openness, and expects to find it in his acquaintances.
  • Geisha in the mask
    Symbolizes secrecy. People who get such a tattoo tend to close themselves off. They will not open their spiritual impulses to the first encounter. This tattoo can also mean the mystery of nature.
  • Geisha with a fan
    Embody coquetry. Girls who choose such a drawing like to flirt, make new acquaintances. They prefer to be in the company of men and know how to find a common language with them. However, a geisha with a fan can also be interpreted as a symbol of a shy nature. Such a girl will not make the first step herself, and will wait for a long courtship from her chosen one.

It is interesting that.

  • This tattoo is also suitable for men (see Tattoos for men) and denotes love for the beautiful. Because of the catchiness and brightness of this tattoo more often it is chosen by women. Currently, even in Kyoto, there are no more than 300 geisha left. On its streets are more likely to meet dressed extras posing for pictures.
  • When you get a job in the okiya (the place where apprentices and geisha who have not yet become independent). In the beginning there is a contract of 5 to 7 years, which includes training. After that time the geisha continues to work or leave the okiya. Many okiya have "tea houses", rooms where banquets with students and geisha.
  • This coexistence is mutually beneficial: the okiya receives a steady income, while the geisha gets access to expensive jewelry and accessories (see Piercing Jewelry). And the right to order at okiya kimono's expense.

Popular color scheme of geisha tattoo

  • The black and pink color scheme
    is one of the most popular for geisha tattooing. Often, artists add red to accentuate the nuances.
  • Yellow and blue shades with the addition of black
    are in second place in popularity. Such a tattoo looks bright and provocative. It is designed to attract the eyes of others. Such drawings are decorated those parts of the body, which do not hide the clothes.
  • Pink, purple, yellow and blue
    - This is the standard color set for a geisha tattoo. It is similar to the previous color scheme, but looks even more eye-catching. Such a coloristic solution is chosen by creative natures who are not afraid to show their imagination and individuality.
  • Graphic variant of tattoos
    Men usually prefer. Contour drawing of a geisha looks not pretentious and laconic. Such a tattoo often adorns a man's chest or biceps .

Common places for a geisha tattoo

  • Back
    - Is a vast field of activity for the tattoo artist. Any Japanese lady tattoo option requires ample space. The back satisfies these requirements well. Most often, multicolored tattoos are inscribed on the entire surface of the back. Sometimes such drawings affect the lumbar area and buttocks .
  • The forearm
    One of the most popular parts of the body for the application of tattoos. The figure can depict as the whole figure of a geisha, or only her face. There are many variations, it all depends on the imagination of the tattoo artist and the customer.
  • Feet
    As a canvas for the geisha tattoo, more often used by girls than men. Such a tattoo is quite catchy and it is difficult to hide it under a skirt or dress. Choosing it, the girl should be aware that she will always be in the spotlight.
  • The side is one of the most popular places for a geisha tattoo. Such a drawing can always be hidden under clothing, but if necessary, it can also be demonstrated. The whole geisha figure fits perfectly in the space between the armpit and the pelvis. Such a location requires a colored tattoo with good elaboration of details.


It is worth remembering that the visibility zone of the tattoo in everyday life will be small. After all, it will be hidden under clothing. This fact should be paid attention to before going to the tattoo salon.

Where to get a geisha tattoo?

Such an incredibly beautiful and attractive image has a great popularity among girls. However, in order to end up happy with the tattoo you need to choose a good tattoo studio. Such salons, as a rule, have a lot of positive reviews, as well as they have proven themselves in the city with the best side. Such institutions employ specialists of high level of qualification and with good experience. Such masters of tattoo art use high-quality consumables, as well as equipment for applying tattoos to the body. They will do the job well, and you will admire your newfound tattoo for a long time.


For women

For men