Tattoo of the Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photos, meaning

Tattoo Joker

Tattoo Joker

Let's start with the fact that Tattoo Joker will not suit everyone, it suits people who like risk, card cheats, gambling enthusiasts. That is the meaning that is usually invested in the Joker tattoo.

This is a symbol of fickleness, today he is happy, and tomorrow unhappy, now he can be good, and in a minute to be evil. The image of the Joker is common among prison tattoos, their owners are usually card tattoos, people who always have "hidden ace up his sleeve," and who are constantly winning. Photos of Joker tattoos you can see below, but for now let's look at the meaning.

What does the Joker tattoo mean?

True connoisseurs of body art choose tattoos with a certain meaning, and the image of the Joker has long been associated with prison themes.

The multifaceted image of the ambiguous hero of the tattoo has different meanings in different cultures:

DirectionsThe meaning of the tattoo hero
Slavic folklore.Joker was called a joker, a kind of fool who is always lucky. Therefore, for Slavs, this is a fun and serene character, accustomed to a life of debauchery. In the past, the tattoo was considered a business card of card cheats, then today a similar tattoo - a sign of a risk taker.
Prison Body PaintingIn the world of prisoners, a tattoo with the Joker reveals a man who was in prison, endowed with the features of a cheat and gambler. A large tattoo on the back shows others that its wearer is lucky in business, but his life is fickle and unpredictable.
U.S. and Western countriesThe popularity of the tattoo with an unusual hero started in the U.S. after the appearance of comic books, and then movies. The image of Batman's adversary became appealing thanks to the game of talented actors, as well as the art of tattoo artists who created colorful sketches of the charming villain with an impressive appearance.

Tattoo Joker on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photos, meaning

A meaningful palette

The image of the charismatic character, intelligent and slightly inadequate, has attracted the attention of not only viewers, but also fans of decorating their bodies with pictures of deep meaning.

In general, for women and men, one of the most popular tattoos today manifests the following characteristics of the wearer:

  • A multifaceted personality, capable of dangerous actions without fear of risk, but with hidden aggression;
  • simultaneously crying and laughing jester - a fickle nature, prone to mood swings;
  • a gambling and enterprising person, a thrill-seeker who is lucky in all endeavors;
  • a bold possessor with unconventional thinking, special insight, able to analyze;
  • The cheerful nature of the rebel, wise by experience, relying not only on luck, but also on their own strength.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

Tattoo with the image of the Joker has a special symbolism depending on the location. The colorful picture on the hand can be interpreted as a duplicitous nature, which does not seek to demonstrate its true essence. False mask hides the real appearance, beliefs and worldviews, indicates a seeker of philosophical meaning.

Who is suitable for a tattoo?

Not any regular salon attendant will fit harlequin tattoo, which has both positive and negative meaning. Therefore, masters advise to be guided not only by the general meaning of the tattooed sign, but also by the special facets of your character.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The body art is suitable for people who do not cling to the past, who are able to solve their own problems in a joking way, emotional and impressionable subjects.

Tattoo Joker choose cunning and witty individuals who seek to stand out from the crowd with the uniqueness of his image, to emphasize the uniqueness of the internal state.

Meaning for men

Popular among men sketches show a man with a fickle character, but with a bitter life experience. A tattooed sign in a prominent place will tell those around them what they can expect from the player in the scenario of life.

It is guys who more often order a tattoo with the Joker to indicate their dominant qualities:

  • Risk-taking and audacity, the benevolence of luck;
  • Ability to play any role in life;
  • The desire to playfully live, but in accordance with their own laws.

Tattoo Joker on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The sarcasm of the tattooed character on the male body can be interpreted as a challenge to the surrounding world, unwillingness to reckon with other people in getting the most out of life. For men, the frightening face of a clown symbolizes the fickleness of Fortune, the inconstancy of slipping away luck, the awareness of the price of victory. The figure of a jester with a woman's face indicates a man who suffered from a woman's treachery of his beloved.

Fans of body painting more often choose sketches with a slyly smiling jester, executed in black and white graphics. Sometimes the drawing, reflecting the inner world of the bearer of the tattoo, can be complemented by sparks in red, green or blue tones. The black background strengthens the drama and brutality of the image, and thanks to the intimidating smile of the Joker himself is associated with the devil.

Meaning for girls

The Joker tattoo on the arm is not always possible to hide under clothing, and its large size attracts the eye, causing others inadequate associations and misunderstanding. However, those girls who still dare to stuff themselves with a version of a jester's mask, choose sketches of the hero with a more attractive appearance. The encrypted plot of the large-sized natal picture is placed on the stomach or back, where the tattoo can be covered with clothing.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The main meaning of the image of the many-faced clown symbolizes the fickleness of worldly events, which can be successful and failures. On a woman's body such a sign indicates a lack of true trust in others, hope only on their own strength. A sad image with a gloomy mockery looks frightening, so the female audience quite rarely chooses such a subject for a large canvas of body painting.

In contrast to the male symbolism, the female orientation of the Joker tattoo can also display the multiplicity of the image of the bearer (the ability to change "masks"), the tendency to manipulation and pretense. In addition, for the beauty of the tattooed panel its size should be impressive, which will agree not every girl. Therefore, women prefer a style of minimalism - to decorate a small picture of the neck, ankle or wrist.

Color and subject preferences

Experienced masters of tattooing advise to stop at the sketches of a rich color palette to emphasize the external features of the image of the villain.

For example, make the smile red, eyes shade with black circles, providing the Joker with green hair and a purple suit. To create a special effect more suitable style of realism, black and white graphics look less impressive.

What storylines do salon customers choose:

  • A smiling joker, symbolizing cunning and good luck;
  • a realistic movie character with a red mouth, dressed in a suit and tie;
  • a woman in a jester costume, as a sign of disappointment in love;
  • a tattoo with a card with a joker grinning on it, revealing a card player;
  • a merrymaker with a demonic appearance, furnished with horns and hooves.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The vividness of the contrasting sketches clearly indicates the hidden meaning of the Joker tattoo. To enhance the spectacle added crown phrase beloved hero - "Ha-ha-ha, which is associated with constant laughter. Or the question "Why so serious?" about the reason for the seriousness. Young people more often stop on images with a predominance of blue, green, red. Mature men are more attracted to the black and white version of the jester's image.

100+ Best Batman Symbol Tattoo Ideas - Comic Superhero (2019)

Everyone knows about the comic superhero, Batman. The character is common in a number of the comic books and everyone knows about his story. A number of people are showing their love for the character by applying tattoos of him.

There are several batman tattoos that are applied by people everywhere. Some apply the basic symbol of the character, while others apply the entire picture of batman with his iconic mask.



There is no exact meaning and origin of these tattoos, since they are drawn out of the love of the character. Along with the batman, there can also be other characters that may be drawn in the tattoo, including the Joker and the Gotham City.


Some people will have the Joker tattoo as a sign of representing the Batman’s nemesis.

The tattoos of batman will be drawn in different designs. The design will be drawn according to the motive of the person who wants it. There are some that will be drawn basically to show how the person appreciates the character.



Some will apply the tattoo to show their deep love and passion for the fictional character.

Some will have a basic batman logo that will be drawn either with a plain, black color or it can be drawn with black and yellow. This is more basic and it will not entail much detail. The design that you choose must show the real image or logo of Batman.



You must be keen when choosing who you want to deal with, in term of drawing the tattoo. Ensure that you choose the right person, who is aware of the character and the entire theme.


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Even though some apply them just for fun and to show their appreciation to the character and the entire story, these tattoos can contain some meaning. Basically, Batman was created in order to protect the Gotham City from the evil and crooked ways of the Joker.

The more the Joker disrupts the peace in Gotham City, the more the Batman gets into action and fights the crime. For that, this tattoo can be used to show the good societal values of the person, like justice. Some may apply it to show their courage and hate for injustice and crime.


Other people may apply the tattoo to show their courage to stand against a number of things, including the common life challenges. The tattoo can also symbolize hard work and total dedication to whatever a person is doing.

This is in relation to how Batman is always dedicated to keep crime out of Gotham City all by himself.

Batman doesn’t have special powers and he is always dedicated to taking down the Joker and other evil people that surround the city. For that, the tattoo can be used to show the endurance and perseverance in a person.

All in all, everyone will have their own meaning and reason for applying the tattoo.

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Since these tattoos don’t have an exact and default meaning, they also do not have a special area to place them. However, they will mostly be placed on the chest, on the arms, the legs, the wrist and the side.

The placement will depend on the design of the tattoo. Some will also be drawn on the shoulder.


Most of the people who apply these tattoos apply them for the sake of showing them to the public. For the deep lovers of the character, they will apply them in hidden areas like the back and the side. Those that have more details will be applied in areas with more skin.

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There is liberty in how the design of the tattoos should appear. Nonetheless, you must have the perfect way of how to apply it. This will help you pull out the best tattoo that looks elegant as well. In order to have the perfect design, you will want to have the right person to draw it.

You might want to do a research on who is the best person to draw the batman tattoo and fill in all the relevant details.

The best way to apply this tattoo is to draw the head of batman, with the dark theme in the background. With these tattoos, they tend to have more colors and they will need deeper colors.

Technically, if you want to apply these tattoos, you will want to make sure that the professional applies more color to it.

These tattoos are not just simply drawn like any other basic tattoo. Rather, they tend to have a deeper aesthetic aspect.

For the guys, this tattoo would look good on the chest, especially in you tend to work out a lot or head to the pool frequently. It can spread all along the chest, just like how the real batman looks with his logo on the chest.

Still on the chest or the side, you can have a professional design the tattoo to look like the skin is ripped off and the Batman suit is seen under the skin. With a professional tattooist, this one can look real, so ensure that you choose wisely.


For the ladies, the tattoo can be drawn on the side, under the breast. This one can look elegant, but be sure to choose the right person. You can also have a Batman logo at the lower back, though this one might have a wrong impression to other people.

The tattoo can also be applied on the feet, since most of the ladies will walk with flips flops.

Some tattoos can be applied on the back, which can entail the full photo of Batman with the Gotham City. Other than the Batman, you can include the Joker in the tattoo. For instance, you can have the Batman taking a punch at the Joker.

This one can be used to show that you are a no-nonsense kind of guy. Whichever type and design you choose, always find an experienced tattoo artist to apply the tattoo as it is supposed to be.


Best Places to Apply Tattoos

The Joker tattoo on your arm, made in the shape of a sleeve, though expensive, looks stunning. Deciding on the choice of place for a non-standard tattoo, you should consider its main feature - on a large space tattooed composition looks worthy of all.

In addition, there is an opportunity for a spectacular picture to complement the iconic details or phrases. The choice of the location of the tattoo is based on the personal preferences of the customer, taking into account the nuances that immediately can not be recognized.

On the arm

If the image selected for the hand, we will have to decide on what part of her to do the tattoo. The size of the tattooed sign will depend on the place. The shoulder can be called a universal place for a medium, but not too small composition.

Tattoo Joker on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photos, meaning
Tattoo Joker on the arm

The full arm tattoo is the most convenient place for a large-scale picture, the plot of which is characterized by beauty and clarity of elaboration.

On the forearm

The space from the elbow to the wrist is suitable for creating a half-length sleeve. The clown mask on the elbow will be particularly eye-catching, and the wrist will be suitable for a small picture with an inscription.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

Tattoo artist will require special skill to display the artist's appearance in detail in life, to realistically draw his facial expressions. The tattoo is striking in its naturalness and volume effect.

On the chest

The space is best suited for the embodiment of a large-scale panel, the application of which is not particularly painful. If desired, the bearer of the controversial image of the Joker can hide the tattoo under clothing.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

Extensive images are most popular among men due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the chest.

On the neck

If the male audience of salon visitors more often stops at large-scale nail painting, then girls usually experiment with small drawings.

Tattoo Joker on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning
Small Joker tattoo sketches are ideal for application on the neck

The neck area is the most characteristic place for a mini tattoo, and a small portrait of a funny or sad harlequin on the neck will be visible to everyone. For this reason, the tattoo must be drawn in a particularly high quality.

On the leg

In the area of firmly pumped areas of the body, such as the legs, the face of the exposer of social problems looks no less spectacular.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

Joker large size can be placed on the thigh, and some aesthetes of tattooing stuffed symmetrical tattoos on the skin of both legs. However, the calves of the legs are unlikely to be suitable for large images.

Joker Tattoo Sketches

Joker tattoo on the arm looks grandiose, and thanks to the heroes of modern movies and comic books, the face of the genius villain is recognizable by the smile drawn in red. Fans of the art of body painting, harlequin genius conquered the ability to reincarnate in any favorable to him image.

From the movie Suicide Squad

In the American superhero action film Joker, played by Jared Leto, is presented as a terrifying and utterly dangerous evil.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

Because of his romantic relationship with Harley, the villain's tattoo with a mad grin is complemented by the image of the object of his passion.


The universal villain from the Batman comics has become the nemesis of the world superhero in the fight against evil.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The inadequate Joker from the comics stands out from his other counterparts with his purple suit, green hair, and unnaturally white face.

The Dark Knight.

Before the release of the movie of the same name, few people knew about the Joker, but since 2008, the image of the super villain began to gain popularity among members of the criminal world.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The tattoo with a very clever and slightly crazy character was preferred by people of hard fate.

The Joker's Smile.

The sarcastic smiling hero is a symbol of frustration and inconstancy. The tattoo signals a reckless villain of unbridled temperament, who is lucky at gambling.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

However, some people interpret the smiling joker as a mysterious funnyman.

Evil Joker

The restless hero of the tattoo can not only smile, but also wear an evil mask.

Tattoo Joker on his arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photo, meaning

The frightening face of a clown is a sign of pain, anger or fear. Therefore, such a sketch, supplemented with weapons or blood, is chosen by people to suppress their own fears.

History of the character's creation

The creators of the Batman character are considered the authors of comic books about the superhero - Bob Kane and Bill Finger. He got his name from the English words bat and man, which translates to "bat man." The original Batman costume was red pants, wings made of hard material, and a half-face mask. But later it was decided to make the image less bright, for this purpose it was used gray color, the wings were replaced by a cape, and the mask became more closed, leaving only slits for the eyes. But the most important thing about the character's costume was, and still is, the fact that his chest depicts the Batman sign in the form of a bat.

is the superhero Batman

Other ideas for a tattoo of the Joker

Drawing on the back is suitable not only for men, the option is occasionally chosen and girls. The colorful image attracts attention, even a little shocking.

The enormous size of the tattoo requires a tremendous amount of work from the master for the detailed drawing of all the facets of the composition:

  • aggressive image of the Joker villain in a black and white palette, carrying fear and destruction, ready for revenge;
  • the laughing clown in a multicolored palette of colors, symbolizing victory over the vicissitudes of fate;
  • The Joker is either a dead character's head (fearlessness, immortality) or a joker with a red nose (hatred of people, irritation).

Joker tattoo on the arm, forearm, leg. Sketches, photos, meaning

In addition to the full arm tattoo, men also stuff the Joker's brutal face on the wrist. The option of a quarter sleeve is not excluded as well - the picture starts from the shoulder, but ends in front of the elbow. In order to achieve a colorful image, tattoo artists use the techniques of realism and neo-tradishinal, as well as new and old skool styles. For detailed elaboration of monochrome images, professionals use the chicano style.

There are many variations and interpretations of the Joker tattoo - the black and white side of life, truth and lies, the faces of good and evil. Nakolka on the arm, as well as in other places, is becoming more and more fashionable symbols for young people. The tattooed image of the joker character has in the end one main meaning - to achieve the goal at any cost, but with the obligatory pleasure. A clown with a sad face is the owner's sincere desire to improve this world.


For women

For Men