Tattoos on the collarbone for girls - photo sketches and inscriptions with translation

Body art, the art of body tattooing, has become extremely popular. It can be conventionally divided into cosmetic tattoo, when pigmented strokes correct individual facial features, eyebrows, lip contour. The second direction is a decorative body art, body painting, application of drawings, patterns and inscriptions on the human body.

Tattoo can carry various semantic and symbolic meaning and be placed on different parts of the body. Increasingly popular are tattoos on the collarbone of girls. Consider the most common subjects, inscriptions, patterns, their symbolic meaning and aesthetic effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tattoo on the collarbone

The distinctive feature of a tattoo in the collarbone area is that it is an open place, particularly in the summer. Having decided to get a tattoo, one must be aware of this. Getting a tattoo is often under the influence of emotions, but they change, pass, and the tattoo remains for a long time.

Before making a tattoo in the collarbone area, it is necessary to weigh everything up, to think over. Thoroughly work with a master sketch, learn the symbolism of the image, the semantic load of the inscription.

As a rule, to tattoo in the collarbone area girls choose elegant, delicate patterns, subjects, inscriptions, unless they are adherents of some informal youth subculture. Such tattoos emphasize individuality and unwittingly attract attention. The opposite sex will definitely cast a glance at the graceful line of the forearm, neck, chest, will make you look at the face.

A tattoo on the collarbone is a subtle female ploy to attract the attention of men.

This same advantage of the tattoo, can also become a significant disadvantage if a girl finds herself in a situation that she will be embarrassed to show the tattoo, or will need to hide it.

Other Zone Tattoos

In addition to rings, inscriptions, acronyms, prisoners stuffed and images that encapsulate the deep meaning.

  • Shackle tattoos mean that their wearer is serving a sentence of more than five years under a serious article. Each ring on the shackles corresponds to a year of incarceration.
  • Nakolka devil symbolize fearlessness and irrepressible desire to survive in any situation. An imp sitting on the moon suggests that a person will not lose heart even in the most abysmal situation (even from outer space find a way out).
  • However, a tattoo of the devil undressing a woman, or a devil in the same occupation can mean a downcast convict.
  • The devil stuffed all over his back characterizes a person who has a certain thief's authority in places of imprisonment. A convict wants to show his cunning, guilefulness.

There are also moments when the prisoner realizes the gravity of his crime and repents. Then he can score a tattoo of a crying killer.

What should not be tattooed on the collarbone

Masters of tattooing do not recommend girls to do too massive drawings, because they, on the contrary, "weight", the line of the shoulder. They do not advise to choose subjects of drawings, content of inscriptions with aggressive notes, "predatory" content. Tattoo is a way of self-expression, and such content unintentionally repulses people, forms negative meanings.

Well-known in the field of body art blogger Baskey paid attention to a number of mistakes made by masters, their clients:

You need to choose only a proven salon, a master.

  1. In order to avoid "floaters," the expansion of pigment under the skin, you need to stab at a certain thickness.
  2. Avoid fine detailing of the drawing, touching or placing lines close to each other, if the pigment "floats" everything will be blurred.
  3. Drawing should be in the right place, so that when you move it does not happen deformation.
  4. Not to use too light colors for a tattoo, they burn out faster in comparison with the dark pigment that will visually break the integrity of the tattoo.

Pay attention to these tips to avoid mistakes.

Ways to Apply Tattoos

Due to the strict incarceration regime, the ways in which tattoos are applied are astounding in their sophistication. All tattoos are done exclusively by hand and by means that the average person does not give a damn about.

As a rule, they use needles on sticks or matches. They are dipped in ink and punctured into the skin. If there are no needles, cunning prisoners can use wires or any other thin object from which a point can be fashioned. Well, if there is no ink or ink, they mix a paste of soot and sugar diluted in urine or water.

Sometimes teenagers can also "naively" get tattoos, unaware of their true meaning, since outside of the criminal environment their subject matter is seen as completely harmless. Sometimes would-be inmates may tattoo themselves in advance, hoping for honor or at least a quiet existence in the prison world. But that rarely really helps.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the collarbone?

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that tattooing in this area of the collarbone is somewhat painful. In this part of the body is located the jugular vein, through which blood flows from the head to the heart, as well as partially passes the carotid artery. There is no muscle clot here, but quite a few nerve endings.

Masters are aware of these anatomical features of the human body, so they use moderate anesthesia. Each person has an individual pain threshold, so for some the procedure is almost painless, while others are more sensitive to it.

The meaning of the trait tattoo

Tattoo in the form of a devil means immortality, cunning, greed, guile, evil, mockery, hatred, hypocrisy, duplicity, playfulness, confidence, deception. Very often this tattoo is chosen by people who wish to stand out from the crowd, this image has a negative meaning.

Everyone knows that devils are associated with bad characters.

They have an unattractive and repulsive appearance.

Masters in tattoo salons very often make sketches of future works in the form of devils. Most customers like to make tattoos with this image.

Usually devils are present in different religions: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism.

Europeans have some demons, but Asians have quite different ones. The devil tattoo comes in simple and prison style. If

How to choose a tattoo design

First you need to decide for yourself with what purpose is done tattoo, as a decoration of the body, in memory. Determine the semantic load, according to the content to pick up symbols.

Symbols have sacred meaning, that is why it is not recommended to choose subjects and symbols with negative connotations.

When determined with the semantic load, you can view sketches on the Internet, select those that correspond to aesthetic tastes, semantic load. Visit several stores, look through catalogs, consult with the masters. Show the sketches you picked up yourself.

With the master discuss the localization of the tattoo. The location partly determines the size of the body painting. A small tattoo will look disadvantageous on a large area of the body and vice versa.

Discuss the sketch with the master, it may be necessary to make corrections in color, to make some changes. Discuss the cost of the procedure.

Most often tattoos do:

  • As a fixation of individual dates, events;
  • As a decoration;
  • portrait tattoos;
  • As a symbol of love, affectionate feelings.

A similar algorithm of actions should accompany the decision to do tattoos.

All books about: "a tattoo of a devil with a guitar..."

Pierre travels to South Africa, where he has been invited by an old friend, Don Vincenza de Lasto. Upon his arrival, Pierre learns of strange things going on at the estate.

When the full moon is shining, someone walks through the neighborhood and kills people, both white and black.

Many people fall under suspicion, including Don Vincenza's guest, the Irishman de Montour.

...And again I saw the sickle of the moon, golden and cold.

The book by the famous novelist Alan Garner includes two novellas, "The Stone of the Brising Necklace" and "The Moon on Gomrath's Eve. These novels hold a place of honor next to "Mowgli" and "The Hobbit."

Which font to choose

There are quite a few online sites where you can enter a phrase, a slogan for a tattoo, see how it will look in different fonts, choose a writing language. Next, you need to consult with the tattoo master. Each person has individual anatomical features. The same font will look differently, for example, on the hand of a woman and a man. The master will make adjustments for a specific person, advise where it is better to localize the inscription on the clavicle.

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Who is called a "devil" by definition

Getting the nickname "devil" in the zone means sinking to the bottom. Prior to the 1980s, such detainees were referred to in slang as "dudes," which means a person who has completely lost his way. Such prisoners were unkempt and lacked personal hygiene, which is not welcomed among detainees.

Not everyone can bear the hardships of life in prison with dignity. Many become deeply depressed and do not take care of their appearance, looking like homeless people. Their bodies emit unpleasant odors and in this case such people have a great chance of becoming what is called a devil in the zone. Usually they are weak-willed and weak-willed people.

Such prisoners have no right to argue with the authoritative prisoners and must follow all their orders. The "devils" in the zone have a status corresponding to the inferior "men". The latter include inmates who received their sentence for crimes committed by negligence or as a result of a tragic accident.

The caste of "devils" is not found in every closed adult correctional facility. It is a widespread division of inmates in juvenile prisons. In regular prisons, this group of inmates may include "men" who have become addicted to drugs.

Tattoos on the Clavicle: What's Trending Now in 2021

There are drawings, inscriptions that are in trend. It is on them that masters are guided, offering sketches to clients.

Tattoo of flowers on the collarbone is a popular option, it is a feminine, beautiful tattoo. The image of a flower carries a certain symbolic meaning.

✅ Flowers, their symbolism:

  • Rose - feminine beauty, sacred meaning - symbol of love;
  • Orchid - exquisite luxury, magnificence;
  • The lotus - spirituality in conjunction with the material part of human nature;
  • Lily - symbol of pride, superiority, purity of soul and thoughts;
  • tulip - (red) - love; (yellow) - separation;
  • flower on the collarbone in the form of an iris tattoo - a symbol of courage, bravery;

Tattoo twig - denotes the transience of life, purity.

Often a butterfly is depicted on the collarbone, which represents a rebirth, the beginning of a new stage in life. A fluttering butterfly is a symbol of lightness and freedom.

Think before you do a tattoo in the form of an owl, so it is associated with dark magic, though it is the embodiment of wisdom.

Tattoo with the image of animals and birds

In animalistics, the image of animals, birds, too, laid a certain symbolism.

Tattoo of birds on the collarbone:

  • stork - a symbol of childbearing, happiness, prosperity;
  • Often do the tattoo under the collarbone in the form of a sparrow, represents a strong energy, endurance;
  • dove, is considered a talisman, symbolizes peace, love;
  • The swallow brings good luck;
  • The swan symbolizes faithfulness, a strong marriage, mercy in the heart;
  • The Firebird is a divine symbol, an amulet, a symbol of longevity.

Animals, amphibians, fish:
  • lizard - dexterity, courage, protection from demonic forces;
  • turtle - patience, balance, wisdom;
  • The fox - amulet, symbol of luck, longevity;
  • The cat - the desire for freedom, the ability to get out of any situation; cunning, dodgy mind;
  • Dolphin - marine theme, symbolizes intelligence, intelligence.

A popular tattoo is the star track on the shoulder, it symbolizes good luck in life, the fulfillment of conceived desires. Another frequently used symbol for a tattoo on the collarbone is a feather. The sacred meaning depends on the type of image. Peacock feather - luxury, grandeur, beauty. Light feathers - tenderness, sophistication. The feather of a feather of a fire-bird - revival, the beginning of a new cycle.

Posted By: 09.07.2021 Here you will learn the most important things about tattoo, features, options, and the history of the figure in the tattoo.

More examples here:

  1. Tattoo sketches devils
  2. Tattoo pictures of devils

- Information about the drawing and photo examples of ready-made tattoos (If you do not want to read - you can listen to the audio version of the article) The belief in God opened for people the other side - the belief in the dark force.

Everything that brought darkness, fear, horror, pain and unhappiness embodied regardless of the external appearance of the force of evil.

Development of the concept as "devil" began in ancient Egypt. Very close to the

Pair tattoos on collarbones

Such tattoos can be a duplication of one figure, or performed in a single theme, to symbolize any event, action, to display the feelings of a person. Most often the decision to do tattoo girls take when in a state of love.

Popular couples tattoos, inscriptions on the collarbone for girls in 2021:

  • lock and key to it;
  • arrow and hearts in love;
  • "yin" and "yang", symbols of masculine, feminine beginning;
  • an image of two birds;
  • commemorative date of acquaintance and a symbol of love on the other shoulder;
  • butterflies of different sizes;
  • abstract images;
  • love inscriptions in different languages;
  • At the peak of popularity watercolor tattoos.

Of course, this is not a complete list of sketches of paired tattoos, which the master will offer.

All books about: "devil on the moon with a guitar..."

"Moonstone" is Wilkie Collins' most famous and undoubtedly best novel, the first English detective novel proper. It tells not only the mysterious story of the theft of a diamond that passed from one illegal owner to another, bringing with it a curse, but also a "strange family story."

This beautiful work seamlessly combines features of the classic detective, adventure and adventure novel, and the fascinating narrative immediately captures the reader and keeps him in suspense until the last page. The famous children's author Anna Petrovna Zontag (ur.

The famous children's writer Anna Petrovna Zontag (Ur. Yushkova), on whose books whole generations of Russian people were brought up, is worthy of a detailed biography.

Her letters to V. A. Zhukovsky, recently published by K. J. Grot in the Government Gazette (numbers 96-133) and in the book by her grandson Nikolai Gutmanstal: Das Leben Georg von Sonntags (Laibach.

A small tattoo.

If you have decided to get a tattoo but don't want it to be garish, you can get a small tattoo. It looks cute and piquant, but at the same time it is not very revealing. For miniatures suit the image of birds, insects, for example, bees, dragonflies, butterflies. Organically look a little tattoo in the form of a star track, a flying feather, the image colors. Laconic inscriptions, names of loved ones in the fit into the style of miniatures in the form of tattoos.

In this material we will try to break down the meaning of tattoo features with you, talk about popular tattoo drawings, their history and meaning.

Those who are looking for a drawing to transfer to the body, we suggest after reading the article, view the following sections of the catalog:

  1. Tattoo pictures of devils
  2. Tattoo sketches devil

Meaning of tattoo devils - cool variants of ready-made tattoos on photos - drawings Interesting about the meaning of tattoo devils Creators who work in tattoo parlors often draw sketches of future tattoos in the form of devils.

Colored tattoo on the collarbone

Multicolored tattoo looks bright, expressive, spectacular. It can be performed in the style of the old school tattoo, mostly traditional subjects are used. Representatives of the new school as subjects choose shots from anime, popular movies, the image of favorite characters.

✅ Popular themes for colored tattoos in 2021:

  • Japanese style, thematic subjects characteristic of it;
  • colored tattoos in minimalist style;
  • watercolor tattoos;
  • Celtic motifs;
  • Thresh polka - unusual, abstract subjects.

Before you apply a colored tattoo, you should know that over time, individual colors may lose their brightness, correction of the image will be required.

All meanings of tattoos with a guitar - what can tattoos with a guitar mean and to whom will they suit?

Tattoo with a guitar is considered thematic, musical. It is difficult to imagine a person who has never heard the magical singing of the guitar, its shimmering sounds.

A guitar tattoo can have different meanings. Choosing the sketch for his future tattoo, you should pay attention, first of all, to The interpretation of the symbols.

Let's tell you what the main meanings of tattoos with a guitar are available in the modern world:

  1. Creativity.

  2. Inspiration.
  3. Love of music.
  4. Harmony.
  5. Peace of mind.
  6. Wisdom.
  7. Sensitivity.
  8. Romanticism.
  9. Peacefulness.
  10. Hard work.
  11. Kindness.
  12. Courage.
  13. Coherence.
  14. Brutality.
  15. Cheerfulness, smiling.

Also, the guitar tattoo is symbol of a rock fan. It can be flaunted on the body of musicians, composers, fans or other people close to music, creativity.

The guitar or its strings in the tattoo can even serve as a talisman that brings happiness and good luck.

Clients of Maruha Studio, who have already "nailed" themselves such a tattoo, say that they felt inspired, the flow of creative energy, began to create and new ideas appeared in their heads. Life began to go smoothly and smoothly, as if on strings.

Addressing to the tattoo salons of St. Petersburg you can ask the master to create such a tattoo with a guitar that Accentuate your positive character traits. For example, kindness, romance, sensitivity, wisdom, inner simplicity and harmony.

Photo ideas of original and fashionable female tattoos on the collarbone in 2021

The art of body art is rapidly gaining popularity. Tattoos have become a bright way of self-expression. We present photos of original, fashionable ideas from the leading masters.

Peculiarities and different styles of tattoos with the guitar

When creating a tattoo specialists studio "Maruha" rely on certain features.

Taking them into account, you will be able to put together in your head your image of a tattoo, and then, coming to the tattoo salon, pass it to the master. And he, in his turn, will create a unique, inimitable in its beauty and idea sketch.

Let's list the features of the guitar tattoo:

The size of the guitar tattoo

The first thing to consider is what size you want the tattoo.

The guitar can be depicted in a small, medium or even large scale.

On the size, of course, will affect the location of the tattoo (St. Petersburg), and your personal preferences.

Places to apply the guitar tattoo

Many clients, coming to us, ask: "And where is the best place to create a tattoo in the form of a guitar?"

Remember that there are no restrictions on the places of application. You can get a tattoo anywhere on your body.

The most frequent locations of guitar tattoos in men:

And women get guitar tattoos most often on:

Girls especially and impressively get drawings in the back area. They are big, colorful and incomparable!

Rarely are those who want to create a guitar on their leg. But, if you have such a desire, you should not neglect the idea.

Color scheme of the guitar tattoo

When choosing the color you will use in the tattoo sketch, pay attention to Such classification and values of shades:

  • Yellow guitar Associated with the sun, warmth, joy, happiness, hope.
  • The white guitar represents purity, sanctity, spirituality, innocence.
  • The black guitar means mystery, magic, comfort, representation, luxury.
  • The red guitar is understood to mean perseverance, hard work, dynamism.
  • Pink guitar represents romance, tenderness, femininity, friendliness.
  • Green guitar Indicates progress, development.
  • The blue guitar - Means strength of spirit, orderliness, firmness.

What will be your guitar - you decide. Definitely Colored tattoos (Petersburg) win over black, black and white.. They look new, modern and cool! Even if you decide to emphasize your brutality, color tattoo will come in handy.

We tried to list only the positive meanings of the shades, but, remember, they can also convey negative energy. For example, black can still mean loneliness, fear.

Stylistic design of the guitar tattoo

Of course, it is worth thinking about the style of execution of the tattoo (Peterburg). Masters can create a picture in any style, but most importantly, that he was to your liking and suitable, because to withdraw the tattoo or "score" with any other image will not be easy.

More often than not, the guitar tattoo is done in the style:

  1. Thresh polka.

    This is the most common style of guitar tattoo. The pictures turn out incomparable, bright, clear. They can impress anyone!
  2. Portraitism. For example, when depicting a musician, tattoo masters use this style. It is important to portray the person as he or she really is.
  3. Dotwork. To depict the guitar with small black dots will not be difficult for an experienced specialist. When creating such a tattoo, the experience and skill of the author is important.
  4. Biomechanics. This style will suit men, because they need a tattoo more masculine.
  5. Old skool. In this style, very colorful tattoos (Petersburg) with flowers are obtained.
  6. Watercolor. Tattoo in this style most often do women, because the natal pictures turn out very beautiful, cute and sympathetic.
  7. New Cheekbone. In this style perfectly obtained caricatures - humorous pictures of musicians together with guitars.
  8. Realism. In such a design, you can create a hand together with a guitar.

So, we've talked about the most important features that you shouldn't forget about.

Think about it again and you can even try to create on paper exactly the drawing that you dream about. Based on your sketches tattoo master Studio "Maruha" will create a unique work and offer it to you - and then, of course, translate the sketch on the body.


For women

For men