What is a mandala and its meaning, how to use it? 10 mandalas to restore brightness to life


Unusual and unique due to the color palette of the mandala patterns attract, fascinate and transfer human consciousness to another level of being. Working with symbols wraps positive energy, helps you find inner and outer harmony, to attract the desired, heal the soul and body. Each figure pattern has its own deciphering - it should be considered when you draw a personal mandala or choose a ready-made template.

What are mandalas and what are they for and how do you use them?

Mandala is. An unusual word for the name of a geometric drawing. This drawing is not simple and represents geometric matrix. If you literally translate the word "mandala", it stands for "circle" or "circumference". In fact, it is so: the mandala is a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with many decorative figures, as well as patterns.

Every pattern in the mandala, all the figures and ornaments are arranged symmetrically to each other.

It is interesting to know that in the East this drawing is very sacred. It is recognized by Buddhism and Hinduism. Moreover, to draw the mandala, it is necessary to observe a certain ritual. It's drawn by monks and it's not just a drawing, it's a real ...an object of worship.., which with all its beauty and depth symbolizes the universe and the cosmos.

A person to whom such a culture and belief is alien cannot understand: why do we need a mandala? The answer is simple: this drawing allows to open the subconscious mind. The sacred mandala is able to to establish a harmony between man and nature. Of course, in order to achieve such a result, you must be passionate about learning about the inner world and be a spiritual person who knows how to meditate.

Each drawing of the mandala accumulates during the creation in itself positive human energy. This is why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with mandalas. Some call the mandala a "frozen prayer" because it is able to express inner world of the person at the time of drawing.

Mandala - a sacred drawing or image

Mandala is a sacred symbol

A mandala It is a complex geometric structure that symbolizes the world order.That is, in fact, it is nothing but a model of the universe. This symbol came into the world from Eastern religious practices (Buddhism, Hinduism), where it was a sacred image of the world of deities. The word itself, translated from Sanskrit, means "circle", "disk", "center".

It is the circle that is most often the basis of the Mandal image. Its outer circle symbolizes the Universe, with a square inscribed in it, and another circle inside the square - the world of deities. This circle is usually divided into segments or depicted in the form of a flower, most often a lotus.

This is the basic structure of the mandalaBut there may be many variants of it. It can be flat and volumetric, drawn in sand (or with colored sand) and embroidered on fabric, carved from metal or from specially painted oil. It is usually used for ritual purposes, drawn on the floor, walls or ceilings of temples, it is worshipped and considered sacred.

If we take a broader look at this symbol, we will find that the circle underlying the image of the mandala is found everywhere in the macro- and microcosm. For example, in nature: it is the roundness of our Mother Earth, and the circles on water, and the iris of the human eye, even the cycle of the seasons! And in human life: the wheel, the plate, the clock - you can continue the row on your own. And, of course, any religion will have the symbolism of the circle.
Not necessarily it will be called "mandala", but the general idea of the circle, uniting, for example, the rosette of Gothic cathedrals, Indian "dream catchers", the shape of shamanic tambourines or the roundness of the domes of Christian temples - is obvious.

How to paint mandalas and what is better?

A mandala is always color image. The exception in this case may be a mandala tattooed on the body with black paint. If we're talking about real mandalas, it's worth noting that in the original they are drawn by monks with colored sand on a flat surface for two months. This process is necessary for them only as a means meditation. After the drawing will be ready, it is simply blown away and start a new one.

It does not matter what goals you adhere to, if you draw a mandala. The main thing is. know how to do it right. The sacred image is always multicolored. For this reason, you will come in handy with any writing multi-colored stationery tools:

  • pencils
  • ballpoint pens
  • gel pens
  • oil pens
  • felt-tip pens
  • all paints
  • felt-tip pens (pens with the thinnest tip from 0.1 millimeter)
  • Rapidographs (pens with an ink reservoir tube)

It is not difficult to draw the mandala, even with a special computer program, if you have some knowledge of the skills of a graphic tablet or a mouse.

The mandala, drawn in sand

How the mandala works. Practical usefulness

Jung, who believed the mandala as a projection of the inner psychic life of the person, first began to use it for therapeutic purposes, for self-knowledge, diagnosis. Nowadays the interest in such methods has increased significantly, and all kinds of exercises and techniques of work with the mandala are actively used in the courses of art therapy, self-knowledge training, etc.
The famous psychoanalyst closely studied mandalas and drew them himself. Jung had a special diary in which he daily sketched these magic circles. Later, after analyzing his experiences, he came to the conclusion that mandala is one of the most powerful archetypal images, reflecting the inner integrity of man, his "self.

This image can appear in dreams, in hallucinations, in any fantasies. Such a circle as a prototype of the world with a preserved center, is associated with the protection of the core of human personality.

The mandala is a sacred space, protecting the human essence, the inner "I" of man from destructive influences from the outside. Round - as a symbol of the mother's womb, from which all living things are born and where this center originates.

Jung's daily sketches of mandalas allowed him to gather a great deal of material and notice that each drawing reflected the author's inner state in a different way at the moment of drawing. It was like a sketch of the dynamics of his inner lifeand his psychic transformation. This allowed the scientist to conclude that mandalas are a way to the unique individuality, to the center of his personality.

If you decide to use the technique of Jung and draw your mandalas daily, remember that these And it can be therapeutic.. Don't try to embellish what comes out on paper: if some days the drawings turn out disturbing, gloomy, torn - let it happen, perhaps that is how your soul needs to express itself today and that is the only healing way for it.
The mandala integrates the view of the world, allows you to feel your own integrity, look at yourself from the outside, accept and resolve internal conflicts.
Its shape makes it ideal for meditation, helping you to focus your attention in a relaxed way. It integrates a view of the world that can eventually affect your own life as well.

The practice of mandala contemplation, teaches us to calm down, manage our attention, manage our emotionsand reveals new and perhaps unexpected things about ourselves. It requires unhurried and unjudged attention to your inner changes, feelings in the process of contemplation.

The meaning of colors in the mandala, how to paint a drawing?

In the mandala you are free to use absolutely any colors. It is worth to allocate the most popular shades, because most often they have a certain meaning:

  • Red - color of blood, the color of survival, love and passion
  • Black the color of darkness, death, despair, danger.
  • Yellow - symbolizes prosperity, joy, happiness
  • Orange. ambitiousness, emotionality, controversy
  • blue symbolizes the source of life, water and sky
  • blue - mysticism, mystery, conflict, intuition, fear
  • green - support, understanding, desire to help
  • light green - low energy field
  • Purple - emotional dependence
  • purple - Feelings, excitement, self-feeling.

Painting the mandala should be done from the middle of the image and gradually reaching the edge. So the drawing will be organic and will not be spoiled by your palm.

Drawing the mandala with felt-tip pens - bright and beautiful

What is a mandala drawing?

A mandala is a symbol of the wheel of life, the cosmic processes of existence. The surrounding nature is diverse mandalas: a lacy net of spider web, annual rings of trees, birds' nests, sunflower flower with mature seeds, arranged in a counterclockwise spiral.

Mandala drawing is the creation of an individual sacred symbol in the form of a circle, which reflects our inner self. In the process of work, internal conflicts are resolved and tension is released. Mandala is a unique tool for self-development and self-knowledge, which allows to solve important problems.

Mandala Drawing

Mandalotherapy pulls negative emotions out, revitalizes, resolves internal conflicts. And it is the negative energy takes away a lot of our vitality: a person begins to get sick and become weak.

These are powerful techniques through which self-healing occurs. During this therapy, tears come to the eyes. The subconsciousness discharges the accumulated pain.

During the process of drawing, it is very important not to forget about even calm breathing and to observe one's own body. It can give signals (cold, heat, pain) as to where the problem lurks.

In a stressful situation, you can also use a drawing that allows emotions to pour out - keep the paper blanks.

It is useful to draw the same mandala every day and then observe the dynamics - what has changed in it.

Mandala for wish fulfillment very strong: a photo for coloring

All mandalas can be divided into several subspecies: for wish fulfillment, for attracting money, for happiness and so on. Choose exactly the coloring pattern that you need at the moment. A kind of meditation and reflection on their goals while coloring will help you achieve what you want as soon as possible and set you up to be more confident in yourself.

Mandala coloring templates for wish fulfillment:

mandala for coloring #1

mandala for coloring № 2

coloring mandala #3

Mandala to attract money and material well-being: photo for coloring

It is no secret that someone wants to fulfill his desire, while another wants to attract financial well-being. In such a case, another mandala comes to the rescue another mandala - the mandala of attracting money. What is the secret of this image? The answer is very simple: during coloring you can clearly concentrate all your thoughts on that as soon as possible and more effectively to come to your financial well-being.

You should paint the mandala only In good spirits, so that your drawing was not only beautiful, but also contained in itself only positive energy.

Mandala coloring templates to attract money:

mandala to attract money, template #1

mandala to attract money, template № 2

mandala to attract money, template #3

Create your own mandala drawing

Choose a larger sheet for drawing, such as A3, so that you can easily go beyond the circle. Use a simple pencil to draw a circle. You could, for example, trace a large plate with a diameter of 27 cm. From each edge of the sheet to the circle there should be at least 3 cm.

Creating a mandala

Find a central point in the circle that evokes a sense of balance. This will help you reach a steady state. Think of those natural forms that develop from the center, such as flowers, snowflakes, seashells.

You are part of nature and you have some kind of center from which you can grow and develop. Start drawing from this center, depicting a certain figure of this or that color, and let the composition build up by itself, as if without your direct participation. Trust your unconscious mind - let it choose colors, shapes, and locations.

With this drawing, you can learn a lot about yourself: when you finish your drawing, you can read your mandala using the meaning of the symbols.

Consider your work at arm's length or a little farther away. Answer the questions: how do you feel now? How did you feel before you drew? How has your state of mind changed? What feelings does your mandala drawing evoke?

Remember that there is no right or wrong mandala, it is what it is. It reflects your state at the moment. It is possible to contemplate the finished work 10-15 minutes a day in a quiet relaxed atmosphere. It is necessary to start with the center and untwist your eyes in a spiral. Try to turn off your brain.

You can mutter to yourself:

"I want the means that I need to solve this problem. Help me and give me these possibilities.

Numbers in the drawing of the mandala

Meaning of numbers

1 - individuality, unity and beginning. Can mean a high level of self-esteem.

2 - conveys a state of tension, separation and conflict. If we look at the number 2 as a sacred union of opposites, it becomes a healing bond, heralding the return of harmony.

3 - vitality, energy. Can symbolize the unity of the family, appearing with the birth of a child.

4 - speaks of balance, integrity and completeness.

5 - mandalas, characterized by five, can open you up to the real world, show a sincere desire to give him a piece of yourself.

6 - the number of creativity, perfection and balance. When six appears in your work, you may be in the final stages of some project that required a lot of time and energy. You may be experiencing a pause, during which you may enjoy a sense of satisfaction, finality, and even pride.

7 can speak of the completion of a certain phase of life, of a matter that has come to its resolution, or of a wish that has been fulfilled. The number seven brings its divine past into our mandalas, where it brings good fortune on the path of self-discovery.

Eight is the number of stability, harmony, rebirth. You may find that eight in your mandalas heralds important life changes.

9 - can herald the presence of benevolent spiritual energies that will strengthen your quest for personal growth.

10 - expresses your commitment to or rebellion against traditional moral norms, shows spiritual inspiration, a sense of balance or a practical approach to life.

11 - perhaps in your mandala, the number 11 reflects a conflict moving into a process that moves you toward a fuller realization of who you really are.

12 - may draw attention to the flow of time and the end of the cycle. For example, when you complete a project, end a relationship, or close an unfinished business from the past.

Thirteen - When you see thirteen in your drawings, it may be a sign that you have moved into a new phase of life. Thirteen may be saying that the weight of the past is impeding a new direction, especially when you haven't finished what was going on before.

Symbolism in mandala drawings

The outer border is represented by a colored line, which is an auspicious sign. In the absence of such a boundary, you can assume a loss of mental integrity, as the mandala characterizes the "self" of its author. At the same time, what is outside the circle is associated with the environment external to the personality. If the external boundary of the mandala is dense, it may suggest a desire to protect one's fragile self.

Meaning of the symbols in the mandala drawing

A large, unpainted space indicates the desire of the author of the drawing to hide or suppress his feelings. In combination with a slightly noticeable outer border of the circle, it indicates readiness for contacts.

The size of the center of the drawing: small - indicates lowered self-esteem; absent at all - it is possible that the work characterizes the author's ego.

Embryo. If the image in the center has the appearance of an embryo or resembles one, it could indicate a person's inability to cope with stress. Often, a drawing with an embryo is drawn by alcoholics, which reflects their heightened vulnerability and weak character. Often, winding lines are used when depicting the embryo.

A square in the middle may correspond in the imagination to a garden or yard. One should ask oneself whether it is enclosed or open. If the entrance to the "garden" or "yard" is closed, perhaps the author is experiencing stress or wants to leave feelings, feelings stable. A cube, a square is always something tangible, physical, which is how the earth is denoted. If the square is orange, the person is trying to resist the pressure that is exerted on them from the outside. If the square has an "entrance" and an "exit", it can be seen as a door and a gate through which energy passes.

Creating your own mandala

Triangle - indicates movement. Tops up - a sign of activity striving to protect themselves, their interests. Top down - movement downward, toward the ground, perhaps even toward death and destruction.

The eye is associated with the ability to know - to understand. Can mean a supernatural ability - clairvoyance. The presence of many eyes in a drawing can have both positive and negative meanings: it can mean a sense of the presence of an observer of the person from the outside, a feeling that you are looking at others. Then it is worth reflecting on what those eyes see in a person, and then comparing it with reality.

Flowers - can be harbingers of spring, revealing a revival or acceleration in the cycles of personal growth. It can mean the fulfillment of a goal or task that requires more diligence on your part.

The heart (symbol of love), means a feeling of love or falling in love. It also signifies spiritual zeal. In both personal and spiritual love, a heart pierced by an arrow means devotion, despite the conditions of adversity.

The heart is associated with courage, sadness, joy. Hearts can speak of wounds and suffering, especially if they are purple; broken, pierced arrow often symbolizes undivided love, but may indicate the process of separation from the mother and the suffering associated with it.

Spiral - indicates a desire for growth and wholeness. Sometimes it can mean an awakening, the acceleration of energy.

Drops - related to human tears arising from sadness, anger, joy, release of emotions too strong to hold. Like rain, cleansed tears wash away sorrow, anger, and rage, making way for forgiveness. Four drops mean that there is something in your environment that seems to be preventing you from using your full potential.

If the drops are red, purple, it is a sign that you are about to make some kind of sacrifice. Mandalas containing shapes that resemble raindrops or blood indicate signs of a natural inner cleansing process.

The small circles within the drawing may protect, guard, or release some aspect of the self. Sometimes the circles intersect, overlapping each other to form an almond-shaped shape (mandorla). Mandorla appears in mandalas when one experiences a state of grace. A mandala with an empty center suggests that one is ready for change.

Cross. The connection of horizontal and vertical lines resembles the shape of the human body, which is in perfect balance. Or expresses the difficulties of life. The desire to depict a cross indicates that the person is fighting a heroic battle. Maybe he is fighting to make the right decision or taking a new path.

The star is reminiscent of a person standing firmly on two legs. The appearance of a star in a drawing speaks of the ability to realize inspiration in reality. Countless little stars speak of potentials, competing goals.

Lightning - symbolizes the beginning of new things, powerful spiritual awakenings. When you draw a lightning bolt, ponder whether you are experiencing some dramatic change.

Hands can signify a willingness to actively pursue your life or body health.

Colors in a mandala drawing

Each color has both positive and negative meanings, depending on the context where it is used (in this case we will be deciphering the finished mandala we are drawing).

Black. It is associated with the negation of life - with destruction. On the other hand, it is a psychological death, preceding a new life. A predilection for black can indicate rationalism, clarity, brevity, conciseness.

Creating a mandala drawing

Gray. People who prefer the color gray are characterized by common sense, a sense of proportion and the ability to solve complex problems. In a negative sense, gray can be associated with sadness, depression, illness, and a tendency to criticize. If you give preference to light gray tones, we can assume that the person is ready for a complete and adequate response to irritants, dark gray is characterized by increased sensitivity.


Is considered the color of purification and divinity. Can be a great healing color, as it contains the energy and power of transformation. It has a tonic effect on the human body. Those who favor the color white (unpainted areas) need a release from unpleasant circumstances.

Yellow. A bright yellow color indicates high intelligence and strong character. Unlike orange, yellow is associated with healthy self-assertion. Light yellow reflects a clear mind and curiosity. It often indicates a good relationship with the father. Tonic color.

Orange indicates a strong emotional dependence on the man, which can manifest itself in both feelings of love and feelings of hatred. What is said positively about yellow is also true for orange, but to a higher degree. Orange sunshine, can speak to a state of latent aggression in children.

Red is associated with masculine expressions and physiology, the ability to assert one's interests. If there is a lot of this color, it may indicate anger and the need to take revenge on someone. Red with black indicates aggression. You can not exclude the presence of problems related to various inhibitions, also blood diseases. This color indicates the ability to defend one's interests, to assert one's self. The constant absence of red may indicate passivity, and a lack of ability to get one's way.

Pink is the color of reconciliation and is good in critical situations. A lot of pink indicates emotional fragility and insecurity, the need for protection.

Blue is associated with a place where one feels protected and free from any obligations. In women's mandalas, this color indicates a positive attitude. If the color is used in large quantities by a man, it may indicate some passivity.

Blue. Indicates intuitive abilities (especially dark blue). A lot of blue signals anxiety and depression.

Green also indicates the ability to care for others, for oneself. The absence of this color may indicate increased nervousness, excitability, irritability.

Brown expresses a vital bodily-sensual relationship. Gloomy, dull brown indicates experiencing a conflict situation. Brown can also be a sign of great potential. If there is a little of this color in the center of the drawing, it may indicate an underestimation of the author's self-esteem.

Mandalas for coloring download

Conclusion: The mandala drawing represents a living cell, which has a unique structure and consciousness.

Sincerely, Olga.

Mandalas for harmonizing space: a photo for coloring

It is not uncommon for modern man to find in harmony with the world around them. Most often he is hindered by complexes, an abundance of problems and misunderstanding. To adjust your peace inside the body and the world around you will help magical mandala. Arrange your workplace, choose a coloring template and prepare a lot of colored pencils.

Try to finish coloring immediately after you start it (on the same day). Do not throw away such work and do not throw away the drawing.

The mandala coloring templates for finding harmony:

mandala for finding harmony, template #1

mandala for finding harmony, template # 2

mandala for finding harmony, pattern #3.

The technique of mandala drawing from scratch

1. Draw a circle with a diameter of 15-17 cm and mark its center.

2. Divide the circle into 12 equal parts - sectors. This can be done using a protractor. Draw a line through the center of the circle, place a protractor along it, and mark points on the circle every 30 degrees.

3. Connect the points on the circle to the center of the circle - you have an axis on which you can overlay the mandala drawing.

4. Inside the circle draw several more circles of smaller diameter with a common center. The base for the mandala is ready.

5. Start filling in the smallest circle with patterns. Draw repeating patterns - squares, circles, petals. Take into account the guide lines with which you marked out the mandala. If you wish, divide the sectors within the circle with additional lines, observing symmetry. Focus on the present moment and depict what you want. You will feel yourself entering a kind of meditative state.

6. Gradually, moving from the center to the edges of the mandala, fill the entire circle with symmetrical elements and draw the rest of the mandala.

7. Now take colored pencils, gel pens, felt-tip pens or paints and color your mandala. Tune in to each color you use. Focus on your goal.


Mandala Coloring: Anti-stress

Nowadays, very popular, so-called, anti-stress coloring books. The principle of their action is to distract people from their problems and envelop them in an interesting therapy of colorful drawing and transformation. The mandala coloring works on the same principle, but its magical abilities not only relax the human soul and body.

The mandala attracts to a person everything positive that they can take from their environment.

Patterns of interesting "anti-stress" coloring books:

anti-stress coloring, template #1

anti-stress coloring, pattern # 2

anti-stress coloring, pattern #3

Drawing the central part of the mandala

Step 1.

Let's start from the center. We need to fill the smallest center circle with repeating elements. What kind of elements to use? I decided to start with small petals.

Step 2.

Repeat the element until we have filled the entire circle. Take your time and be consistent! Focus on the movement of your hands, the rustle of your pencil, and think about your drawing.

Step 3.

Draw the outline of the circle to add crisp borders.

Step 4.

Move on to the next circle. In order not to deviate from the floral theme, let's draw a more interesting shape of the petals. We start with a curve...

...and duplicate it all around the circle.

Step 5

Now draw the left side of the petal.

Step 6

Again we draw the contour of the circle and move on to the next one. This is where we can experiment a bit! You don't have to follow the framework, so let's split each segment in half.

Step 7.

Based on this segment, we draw a leaf.

Step 8

This time we skip outlining the outline of the circle, it won't be appropriate everywhere. We move on to the next circle, which will be a direct continuation of the previous one.

Step 9

Too easy? Add more details!

Step 10

The dark dots can fill the empty space in an original way and add contrast.

Step 11

If you still find the pattern a bit empty, you can add more elements. No matter how weird and ugly any particular part of the pattern is, the end result will still surprise you. So don't be afraid to experiment!

Step 12

The borders between the circles don't have to be empty and boring. There is enough space to fill them with details.

Step 13

If the new elements of the pattern are carefully detailed, the previous ones may seem empty in comparison. But there's nothing stopping us from going back and adding detail!

Mandala of love, happiness and relationships, women's happiness: photos for coloring

The mandala of love is designed to help a person find romantic feelings and understanding of the loved one. Coloring such a mandala should accurately and slowly. While working with the drawing, one should think only about romance, relationships, and pleasant things.

If during the painting mandala of love If you are in a bad mood or depressed, you will not be able to Charge your magical drawing with positive energy.

Templates for coloring the mandala of love:

love mandala, coloring template #1

mandala of love, coloring pattern № 2

mandala of love, coloring pattern #3

Meditation with mandala

Slowly view the mandalaMoving your gaze clockwise from the edge to the center. At the center stop, but do not focus, but focus on what you feel, what sensations you notice, listen to them.

Without evaluation or analysis just observe what is happening inside while contemplating the mandala center, just let everything happen. The time of concentration depends on your individual condition (for some 5 minutes is enough, for others even an hour is not enough): if you feel tired or no longer notice any changes, it is possible to end the practice.

Such daily work with the mandala will give you interesting results, allow you to learn a lot about yourself, about the world.

Mandala from loneliness - for love and marriage: photo for coloring

It is no secret that some magical things can influence the outcome of many events. So the mandala acts as a kind of "impetus"which gives a person the courage to implement their plans.

The mandala of marriage, is capable accumulate and exude positive energy for a person, in particular - a woman. Such a mandala is necessary for a woman not to lose confidence in herself and be able to find happiness in marriage.

Templates coloring mandala "happy marriage":

"happily married" mandala for coloring, template #1

mandala "marriage" for coloring, template number 2

mandala "marriage" for coloring, pattern #3

Mandala for conceiving a child: coloring

Every adult wants to prolong the birth. Sometimes stress, health problems and negativity become an obstacle to conception. Drawing and coloring a special mandala can help safely become pregnant and find peace of mind inside the soul.

Coloring templates:

mandala "conception", template #1

mandala "conception", template # 2

mandala "conception", template #3.

Mandala for forgiveness of self: photo for coloring

Often a person's inner world is very restless. There are also times when calm borders on depression and apathy. A person like a sponge absorbs a huge amount of of negativitythat surrounds him every day. No one is safe from making mistakes, doing wrong things or taking offense.

The only way to correct the situation is By forgiving yourself and accepting yourself. To find the way to this will help magical mandalawhich through drawing and coloring will open the most beautiful sides of human soul and allow him to think about himself.

Mandala coloring templates "forgiveness":

coloring mandala "forgiveness", template #1

coloring mandala "forgiveness", template No. 2

Types: when is it relevant to use?

Before choosing an amulet in the form of ancient symbolism, you need to know the secret interpretations of each drawing. Varieties:

With the help of such an image, a person will be able to find personal happiness and create a long-awaited family.

  • Archetypal mandala. The archetype denotes the mystery of a sacred marriage between a man and a woman. Allows you to know the metaphors of male and female thoughts. Acting characters are representatives of both parties.
  • Mandala of Essence. A blueprint of destiny, helps a person to know their capabilities, to understand what path the higher forces have prepared. The benefits of symbolism - preparation for the future.
  • Anagram of love. Helps a person to prepare morally for the meeting with destiny. Programs on marital happiness, the birth of heirs.
  • Swastika on wealth. Aimed at attracting financial flows. Unleashes business and diplomatic potential. Promotes career advancement.
  • Slavic squares of Saturn. Another name in Russia "triad. Obereg, working in different directions, protects the wearer from negativity, assists in love and good luck. Patronizes people who were born in the periods associated with Saturn and Mars.
  • The living mandala. Buddhism and Judaism calls it nothing less than anahata, which symbolizes the primary chakras responsible for the rhythm of the heart. The symbolism helps meditate, calms a person and clears away accumulated negativity. Art therapy conducts correction of the psychological background.

Mandala for health and healing: photos for coloring

Even doctors not infrequently say that a person's recovery depends only on his desire to recover. This theory is far from being a myth, but a scientifically proven fact. To improve your mood and inspire yourself to recover will help Mandala coloring.

Health mandala templates for coloring:

health mandala template for coloring #1

health mandala template for coloring №2

A little history. Tibetan mandala

Historians report that the word "mandala" first appears in the most ancient monument of Indian literature "Rigveda" and is polysemantic: it is both a circle and a space-capacity of something. Further this notion spreads through Buddhist teachings in Central Asia, in the East.

According to the Buddhist legend, the very first mandala was made by the Tantric yogi Padmasambhave (revered in some branches of Buddhism as the second Buddha) in the eighth century.

Within seven days he continuously prayed and worked on the creation of this ritual object, with which he hoped to call the deity. On the eighth day, a deity descended into the center of the mandala Padmasambhava created, fulfilling all his wishes.
Until now people believe in the sacred power of mandala, and many rites and rituals do not do without its creation.
In the 20th century with the light hand of the great psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung the mandala symbol came to the Western culture as well, or rather it was revived and strengthened in consciousness of the Western man, because, as it was mentioned above, the symbolism of the circle was always present in one way or another in the collective unconscious of humanity.

And today this symbol not only has not lost its relevance, but is one of the most popular, enjoying great success. Mandalas are used in different spheres, and a great many varieties have arisen.

Mandalas for coloring for children

Every parent should try to instill in their child a sense of beauty. To do this as never before will be useful simple mandala coloring scheme, which can be painted together in their free time.

Simple coloring patterns:

mandala for children, template #1

mandala for children, template # 2

mandala for children, pattern #3

Mandalas for coloring for weight loss

The mandala has no limitations and therefore is able to help a person find any thing and achieve any goals. This applies to slimness as well. Just imagine visually your dream and start coloring the pattern.

Coloring mandala
coloring mandala "health, weight loss"

Coloring - art therapy: the most complex mandalas

For those who have a "creative touch" and like tasks more complicated, more detailed mandala coloring templates are useful. Such mandalas are oriented to careful work, concentration and dipping into the deepest thoughts.

Templates of complex mandalas:

complex mandala #1

complex mandala #3

Mandalas for coloring print out with meaning

To know exactly the meaning of the mandala, you need to print out a few explanations of the patterns for yourself.

mandala "good mood" mandala "ohm"

simple mandala "dream catcher"

mandala "wish"

mandala "successful business"


For women

For men