Pandemonium. Order of the Fire Dragon - Eugene Gagloev

One of the most popular types of tattoos is the dragon tattoo, which is a kind of rage. Almost one in ten residents want to have a dragon tattoo on their body. There are two main types of dragons: - Eastern serpent; - Western dragon.

The eastern dragon appears as a signal of happiness, generosity. The western dragon shows sadness, as his character is wicked. He destroyed villages and coveted wealth.

The dragon tattoo has always remained at the top of the list of popular tattoos. People who want to show themselves as rude and tough get dragon tattoos. Some people choose to have dragon tattoos as part of their customs and traditions. Various types of snakes are available to choose from for tattooing. You have a choice. Many dragon tattoos have completely different types and styles.

So what is the meaning of a dragon tattoo for a person? Below we have a few different opinions: 1. For some people, the dragon tattoo on a person's body has a great meaning. It denotes power, and they want to show people that they have a Chinese dragon, which represents wisdom. Having a mystical dragon is related to the beauty of the surreal.

2. Others believe that having a dragon tattoo isn't just a style, it's more than that. It's a belief in something extraterrestrial and that having a dragon tattoo on your body gives you a piece of that mystical power.

3. Others believe that having a dragon tattoo on one's body shows others that this person is experienced and has certain skills and strength. Some will be wary because they know a hundred ways to kill. For another person, it will be okay and they will hold the situation in their hands. Such a person will be able to survive any situation and take control of any situation.

So what is the meaning of a dragon tattoo for a woman? Below we will give some different opinions: 1. Dragon tattoo on a woman's body, presented in the form of a fiery dragon, will mean that, being independent and intelligent, she does not need a man. Basically, the female dragon means the same as the male dragon, only his qualities are added and cunning. Beware of women with dragon tattoos.

2. a dragon tattoo on a woman shows her strength, loyalty and ability to protect herself.

The dragon tattoo on the zone is quite rare, but a meaningful symbol. Dragon is a mythical creature and came to us from East Asia, where it was a symbol of wisdom, wealth, power and spirituality. So, what does this prison tattoo mean, and what is its meaning?


In European and Western countries, the tattoo of the dragon in prison means almost nothing, because this creature still remains a mystery to people. However, if depicted as "the dragon flying over the castle or fortress," then all this "art" can only mean one thing, that the man is in prison for theft of state money, values. That is, this variation of the tattoo as a kind of reference to ancient legends, that the prisoner, like the dragon, attacked the state in the form of a castle and stole all the wealth. As for the East Asian countries, there in prison the dragon tattoo means belonging to some group, depending on the country and clan. There are two of the world's most intimidating secret criminal organizations: the Triad and the Yakuza. Each organization includes dozens of clans, families, which have personal emblems of distinction. For these criminal organizations tattoo is an important attribute, a kind of business card, and each member is obliged to know the "language of tattoos". However, I would like to note that even though tattoos are important to these structures, they are portrayed on closed parts of the body, so as not to reveal one's affiliation to them. The dragon tattoo is one of the most significant images. This lizard means wisdom, luck and power. The head of the clan is referred to as the "head of the dragon" and has immeasurable power.

Tattoo dragon meaning: a look back in time

If you decide to put on your body dragon tattoo meaning of such an image should be sought in the depths of centuries. After all, these fantastic creatures are chanted in many myths. However, even in fairy tales and fantasy novels of modern writers they occupy a worthy place. Just look at the already legendary series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by J. Martin.

Pay attention! There is an opinion that dragons "settled" in the myths during the development of agriculture. Cultivating the land many centuries ago, farmers found the remains of dinosaurs.

Of course, they didn't know who the skeletons really belonged to, but they could assume that they were huge creatures. Human imagination did its work - that's how people began to talk about dragons.

To understand what a dragon tattoo can mean in this or that part of the world, let's tell how these creatures were treated in different countries.

Meaning of the dragon tattoo in the zone

Speaking of the Western and Eastern countries, it can be noted that there treat differently to this mythological animal. In Western countries, the dragon is considered an evil character, which can be called the enemy of man. Whoever decides to tattoo the image of this animal on his body wants to show his strengths:

The East interprets the image of the dragon differently. Those people who place tattoos on their bodies want to give themselves confidence and strength. If a person gives preference to a yellow dragon, then he wants to achieve some goals in educational activities. A colored tattoo on the entire back indicates that the person who decided to do it is involved in crime.

Dragon tattoo: a symbol of power and strength

One of the most popular tattoos is considered a dragon tattoo meaning that he carries in himself: majesty, pride and invincibility. His mythological image is present in almost all cultures of the world, especially in the regions of East and Southeast Asia.

The tattoo with its image is rightly considered a symbol of remarkable strength and power, embodies simultaneously all the natural, so bright and opposing elements (fire and water, air and earth), and also represents the connection of the four sides of the world (north and south, west and east).

These contradictions contained in him contributed to the fact that his image over the centuries was perceived by people ambiguously. For example, as the evil, bloodthirsty and fire-breathing Snake Gorynych, a fictitious fairy-tale creature known to us all since childhood, as well as greedy dragon, which is defeated by the legendary George the Victorious, and reliable, faithful companion and protector of the deity Buddha.

The dragon is the embodiment of:

  • of indestructible might;
  • of fierce warlikeness;
  • unprecedented tenacity;
  • courageous beauty;
  • innate nobility;
  • mystery;
  • magic;
  • wisdom;
  • leadership;
  • strong and lasting power.

The bearer of the dragon tattoo undoubtedly positions himself as a person of strong, noble character, having power and showing wisdom.

Other meanings

There are many variations of how the dragon can be depicted: it can be colored or black and white, have different sizes, details. The most common variations of the dragon image:

  • Calm animal, lying peacefully, as well as the dragon tattoo in girls speaks of such qualities of a person as calm and poise.
  • A dragon with an open mouth and open wings speaks of the anger of its owner.
  • A dragon on the shoulder blade flying down implies something bad.
  • The animal on the back, flying up, suggests good intentions of the person.

As a rule, a tattoo depicting a dragon is made by people who want to use it to show their strong or vice versa weaknesses. Some people consider this animal as their amulet, in particular those who are supporters of the Chinese people.

What does the dragon tattoo on the zone mean?

In prison, the dragon symbolizes power, the tattoo of the dragon on the zone allows itself only authority, for such a nail should be able to stand. The owner of it is usually strong and a good fighter.

  • The main meanings:power, wisdom, masculinity, strength, courage

Dragon - one of the most popular themes for tattoos. Elegance and beauty, deadly danger and fury make this mythical creature so attractive, regardless of the interpretation of its character.

Dragons in Eastern and Western cultures

Dragons in different cultures are depicted as snakes or lizards with wings, bird's feet and a tail. They are often attributed intelligence, the ability to fly and breathe fire. The oldest depictions of the dragon date back to the 6th century B.C. The dragon is believed to be native to China, where its image is associated with the water element and is called "Lun". The dragon is called the "Moon". According to legend, the serpent, which lives in rivers and lakes, rises into the sky and rains down rain on the earth. From here comes another meaning of the symbol - fertility.

In the future, the dragon was associated not only with water, but also with fire, air and earth. In Europe and Asia dragons carried different forces. In China, the flying dragon was a symbol of nobility, wisdom, power and force, for which he made the sign of the Emperor.

Tattoo with dragon on his chest.

In Japan, the dragon often becomes a character in the myths of the sun goddess Amaterasu. For Europeans, however, the dragon became associated with evil, hatred and cunning. In the mythology of Europe it is a thief of treasures, destroying people and plundering villages. In order to gain freedom, power and wealth it was necessary to kill the dragon.

Briefly about the Fire Dragon

  • Year of the Fire Dragon : 1916, 1976 , 2036
  • Element Element : fire and earth.
  • Associated Western Sign. : Aries ♈
  • Dragon Element. : Wood Dragon , Fire Dragon Dragon of Earth, Dragon of Metal, Dragon of Water.
  • Qualities: Sentimental, practical and organized;
  • ChallengesImpulsive, narcissistic and despotic;
  • Secret need.: to understand one's partner's expectations;
  • Advice: don't expect things to change overnight.

That's why they like to help others succeed and achieve as much as possible. Sociable and intelligent, these Dragons will make some breakthroughs in adulthood, getting a chance to enjoy what they worked on in their old age.

Fire Dragon

Features of the dragon image in tattoos

Performing a dragon for a master is a complex job, involving a lot of detail, paint, and sometimes a significant amount of volume. The image of the serpent is applied to the arms, neck, chest.

Dragon tattoo often wraps around the side, forearm, captures other parts of the body. The most advantageous look three-dimensional, multi-colored work. Of the entire palette of colors more often choose shades of red, green, black and gold.

Sketches for tattoos with dragons

Images of dragons in tattoos are usually divided into eastern and European types. The western dragon has a powerful body covered with scales, wings, long neck, and the eastern serpent has clawed paws, sometimes a mane and long whiskers.

Dragon tattoo on the back: beautiful and volumetric tattoos

Among the most common images stands out a dragon soaring in the sky, shrouded by clouds. Such a sketch says that a person has a rather stable position, he is determined, striving to achieve his goals.

Such drawings are preferred by those who are confident in themselves and their goals - the tattoo helps them to strengthen their faith in themselves. If you are interested in male dragon tattoo sketches, it is better still to choose not too bright, multicolored, and give preference to some specific colors.

The use of a large number of bright colors is the prerogative of girls. Although - this is not an axiom, but rather a well-established rule, of which there are always exceptions.

The meaning of the tattoo in the form of a dragon

The popularity of the dragon as a tattoo is explained by the fact that people attribute special significance to the images, applied to their bodies, believe that the picture will endow them with special qualities. Sometimes on the contrary - the tattoo reflects the inner qualities of the person. In general, the image of the dragon symbolizes strength, loyalty, persistence, defiance.

Tattoo of a dragon in abstract style

Oriental dragons can represent the forces of the elements - wind, fire, water, earth and remind of the harmony of man and nature. The horned dragon brings determination to any action, and, for example, the yellow hornless dragon is a symbol of intelligence and knowledge. Dragons in Asia are often associated with the circle of life and longevity.

Oriental dragon tattoo

The European dragon is mainly a symbol of darkness, power, and fear, imposed on others, the desire to subjugate all to his will.

Tattoo with the European dragon

The dragon is a complex symbol that can carry opposite meanings, but in any case, these mythological creatures of the East and West are united by strength, power, beauty and intelligence. These qualities make tattoos with dragons so popular and attractive.

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Posted on July 30, 2021 | Osip Serebryakov Tattoos

The dragon from ancient times was considered a bright mythological creature. He was associated with strength, tenacity, nobility, power, and therefore depicted on the human body. Dragon tattoos are one of the most popular among girls, guys. Some people serving time in the penitentiary also have a tattoo with a lizard. The reason lies in the meaning, the colorful image, the bold design of the tattoo.

There are many ways in which you can create the most vivid and impressive images of this magical creature. The picture is applied to any part of the body, but mostly it can be seen on the back, arms, shoulders, chest.

Ice Dragon.

The fourth dragon is the ice dragon. This is the last monster in the Valley of Mines, and it will give you a lot of trouble. Know that this dragon hits very hard, so try to dodge its blows. Also, the dragon is extremely tenacious. This means that you need to stock up not only with patience, but also with potions. The path to the dragon is guarded by many lizards. The battle with the ice dragon will be very fierce. During the battle, use potions and save your strength, because on the way back you will meet Silvio - the strongest man in the world of Gothic 2. While fighting with him, block more often and sharp counterattacks will also help you. When Silvio falls to the ground - don't miss the moment and finish him off by sticking your sword in his belly until it stops.

The last two dragons in Gothic 2 are on the island. The first of them won't give you much trouble. Despite the fact that his strength is commensurate with the strength of the ice dragon, you have already gained experience and the level of your character has increased significantly. To kill this dragon, you must have a conversation with it. Once you have spoken to the monster, sharply kill it.

The last dragon is the most resilient and strongest. Even with the most powerful sword and with a serious level, you can't defeat the dragon just like that, since all of your blows won't reduce this monster's life bar level at all. But don't think it's immortal - it's not. You must have scrolls with freezing - the more the better. Act in this way: freeze - hits, freeze - hits. And so on until the scrolls run out. Scrolls last a maximum of 7 seconds, so hurry up and hit as hard as you can. You're bound to finish the dragon off. You're the winner now!

What does the dragon tattoo mean?

The dragon tattoo is shrouded in mystery and mystery, so it is used by people in the zone. This picture has a certain meaning, which in different countries is interpreted in its own way.

The Chinese deified the dragon, which they believed controlled the weather. In his subordination were all four elements, the side of the world. It was characteristic of reincarnate into a person or insect.

The mythical lizard symbolized wisdom, luck, power and authority to the Japanese. Japanese people saw this creature as a protector. The image of the lizard flaunted at the entrance to the church, firefighters. Today, the tattoo is often seen on Japanese women. It is a symbol that helps protect family happiness.

In European countries and Russia, the dragon tattoo has a different meaning. The mythical creature is represented by a negative character, which must be defeated. The lizard is represented more massive, with huge wings, a long tail, having no beard, horns, like its eastern counterparts. His image is available in people's area.

European tattoos depicting the lizard are applied with dark pigments. Most use straight and clear lines, do not apply color. On the back and shoulders you can see a large creature with a sword, a cross or a heart.

They need to be persuaded.

Fire makes dragons even more passionate. These natives strive to have power and be ambitious, which makes them the most competitive people in this sign.

They have a high level of energy, and Fire-dragons expect to succeed in everything they do. As perfectionists and intelligent individuals, they will succeed in whatever they do.

Not to mention how much talent they have for being leaders. The energy of Fire-Dragons seems designed for them to do great things. Many would consider these people too powerful and oppressive, but they are not like that at all.

Fire-dragons only demand a lot from themselves and others. When it comes to emotions, Fire-Dragons are usually in control, but they have their moments of recklessness, which often leads them to regret.

Although Fire-Dragons seem hostile, you can be sure that they only want the best for those around them. If someone needs their help or charity, rest assured that they will be there to help.

Those who have committed injustice can count on their protection and support. Charming and feeling like the center of the world, these Dragons have every chance to become famous.

But if Fire Dragons want great things to happen to them, they need to be less impulsive and appreciate the advice of others.

Understanding that not everyone is like them is also a good idea. They should be more patient, tolerant and open to hearing what others have to say instead of acting on first guesses.

Meaning of Coloring.

When choosing a dragon tattoo, you should pay attention to the use of color schemes. Each of them has its own meaning.

  • Black is a sign of respect for people, especially parents.
  • Blue or blue - a symbol of endless life, peace, openness, empathy.
  • Gold - sign of kindness, wisdom, generosity.
  • Yellow is a sign of war, attack, so it is rarely used.
  • Red - symbolizes love, passion, protection of the family home.
  • Green - a sign of connection with the earth.

Tattoo of the dragon on the shoulder: tattoos that will be in the trend

Pay attention! If you still decided to nail the lizard on the foot or calf, the best option will be a sketch in the Chinese theme. Such a style implies thin lines, and the contour itself is painted with pigment not too densely. Therefore, the drawing will look like a beautiful sketch.

Another great option for tattooing is the lower back. In this case, it is better to depict a flying serpent. And a small, colorful sketch will be perfectly suitable for:

  • scapula;
  • wrist;
  • or neck.

When choosing a place for the dragon tattoo, be sure to consider your lifestyle and social status. Perhaps you do not always and everywhere to appear with an open tattoo. In that case, for its application choose a place that the picture can always be hidden under clothing.

Meaning of the tattoo by location

No less important is the moment of placement of the tattoo.

  • A grin, a big mouth, open wings, huge claws mean aggression, hostility, power.
  • The wings down and the mouth closed are a sign of good intentions.
  • A lizard lying quietly is a sign of peace.
  • A creature flying upwards - a sign of openness, good humor.
  • A lizard flying down - a symbol of secret aggression, a threat.

Drawing of the creature in flight more often used on the zone.

Dragon tattoo sketches: the most popular and unusual sketches

To understand what tattoo dragon meaning, it is necessarily necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the drawing:

  • jaws with a grin, spread wings, huge nails - aggression, striving for leadership, power;
  • If the wings are pressed against the body or down, the mouth is not opened - it indicates wisdom;
  • The resting dragon is the inner equilibrium;
  • the dragon rushes upwards, including in flight - the desire for heights, openness to the world;
  • rushes down, including in flight - indicates a hidden aggression, warns of a possible attack.

Pay attention! Quite often the dragon tattoo on the back is depicted in a composition with the tiger. If they are located at the same level, have approximately the same size, it indicates the inner balance of man, the harmony of his inner world. If in the drawing the lizard fights the tiger and defeats it, it indicates the victory of good over evil. If the tiger wins, the tattoo symbolizes aggressiveness.

For women.

The image of the mythical lizard on the back, hips, chest, shoulder blades in girls is a sign of the need to create, protect maternal feelings, family hearth. Women choose a drawing in the style of fairy. The meaning of such a creature lies in its transformation from an aggressive lizard into a gentle creature. Original elements in the form of bright colors are additionally applied to the drawing.

Some girls may have two animals on their backs at the same time, symbolizing the unity of male and female beginnings.

In guys.

The dragon tattoo in men is a sign of power, strength. Guys choose drawings that carry an aggressive, hostile meaning. Pictures are represented by red, black shades.

The tattoo emphasizes courage and power, if the head of the animal is on the chest, and the tail is located on the shoulder and back. Often guys put the tattoo on the neck or forearm.

Prison Meaning

In European countries, the picture of a lizard on the back of a man serving time in the zone, has no definite meaning. But it is considered only if the creature is depicted in flight over the castle. Such a picture warns that the person has been imprisoned for plundering state property.

The meaning of the symbol is also associated with a person sitting in the zone, who has already been punished for a crime committed.

In Eastern countries, a tattoo on the back and chest is a sign of a person's membership in a criminal gang.

If the lizard is depicted on the shoulder in the shape of an eight, then in the zone it means recidivism, theft. According to other sources, the mythical creature denotes great power and authority of the prisoner. He has authority among the convicts.

Evgeny Gagloev

Order of the Fire Dragon

While your dragons were small, they were a miracle. Growing up, they are death and destruction, a fiery sword drawn over the world...

George Martin. "A Dance with Dragons."


The Power of the Zodiac.

A violent underground tremor, the first of many that followed, caught Stepa Lesheyev and his two young companions in the town square of Klykovo.

The ground beneath the students' feet shook so that Marina Dasova could hardly keep her footing. Nastya Vedunina barely managed to catch her under the arm.

The windows of nearby buildings rattled menacingly in the dark windows, the ancient streetlights flickered and blinked simultaneously, as if signaling someone lurking in the thick purple haze that enveloped the city. Stepan, Nastya, and Marina, wrapped in long black cloaks with hoods, froze in place.

- What was that? - Nastia asked fearfully, glancing around anxiously.

- What Scorpius warned me about," Stepa answered excitedly. - The Supreme Mother of Snakes has begun her ritual. We must hurry.

He slipped the cell phone he'd been holding tightly into his jacket pocket and nodded at the City Hall, a huge silhouette of darkening sky against the red sky. No light was shining in the old building, only the windows in the clock tower. That's where the boys needed to go.

- Is that where they were expecting us? - Marina shivered nervously.

- Yes, Scorpius has instructed his men to do so, Stepan answered. - And that's good, it means we won't be there alone.

- Yeah, I guess so," Nastya agreed. - I don't feel safe.

- So am I," the boy admitted, overtaking the girls to go first. - This is the most dangerous mission in my life.

- You're a Leo. What are you afraid of? - Marina Dasova asked on the move. - You, chosen by the Zodiac, have a special power, not like everyone else.

She knew that the prudent Stepa never parted with the medallion of a Lion, hiding it under his clothes.

- So what of it? Everyone is scared now," Lesheev answered her quietly, "even the oldest and most experienced members of the Royal Zodiac. And I, in fact, go crazy with fear. Do you know how my hands sometimes shake? I don't know why the medallion chose me. I'm not strong at all... I'm nothing, unlike its previous owner...

Nastya squeezed his icy hand reassuringly - Stepan's fingers were indeed trembling slightly.

- Apparently, someone thought otherwise," Nastya said softly. - I think that Marat Zakrevsky, too, did not immediately become what he was. Experience comes with time. There are so many things we don't know about ourselves. And you are wonderful. The medallion couldn't be more wrong. We must be able to do this, I know we must.

- This is the first test of its kind," Stepan said, and he smiled tautly. - That's why it's scary. - But Nastya's words were very pleasant to him. - After all, it has already begun, you know? That's why we were all sent to the Pandemonium Academy and taught all these amazing things for so long...

- Of course we do," Marina nodded. - And that makes it even scarier. I have my doubts, too. What if we can't do it? I've never had so much riding on my shoulders..." "We must," Marina said firmly.

- We have to do it," said Nastia firmly. - Otherwise ... all. There would be nothing to save.

There was a rumbling in the distance, the asphalt shook underfoot, and Stepan, Nastya, and Marina fell to their knees, almost stretching out on the snow. Then all three of them were wary, listening again, but the underground tremor was not repeated. They hastily sprang to their feet, shaking the snow from their clothes, and rushed toward City Hall.

The boys climbed the wide stone steps, covered with a crust of ice, and Stepan pulled the handle of the massive heavy door. In the semi-darkness of the lobby two tall guards in black were on duty. Their faces were familiar to the academy students. Sometimes these guys were on duty at the gates of the Pandemonium. They were rumored to be werewolves, but the students knew very little about them: wolves always kept aloof and preferred to remain silent. Now Stepan wanted to ask them something, but the guards silently pointed him up the stairs.

Stepan, Nastya and Marina saw other guards as they went up to the clock tower. They stood on every floor of the dark building, armed with pistols and long silver-plated swords.

A few minutes later, the students found themselves in a large hall with tall granite columns. At its far end were steel double doors leading into the clock tower. They were now open, and a pale yellow light flickered in from inside. They could hear the humming sound of gigantic clockwork, the clatter of giant gears, the clank of tensioned chains, and the up and down movement of steel cables and weights.

Six broad-shouldered figures in black were standing by the open doors of the tower.

- Why should we be here? - Marina asked softly. - In this tower?

- Scorpius said it was the very center of Klykovo and its environs," Stepan answered in a whisper. - A kind of axis, around which everything revolves, and also - the highest point of the city. It's the highest point in the city, but not higher, unless it's in the mountains... It's the easiest place for us to do our task.

The guards recognized them and parted the way, making way for them. The boys entered the clock tower and began to climb an iron spiral staircase, around which a gigantic gear mechanism worked. It was as if they were in the womb of a huge mechanical alarm clock.

Soon Stepan, Nastya, and Marina stepped onto a square metal platform, in the center of which a perfectly straight pentagram was drawn with chalk. Around the outer circle stood several electric lights, dimly illuminating the space. And in the inner circle of the pentagram they saw three chalk rings forming an even triangle. These were the places intended for them. Scorpius had thought of everything beforehand.

Carefully stepping over the chalk lines, they stood in those three circles, exhaled noisily, and held hands. Nastya stood to Stepan's right, and Marina stood to her left.

- What now? - Coldly, Dasova asked.

- We'll start as soon as we feel the signal to act," said Stepan. - Creating a force barrier is not new to us, we have done it before, but now we will have to make much more effort. The power of the Zodiac will help us with this.

- How do we know that this is the signal? - Nastya asked.

- Oh," the boy said sadly, "I think we'd know it by now.

As if in confirmation of his words, somewhere in the distance there was a new underground shock, which made the iron platform under their feet vibrated, the clock mechanism surrounding the guys hummed.

- Mommy," Marina whispered fearfully.

Stepan squeezed her hand encouragingly, though his own hands shook even more with excitement.

The boys prepared themselves to wait.


Tension in the air.

Timothy, Serafima, Platon Evseyevich and Klim, still chained to the pole in the center of the huge pentagram, not believing their eyes, stared at Angelina Zvereva, who suddenly appeared in the ritual underground hall of the Gallery.

Probably the only thing that came as a bigger shock to them was the fact that Stas Kascheev was hiding under the Serpent's mask.

- Angelina..." Scorpius wheezed heavily. He grinned, but immediately coughed up blood. - Why didn't I think of that? So that's why no one's found the Gemini locket-you've had it this whole time. Yes, only you would do something like that.

He rolled heavily onto his side and spat out blood. Seraphima immediately rushed to him, but Timothy looked only at his mother. And she looked at him with longing and pain in her eyes.

- But you... how did you..." the boy mumbled dazedly. - So you're alive? You've been alive this whole time?!

- I had to do it all, dear," Angeline said wearily, tossing the crumpled Serpentine mask aside. - I had to, you see? To be forgotten, to be written off, so that I could finally track down the damned murderer. And I succeeded, as you can see. When you're dead, you have your hands completely untied. You can watch from the sidelines, unrecognized, without arousing anyone's suspicions... I know you were hurt. You have every right to hate me, Tim... But I...

Timothy, without letting her finish, unable to hold back any longer, rushed to his mother and hugged her tightly. He himself did not notice the tears running down his cheeks. His mother had deceived him again, and this time so cruelly, so mercilessly, making him suffer so much! But he was still insanely happy to see her alive.

Timothy could hardly believe what was happening, was afraid to unclench his hands. Lifting his head, the boy saw that his mother was also crying-he had never seen her in tears before. He looked into her face, touched her long graying hair with his fingertips. From a distance Angelina could be mistaken for an old woman.

- I must know everything. Everything! - he demanded. - And no more secrets.

- No," Angelina agreed, smiling through her tears. - I swear it. I will tell you everything! Now you may...

- But what is it? - Timothy turned his gaze to the motionless body of Stas Kashcheyev, lying at the outer circle of a large pentagram. - Why was Stas under the Serpentine mask?! How is that even possible?!

- Because he is... was a Serpentine," Angelina said muffled. - One of them...


For women

For men